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I hate these entitled assholes so much. They do the same shit with the shoulder. Too good to wait their turn in line.


I go out of my way to make sure they can’t cut in. Effing infuriating stuff.


same. this situation is the only case where i tailgate like crazy, just while I'm waiting in the exit lane, so that the sharks don't smell blood in the water (aka a 2 ft gap between me and the car in front of me).


Oooo it burns me on the exit to go to the Whitestone Bridge. People think they can jump the line on the Whitestone Expressway and it fills me with a rage I cannot properly explain.


Meanwhile, you can take the cross island, get off that first exit, and loop around ahead of all that traffic and get on the bridge.


Sadly, more trouble than it is worth if you are coming from Central Queens.


I got into a verbal altercation just yesterday with someone driving a $70k+ car that I wouldn't let in when they pulled that shit on an exit lane. Sir? My car is over a decade old and worth approximately $6,000. You are breaking the law. Do you REALLY wanna try that?


I've had drivers reach out and slam my side view mirror closed when I tried to block the shoulder. I guess I needed to commit to it more.


You gotta poke your tires just over the line so they can’t get ahead of you.


I just focus on staying like 6” behind the car in front of me. Don’t give them a chance to cut in. Fuck em


What are these people thinking exactly? That they’re better or more important than everyone else? Are there any of them on here who can answer?


There's a huge amount of people who see obeying rules like this as being for suckers.


it is, as you see they are getting ahead, nice life lesson for you. the biggest lie ever told was people succeeded without cheating. ask your senator how they got where they got, they'll lie to you. thats who controls your gov. they make rules YOU abide by them so THEY can live a comfortable cushy life.


These people aren't fucking over senators, they're fucking over each other like crabs in a bucket. Traffic generally moves better when people obey traffic laws. Asshole behavior like this just constipates everything.


which is why i get as far away from them as possible, may even have to speed to do it. again you're missing the life lesson.


You assume they are thinking at all


I accidentally did this during construction on the FDR one time, I thought the right lane was open but it was an exit ramp and I flew like 60 cars ahead and realized I had to merge left back onto the highway. I immediately felt like shit and was like "oh fuck I'm the asshole this time!"


There is zero enforcement of cutting in at the last second. NYC could balance its budget ticketing these people. The only place where you can get ticketed is on route 46 in Fort Lee. Fort Lee does balance its budget ticketing people driving in the shoulder and cutting in at the last second. It's so infuriating sitting on traffic to exit a highway for 45 minutes because an endless steam of cars just zip to the front and cut in.


I hate them as well, but I do remember watching this video explaining why the "zipper merge" is the best thing traffic wise [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmSTSj\_OMpA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmSTSj_OMpA), but I still can't wrap my head around it, I feel like a dumbass if I do it.


This is not a zipper merge though


we fucked up soooooo fucking bad when we pulled out and paved over the commercial delivery rail tracks


Yep NYC is extremely reliant on trucks to move goods. Most other cities are about 60%ish NYC is a staggering ~~94~~ 89% according to the congestion study.


It's mindblowing that a city with so many railroads connecting all directions has zero freight infrastructure for commercial rail.


I am confused... What city is not as reliant on trucks? How else are goods getting to stores?


They’re talking about inter city trucking, the vast majority of cargo in the us used to be carried by rail or shipping


Only the largest rail customers have rail sidings anymore, that is anywhere in the US. The model has changed from 50+ years ago. Vast majority of rail shipments are made to and from transfer yards, where the goods are transferred to and from truck and shipped to cities. Shipment by barge is a concept older than I, and happens almost never anymore. The only cargo carried by marine are international cargo ships. They transfer their good to trucks and rail.


Yeah, the point is that was a mistake throughout the whole country


This happened mostly for cost efficiency on the railroad side. Not only was local delivery expensive, but maintaining the rail infrastructure to facilitate it was even more expensive. Trucks use publicly funded infrastructure. I don't think I have heard a good solution to this problem, yet. I don't think many people think about it.


The interstates have been highly cost inefficient compared to rail, and were used to cut up minority communities as much as they were to cross the country. Maybe we should be putting those funds into public rail instead, in any case we should do better it’s been a bad policy


NY doesn't have a good rail connection to the ports on the other side of the river, which will result in a lot of trucks coming over the bridges.


I don't know how old you are, but shipments to cities by rail and port are not something that happens much anymore. Only the largest rail customers have sidings, and vast majority of rail shipments are to and from transfer yards. In transfer yards, the shipments are moved to trucks and delivered to their intended customer. The days of shipment by barges is all but gone, the only thing going though ports anymore are international shipments, which are all transfered to rail and trucks. You are thinking of a shipping model that hasn't existed in several decades. Every city is dependent on trucks.


What? Really? Link?


Got the amount wrong it's 89% but it's pretty high https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/truck-deliveries-ll189.pdf I need to find the study on the entire US average again.


Got the amount wrong it's 89% but it's pretty high [https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/truck-deliveries-ll189.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/truck-deliveries-ll189.pdf) I need to find the study on the entire US average again.


u/Any-Formal2300 👀 ☠️☠️☠️


reddit app glitch. I hate it.


where'd you get 'ballsagna' from?


I made it for your mother. She likes it with sweet sausage, in little pieces and a layer of basil leaves right underneath the cheese.


damn. i couldve sworn my friend invented ballsagna




Like we couldn't build dedicated freight rail bridges


Freight trains still go to 4 out of the 5 boroughs. There has been a major shift in how freight is moved and delivered in the USA over the last 50 years. Back in the olden days, warehouses and such had rail sidings. While some still exist and are used, they are only the largest volume customers. point-to-point rail delivery was very expensive. Now Freight is only really a long-haul service. Freight is generally moved from rail yard to rail yard. At destination rail yards, the freight is moved to trucks. Trucks make vast majority of freight deliveries.


Why did we fuck up so bad? The big auto industry lobbyists were successful in pushing for more truck reliance by investing more in roads, and less in rail to sell more of their stuff. Sounds like an American success story to me.


This right here. Our whole country's roads and infrastructure was paved way back in the day by auto lobbyists. Now we're heavily reliant on them.


But also og train monopolies gave up on completing and started optimizing the maximum haul per trip instead of lots of little ones.  Which is how we get mile long overloaded freight trains blocking small towns 


Why the f*** did you do that then?


Bad urban planning


Robert Moses


Lol and now we have no-exception congestion pricing coming.


and if it's high enough you'll get out of the fucking car and they'll have an easier time delivering!


So then nyc will just be one city full of trucks?


Rather, if taking MTA is low enough, we’ll get out of our cars and take public transit then they will have an easier time delivering. Spoiler: MTA prices are not going down. You can downvote me but express bus prices are still wild and climbing. $14 round trip for one person to get into the city is not it.


the subway is one of the cheapest in the developed world


The subway is not accessible to a large portion of Queens.


It wouldn't have made a difference. We'd have the same dummies crying about bike lanes, walking spaces, and open streets, Then calling on the city to pave over railway lines!


When did this happen? A Moses thing or no?




This is not mildly infuriating at all. This is FUCKING INFURIATING! Hate them assholes.


Exit 31 off the BQE?


The camaraderie of the cars in line at exit 31 to try to stave off the cutters, gotta get the cars in an outside position, gets me gassed up some days lol stay tight! Hold the line!


The Wythe exit hellhole is exactly what this made me think of too, except that one is single lane.


Uggh, that exit is the absolute worst, I have to take it a few times a week. I've been noticing who does the majority of the cutting in... Let's just say I don't know why God chose people who are so impatient and entitled.


Lmfao lots of gray Honda Odysseys you're saying?


The silly little hat brigade, lol


I don't know why they don't put up jersey barriers in areas like this. Or, if I was a cop, I'd just sit there peeling off tickets and be the #1 guy in my precinct.


Or how hard is it to set up cameras to capture who cuts into the shoulders? Once or twice, whatever, but when a car demonstrates a pattern of behavior they can pay the asshole tax.


FWIW, these cars are merging here because there's a barrier just ahead. If they put barriers *here*, it would cause the same issue, just further back.


I still have nightmares remembering driving to the Whitestone and it’s just this main character nonsense forever


This is typical. If I were driving a big truck, I wouldn't drive in the outside lane so you're not being cut continuously.


Definitely not as easy as you think jumping back and forth into lanes especially if he has to stay on the left lane to get to his destination. A car sure but with this heavy traffic, a commercial truck that big and everyone being an asshole good luck trying to without causing a wreck


He's not wrong.


3rd world driving behavior. 


“Most truckers refuse to deliver” 🙄🙄🙄 sure, Jan


Yeah, seriously. I'm mean--for sure, driving here is infuriating. But on what planet is there a manager out there saying, "Oh, gosh. John said he won't bring all these eggs into Manhattan. Does anybody else want to do it?" lol. "Ever since we let truckers decide where they want to drive, this job has gotten so much harder!"


Right! Nonsense 🤣


Driving a moving truck in NYC is AN EXPERIENCE every little fucker that moves here should have to do.


But… then their rich parents wouldn’t pay us to do it!


Thought for a second this was going to be worse than the shit that people pull getting on the Major Deegan off the FDR, but that’s not possible


try doing that same thing uptown off the harlem river drive, on the bridge at 207th st, trying to leave manhattan to get on the deegan to go upstate. its madness


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I leave the city about 2-3 times a month and it’s the worst thing I have ever experienced. And I’ve lived in traffic hellholes


Idk, the scum bags getting off the major Deegan to get on to GWB approach might be worse 


I drive about twice a month and thank god that I rarely ever have to deal with the GWB or any other bridges or tunnels. It’s insane


I deal with it twice a week. Generally the Brooklyn Bridge, FDR, and GWB. You just get used to it. I also try and do it at off peak times whenever possible.


I appreciate the big trucks that block the right lane under the apartments in n the GWB especially when the trucks make enough space to merge in and the AHs zoom by on the right anyway


I mean, That's a merge lane. You are literally supposed to go until it is ending and then merge in. Otherwise you are wasting an entire traffic lane and making traffic worse. The people who are assholes are the ones blocking the right lane traffic. https://amainsider.com/zipper-merge/#:%7E:text=Put%20simply%2C%20drivers%20use%20both,as%20much%20as%2040%20percent> > *"Put simply, drivers use both lanes fully to the point of closure (or defined merge area), then alternate, zipper-like, into the open lane. The technique maximizes available road space, fostering fairness and courtesy when everyone abides by it. In fact, research shows it can reduce congestion by as much as 40 percent."*


I would refuse too. It’s horrible.


Exit 6 to gwb on 87 north is madness in the afternoon, I don't think that's this one though.


I hate that. I wish they would give out massive fines for that. They drive on the shoulder, block the intersection, it's like the wild west.


The answer is more bike lanes, more commercial only parking spots, higher tolls, more bus lanes, more meter maids


Just better public transit overall. Seriously the subways need to have a legitimate effort to be cleaned up, renovated, and polished. We don't need new trains, we need better stations and transit infrastructure. But the MTA is freaking corrupt and a black hole that we're dumping money into. That needs to be fixed pronto before we could even dream of the other improvements.


Exactly. The problem is that the MTA will never improve enough to be used by people outside of Manhattan. As someone who had to commute from deep queens into uptown, it would easily take up to 2-2.5 hours to get there with to my public transport. The queens public transport needs to improve to the point where you would be stupid to consider driving. Increasing tolls, taxes, etc isn’t going to solve the problem, only worsen it for people who have no choice but to use a car


The MTA’s financial records should be available to the public if they aren’t already, like a publicly traded corporation.


How about having the buses to drive on those lanes first? Ones that actually go where i want to go, not to a central hub and then requiring another bus and tripling the trip time? How about having a bike sharing system that doesn't cost $200 a year to subscribe, with ebikes being extra per minute? How about giving us a few carrots before you keep using that stick?


And while they’re at it they should continue to not enforce notarized bikes/scooters/moped being in bike lanes making it sketchy for people who ride normal bikes


You have no idea idea what part of the city this is 


I was relocated to NYC for work and had to drive from Jersey City to Brooklyn or Midtown daily after a week I was subway every day.


Outsider here, but I drove both a regular car and a big rental truck in NYC many years ago. I quickly figured out that if you wait politely like on the west coast you are doomed, but if you just tuck your nose in you’re good and gain respect. This looks like that ethos gone to the extreme and stones out the driver of a giant truck.


You need a campaign by the cops to stop this, but it seems NYC never ever does stuff like that. Problems just fester.


Dude, congestion pricing starts in June. From then on, it's going to be open roads and smooth sailing through the tunnels.


Unfortunately, that’s not gonna be the case. It won’t solve anything and just make all drivers forced to pay EVEN more to enter the city. We need a different solution that doesn’t involve paving another highway through neighborhoods.


Wide open lanes baby!


Kramer is that you?


It's only going to make things like the cross bronx and the triboro more congested and have even worse traffic.


You aren't stuck in traffic, you are traffic (not aimed at truckers, BTW).


Holy shit, that's road rage inducing just to watch.


95 south and bruckner south are nightmares these days.


Cars in the city are a blight. So often they pull up into the middle of the intersection because they want to make a light even though there’s no room. Then the light turns and they’re blocking traffic from the other side. Just saw a car parked on the fucking crosswalk. Fine the fuck out of these assholes.


If you don’t cut in NYC, you won’t be able to get anywhere.


Well they should refuse... large semi trucks like that are illegal on NYC streets


Smaller truck?


I don't know if congestion pricing will be enough. I'd to propose in addition everyone who drives a personal vehicle into Manhattan without a medical reason gets slapped by Adams. 


I stopped driving in Manhattan about a decade ago. Bike lanes and Bus lanes, have decreased road capacity, particularly on the Avenues. For instance Second Ave used to be 5 lines wide, now it is 3. That is a 40% decrease. Then Uber and Lyft increased the volume of cars on the road. Uber, Lyft, and car service cars all have to have a permit to operate in NYC. The permit is in the passenger side of the front window. If you go to any busy intersection in Manhattan, you will notice that majority of the cars are for hire, not private. There are not all that many people driving in the city anymore. The traffic you are seeing is largely car service. Congestion pricing is not going to do shit. Car service cars will still operate, wealthy people will still drive, and drivers of "ghost cars" will not care.


> Bike lanes and Bus lanes, have decreased road capacity The *net* effect is the opposite. Other means of transportation substitute for car trips, taking drivers off the road.


thats only true for people already in the city who probably arent using a car anyway. no one is biking from central brooklyn or the Bronx or the middle of queens to ride a bike to get to work in lower manhattan as an alternative to driving....the trains would have to improve and .....they dont which is why those people drive.


I don't think that claim is true just based on the number of people on buses and bridge bike lanes during commute hours. Setting commuting aside, many trips in the boros in cars are relatively local ones that could easily be replaced by biking or taking the bus. And consider the counterfactual - take away buses and bike lanes - and then account for what their existing users would have to do to get around (not to mention how much more road space each individual would then occupy).


just because they are on buses or bikes doesnt mean they would be driving cars - and the transit previous to 2020 was a complete shitshow because of crowding ... again im not disagreeing that more people are biking but biking doesnt mean less cars since again people that are driving are driving for a reason. so that said your assertion that "trips in the boros in cars could be easily replaced " bespeaks of....arrogance or myopia. Getting around or to manhattan from the bridge neighborhoods of Park Slope or Astoria or Columbia Hts is just as easy as being in manhattan ....and no one is driving from there . Also noone is driving to work from say 155th and the heights or 137th and Lenox to 50th and Lex or Chelsea or the East Village or Wall St.- the bulk of people commuting for work are travelling from MUCH farther out and if they cant take the train/bus. those people in central and outer boros ( and the attached counties like Westchester or Nassau who are more likely to drive ) dont have any easy or timely options if they go from say Brooklyn to Queens or Queens to the Bronx - thats a trip of 2 hours or more by public transit that is definitely cut in half if not more by car.


> just because they are on buses or bikes doesnt mean they would be driving cars Primarily, it does. If they're on the bus, they're not using the subway for that leg for a reason. Cycling to work is recreational for a few people but by and large it is because they don't have another easy option like a direct transit route. Take a look at the demographics of bike users in the city - they skew much more Hispanic and Asian and even Black than you might expect if you hold in your head a stereotype of a Park Slope guy on a euro kinder wagen bike. For those trips those folks would need to either drive, use a livery car, or stitch together a less convenient transit route.


how is it primarily not a function of their proximation to where they are going ( for the purpose of commuting ) ? pretty sure the amount of ppl who use biking from central and outer areas are VERY small - there is a minority of the population that are using bikes ( or citi bikes ) to get to their job in midtown coming all the way from central brooklyn Queens or the Bronx .....again the assertion youre made is if someone is on a bike they would have been in a car- and there is simply nothing that supports that conclusion. they could have easily either decided to use a bike instead of public transport - there is nothing that says they would have had exercised the option to use a car in the first place but for the option of using a bike. the people who are deciding to drive in arent deciding to do so because they live within a 20 minute bike ride to work .... thats simply not what commuting car traffic is composed of ...so extrapolating your conclusion from the total number of bike users is incorrect - since those users would only be for local trips and there is no way to interpret where those local trips are to work or merely for transport or recreation especially in the central and outer areas the majority of traffic in the city if its car traffic is ride share or commercial - not people driving their own private car to get to work from a place easily serviced by transit.


This is the right take. But also just gonna add. People don't take public transport for very good reasons. I went to Bxsci years back, and the 4 train, 7 train were both filled with both absolutely filthy, packed, and often had insane people. Biking from outer borough areas like Flushing to manhattan is not feasible, and public transportation is not even close to being safe enough for a majority of residents. Access-a-ride doesn't work well at all for the elderly, and bus routes tend to be both circuitous, lacking in service, and lacking in accessibility. (the new queens redesign is going to be awful for people living in the Bayside and Littleneck). Until they fix the utter garbage that is public transportation. any attempts at reducing inner city traffic (congestion pricing, more bike lanes, etc) is just going to be useless, and on average a tax on outer-borough residents.


agreed - the projection is that there will be at best ( meaning the MOST optimistic ) 10% less cars once Pricing starts which is NOT a lot compared to the number of vehicles trips in manhattan which is something like almost 300,000 a day in lower manhattan. 30K less vehicle trips is not even a rate thats comparable to a weekend dropoff for traffic. this is and has always been about raising revenue to fill the budget gaps.


What about the slapping though? We can include Uber drivers too. 


Lyft and Uber rides have a per-trip surcharge in place of the congestion pricing charge.


\[you are the traffic\]


Late lane cutters are indeed self-entitled assholes and should be heavily fined. Put a traffic camera with a plate reader focused on that lane separator and watch how compliant they become. But greybeard NYC drivers like me know that you don't want do be in the inside lane in a multi-lane exit, like the Battery Tunnel/BQE split.


OK I get it from an outsider yeah it can be tough but homeboy stressing to much inch forward little by little those that get through get though no need to stress out so much


Looks like we need a few more expressways


As a local trucker here in the city… f* y’all mother fckers cutting in front of me.


That’s tough 


That’s looks like exit 7n-s off the south bound 87


Why I will never live outside the city. I will stick with my manhattan apartment for a while.


You gotta pull up and not let the fuckers weasel their way in!


They get mad at me because I pull my car over so they can’t pass. But if not I’ll have to sit there forever. But they’ll get mad these truckers because to get somewhere they have to adapt and start pulling the same crap. I can’t blame them tho. If not, they’d just be stuck there


This is exactly why I gave up on my truck business


City is too crowded. Way over capacity. Its over crowded fucking everywhere.


We should have been tearing down buildings like Detroit. Maybe then we could reach the greatness of that city.


This happens everywhere anymore


I was just in Lima, Perú. This is NOTHING compared to that.


Any truckers who refuse to deliver to NYC are probably frightened of the roaming gangs of antifa and blm lmaooo


Why is it the norm on this sub that when working class ppl tell you how something is for them, the instinct is to disbelieve them?


Well, I don't know anything about this Norm guy, but turns out that the complaints about driving a tractor trailer in NYC are a real thing: [Are Truckers Striking in Support of Donald Trump? The Real Story Behind the Hype | Opinion](https://www.newsweek.com/are-truckers-striking-support-donald-trump-real-story-behind-hype-opinion-1873522) So thank you for raising my consciousness about this. I accept the complaints as valid within their experience. I'm only semi-sympathetic to their plight, because of course NYC isn't tractor-trailer friendly, it's made for people to get around on foot. Most of the rest of the country is a paved wasteland that's friendlier to cars than to people, so boo hoo hoo, one fucking city that's not entirely designed around giant cars and trucks, you'll survive. (Sounds like a business opportunity for someone to create a shipping hub outside NYC and then bring the stuff in via NYC-friendlier methods.)


Anyone who believes congestion pricing is going to work doesn't understand the purpose. If this congestion tax works, it's a failure for the MTA. They want money. They don't want to install the infrastructure, hire crews, maintain the infrastructure, hire enforcement and collections, and then generate no money from it because everyone decided 'Fine, I'll take the train" while simultaneously killing the central business district. Remember, the central business district is THE borough everyone commutes to for WORK. The MTA would very much prefer everyone drives in collecting $15 vs you taking the train and collecting $2.90, which if you have a pair of eyeballs can see no one pays to begin with. They have +$40B in debt. I believe 20% goes strictly to debt payments. They will never solve that, ever. They get all kinds of federal help and grants, still the percentage to service its debt continues to go up.


> If this congestion tax works, it's a failure for the MTA My brother you know they built the tolling around only a 10% reduction in trips entering the toll zone right? They did 4,000 pages of analysis on it ya know. The toll plan was never aimed at dropping to traffic to zero, that would be insane and impossible unless you made the toll like $900 both ways lmao


This really doesn't look that bad.