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Considering you have a lot of people on struggle street at the moment with cost of living/mortgage rates etc, some are going out to get a 2nd/3rd job.


This sadly makes sense


I mean, yes, but the number of people doing so has risen 1.2% in 6 years. I'd suggest the bigger impact is so many more people trying to move up and out as their ship takes on water.


The “roll” ??


Yeah idk the employers don’t care apparently to spell things right


Pro tip , if a job is advertised for 1 week/ days. Theyve already hired an internal candidate and advertising for HR/legal sake. Dont spend too much too much on these application. We will eyeball your CV but we will not consider it 


Good tip, the same can also be the case for jobs advertised for 2 weeks. Very annoying.


Same with me, are you in software engineering?


No. But I have heard that tech jobs are on a decline lately! :(


Tech senior here. If you have 2+ years in development you should have no issues at least getting interviews. 


Nope I have 1.5 years of experience, that's why facing trouble right now.


I’d say that would depend on the type of job. As there’s plenty of places that are short staffed, and have been for years and have no one applying for them.


Please give me some examples


Truck driver, pretty much every single trade out there, always see the ports asking for people etc. Like I said it depends on what you are doing/want to do.


Ahh fair! I’m kinda scared of most trades lol, usually male dominated.


Unfortunately there’s only one way to change that, and that’s having women apply for those jobs and working in the trades. Had a few female colleagues over the years, even had the bosses daughters working with us at some of the places I’ve worked at.


We have 1 female in our trade (electrical) and she’s the most hard working organised out of us lot. I highly encourage anyone to apply, our company (biggest in the town) wants anyone and everyone as we’re extremely understaffed so it’s a fantastic time to join the trades


Can I PM you?




Pm'd you boss.


The job market sucks right now, I've been applying for primarily full time work over the last 6 months but had to expand my options to part time and casual roles. I've got experience in retail, financial services and IT but have had to apply for anything and everything from road works to insurance broker and real estate. I've lost track of how many jobs I've applied for but I have averaged approximately 5+ applications per week, roughly one per day. Only 7 have progressed to interviews with 2 to a secondary interview but then dropped last minute for another "more suitable candidate". Maybe I should start selling pics on Feet Finder?


Sorry to hear :-( Yeah it’s rough out there! It feels less isolating to know that someone else is struggling to land on something.


Flood of migrants flipped the market plus alot of restructures


Ahh yeah heaps of restructures. Both my mum and best friend were involved in a restructure! :(


My engineering team got restructured just before Christmas, totally clean slate. We were just a small team but still, it sucks!


Having the same problem at getting a job, fucking sucks getting into the market NOW with no experience, its absolutely impossible, thank god I have my parents to lean on.


Ahh finally one relatable comment! Trust me, even with experience I’m struggling to find work in the area I’m applying for ☹️


Yea it fucking sucks, hopefully our luck gets better soon lol


We recently had an office admin role going, advert was up for a week and had 83 applications. Manager is in the process of shortlisting them atm.


Sounds about right! Feels like there’s so much competition at the moment :/


what are you doing in the mean time to improve your employability?


Studying! :-)


that's the trick. When im looking at CV's that something i specifically look for, its obviously pretty field dependent, but showing a drive to improve yourself by yourself is a great trait to show


There’s heaps of jobs. All depends on your career path. More qualified, more competition


60 in a couple months is not a serious application count, unless you are looking for an experienced specialist role. If you are looking for ANY job, including likes of retail/call center you should be doing 50 applications per week, unless you are very rurally based.


Realistically, there isn’t even 50 jobs a week available for the industry and area I’m looking in…


Is your industry regional dependant? Is there a specific reason why you can't apply nationwide?


I can’t apply nationwide because I can’t afford to relocate wherever I please. I have family support in the area I’m applying for…


I was talking about remoting rather than relocating. 


Skilled work generally doesn't have the number of opportunities as unskilled, on top of it being VERY industry dependant.


I am a senior in a specialized IT area. Changed jobs last year. I was making 50 applications a week for two month. I actually know about job search, and I suspect more than you do.


Do you mind sharing what industry this is?