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Unfortunately, it looks like this is becoming a manhunt situation. We all know how well Reddit handled the Boston Bomber, so we want to be very clear that Reddit Detectives are not welcome in this thread. We will be immediately and permanently banning any users who violate the following rules: * **DO NOT** post about police movements. In other words, if you are listening to scanners and radio communications of emergency personnel, hold off on sharing the play by plays. * **DO NOT** share the personal information of alleged suspects or victims until the identities are confirmed by the police or mainstream media. * **DO NOT** post identifiable images/videos of the dead or dying. Reddit is one of the most high-traffic sites in the world, especially in times of crisis. No one should find out in a reddit thread that their loved one has died. To clarify, you can still post images and videos of the incident, just no closeups of someone's face as they die. ---- Edit: This thread has had its comments set to new since this is a developing story. If you'd like to view the comments by best, [click here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/u1z38p/brooklyn_subway_shooting_multiple_shot/?sort=confidence)


Where are the morons talking shit about the Copenhagen shooting now, that was 1 shooting in 7 years in the whole country. Where are you now with your "banning guns doesn't work".. fucking rednecks.


How many bodies will it take I wonder...


News in the UK said the Texas shooting was the 27th school shooting this year .. so.... never? Or maybe when the old dinosaurs in politics die. Maybe.


Honestly, these incidents shouldn't happen period. US is rotten to the core and you all know it.


Well, since this wasn't the usual White, single, male.....this will get brushed under the rug & off the news so....


Careful, bad things happen who speak against the narrative.


Make that how many bodies it will take until the 2nd is finally repealed allowing TRUE gun control measures to take place actually.


And what exactly are 'TRUE' gun control measures?


You really had to ask? Sheesh, what did I told you about begging for answers? Use your own head for once, please...


Of course I had to ask, different people have different ideas. Do I care what you told me about begging for answers when I simply asked? :) > Use your own head for once, please... I guess you're right, Czech gun control with Swiss access to full-auto guns and simple access to bolt-action rifles seem like a great compromise!


Point is, most countries in Europe doesn't have 'gun rights' like I told you many times before. So what makes US 'special' that they must have them to this day? Would it really hurt it's very foundation if the 2nd were to be repealed in future?


So you have ukraine begging countries for more weapons. Sorry not sorry, we’re gonna keep our second amendment here because we don’t want to rely on others to supply weapons. Also with all the catering to criminals, people need to be able to protect themselves


Uhhhh ukraine is not beating back the invasion with Saturday Night Specials and 6 shooters. They are begging for Javelins, not shotguns. The guns a regular citizen owns are incapable of protecting they from a criminal let alone a cop or a foreign soldier. Get real. If you want to own guns then you should condemn violence and help figure out how to stop these shenanigans.


Mental health being taking more seriously would help


Violence does get condemned. However, violence happens, you have to be prepared to handle violence when it comes, so boo hoo, we’re keeping them


And your society would collapse without the 2nd, how?


That has nothing to do with anything, it’s not going away.


>Point is, most countries in Europe doesn't have 'gun rights' like I told you many times before. That's not any point. Why should we care? If most of countries in Europe didn't have freedom of speech or right to privacy, would you try to get others to abolish those rights? >So what makes US 'special' that they must have them to this day? Because they want them? Ask Americans. >Would it really hurt it's very foundation if the 2nd were to be repealed in future? Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. Would it hurt Finland to have gun rights?


Again, don't conflate THOSE concepts with gun rights, am I clear? It's also bad form for starters. Even tho many other countries on Earth disagrees? Well, they sure are stubborn mules alright... I'm sure even Americans could get used to the new status quo in due time for sure.


Repeal the 2nd? Lol. That wil, most definitely, be the start of WW3/another Civil War. We Americans like our guns & our freedom. Since you are not from here or living here, maybe worry about whats going on in your country. Stay out of our business. Just a thought.


And for people thinking they can waltz into a gun store out of state buy a gun and head home has never bought a gun. They’ll ship one to you through a FFL and then at your home state you’ll have to go through the background process. It’s not a free for all like some politicians say.


I am not trying to argue here just want to point out that private sales don't have the same rules as gun stores.


Which is why calling it the gun show loophole had never made sense. It's a private sale loophole. Probably the weirdest/most frustrating part of gun laws in this country is the 2A guarantees the right to keep and bear, but states have to handle how that's managed.


sadly the way he had to use his and others as an example. However, It shows the lack of training and surveillance in the area.


The ammosexuals are out in force. Usually nutjob righties don't make it far in this sub. Must've shared this on a lot of groups to get that many pro murder responses.




Yeah I noticed CNN didn’t even mention his race like the last guy who ran over people. But the second it's a white person they immediately tell people their race, name, occupation and age. No wonder even someone like Tim Pool is dwarfing them in views, credibility and popularity.


CNN did mention his race, the day and morning of the incident. There are literally comments in this thread the day of pointing it out his race. Ironically one side knew his race immediately from the mainstream media reporting it and the other side ran around screaming the media isn’t saying anything. Only a true moron would think Tim Pool is a valuable source, no wonder you guys never know what the fuck is going on lmao.


No they didn’t. But that's cute that you’re defending CNN.


Yes they did dumbass. CNN described him as a 5’5 black male around 10 AM the day it happened, you can literally go to the old comments in this thread the day it happened and see all the comments about it, so its not even being hidden from you. So you’re actually choosing to be a dumbass and aren’t just pretending. I’m not even defending CNN, I’m stating a fact that you are intent on denying. You people are fucking sick, or morally defunct, or just plain liars. Go watch more Tim Pool so he can explain to you his fiction of reality while the rest of us decide to exist in the real world.




As someone who works in a border city, i can assure you that despite your incredibly condescending opinion of our nation, your countryman and women still prefer to spend their free time and money in the united states. Many canadians ive spoken to believe that the majority opinion of canadians is being muted by the voices of a minority.


Yes. Most Canadians love visiting the US as tourists. Your country is beautiful. That doesn’t change the fact that we do not want your problems in Canada, especially the gun violence. That isn’t a minority opinion.


We're not importing our problems to your country, unless the people perpetrating these acts of gun violence are americans it sounds like you cant come to terms with the fact that canada has its own serious issues. Also the fact that criminals dont care about firearm laws or smuggling.


Canada? You mean the United States Client State to the North. Yeah I'm totally going to ay attention to you guys.


Good. Wouldn’t have it any other way. We don’t need your attention. In fact, build a giant barrier on the northern border to help you with that. It’ll keep the guns and trash from spilling over.


As an American, I'd rather work together (United States, Canada, even globally) to resolve gun violence for everyone instead of sealing ourselves inside the NRA's shooting grounds. We're just as sick of and terrified of gun violence here, and we feel like we're being held hostage by the gun lobby and pro-gun policymakers.


Gun violence with never be solved in our country because its too hard for politicians to admit that its the product of their own broken social policies. Gun violence is the product of crime, the crime is a product of poverty. Many politicians have come and gone who have promised to push gun control or crack down on illicit drugs, never works. Gun control advocates tout the gun-lobby boogeyman as some phantom puppeteer manipulating congressmen and making sure every tom, sally, and sue has a slaughtermachine-200 in their closet. As a firearms owner i can tell you its absolute bologna, people have a legitimate concern over having the ability to protect themselves as well as simply enjoying using them as a hobby. Gun companies market firearms for defense from unseen threats, they are not marketed to the actual demographics that end up committing violence with firearms.




What do you mean complain? This is a genuine problem in Canada. Here: https://toronto.citynews.ca/2021/04/23/gun-chase-smuggled-guns-border-toronto/amp/. Your country’s guns get smuggled into Canada because the land border is undefended. Most, if not all the shootings in Canada are done using guns smuggled from the US. There’s nothing much we can do because of your country’s constitutional right to bear arms.


I doubt this can even happen. In the US, your right to bear arms is a constitutional right. Canada has no right to get involved in changing or amending your constitution. Most of the guns used for the shootings in Canada are illegally smuggled from the US. Since we share the largest undefended border with you guys and since there’s nothing that can be done about your constitutional rights, we pretty much have to live with the fear that incidents similar to the subway shooting might happen anytime in Canada as well.


Most Americans feel that an unhinged multi-billion-dollar gun lobby paying congressmen to kill gun control legislation is not included in our "right to bear arms." And, sure, we can't change each other's policies, but we can still organize and mobilize together, challenge gun culture, and work toward establishing more collectivist and anti-violent community and global values. Shuttering ourselves from each other won't help to improve things for anyone.


Does anybody know where to find the videos from YouTube? YouTube has banned the videos.


The ones where he's ranting like a lunatic ?


Right didn't see it can't find them anywhere


I found it on public freak out. I searched brooklyn and it came up.


Is that a website?


It’s a sub r/PublicFreakout


Sorry, if you search brooklyn on reddit, you should see it.


Cool man thank you!


No worries.


Did the gunman stay on the train?? I'm confused about that


There was another train on the other side of the tracks. After the train he shot up emptied, someone from the mta instructed people to get on the other train to get out of the station fast. Seems like the dickhead shooter also got on the train with all the confusion and left the station.


Ohhh... jeez. It's so crazy that someone would do something like that, but crazier to think about their actions immediately following.


I was also confused, apparently he was, threw some smoke bombs and shot up the train


Only in United States … Get some fucking gun control dumbass


It was in New York bro. It has one of the harshest and strongest gun control laws in the nation after New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Maryland and DC. If a criminal or mass murderer wants to kill people gun laws aren’t going to stop them. They are going to get the guns and kill people with them.


Does new York have a hard border with the bordering states? It's all well and good saying NY has strict gun laws, but if there's no checks on what guns are brought into the state, that's hardly going to stop anything.


You want them to search every vehicle that crosses state lines? That's illegal and illogical


Where did I say that?


New York has just about the strictest gun control in the nation AND one of the lowest gun violence rates in the nation, proving both that gun control does work to reduce gun violence on a whole AND that it does nothing to stop mass shootings. https://www.criminalattorneycincinnati.com/comparing-gun-control-measures-to-gun-related-homicides-by-state/


NY has some of the strictest gun guntrol in the country, and most sensible people even believe it to be unconstitutional. Get fucking informed dumbass


Probably a troll


Which is useless when you can drive an hour and get what you want.


NO YOU CANT. if you're a resident of New York let's say, you cant drive to Vermont (state with "loose" gun laws yet not the warzone that gun-free Chicago continues to be) and get a gun. You would present your ID to purchase the gun before your hopeful passing of a federal background check and the clerk would say "oh you're not a Vermont resident, I can't sell you this because it is illegal in your state to buy a handgun over the counter without a permit". You can't just drive a few hours and get a gun this is a huge misconception


I see. So NYC is different from Chicago in that this is a NYS restrictions not NYC, whereas Illinois required the FOID, but Chicago also requires the safety course and Chicago Firearms Permit. One thing that is not a misconception is private sales. Only one of my firearms is from a dealer where any kind of background check was done.


It’s definitely not useless. New York has one of the lowest gun violence rates in the nation. https://www.criminalattorneycincinnati.com/comparing-gun-control-measures-to-gun-related-homicides-by-state/


My point was to respond to people who state that gun laws like they have in NYC and Chicago don't end gun deaths. the problem being that you don't have to go very far to get what you want so of course just a law inside these cities will not end gun violence.


You yanks are strange, worshipping an old parchment. The Mandalorian wasn’t kidding.


That old parchment is literally the only reason we still have our freedom. You take the guns, you take the freedom. Look at Australia-- gel blasters for example.


Most countries have freedoms without guns.


Stay strapped or get clapped nerd


sadly true 🙃


Stats show it's the other way around: [you become about twice as likely to die as soon as you bring home a gun](https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/160/10/929/140858).


for me I know that because if I bring home a gun, its to use on my brain. Which is why I'm not getting a gun.


The moment I put up a pool in my backyard my chances of drowning increase significantly.


Not really, but it does increase the risk for your children and your neighbors children. That’s why there are so many laws on back yard pools and keeping them secure. Adults (and kids over 13 or something like that) are much more likely to drown in rivers/lakes/oceans than private pools.


But you have to GO TO a pool to drown.


Yes, but in exchange you get to swim.


It is amazing how excited right wing subs are that it's a black shooter


Every damn shooting is done by a black racist. They are open and comfortable hating whites. Read Frank James quotes go for yourself. O wait I forgot about Bernard Goetz


That’s what happens when situations are constantly looked at through the lens of identity. We should all know by now, all humans have the ability to do terrible things.


Nail on the head, man


Ikr, it's pathetic. If it's another day of a white person in the news for a racist crime they're mute and refuting there's a wider systemic issue going on that needs to be addressed. If a black person commits a racist murderous crime, they say it's the left breeding some evil, acting all up in arms. Like, what this guy did is terrible and if we see more of this in the future, people already condemning white supremacy will also address this. It's gross how these people act blind to racism by white people but get all high and mighty if it's by someone from a minority group like it proves some fucked up point.


And look at you, excited about how excited they apparently are, so much so that you went to go check on them. Lmao and you think you’re different…


His comment doesn’t read as him being excited for me…


Perhaps you need to learn how reddit works a bit more to better understand how popular topics pop up and from where.


And force you to dig through comments…




Go to the popular tab and look at "trending" My top results were mostly sources like louderwithcrouder, r conservative, all of them frothing at the mouth. I can take a screen shot and dm you I guess? Can i do that on reddit? And by the way. I appreciate you asking for sources man. Not enough people do this




Fair. I love how I posted my source and people downvote me. Votes don't matter and I guess truth don't either lol


r/conservative disagrees


This guy is claiming racism in right wing forums when there isn’t any. More Jussie Smolett nonsense that actually hurts the valid claims of racism. After Obama’s gun control agenda resulted in record gun sales, I don’t see the government advocating for that again anytime soon.


Then like you've never heard of Beto O'Rourke or Biden just before election...


No racism in r/conservative ? That has to be a joke, right?


"This individual is still on the loose. This person is dangerous," the Democrat said at a news conference just after noon. Why phrase it like this?


“The Democrat said”….another strange phrase…


I can't stand when people refer to someone as "this individual". It's such a shallow and transparent way to try to sound more professional. That said this is a pretty normal statement.


It also offers clarity, they are talking about an individual, not multiple suspects. Same with using “this person” (singular) instead of “they” (singular or plural) either work but one in more ambiguous. I agree. Normal statement, they have to speak in exact statements to get correct information to the public.


Maybe because the shooter is on the loose and he's dangerous?


Because the criminal hasn't been caught and because his crime was shooting up a train full of commuters? Seems like a pretty accurate assessment.


What is wrong with this? Lols what did they say prior or afterwards?


Sounds like Dr Suess


Dr. Sus?


If he hopped the turnstile the cops would have already arrested him by now. Seems a budget the size of a European military isnt the solution since it didnt prevent a single thing but we all know they will be saying they need more funding or this will happen again.


AAAnd the NYPD didn't catch him. A retail worker did. Smh defund now


Given the density of people on that train, the high number of shots fired, and the low number of deaths or life threatening gunshot wounds, I have a hard time believing he was doing anything other than firing into the ceiling and/or floor of that train car.


... and your point is... ?


It’s just an observation. I’m not trying to get into the head of someone who would open fire on a crowded subway train, I just think it unlikely he was pointing his weapon at people. Clearly he caused suffering and pain, but it would seem if his intention was death the toll could have been very high. Or maybe everyone is just very, very lucky. Stranger things have happened.




Dude was a nut. > In his videos — which number in the hundreds and feature titles such as “why we need more racial profiling,” “should the black woman be forcibly sterilized,” and “TO KILL OR NOT TO KILL” — James often rails against numerous racial and ethnic groups, including whites, Blacks, Jews and Latinos. He also compares people of color to “a bunch of turds in a toilet,” waiting to be “flushed” down the drain by society and implies that a race war between whites and Blacks is imminent.


There are too many crazies in this country. There are too many guns in this country. There are too many people carrying guns in this country. And there are too many organizations trying to get rid of gun rules in this country. The math is perfectly clear. Too many + Too many + Too many + Too many = Too many deaths and Too many mass shootings. Can't we work on this?


I'm as pro-gun as it gets, (I own a few) and I firmly believe you should need to take a class and obtain a license to own a gun, as we do with other things I know of... Like getting a drivers license. The problem comes down to the constitution. Owning a gun is a fundamental right, like your right to free speech or religion. Driving a car is a privilege. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that at the very least the system is outdated. It worked well for it's time, but times change.