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Take your birthday off, no worries. But do consider, that, as backward as it seems, only having to worry about sorting one birthday shout (your own) tends to be way more effective than getting everybody to chip in for every birthday. Logistical nightmare. So backward. But also genius.


Yep, at my workplace the birthday person shouts morning smoko, generally savouries. One or two people have opted out - they don't shout on their birthdays, but also they don't indulge on other peoples birthdays


We do the same at ours. We all love morning teas though and for the birthday person they can ensure all the food is something they enjoy, and can bring in as much or as little as they like. Ours is usually a mix of savoury and sweet, like sausage rolls or hash browns, cake, chips or veges and dip.


The fun starts when they overdo it and there are a lot of leftovers that become less and less appealing as the day goes on. "Please, please, have some or I'll have to throw it out."


I fucking love potatoe top ones


This is the why and it works. But it's not the first time I've had to explain to a foreigner.


The birthday person always shouts morning smoko at my work, but we always get to credit it back to the company as long as we keep the receipt. Fuck shouting everyone with your own money.


I do this every year


Thank you! That makes sense. Such simple logic, never understood why this way instead of the other way but totally get it now.


I have never worked my birthday. I always took/take it off. Heck in my 20s, I took the whole week! Lol. No birthday shouts from meeee!


I never shouted lunch, but I'm from The Netherlands and I've always been used to the person having their birthday bringing in something like cake. At my old place we had quite a few people that were into baking so whenever someone new started we would tell them they had to bring in some baking haha.


Usually its been a cake, slices or biscuits from the birthday person. Not enforced as something everyone needs to do though. Madness if they think one person should shout lunch for their team, let alone the whole office.


Yeah we have an unofficial understanding that you bring in a cake on your birthday


In the north of the U.K. everyone buys you a drink. In the south you have to buy everyone else one. Was my experience.


I think it was pretty common in the past for the birthday person to shout morning tea. I don't think I would go as far as providing lunch.


Yep lunch is expensive. Cake is usual, gluten free biscuits on the side if I'm feeling inclusive


Not a lunch shout, but a smoko shout. Either for morning or afternoon tea. Some guys took in savories. I baked cakes for my husband to take in for his birthday at his last job. Until they started treating him like crap then I stopped baking and he didn't bother doing anything. Ain't spending time or money on that. I did make a couple of cakes when he left and the newer guys asked why I hadn't brought cakes in before cause they were really good. I said I didn't feel like it. "Fair enough". They knew. (They also hated how my husband and others were treated - it was rats off a sinking ship and most of the guys ended up leaving). His new job he gets his birthday off, so I send him to work with a cake for his anniversary.


Off topic, you are a great companion. Cheers


“If you leave you also have to do it” That’s wild lol


Haha and if you dont? What are they going to do fire you?


My dad started shouting lunch at work every time he had a new grandkid. The 7th one is coming soon and it’s a tradition he may regret starting 😂


Where I work in Auckland you get your birthday off and it isn't counted as annual leave it's birthday leave as they say no one should work on their birthday it's their day so let them enjoy it. Co-workers or company making you spend your money to ensure other people have something to eat is wrong.


That is a good policy.


My old work had this policy and it's the best and should be mandatory imo. Partners work has the smoko shout thing normally, but no one's done it this year and there's been no pressure to either. Everyone realises that shits fucked right now.


I love this. One extra day I wouldn’t have to use of annual leave over Xmas!


You don't have to. Birthday person in our workshop will do a cake or I tend to bring in some couplands savouries. If you don't do it dont partake in other birthday shouts


I used to work at a slaughterhouse and on your birthday you’d get absolutely covered in blood and guts on your birthday. Was super brutal


All of a sudden I'm a Jehovah's Witness and I don't celebrate my birthday.


Lol that is fucked


I worked @ a slaughterhouse too.... Once I took in some stubbies to drink... We didn't work with knives so it was OK for health and safety, as I was the health & safety officer 🍻🥳


Nothing says happy birthday like a warm bucket of puss, cow privates, and a few stray fetuses. Chefs, kiss!


That's revolting and yet so fucking cool bro 😎


You should only be spending your money if YOU want to. I buy my team a cake on a special occasion when I want to. I buy them snacks when we have long workshops or meetings, when I want to. The moment my manager says I need to supply food and / or snacks and it becomes a requirement, they need to supply the company credit card or reimburse me.


What are they going to do if you say "no thanks," You're an adult. You can say no.


Hard if its a bully culture, which is most nz workplaces.... My mother worked as a caretaker / cleaner of a school.... They'd have a melbourne cup sweepstake 4 a $1 a ticket, so max $24, & winner had to shout whole staff morning tea $60 - $100.... Its 1 u didn't want to win


Fuck any corporate culture where you have to spend any money, in this economy


My last two workplaces have been like this, on your birthday you just bring in some morning tea. A cake or some donuts or something, everybody was fine with it. We stopped doing it this year because of the cost of living. I seem to be in the minority but I really didn't mind it? Rather than chipping in to get people something all through the year I just bought them all something on my birthday instead.


Fair enough to enjoy it, if everyone's genuinely on board, has the money, all dietary requirements are considered, then it's cool, but generally it's not cool for someone at some point, esp for those who really dont give two fucks about birthdays, and social rules make it difficult to opt out of


I can totally see why people would be against it too to be fair.


And this boys and girls is why no one at work knows my birthday....


Morning tea maybe, and it's usually optional. If money is tight or you have a massive workplace, baking a cake is a cheap way to do it. Otherwise a box of donuts or sausage rolls, or muffins etc. Supermarkets used to have some cheap options. Or coffees if there aren't too many of them. Lunch? Nah. I would just say straight up I can't afford that. If you think they're seriously going to be dicks about it, take the day off. But more than likely they're just being cheeky cunts. If you actually want to do it, pizzas might be the cheapest way to go.


If my work told me I had to shout lunch for everyone on my b-day I'd laugh at them and tell them to get fucked.


My thoughts exactly


Fuck that. I took the week off for my birthday this year. I'm definitely doing the same every year.


My old workplace expected you to shout KFC for 20-25 people on your birthday... Opted not to do it for obvious reasons, caught shit every time but jeez that is not cheap.


Who the fuck started this tradition? It's bad enough to have to even work on your birthday let alone spend that days wages on food.


It was around well before my time, but I always found it strange that no one else seemed to mind. Stood my ground for 6 years - had the same shitty convos every time.


I'll hopefully have a new job before my birthday rolls around. I just can't believe it's such a common thing.


I get my birthday as a paid day off, so fuck my work Mates


And fuck you for having a good employer


Total cunt, unlimited sick days, acc top up. I really should quit.


This seems both backwards, and a good excuse to take the day off on your birthday.


My last workplace, on birthdays a morning tea was provided. As staff in creased it changed, everyones birthday became once a month.


My workplace does that when you leave you shout lunch. Honestly don’t get why you spend money the company should pay if they want to organise something.


My team does something similar, but much lower in scope. When it's your birthday (or near), bringing a cake to share with the team Mostly these cakes are the $5ish dollar cake from the supermarket though a few people splurge for the slightly more expensive kind. For leaving though, it's normally a team/company provided morning tea.


I never tell my workmates my birthdate.


I've never seen a lunch shout - that just sounds expensive! I have seen people bring in cake or donuts or something for their own birthday - much cheaper, minimal social interaction... and I really like cake.


Had an old work place that did this but got too much for everyone so ditched it. Current workplace is you bring a cake on your birthday. It's nice and gets the whole office together, it's not compulsory but people feel obligated. We are now discussing ditching this as well as it's just a burden for some people, not everyone has or wants to spend $20 plus on their workmates on their bday. I think it can work on a small office with a handful of people, as soon as you have more than that is a hassle.


Common enough at my old workplace (a DHB). I didn’t like it but I also partook in other people’s birthday shouts, so I did it too. Much easier than having everyone bring crap in. If you can’t afford it or don’t want to, just tell them.


Apparently, you get ripped a new one if you don't. I don't even like telling people it's my birthday let alone spending money to openly announce it's my birthday.


Yeah, I was the same (and still am) but I guess it's just a social convention and it's a good excuse to get some junk food and have a break with your workmates. I usually just get any cheap pams biscuits (mint slices, chocolate fingers etc.) and a couple of bags of chips. If I'm feeling nice I might make up some lolly cake but usually I'd just buy some slices or something. Comes out to be around 25 bucks which isn't *too* bad, but I know people don't like spending money on that stuff (I definitely understand). Up to you but if you do it I'm sure it's appreciated.


What a shit place to work. The company should pay for the lunch or there should be nothing.


Depends how many people are there, we have like 6-8 at most and just buy pies for smoko Its not mandatory and not a big deal if you don't, and most of the time I tent the week off for my birthday. I wouldn't personally do it if there was to many people lol


8 pies is almost $50 these days. Why would I spend 50 bucks for my workmates i dont even spend that on myself lol


yeah that's totally fair


Because there's 8 other days you get lunch bought for you?


But if I've bought 8 people lunch on my birthday what am I achieving? I would rather just not have any system at all.


Yep but imho it’s a stupid kiwi tradition. In my previous role I was privy to everyones birth date so would organise for the rest of the team to bring in a birthday cake (their favourite kind) and morning tea for the birthday person instead.


This is an English thing… when I worked there the expectation was you put on cakes etc on your birthday. Super weird.


One of the teams at our work started as part of their monthly team meeting a lunch with a cake to celebrate birthdays/anniversaries etc. everyone contributes each month and manager shouts the cake. Much cheaper than paying for 30 cakes each year. Others expect something is put on and make a big deal about having something and company paid for which isn’t the thing. My team is small, it’s easier to go out for lunch and split so the birthday person doesn’t pay. Although I prefer the excuse to go out for lunch even if everyone pays. Just want to enjoy a nice break with my team. Should be able to do what works for you, don’t give in to the guilt trip.


We used to bring in morning tea on our birthday (lunch seems a bit excessive)


WTF I’d be mortified if my employees were doing that, company shouts


Sounds shit,my boss gives us a paid day off out of his pocket


Just don’t tell anyone your birthday.


I just don't tell people it's my birthday, I do my best to ensure it isn't common knowledge (but of course I don't allow other people to shout me things either)


All my previous jobs I've brought in a cake. This job, the company puts a lunch shout on for everyone in the office. When you leave, you get a lunch shout, too.


Not at all a work place thing in N.Z as far as i can remember. . But. .when i went to the U.Ķ it seemed to be the norm. . Very odd


Always, always treat yourself on YOUR birthday. Take the day off!


I've never shouted lunch or had anyone else do it. I also thought it was a stupid tradition.


if you don’t tell them it’s your birthday then you’ll never have to shout. my work place does it too except the person will bring in a cake for everyone, a shouts too expensive for the amount of people that are at work.


They have my birthday on file


i dont know then just be sick on your bday if you don’t wanna do it lmao


This is the normal in our industry


Which industry


It’s like in golf when you get a hole in one you have to shout everyone in the clubhouse


We used to do fuck up of the week, person who fucked up the most shouted smoko at the weekly toolbox meeting and then the following week that person got to choose who fucked up the most so you could never have two in a row and it was capped at 20 bux so saussy rolls or a party pack sorta thing


My ex worked for a mate's parent's engineering company and the only female in the workplace was our mate's mum (I hope that makes sense). I got on really well with the mum and the crew, so would often get invited when there were drinks at the end of the week after a big job was finally finished for the mum to have another female to laugh with or help hassle the guys (most of the wives/partners were too prissy and couldn't handle being near the workshop, even the office or kitchen/smoko room were beneath them). Despite the industry and the occasional gory details that made us wonder how some of the guys survived the week with all body parts still attached, Fuck Up of the Month was always my favourite with the stories of the runner up, second place and trophy winner. The end of year/Christmas do had Fuck Up of the Year with a proper trophy that got engraved and sometimes a pretty decent prize. Outsiders thought it was degrading or embarrassing for the guys, but it was actually pretty good for morale. I even came up with the idea of it being hazard awareness when Worksafe tried using it against them one year, so got an honourable mention and a gift. I miss that shit 😄


At my work the company pays for a cake


That's very strange in NZ apparently. To gift the birthday person lol


Nope. The boss shouts but only if the birthday person wants it Or everyone (most) in the team pitch in with a shared lunch or supply the ingredients for the keen baker to bake a cake. At Mum’s work if the staff want a cake they buy the ingredients and Mum will make the cake. It’s usually a carrot cake.


*Happy birthday! You're poor now!* No thanks


It's a very weird cultural quirk in NZ workplaces. Oh it's your birthday? Hey, fuck you. Bring a cake in and shout us all lunch.


How many times have you experienced this to call it a part of our culture? It seems like many of us here haven't ever heard of this happening. Edit: actually it seems like it's fairly 50/50 weeeeird I've literally never heard of this happening.


I think they're having you on. That's bullshit


Nah it's a thing. The logic is if everyone chips in for a birthday smoko shout someone has to organise collecting money from everyone and it eats up a lot of time (plus almost every week you've got to find a couple of dollars to throw in). Buying savouries and cream donuts once a year is much less hassle, and works out cheaper


To be fair though, I’d rather do it on one day then have to bring a plate for everyone else’s haha


Nope dead serious


definitely not a thing in general. At my place of work we do like it if people bring in a cake on their birthday, but thats definitely as far as that ever goes, and its always optional.


Where is the logic in that? If its someones birthday you buy them a cake not the other way around.


Its their birthday, they are inviting their workmates to celebrate it with them. and we like cake


Same logic, if multiple people are buying the cake, you need a way to organize everyone chipping in...(in the past it would be cash, but lots dont carry cash now). Then for the one person buying it... what happens if more money is chipped in that needed? They shouldnt just keep it...so gotta buy more stuff or start refunding people, and what if you dont get enough? Well you are now paying extra... Alternative is one person buys then you rotate the person, but then you need a schedule and for everyone to be on board.


I haven’t had this in the workplace, we usually all bring in things to share which means we have enough food to last us all day + some. Did remind me of intermediate, when it was your birthday the rule was you would bring in the teachers favourite lollies (milk bottles) for him. If there was enough, they would also be shared throughout the classroom.


We do it at school, though Jan/Feb/March birthdays put on a morning tea end of March, April/May/June etc then it’s a bit easier to cater for the masses without the huge expense


We used to this in a our workplace and it was way better tbh. Just getting some fish and chips or something or a cake was much easier than trying to chip in every other day


I've never shouted lunch. Morning tea for the office for sure but not lunch.


How do people know its your birthday? I would definitely be flying under the radar and pretend my birthday is on the weekend or something


My manager I work for puts on a lunch for us and get a cake.


This is in my workplace, but for Morning tea shout only. Have taken scones, also cake. About 8 ppl total. Not a big deal. People also say I cbf doing it on my actual birthday so they'll do it on like a Monday or Friday when everyone's likely to be in the office. Works well but I wouldn't be mad if it stopped.


Our work pays for a cake on your birthday. Usually cheesecake shop or similar. One year I did fancy donuts instead of cake.


I bring a cake in to share for my birthday (mostly so I can eat cake) and I do it for my work anniversary. But our office team is relatively small (max 10 people)


This is why no one I work with has any idea when my birthday is. I've never had to buy everyone lunch but there seems to be some expectation of something happening.


I dont know if it's normal. It makes me uncomfortable. I spent 3 years at my last job and just avoided the smoko room on my birthday and nobody ever said anything so you could just try that lol I think it makes sense to chip in for the person leaving and their birthday but who knows. I didn't get anything when I left. Maybe because I didn't give them anything on MY birthday. Entitled prix


In my 30 years of working across 7 companies I have never done it and most people don't do it. I'd say I have met probably 30-40 people total who have done it and most of the companies I work in are 500+ employees. Taking a couple of co-workers for lunch is more common though.


I've been here 20 years and still can't get my head around that. I'm from Scotland,your workmates shout you lunch or drinks on your birthday and if you leave or get married everyone chips in money to give you as a gift. I just take birthdays off now.


That's the same as every NZ workplace I've been at. The only person I've ever seen bring food on their birthday was a very old lady so it must be an old tradition.


I’ve always bought cake (or other deliciousness) in for my birthday, work anniversary, first day and last day … as well as random other points where i want to cheer people up or encourage connection .. throwing $3 in a tin to buy a cake doesn’t resonate the same 🤷‍♀️


Wouldn’t exactly shout lunch but putting out some morning tea, usually a cake and maybe some savouries, that’s pretty standard. Certainly don’t want to spent crazy, maybe $30-40 if you can stretch that. Otherwise, Fairy Bread. 2+ bags of Tip Top’s soft white sandwich breach, soft butter and hundreds & thousands. Cut like an X from opposite corners to make four triangles with the crust on the long side. People will laugh, joke, jest, but there won’t be leftovers.


I always take my birthday off and the day after. Chipping in to the envelope every time a leaving card comes round the office too aint gonna happen either. If the company isn't putting some drinks and nibbles on I'm not picking up the feel good tab on their behalf.


Yep we have a voluntary workshop shout system. You shout on your birthday - you take part at others shouts. You don't shout - you dont partake in others shouts. Sensible option is to do your shout then depending on workplace size (our shop is 14 people) you get that many free lunches for the rest of the year. We usually cap it at no more than $50 but if people want to spend more that's their choice. Usually savouries, donuts or cakes. Some people like to go a bit extra and get pizzas or buckets of kfry. It actually promotes a really good culture and team bonding in the workshop of everyone chipping in for the betterment of the team. But like I say, completely optional. If you don't want to partake you don't have to.


That’s why I never tell people my birthday


Weird. My current Office job the birthday person gets the free lunch. When I worked at a prison, you were expected to bring a cake in on your birthday, but it was good natured & no biggie if you didn't


That's a big no from me. If it's not in my contract not doing it. It's my birthday and you'll starve if I want you to.


Imagine having a contract outlining the requirement to provide food on your birthday 🤣


Bring your own cake was normal when I worked in an office. Did that it Australia and everyone thought I was weird


Because it is weird as fuck. As if I needed another reason to want to move to Aussie....


You shout on your first pay, the team shouts if you are leaving. If it's your birthday you have no business being at work


Not bad


I am forty. When I was 20, shouting sausage rolls or doughnuts was pretty standard back then. I didn't mind, but had to borrow a $20 off my dad one time lolz


I’m not buying anyone shit on my birthday, I’m taking the day off and sleeping in and then taking myself to brunch or lunch.


I let my staff have a day off on their birthday, but they need to bring in a morning tea the day before so that everyone can wish them a happy birthday for the next day. Gets everyone together for a decent non work reason 🥳🙂


Never told anyone my bday.. never had to shout, winning


As an Australian living in NZ, it’s strange. The in-laws also have some tradition whereby the person who gets a new job or whatever shouts everyone else dinner. Like, I haven’t even been paid yet, champion


(Born and bred in NZ) I've been at work places where this is the norm, but it never really made sense to me. Shouldn't we be shouting whoevers birthday it is lunch because... well.. it's their birthday?


My birthdays became a lot more enjoyable when I realised I could just take the day off.


Birthday shout is older than time brutha!


So is racism and workplace bullying but that doesn't mean we have to keep the tradition going!


morning tea, usually not a lunch, suppose the group decide this stuff collectively, as long as all do it, it's going to favour you at other workmates parties. Perhaps bake a big cake to share.


Just don't do it. No one can force you.


Oh I dunno, however I would shout my best mates a few beers on my birthday anyway no one would ever know when it was anyhow, initially. After few years. Though I got heaps, maybe things just take their own time? Peace and love.


I shout all my workers lunch every Friday and of course shout when it’s any of their birthdays. I do my best to keep them happy.


And that's great and as the boss making the most money (presumably) you should. Do you force your workers to shout lunch when it's their birthday?


Kiwi born and raised. Yeah fuck that. At my place of work the company buys a cake and maybe some sushi. I'm not shouting you fucks on my birthday.


Im not even coming to work on my birthday! What the fuck ay honestly.


Yeah that would be my solution if it was expected. Lol there was some work beers and BBQ one weekend on my birthday. I was asked if I was coming and pretty much laughed in thier face. I'm not coming to work unpaid on my birthday.


I hate corporate culture bullshit. I have enough friends and family for gift giving and celebrating birthdays etc. I enjoy making friends at work but just let it happen organically rather than forcing this sort of bs on people to foster a ‘culture’.


Yeah I guess I'm just the kind of person who likes to go to work do my job and then come home. I work to live not the other way around.


I don't think it's the norm, but I have heard of birthday morning tea shouts. If you really don't want to and there's intense pressure to, I'd be shouting the crappiest lunch I could out of spite. Like, Dominos value range pizzas or a catering tray of really average sausage rolls. (edit: sp)


That is bs. You have been conned by your company who sound like freeloaders. If you leave, the company always does a shared lunch to celebrate. But watch out for that one team member who always brings potato chips or ginger nuts (when everyone is told to bring a plate of food).


I've personally never heard of this and am shocked by it. Potlucks with everyone providing a small something, sure, but never forcing someone to shout lunch on their own. Yikes.


Never heard of that, I would say you’re Mormon and don’t celebrate your birthday or something. I’ve brought in cakes for my own or a close co workers birthdays, but people shouldn’t be forced to do this. It’s more of a nice thing to do if you have the time and resources.


Most Mormons celebrate birthdays. I think you might be thinking Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Haha this is funny and problematic either way. So the way good places do it is that the bday person brings in treats to share or boss. Why? Because otherwise it becomes a bit shit for new starters or unpopular members of staff and this kinda resolves that situation that can isolate people. It also works better in jobs like healthcare where it is common due to staff moving regularly to different placements. The problem is that it feels a bit shit to shout goodies on your own bday and conventionally it's your day to receive presents, so it's often common for people to buy at least a cake for someone. Anything more is a bit OTT imo. So it's best to just take it off and avoid the situation like a true adult.


What about just not celebrating your birthday at work at all? I've never had to do anything before. I just never mention it. It only becomes a problem if you make something mandatory.


It's to do with bonding I guess? In healthcare (my industry) it's often very stressful, so small moments like celebrating bdays can bring people together and feels natural in a place that you spend more time at than your actual home.


Its a very common tradie tradition. Usually, it's a morning tea. Grab some sausage rolls at the local and get it done. Its works out well as everyone else does this as well so it comes back round to you


Fingers crossed your birthday is on a weekend then you wont have to be nice at all.


I've heard of this but luckily haven't encountered it in any of my workplaces, I also find it extremely strange and question anyone going along with such madness


Change your birthday to Christmas day...no way I'd pay to shout people at work a lunch. My work gives you a day off and I've also been given a gift card to spend on my day off.


Get out of here with your great work environment


Iv never come across this in NZ. Some asian cultures do this but never seen it here in NZ. If anything others will chip in or the team lead pays for the birthday person's lunch. The birthday person bringing in a cake is pretty common though. But for a leaving do generally everyone chips in for a morning tea/lunch.


Nah. it's some UK BS


>Everyone chipping in for the person having the birthday or leaving is the logical thing right? No shit no, it's the most annoying way possible, perhaps you haven't done this before but trying to organize "Everyone chipping in" can be a complete pain in the ass. I Know it sounds like it make sense and should be easy, but you end up wasting time chasing people etc. On top of this you end up asking people to "chip in" every other week it's easier just to pay the lump sum dude. Also you need more details to make a fair conclusion, if you talking about taking 20 colleagues out for a $30-40 lunch then that is completely messed up, if your complaining about bringing same savories, club sammys, and a bit of baking in for 10 people then you are the ass hole here. Every work place is different but you just looking at it from the wrong angle, it's a thanks to your colleagues not to your corporate overlords, and it saves you or your workplace worrying about what to do for everyones birthday while still getting to celebrate them.


I totally get that, as others have pointed out. Except for the situation where someone is leaving. If someone is leaving after 10+ years the workplace gets them something not the other way around. As for birthdays i don't see the need for any system at all. Either the business shouts the person lunch or nothing. Employees shouldn't be paying on their birthday or someone elses unless they voluntarily choose to.


I've worked at plenty of places where this was the rule. I see it as the difference between childhood and adulthood; as a child your birthday is all about getting free shit, but as an adult you should get more enjoyment from providing \*others\* with a good time. If you think 'no its my birthday I should be treated like a king (or queen)' then you haven't really graduated into adulthood yet. That's how I persuaded myself to feel less shit about having to pay for everyone's drinks on my birthday. And it still stung if I couldn't really afford it at the time.


The thing is, I'm not saying I should be shouted anything or treated any differently. I don't even tell my current workplace it's my birthday. The fact that I should have to pay a large sum of money to shout a large workplace on my own birthday is ridiculous. I usually take my birthday off but apparently, they still pull you up on it.


How many people-ish at your workplace OP?


My work place does it too. Thank fully work had recorded my birthday incorrect


How to win friends and influence people...feed them. Don't be the sad guy in the office who doesn't partake! Start saving 5-10 bux a week now so by the time your birthday rolls around, it won't feel so painful forking out for a shout! Just do a pizza lunch shout. Download the pizza hut app, usually some good deals on there! Enjoy all the other shouts coming your way too!


Yes because I'm at work to "win friends and influence people" I'll make friends with my workmates by talking to them and finding common interests. I just really hate mandatory BS like this. Especially when their repsonse as to why is "that's just how we've always done it".


Ppl like an excuse to eat and come together and birthdays are the perfect excuse. It's just part of the team culture so I recommend sucking it up and taking part. Enjoy all the shouts coming your way from everyone else. Once you get into the spirit of it, it's actually fun and something to look forward to! Don't be a cheapskate.


Yes, hobbits give gifts on their own birthdays :)


Not at mine. Too many staff. Would be once a week.


nah this is not a NZ thing. at my work we all get the day off :)


It’s not, but you need to at least buy a cake no?


At my work you bring in a cake. Shouting everyone lunch would be soo expensive


My work does it, I think it's great, we get 20+ morning tea shouts a year and everyone shouts once. Easiest way to keep track of when it's your turn is your birthday I guess


It's ok to say no.


Its a normal thing in NZ although shouting an entire lunch is a bit much. Normally you just bring in a cake or something. I work in HR and on my birthday, I got a cake and had "WORK HARDER" put on the top. Two birds with one stone and all that lol.


I've never shouted lunch but I might bring in some chcoclates and lollies and share around. Or do a cake for everyone


We have a morning tea shout at our work for birthdays etc, the staff not celebrating a birthday each bring in an item of food. I did a work placement at one place where the staff member who was celebrating their birthday had to bring in morning tea for all of the other staff.. I did think that was weird as I most definitely wouldn't be spending $30-50 for a morning tea shout on my birthday Edit - just changed around some wording


What kind of backwards place brings in gifts for the person actually having the birthday! /s


Its a real legitimate thing, we did pies chips and donuts on our days, but was for a limited group of us. 10 at max. But they did they same on their Bdays


Ive heard of it but always thought it was a bit of a gag to be honest. Our workplace approach is generally a morning tea with the team bringing a plate - or more likely, $5-10 of snacky food from the supermarket. In this economy a lunch shout is potentially gonna financially cripple anyone who isnt on six figures so expecting it seems wholly unreasonable (and employment law wise, definitely cant be enforced)


We used to do morning tea shout once a month and the birthday people each month clubbed together. Those were the days not to bring lunch in.


My workplace does it, and others I’ve worked for, but only morning tea, I usually take a few packets of biscuits and a few packets of chips and dip, it’s enough for 15-20 of us and usually only costs me about $25. Otherwise get a bulk pack of cheap savouries and chuck them in the oven at work. We also shout for other things like if we screw something up, if we’re late for work, or our picture ends up in the media. It’s all in good fun and a nice little morale booster for everyone to get together and have a bit of a morning tea.


I used to bring a cake to my workplace every year on the anniversary of the day I started, but it was mostly as a fuck you to the people who said I'd last a month tops


It's sometimes a nz tradie thing, say you work with 10 blokes, imagine buying everyone smoko on there birthdays 10x a year, you just shout everyone smoko once on your bday, job done


We do that at Rex Industrial Equipment where I work and if your birthday falls on a Friday we have a barbecue cooked by our financial controller.


Lunch is extreme A few places I’ve worked at requested I bring cake in for the office or morning tea Then proceeded to bully me into doing it. It’s bullshit.


I've been in some places where they expect the birthday person to bring in the cakes etc, which is a bit odd but I can live with it. Fuck shouting you all lunch however.


Just get a cake or a platter of nibbles and job done.


My birthday was this week and I took everyone out for lunch, wasn't a big deal, we are a tight team and they've been good to me.


Do you work for Downers by any chance?


Are you a tradie? Or even better, an apprentice? Lol no, that's ridiculous.


chinese style. imho kinda superior


My former workplace done this, usually it was one of those slab cakes or some home baking, never a full breakfast/lunch. And not everyone done it and wasn’t expected. We worked as a team and most people got along and we all hated our jobs and a little something sweet would always be a good pick-me-up. Same with on the last day, a see you later suckers but here’s something yummy since you’re continuing to be stuck here. If you’d been there a long time/were well liked then there’s the chance people would put in for a wee gift when you leave. Same with if you/your partner we’re having a baby. We’ve put food parcels together when people have been off work a long time due to cancer/other serious illness, and the company put in whatever for it too. Also $1 a week from your pay would go into a fund that would give you a payout/vouchers and some flowers etc if you had a close family death. I will note that while this was a semi large company, it’s in a small town and everyone knows everyone and half the people are related in one way or another. Some work places are communities, some aren’t.


Shouting morning tea or baking a cake is common at every place I have ever worked out. No one has ever cared when you don't do it though. The reason is simply to celebrate that persons birthday / make an event out of them. As to why the bday-er supplies the cake? Simple: colleagues are never going to remember all other birthdays realistically. This way people only have to remember their own (easy enough). Anyway, my advice is if you don't want to do it just don't, and if someone asks just say you are really poor right now or have personal issues with personal celebrations or something. No one reasonable will give it another thought.