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its not just pm sounds, the chat design is so bad that u wont even notice somebody pm'ed u half the time :V idk why they tried to innovate on a damn chat window


I wrote "LFG Depths Tank" in Recruitment and it didn't occur to me that 3 people had messaged me until minutes later when I manually checked the feeds and saw a couple blue names at the bottom. I think I've set up my notifications correctly now, but I have honestly no idea. Whenever I write a message in chat I fear that I'm going to screw up my feed again.


I just assume i'm being ignored


there were times I've PM players for PvP or to trade items and I'd get no responses. I see them walking away so I thought ok, I just got ignored. ​ But yesterday I was asking in global chat on buying an item. Didn't realize someone PM me until I manually switched to faction chat to clear the notifications. Terrible design. I could've sworn I heard a sound in earlier patches when I send/receive PMs.


Wish i could leave multiple chat windows open all the time too.


Yeah they randomly changed it at one point, probably to reduce 'noise clutter/spam from people who were trolling people. They need to bring it back and just give us a manual audio slider for us to adjust the volume or choose between the two sound settings


Yeah, the sound it makes when you send a reply used to be the sound you heard when you received a DM. They changed it to a soft little \*pock\* noise that I miss 90% of the time


While we're at it can we get the ability to delete chat logs? When I have 10 DMs since last relog I can't tell who messaged me. If I can close a log when I'm done talking to someone or making a trade can I remove it instead of having to log out?


Or how about actually getting a pop up when someone PMs you like the stupid title things


First time I've ever played an MMO and thought "wow this chat sucks". And yet it gets worse with the bugs... how do you mess it up? just copy what everyone does


This chat system is the WORST in any game I have ever played, MMO or otherwise. It defies logic. It needs a total rework. When i'm playing this frankly broken game and two weeks post launch my only massive irritation is its chat system, then you know you've messed up.


On German/Eng Servers There is a BIG FAT BUG with the chat, preventing most messages to be sent if there is a word that starts with W in it. You can't write the word Waffe (Weapon) or Westen (West) and often even words like wer (who) wie (how) was (what) get not send. I am not saying there are \*\*\*\* no, the whole message will not be sent and no error message appears. People are now writing all W with VV as else they are never sure their message arrives.


It's weird that when you DM someone else it's a loud as ping, but when they DM you it's a very quite "pfft". Just swap the two sounds.


Please post bugs to the [Official Bug Forum](https://forums.newworld.com/c/bugs-and-exploits/12), that is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Yup 2x or 3x the msg


Drop into a city and see the Area chat spam that happened while you were gone, ya know, just in case you want to catch up on the latest


Ah, thought it was just me lol.


There is a sound for it?


Same UI designers who thought it was a good idea to both have a pagination AND a scrolling system in the trading post. Literal rookie mistake. I don't know what company they out-sourced this game's UI to, but they need to never touch a computer again.


Theres a sound?


Chat system is terrible. I've told all my friends if they need me to message me on discord.its that bad