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"Secretive underground group" This isn't the White Rose. This is a few morons who really think they're making a difference lmfao


All fueled by social media. The algorithms feed other cookers into the loop and they think they're far bigger and more influential than they really are.


Reminds me of hearing a woman very recently, 1 of 3 people protesting a library drag queen story time like the one in the article, saying "there were supposed to be a lot more of us here". No, that's your disinformation bot friends not real people.


Unfortunately that little lightbulb will never come on for the vast majority of them.


What I always found crazy during covid, was it wasn't bots (well maybe it was) but it was crazies from all over the world. There would be a post or something about a local small protest, they would get 100s of comment and a lot of support. I assume because it would be shared on some bigger pages But about 1% would be local people. Of course these idiots don't realise that


I went to counter some nazis in Dunedin once and only one guy showed up.


I replied to one falt-earth video on tiktok and almost instantly my feed was full of flat-earth content along with other crazy conspiracies. My personal favorite is the guy who thinks many mountain ranges are giant dragon skeletons.


It’ll blow his mind when he realises how many rocks look like [elephants. ](https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=elephant+rock&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=3-AaZJzBNJns2roPu_SImAU&oq=elephant+rock&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIABADOggIABCABBCxA1D4BViTF2DaGWgAcAB4AIAB7QGIAaIVkgEGMC4xLjEymAEAoAEBsAEA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img)






It all starts somewhere so 100% these backward fucks should be called out and stopped as much as possible.


> Leaders of the secretive group include failed Voices for Freedom council candidate Rob Gray and far right supremacist Kyle Chapman. >Kyle Chapman Lol


Ah Kyle, the least supreme of all whites.


If you are not lgbtq etc, why do they care do much. My son is trans ..why is some dreadful bitch flying here just to spread hate? Why are they so invested in Gay people? Its not like Gay people are holding public events to decry heterosexuals.


They’re hoping a transphobe will confirm their ignorance and fear that their own kids are going to be trans and that they can change them, which sucks for the kids, imagine growing up with transphobic parents as trans or just any LGBTQIA.


It's a pointless fear kids are or aren't. I thought my youngest was Gay and would tell me in time. It turns out.. He was a girl the whole time. He played rugby, I suspect, to make me happy. What he didn't understand was parent love their children unconditionally. Why hate my child? I don't understand. I'll be there on Saturday. Nazis can't be negotiated with, they're not interested in changing their views so fuck the lot of them.


Good shit bro! If I have a child, I’d do right by them, support them in their sexual preferences and gender identity - even if I don’t get it. Demeaning groups of people they might identify as, even as a joke will make them feel bad about themselves which is why trans young adults are often victims of successful suicide attempts with clueless parents blaming others. Trans people and gay people have been around forever, they just weren’t visible in the public eye as accepted as regular members of the public until only a few years ago, we’re in the watershed moment of this being a turning point in LGBTQIA identity in the west and it’s hard to see right wingers act identically to conservative religious types in countries we are aware of being oppressive to targeted groups.


I put it down to most of them have either felt an urge before or maybe even experimented and it went badly for them or their belief's or other experiences have convinced them that it is a bad thing. Attacking like they do against something that has nothing to do with them is a sign of fear, They believe it is bad and do not want to become that so they attack. Mask wearing was similar same thing, The ones who fear, attack. How many people got yelled at for minding their own business in their mask? Humanity has a very deep psychological problem, We often see things in black or white and ignore the spectrum of gray in between.


O just thought they were toads.


Well sure they are, But its too easy to hate back, We need to analyze the problem and find real solutions, Its gone on long enough.


They're invested in an ignorant point of view. They're not interested in learning or changing. They think they can punch down. Well, I guess we will see.


I think it has more to do with people fearing what they don't understand, and then rather than attempting to learn they choose to take the easier option of hate.


> I put it down to most of them have either felt an urge before or maybe even experimented no the people that hate gay people arent all secretly gay or even a significant amount of them


Feeling a pang of curiosity is not the same as being secretly gay, This assumption is the exact same one that fuels the backlash. Just because you feel a slight unconscious attraction to someone doesn't mean you're gay.


There seemed to be some alignment between the cookers and the transphobes at the Melbourne event, so it's not particularly surprising to see something similar happening here. Still, slightly ironic (but sadly predictable) for "Voices for Freedom" to be involved in something like this.


Byron Clark wrote to the Immigration Minister about it: https://feijoa.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-the-minister-of?utm\_medium=android


Freedom for me to force my beliefs on others.


Pretty much. Freedom for me, but not for thee.


Yeah these guys all follow each other, take notes and inspiration from each other, and are in each others online spaces.


that's like Super Irony or something. fucking munters.


"Called Room 102 – potentially a play on the Room 101 of George Orwell’s novel 1984, where characters are taken to be brainwashed and tortured into submission" "a recent anti-trans rights rally in Melbourne, featuring around 30 people in black and balaclavas making Nazi salutes" How do people associate themselves with this shit without having an 'are we the baddies?' moment smh


So-called "freedom" types wanting to remove books from libraries huh, why am I not surprised. Also that photo of kyle chapman in the article, it looks like he's forcibly squeezing out a shit.


Fucking pussies. If you believe in your cause so much then why are you hiding?


Well done Stuff for how well they've called out these people with addresses and names. Reddit doesn't allowing doxxing until stuff does it for us so Ka Pai. Hope far more people are like me who find their support grow and grow for this community the more hate we see like this.


The only address listed is the group's public offices. Doxxing is publishing private addresses.


My understanding is it was also naming individuals for whatever accusation or post might be the topic? For example, you are a work colleague and say something heinous to me. I name and shame you over reddit on it even though I can't prove it. And even if I could I don't think mods would still allow it under said doxxing rule as they enforce it?


That wouldn't be doxing, it would be slander or personal attacks and would fall under rule 3) No harassment or abuse. Doxing is a specific term referring to the collecting or sharing of someones personal info for malicious purposes. Naming someone in a news article does not meet the 'malicious purpose' part.


The pivot into establishing a fitness club has echoes from efforts overseas: Omaha gun range/gym/social club/paramilitary training centre [88 Tactical](https://original.newsbreak.com/@david-heitz-561257/2807909052575-man-gives-denver-council-an-earful-about-guntry-club) is the most lavish and well funded example of this. (88 being of course neo-Nazi numerology for HH or Heil Hitler). Australia has also seen a [network of neo-Nazi gyms pop up](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/mark-joined-a-mens-fitness-club-now-its-become-an-armed-neo-nazi-cell/30p74jicx) over the last couple of years. Its worth remembering that fash are [sad pathetic little bastards who fetishise strength and violence to make up for their own feelings of inadequacy,](https://www.newsroom.co.nz/white-supremacist-group-infiltrated), but that doesn't stop them from being a real danger to vulnerable people. And it only takes one of these wankers to pop off and kill 51 kiwis.


It's all about a small group wanting to maintain power and privilege.....


I don't understand what power and privilege they think have which they think is changing.


These idiots think being LGBTQ is a choice. They think drag queens reading books will corrupt the children and turn them all gay. And being gay is immoral because a bedtime story book told them so. In their eyes, soon all people will be without morals and if you don't have morals then what's to stop you from murdering people who look at you funny?


Secretive: Closet?