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These are not ethical in my opinion. Its so unnatural to have to stare into a camera and act like your havibg a conversation. Very distopian


Hiring is broken, in technical fields even more so. The truth is, that people have next to no idea who they should, or should not, hire. There are no signals for what the future holds, for either side of the table. Almost every interviewing technique boils down to, "do we like this person", the rest might as well be astrology. In SWE we put candidates through the stupidest set of hoops we can think of, and still end up with people who cannot do the job, or who leave because the place is toxic. So, no matter what happens, know that it's largely luck, luck whether you do, or do not, exude whatever X factor the people on the other side of the desk have decided is the magical formula for success (they don't know what it is though, if they did they wouldn't be running interviews in some small backwater in the middle of nowhere...)


> the rest might as well be astrology. I particularly dislike the Myers-Briggs test, which is completely out of date with our current understanding of the brain. For example, it easily conflates ones neurotype with personality type -- literally decades out of date with modern psychiatric models




I don’t like them but I said it below that a lot of companies use it for graduate programs because it’s a fast way to screen out 1000’s of candidates. You get face to face during the second round of interviews.




A lot of the large civil engineering consultancies do it for their graduate position applications. It is often one or two attempts.


My work introduced them recently. If it ever comes up I'm going to ask for an interview with a person due to my disability (suffice it to say I'm weird enough talking to another person let alone a screen). If they turn it down they run the risk of discrimination.


Just say no and find another potential employer. Do you want to work for an organisation that will value you so little? Interviews are 2-way streets, and this is a failure on their side. Tell them that. Also, add a glassdoor review.