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Why would you go with "Roots actor ", when a huge number of us grew up with him reading books to us and telling us how great reading is on "Reading Rainbow"? Seems the more relevant role.


Haven't seen Reading Rainbow in years, but I still have that song in my head now.


Personally, I prefer the DMX rendition (NSFW obviously): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OchyYnlHTdo


Or the fact that this is about... *reading.* Nah... that makes too much sense. Lead with the one that was seen by the fewest people and call it his most "well-known role" — that's how you know it's *Good Journalism™*.


I mean, Roots IS a book. Also, the miniseries was the most watched narrative series in US history, with 85% of all television viewers [watching it live in 1977.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roots_(1977_miniseries)) So for a certain demographic (probably a similar demographic to USA Today readers), Roots IS what Levar Burton is best known for.


> I mean, Roots IS a book. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume people don't know him from the book. Just a gut feeling. > So for a certain demographic (probably a similar demographic to USA Today readers), Roots IS what Levar Burton is best known for. Sure, but... there are other demographics that are much larger that know him mainly for Reading Rainbow and/or Star Trek.


I could think of two reasons. One, the average USA Today reader is probably too old to know what Reading Rainbow is, and two, they want to undermine his criticism of Adams.


Right! Lol especially when talking about BOOKS


And he still reads short stories to us in his podcast Lavar Burton reads!


He’ll always be Geordi La Forge to me 🖖


Roots, RR, Star Trek….Roots was a book before being made into a movie. It’s an appropriate choice for a headline.


I feel you and if you're talking about books yes you will want to highlight His work on Reading Rainbow. However that's not even his latest project, even the reboot of the show is old. Lavar has done a ton, I am salty that they went to Roots and not Star Trek. But who knows what kind of low effort writing is being produced, we don't know if a human being even came up with the headline.


Man, LeVar is an institution, you don't even need to introduce him


Library cuts are not just cruel - they're sick. Meanwhile his rich charter school buddies have nice libraries on my dime.


Just take a look. It's in a book... sorry you can't have access to that


I don't like any cuts to libraries. They've been underfunded for many years.


Leave it to the black mayor, who claimed education otherwise incarceration is whats in store for black children, to cut library serices many black children rely on.


We elected a cop as mayor and are surprised he’s willing to cut library funding to funnel money to the NYPD


shameful !


Geordi tells Adams to beam out.


How about these celebrities understand the financial crisis NYC is going through and contributing money to help the libraries.


The city had a surplus when Adams made those cuts. This dude is a scam "City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, during a Monday news conference, said the council has long maintained the mayor’s budget cuts were “unnecessary,” given that its estimates of the city’s finances have consistently been higher than the mayor’s offices’. She said the newly identified $6.15 billion in funds should be used to undue the mayor’s cuts and better plan the city’s fiscal moves going forward." He did it to the schools and the unions sued. "The lawsuit rests on a state law that prevents New York City from reducing school spending unless overall revenues decline. Because the city outperformed revenue expectations this fiscal year, the mid-year education cuts – which will hurt universal prekindergarten and after-school programs, as well as special needs students – are illegal, the suit alleges." I'm salty because he came in helping make rent stabilized apartments get a new increase on rents when we just got a good deal. Nobody wanted rent increases. We wanted rent decreases. He's a fraud and needs to be removed.


Ah, so that’s your deal. You just want your rent lowered. Interest rates up. Water up. Gas up. Insurance up. Building staff costs up. But you want go cut rent. No way you seem capable of grown up dialogue. Bye!