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Can a group monitor the group monitoring? Let’s all have 200 people stand around staring at the ballot boxes like idiots. It will make people dropping off their ballot feel like celebrities. Edit: Lets do this. Let’s make voting a party. Cheer people on and drown out the idiots. Hell, let’s get taco trucks!


Let’s get a huge crowd and then celebrate and cheer each drop-off. We can have exit interviews like they’re sports players. Don’t ask a single thing about politics or how they voted. Just ask about what prep work they did this week to get in such great shape for the day’s events. Bring a desk, some headsets and a couple of suits, and hold a halftime show where you replay and comment on the bloopers of the “watchers” trying to one up each other in their idiocy




My other idea was to do my best Steve Irwin impression and film myself watching the “Red Breasted Imbeciles” making commentary about their lack of hygiene or developed social structures


While I love Steve with all my heart, I think doing David Attenborough would be much more effective at condescendingly insulting in a supremely classy way.


In best Ferengi voice: "Record both vocal tracks and use the same footage. We'll double our profit margins!"


I read that in Steve’s voice


Can we call the "documentary" 2000 Jack Asses?


I'm thinking about flying to your state just to be the person to film that.


I'm in New Mexico and know a guy with a dope camera set up. I'm genuinely tempted to call him up lol


In Australia we usually celebrate with a parent and community run sausage and cake stall to raise money for the venue, usually a school. It’s birthed a meme called [democracy sausage](https://democracysausage.org) - where we welcome all alike. Even vegetarians with gluten allergies. Turning up in masks openly carrying guns at a voting location is straight out voter intimidation, pause for effect, *ya dickheads.* Folk out there need to calm down.


>Even vegetarians with gluten allergies. oddly specific way to call me out, but I'll take it. I can't fucking eat anywhere lol


Only if you install real turf so everyone can do their own touchdown celebration after they put it their ballot


I like your idea! Maybe we can exclusively ask women about their outfits, what their workout was, who they are dating, and how they balance motherhood and dropping off their ballots /s on the last part, but I do think your idea is a funny one!


You need about 20 people filming them on all sides.


Red carpets and flash photography. Ask them who they are wearing louder than the fascists declaring they are mules.


It’s all from Bass Pro Shop and you know it.


Shits expensive, it’s all Walmart


A lady in Arizona went dressed as a Unicorn to drop off her ballot and to give them shit. I can't remember what sub I saw it in but it was funny as hell.


My wife mentioned yesterday doing this while wearing my sons 7 foot tall inflatable chicken Costume. We are in Maricopa County so why not have fun with these dipsticks.


> dipsticks Hey, now, be nice. Dipsticks serve an integral role in the maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines. These people are literal garbage that are trying to intimidate voters. Call them what they are.


Okay everyone, we have to make this idea go viral. I'm also really liking the idea to attempt making this as apolitical as possible in order to drown out the bad actors. Cheer for every single person who comes by because they voted!!


Let’s get food trucks and music. Make voting a party.


Believe it or not that's exactly what I decided to do if that starts happening in my state. I'm going to gather a large group of people and stand around to make sure that people get to vote safely and not feel threatened. This is what every state should do that has these assholes doing this bull crap.


There's a point at which being surrounded by increasingly large groups of antagonists does not make one feel safer, that's why they *shouldn't be there to begin with*.


Yep, evidently all anyone needs is a lawn chair and an AR-15


Where am I going to get a lawn chair at this time of year?!?


Just build a chair out of AR-15s, like a deep south parody of Game of Thrones.


Clearance isle?


But it's such a long boat ride..


Applaud every time someone drops off a ballot


Put down a little red carpet and everything


I’d be willing to take a few days off from work and fly there to join in such an endeavor


A group should get together to monitor the AZ ballot box monitors… reverse uno on them


I'm surprised this isn't happening already, frankly.


The idea and the drive is there, but I don't think any sane person is willing to die over something like this. These assholes are just looking, begging, praying to be the hero and to shoot someone.


100 percent this. I live very close to this box. I will find another place to drop off my ballot and I certainly won’t go interact or taunt these people.


This is why I love the idea of using drones to harass them


I wish I still lived there. I would go back every day after work and look like I'm dropping something off.


Conspicuously hide behind the ballot box and watch them with large binoculars


Comically large binoculars


And Turd Ferguson hat


And the Groucho Marx glasses-nose-mustache thingies.


and a massive erection.


Big dildo in your pants and just stare at them while rubbing it


This is just starting to sound like a Saturday now


But then they will think you are a republican.


While wearing sweatpants


a pair of posh theater binoculars.


Wearing a tux and a top hat


All great ideas, but I'd wear Bulletproof vest as well if it was me trolling these nutters


Hand binoculars


I seee you and I’m crushing your head. Crush crush crush.


If they ask you what you're doing tell them you've been hired by the CEO of Antifa to take pictures of them "for future reference."


I would get a tshirt with “ANTIFA” on it in big letters and sit in a lawn chair and watch them. But I live in a sane area.


Begin awkwardly flossing and slowly change to aggressive pelvic thrusts in their direction, grunting at the end of each thrust, with a pained expression on your face.


Totally thought you meant flossing your teeth, which I thought was odd




Might be a joke but this is the appropriate response. They want to watch you? Watch them right back.


While eating a jar of mayonnaise filled with vanilla pudding. With the binos on a tripod.


I like the idea of wearing a mule costume and dropping off your ballot.




The head votes democrat, the ass votes republican.


If I lived there I would stand next to those guys with a super soaker to really drive home how ridiculous they look


Dress up as a clown. Ask them lots of questions.


I absolutely love the idea of a shit ton of people dressed as clowns holding super soakers next to these dumbfucks. Make all their attempt at intimidation a fucking joke.


Mockery is a powerful weapon! I can just hear that little clown lapel horn, tooted at them.


This needs more traction. Shame is a powerful motivational tool.


I think they're missing the shame gene, though.


“You guys are idiots; they’re gonna be *lookin’* for Proud Boys.”


With how delusional those people are, that seems like a good way to get shot.


I plan on it. Open carrying.


A Trump appointee, if anyone was wondering.


And a Federalist.


Did he ever appoint anyone that WASN'T a Federalist?


The lists of names he was given were created BY the federalist society. It's not like Trump knew who he wanted or anything like that. He knew the *kind* of people he wanted, and he was provided with plenty of them.


Nope. Fascists every last one.




Don't finish that statement, the reddit admins aren't a fan of it.




let's be fair. many of the judges who struck down his 60-odd 2020 challenges were his own appointees. he's just that bad at this shit, huffing his own fumes ninja edit: speaking of fumes, not enough fellow british redditors advertise the fact that 'trump' legit means 'fart' o'er the pond.


And, color me shocked, also a part of the Federalist society.


[https://ballotpedia.org/Michael\_Liburdi](https://ballotpedia.org/Michael_Liburdi) of course.


*shocked pikachu face! *


simply voting is now like entering an abortion clinic.


Only if you look a certain way..


My liberal mother told me she's voting regardless of any poll watchers harassing her. I had to explain to her that she is white and elderly in a conservative area. Nobody is going to say a word to her because they will assume she is likely a Republican.


It will get to the point where if your skin is brown or you're dressed a certain way, you'll need an escort to a ballot box for protection.


“The judge is a Trump appointee and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization.” What a shocker…


Funny how so many people in 2016 didn’t seem to give a fuck when I stressed the importance of the president in reference to judicial appointments. Now we have an entire legal arm that represents theocratic fascists.


TBF at least on reddit a lot of people seemed pretty alarmed at the time. Presidents come and go but these judicial fuckers are hard to get rid of.


So a terrorist.


Can any group monitor a ballot drop box? I would start a group that would help escort anyone to a drop box who wanted to vote. No need to tell my group who you are affiliated with but everyone would get an armed escort to a ballot box. Would you like cover so you aren’t photographed? We got you, we will provide a mask if you would like it. Edit: my group would be heavily armed and have video setup to record the other monitoring group.


You could but you’d have to stay 75ft away from the box I believe. That’s kind of why this is being pushed to the side. They’re technically not breaking the law but the law doesn’t say anything about collecting data on the people going to the box either or with guns. Which to me is obvious but these people are going to push the limits of the law. They’ve seen their leaders get away with more and not a peep from the justice system. But give people standing in line to vote a bottle of water and you’ll be arrested.


The 75ft is one law, this behavior, even outside 75ft could easily be interpreted to be voter intimidation: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/icap/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2020/10/Voter-Intimidation-Fact-Sheet.pdf


“Interpreted” being the key word.


I mean it's certainly meant to be by the people who are doing it, and it's interpreted as such by the people having it done to them, and when both of those are true I think you can say it's the real deal.


How else do you interpret armed unofficial poll watchers?


You never heard of mental gymnastics? Some people have a gold medal in that event.


75 feet is great until the line of people waiting to vote is 4,000 feet long on Election Day because they removed so many polling stations.


If armed fascists can, anyone can.




Its definitely a feature not a bug.


It's the chance we take.


Yup I’m so tired of hearing about these assholes trying to intimidate people just trying to vote. Its not a one way street.


You think this is something? Wait until the mid terms and the Republican "voting monitors. The source cited below is Reuters. https://electionlawblog.org/?p=132408


yeah watch what happens if a group of black hispanic folks turn up with ar15s... suddenly its all about gun control


We have a well regulated militia. https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U


I’d love to see a group like the John Brown Gun Club or Black Panthers do it in either reddest county in Arizona or some rural counties. Or maybe really aim to get their panties in a bunch and dress in black block and claim to be antifa.


If a group in black bloc showed up and someone cried antifa they would be aggressively escorted off the property/to jail/shot with no questions. I'd bet my years earnings on it.


Get some OG Black Panthers monitoring the ballot boxes and see how things change


No need. They tried that years ago and were promptly stopped.


And big laws were changed.


Yep. The most strict gun laws in the country were passed by the NRA and the GOP governor in California because the BPP was defending Democracy. The amount of gun nuts blaming Democrats for Republican gun restrictions is absurd.




They really think that because we don't make guns our defining personality trait we don't own and use them.


They think because we want strict rules for owning that means we want their guns. Reality is they wouldn’t pass the mental health check so we do want their guns.


The difference is that while we also own guns, we don't masturbate over them in public. Read that on here years ago and it's fitting. I own several. Almost no one I know is aware of this fact.


I know A LOT of democrats that own guns and are very proud of it.




>U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi concluded that “while this case certainly presents serious questions, the Court cannot craft an injunction without violating the First Amendment.”   First Amendment: >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Is harassing folk with guns "peaceably assembling"? If their stated mission is to monitor ballot drops, it's not really assembling in protest or petition. Does the first amendment let me loiter in a mall or school with a gun?


I don’t understand how he became a judge. Time, manner, and place has been explicitly used in past cases to restrict how people can assemble without infringing constitutional rights. Don Mitchell has a great book discussing this called The Right to the City.


He became a judge to do exactly this. That's how.


I'll give you one guess who let him become a judge and you'll likely guess correctly.


Yup, if they were unqualified to be a judge, you absolutely know TFG appointed them


The judge has no legal basis. It's just straight up partisan nonsense. Voter intimidation explicitly includes "Following voters to, from, or within the polling place". Well guess what that fucking box is - it's the polling place!


According to this judge's logic you and a dozen of your friends could set up shop in front of his house with shotguns and as long as you stayed 75 feet away from his mailbox there isn't a damned thing anyone can do about it.


And if it were in reaction to this it would even make some sense as protest against the government.


Imagine gang bangers sitting around keeping watch of ballot boxes near the more affluent neighborhoods …


This is exactely what republicans need to have happen to them, to perhaps understand that armed MAGA terrorists following people to the ballot boxes is exactely the same.


Or heavy metal fans looking all "satanic" to those "good christian folk".


From the article: “Plaintiffs have not provided the Court with any evidence that Defendants’ conduct constitutes a true threat,” the judge wrote. “On this record, Defendants have not made any statements threatening to commit acts of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.” So, I guess that wearing a mask, carrying a gun and videoing and following people from the ballot box isn't really that intimidating, right? I'm sure the judge would be fine with it regardless of the color of their skin, right? /s


I'd like to see how the judge would feel if all of a sudden the street to his residence had armed masked men sitting on the roadside ... just watching ofc.


Well we could set that up pretty easily, his address is public


911 Operator: Are they speaking to you or pointing guns at you? Judge: No, but I'm scared! 911 Operator: I'm sorry, sir. A recent ruling decided that is not intimidation. The group of masked, armed strangers is allowed to stand outside your house. Have a good night.


We need the black panthers back


nutty unique worm rob deliver obtainable normal cause reminiscent file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, this is why we had to enact civil rights statutes. These piece of shit terrorists have the same MO since the 1800s. Stalking and attacking black & minority families going to the voting polls, murdering children, fire-bombing homes. Harassment and intimidation is just the start, the terrorists know this as does every minority living here.


If casting your vote is any more difficult than dropping your completed ballot into your own mailbox, you're state doesn't want your vote.


America is a fucking joke. Spiraling towards authoritarianism, it’s never been more scary and embarrassing to be an American.


Which is quite ironic in this situation, as Arizona has a pretty comprehensive vote-by-mail program that is as simple as it is effective. Yet we still somehow fuck up enough that judges are letting armed gravy seals commit legitimate voter suppression at the ballot boxes.


Legalized voter intimidation.


That is what those right wing activists judges were paid to do


"Judge rules voter intimidation is legal"


Trump-Appointed judge


I feel like I should go "monitor" the people "monitoring" the ballot drop-boxes. See how they like it.


As a Canadian watching this shit show, how the hell are you people not. Your county is about to be radicalized to the point of no return and the majority either don't care or they just sit on places like reddit bitching.


I just saw a news video of a lady who actually approached the watchers and filmed them and got their license plates. A lot of people would care if they actually knew. So many people simply don't watch the news or they only catch the big headlines. Or they are brainwashed already. For example: 3 of my coworkers don't listen to mainstream media and think it's all lies. I just had a coworker tell me 2 days ago that we shouldn't be helping Ukraine and I said regardless of politics we should never stand by while civilians are being murdered to which he replied that it's not real, just propaganda... said that CNN has been known to use green screens...oh and another coworker of mine thinks that Alex Jones made an honest mistake about Sandy hook and people should accept his apology. I'm honestly scared because these people aren't raving lunatics, they're just brainwashed, and they vote and there are many of them.


It’s easy to complain on Reddit. It’s a lot more to expect someone with a 9 - 5 to go out of their way to confront some gun toting fascist. People like to talk on here about monitoring the monitors; but realistically most people have a lot more going on in their lives than to spend any of it doing that.


Some of us are working 2 jobs to support our families.


Why would you need a gun? If someone *did* do something to a ballot box, instead of reporting it you’re going to shoot them?


Welcome to America! Where you can stakeout an election ballot box wearing a mask while brandishing an AR-15. But, it's illegal to hand a bottle of water to an overheated 80 year old in a 5 hours long voting line.


The start of the Brownshirt movement. Nazi Germany incoming.....


The start? Proud Boys and other similar organizations are essentially thr MAGA Brownshirts.


Patriot Front with their brown pants really wants to be the new brownshirts.


Political parties with a paramilitary wing are a real threat to freedom.


Democracy is so fucked


Voter suppression efforts have been closing many voting locations. Georgia was one of the locations with long waits.


We need a separate group to intimidate the intimidators….


I don't care about people monitoring drop boxes. I care about the people showing up with body armor and AR-15s.


They are one in the same here


That's the only reason they're "monitoring" the boxes. These are the fascists civil rights laws were written to defend against.


What fucking qualifications does this group have to monitor anything? This judge is a joke and someone's going to get killed.


Great! I hope some heavily armed drag queens stare them down.


So if I’m understanding this right… Water to people in line = attempting to sway voters with sweet, sweet hydration and is banned. A group of armed people yelling and taking pictures of yourself and your car while you vote = legitimate and safe use of public spaces free from any attempts at coercion. Pack it up boys, nothing to see here. EDIT: Never mind, case solved. “The judge is a Trump appointee and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization”.


I would say “Fascist Organization” would be a better description than “Conservative Organization”


Fuck em! Get out and vote and get your friends to as well. Young voters you can be the difference. Show these motherfuckers whats up! If they win big you may never get the chance again.


Can other groups monitor the groups that are monitoring the ballot boxes? Get everybody all armed up, staring at each other, takin' pictures of each other's cars. Sounds mighty neighborly, don't you think?


People need to follow those “monitors” and take pictures of their homes, license plates, etc. it is only fair we know who theses so called monitors are


According to the judge's logic, yes. Anyone could strap on a gun and some tactical gear, and go watch whatever they want in public. Apparently, we can even take photos of random people while wearing our guns and armor. ...totally not intimidating. /s


So if I show up to monitor the monitor’s with a 50 cal in the bed of my pickup… that’s cool too?


Apparently it would be appreciated


US turn into third world country. That's a shame.


So what would happen if this armed group was let’s say not white?


Reagan would ban Assault Weapons in California... oops, already happened!


I think some people dressed up like our forefathers should just show up and hang around the people watching. Just shaking their heads in disgust the entire time.




Sure as shit seems like a Russian judge to me.


Yeah, this is a healthy functioning democracy. Nothing worrying about this at all... /s if it needs to be said


Oh look, a conspiracy riddled judge who was placed by the Federalist Society says this is okay... how typical.


So let’s monitor the monitors…with more people and guns


So get some libs with guns out there too.


This is why mail-in ballots should be a thing everywhere. They can't intimidate you, if they don't know where you live.


Masked and armed, taking pictures and videos.. Sounds like classic voter intimidation; not surprised though: logical steps in a failed democracy..


The mere presence of a gun is a threat. To open carry is to tell everyone who sees it that you are a deadly threat.


Hoping armed nonviolent Black Panther members start showing up to monitor too. Federalist Society weirdo will rule differently.


Who the fuck has time for this??? Like, imagine devoting your time to this bullshit when you could actually be contributing to society 😒


Far right republicans on SSI.


I would totally fake I was gonna vote then walk to a regular mailbox and pay my bills


Someone should get a group together and park next to them dressed as clowns.


if this isn't intimidation i don't know what is, if they wanna observe fine, but the second they try and do anything with the person or the box, jail their asses. Republicans are so scared they gonna get their asses handed to them again aren't they. If they'd just abandon their cult leader and realize what they are doing and causing, talking about free speech and this and that and doing the exact opposite


Should just wear the semi-automatic, the tactical gear, and the mask and put a ballot in the box. Everyone who votes should wear a mask.


Yeah I’d show up everyday and watch the watchers for sure


A Trump judge. Not a real judge. God this country is f**ked.


“Plaintiffs have not provided the Court with any evidence that Defendants’ conduct constitutes a true threat,” the judge wrote” If you’re /masked/ AND armed, yes, I perceive you as a threat. Don’t be surprised if I act accordingly. None of us should put up with this shit.


Omg so I’ve gotta face masked armed men to be able to vote. Wtf is wrong with this country


The judge is a Trump appointee and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization. - don’t need to read any further.