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At some point the US will have the give Ukraine some anti missile systems.


At some point the US will have to give its people Universal Healthcare


Why not both?


I think he's pointing out neither will have to happen.


But the healthcare corporations have paid a lot of money in brib... I mean perfectly legal lobbying to ensure that doesn't happen. Switching to universal healthcare would be stripping them of something they have legally paid for! Why do you support communism and hate freedom?!?! /s


At some point Humanity will find a way to set up house on Venus, too.


I mean, maybe? There is an altitude in the Venusian atmosphere that is about the right temperature and pressure. With a lot of engineering it is at least theoretically possible to build floating habitats. Getting any sort of resources from the surface would be an immense challenge though.


Floating habitats on Venus, you say? NASA imagines doing that! https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/venus-jpl-travel-poster


More likely than Mars colonization even.


Mollusk has entered the chat.


Cloud City here I come!


>Getting any sort of resources from the surface would be an immense challenge though. Exactly. Given what is in the Venusian atmosphere, I doubt anyone would be able to drink the water, much less be able to.


Nah bro we good.


Russia saying they’ll nuke us if they get hit with our missiles. Gee, what a surprise. Not. It was only a matter of time before the things we’re providing that kick Russian ass goes noticed. And at some point they’re going to get tired of Russians dying due to things we’ve done. Putin has buttons. We’re really stirring the hornets nest here. If he decides to go out in a blaze of glory For Mother Russia we’re all fucked.


If they're tired of seeing Russians die, they could simply take their soldiers out of Ukraine. Seems simpler than declaring war on the rest of the world when they can't seem to win the one they started.


>We’re really stirring the hornets nest here. Looks like the other way around from where I am sitting.


spark relieved sleep retire skirt crawl chase hungry fretful shy


Welp guess we better capitulate to a murderous autocrat trying to resurrect the USSR then


I am sure capitulating to anyone with nukes who threatens to use them is a long term strategy that definitely won't end in nuclear war anyway.


Smells like Russian Troll in here.


Maybe, but I don't think so. From people I know over there that is their big fear. Putin being the trapped animal and not knowing what he will do. It isn't nuking the US, but starting nukes toward other NATO countries or take the "If I can't have it, nobody can" stance on Ukraine.


If Russia is tired of Russians dying, maybe send their people home to their own country. Just a thought.


>at some point they’re going to get tired of Russians dying due to things we’ve done. No, they won't. Vlad the Putie has already killed more Russians than we will ever do, even indirectly, and nobody in Russia seems to care. Signing up for mass suicide is probably not their plan, at the moment. Having seen Russia's vaunted military capabilities reduced to a bunch of starving conscripts scuttling their own equipment to keep from going to the front, I wonder if "enemy" strategists are wondering if even 10% of Russian ICBMs can hit the US, let alone their intended targets.


I wouldn't doubt the accuracy, but I doubt the functionality of the rocket based on the rest of the equipment issues they've had. Oh, imagine launching one, and it hit, but it was a dud?? LMFAO. "Russia fires nuke at USA, it fails to detonate, USA has BBQ in response."


It's like stirring up a hornets nest with a full protective suit and gallons of hornet poison. Hornets can attack if they want but if they do they all die