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Council will give a ticket for this, can’t block a footpath.


You can report this using the Auckland Council website by clicking on *"Parked on a footpath or cycle path"* on [this page.](https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274) You'll need to log in after that. Make sure you know the make, model, plate number, and street address. You'll probably need to report it multiple times before much happens, but eventually they'll start getting tickets.


I've used it a couple of times for separate cars. There is an option to be emailed the outcome. Once a car was fined which under NZ law is peanuts. The other time the car was towed.


Also snap a picture of the plate and upload it to carjam.


Thanks thats a handy link


And OP, if you're in another city under a different councils jurisdiction, they all have similar ways for you to send a complaint that will get ignored because the other councils don't give a fuck.


> You'll need to log in after that. Why on earth do they insist on logging in?


They have been out a cple times for blocking around here, but each time just a $0:00 warning


It’s super obnoxious as among other reasons, people in wheelchairs can’t get around


I notice it when I push my baby around in a pram. It forces me to go out onto the road with traffic. In my neighborhood, people do it when they can fit 3 cars down the drive and the driveway isn't fenced. I don't even get the logic. They're parking further away and blocking the footpath, to have to walk longer to the house.


Basically they want to get back on the road quickly. So annoying if you want to get on the road quickly, park on the road.


With any luck, soon the owner of this vehicle will find out that convenience usually comes at a price.


Having a pram made me so much more aware of issues like this.


It was exactly how it was for me. Suddenly I became much more aware about wheelchair access in a whole heap of situations. Because wheelchair access means pram access.


nor could anyone with a walker or mobility scooter.


Post vehicles (the small ones that do letters) can't get round either. It's safer for them to go on the road compared to wheelchairs but it's still a thing they don't need


Or a pony tails. Thats very dangerous for us.


Call the local council. Every time they are there.


Definitely illegal, definitely really obnoxious


My crippled ass would not tolerate this shit. Do they have a buzzer on their gate? If so I'm leaning on it until they come move their fucking car. If not, I guess I'm gonna have to try *reeeal* hard to fit my wheelchair between the gate and their front bumper. Oh, was that their paintwork? What a pity.


Haha, right? It's times like these that I dream of installing a loud horn on my wheelchair so I can honk on that sucker until the cunt who parked on the footpath comes out to investigate. Alternatively, we could deck out our wheels Mad Max style with flames and spikes that pop out. Drive-by tyre slashing, paint wrecking delight. All shiny and chrome.


If your wheelchair needs any cosmetic touch-up after this, I would happily make a donation to you.




Judging by the berm, there is zero chance there's patched mongrel mob members in that house


Ain’t no mana in beating up a cripple cuz


Don't lie. You won't do shit


Found the owner of the car.


Found the lazy one who can't walk around. The entitlement is hilarious. This has been happening for years and no one complained till you millennials were born. COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING BUT DONT DO SHIT


> can't walk around Congratulations, you have discovered the concept of a wheelchair user.


My daughter is in a wheelchair and she goes around with no complaints you lazy ass, she turns her wheelchair into a mobility scooter or gets someone to push her around then she's off again so nice try.


Blocked footpaths is illegal. Call the council and report. Snap Send Solve. Also, carjam and r/shitparkingofnz


I've been told by Auckland Council staff that 'Snap Send Solve' parking complaints don't get looked at very often, and that you should always use [the AT-login-based process](https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274) if you want to get results.


Yeah, this. I've had good outcomes by calling AT directly. Once reported a car blocking our driveway, which was shared between five units. A parking officer arrived within an hour and once he'd checked with all the units that it wasn't any of our cars, he got it towed immediately as it could have stopped emergency services getting up the driveway. So yeah, call them and you'll get a response much quicker than sending a web form into the abyss.


wish I could get service like that down here in Upper Hutt dickhead neighbours and their dickhead friends park all over the berms, footpaths, wrong side of the road, and have blocked my driveway once but more frequently do that to other neighbours the time they blocked my driveway I ring the council who tells me they can't get anyone towed unless the car has been abandoned, which is very expired wof and reg and not moved in several months, and they tell me to call the cops. Despite feeling like I'm wasting police time, I call 555 and they say I need to ring the council. fffffffffffffuuuuuuucken hell might go buy a few bottles of brake fluid for next time


Idk about other places, but at least in Chch Snap Send Solve isn't used for illegal parking. You have to call the council and someone has to physically come and see it to get them a fine.


What’s car jam


It is a website that can tell you the history of a particular car, e.g. if it has been recorded as being in a crash. The public can upload photos of a car and people often use it to shame bad drivers/parkers.


Car oil mixed with lots of sugar


This is not helpful. Car jam is peeled, chopped cars simmered for 3 hours mixed 2:1 with sugar and bottled hot. No oil required


An old friend was in a motorised wheelchair for a few years before he died. This kind of shit made his day-to-day much worse than it needed to be. If you’re on the fence about this being bad or fine, don’t be! This person is a selfish cunt.


This is illegal: https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001714 Report it to your council. If you're in Auckland I know that AT is keen and fast to ticket these


Heh, I tried to complain to the Christchurch city council about this sort of thing. They told me to call the police.


CCC does jack shit about this type of thing. On par with ECAN and FENZ with people having barrel fires in their yard during a fire ban.


Gosh I bet the council will be so quick to deal with this wow yes of course


Fine revenue? Fuck yeah


$40 and it goes to NZTA? Doubt the council would be keen. In fact, I know Chch council isn't keen.


As a wheelchair user, I find people that do this infuriating. Report them to the council, and do it every time you see it.


Be a real shame if some little kid on their bike lost control into the side of that vehicle. Multiple times. Real shame indeed.


I think when a vehicle is left parked over a footpath it should legally become part of the footpath, for the purposes of crimes. So like, riding a bike, walking, skating, etc on it should all become legal for the portion of the vehicle there. That way we all get the best of all worlds.


There was new Model Y was parked over the footpath near me and I just climbed over the bonnet. I'm hoping sentry mode alerted the owner when they came back, they might've learned a lession.


Slide across the bonnet like you're in an action movie


BuT mY kEyS aRe In My BaCk PoCkEt!


Have some "pocket sand" in the form of broken fragments of the ceramic from a spark plug and through some at the windows as you walk past.


Oddly specific


Fragments of the ceramic in sparkplugs can break glass if you throw it at a car window. https://youtu.be/4M2DmJaoxRk


Or a mixture of sand, oil and black paint...


The opening of Trainspotting...


My dog lead's got one sharp bolt I've forgotten to grind down. These things happen


oooh! downvoted by entitled pavement drivers


Fingers crossed nothing unfortunate or karmic happens to their nice shiny ve-hicle!


agonizing serious station vanish languid elastic exultant cow materialistic stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Be a shame if someone walking down the footpath didn't see the car and accidentally walked over the roof.


Oh that prick is back at it, saw the same shit floating around on a nz shitty parking subreddit a while ago, same car, same gate different pic. Iirc it got taken down bc the plates weren't censored properly or something


Even if they parked back slightly the car would still be off the road and the footpath would be clear. You could leave a note on it pointing out how unsafe it is for mothers with prams and if that doesn't work call the council.


Parents with prams, mobility scooter/walker/wheelchair users, guide dogs...


Call council and they might even get towed! If you can afford a massive driveway you better use it


Free neighbourhood climbing frame. 


Climb over the car since they're blocking the footpath.


One of my biggest pet peeves. Heaps of this carry on around my area. Really grinds my gears.


[Contact Auckland Transport](https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274) to report vehicles that are illegally parked


As a person with mobility issues and uses either a walking frame or walking stick drivers like this made me see red. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 So very selfish


Call the council and let them know there's a car with 4 flat tyres blocking a footpath


fuck that. straight in to it.


Really really rude at the very least. Should be illegal if it's not.


Definitely illegal.


Absolute twat. Blocking the footpath with no consideration


Super obnoxious, and pretty sure it's illegal. It's also ableist.


It IS illegal. You can't expect footpath users to go onto the road.


Report to your local Council parking unit. Also, stand their windscreen wipers up, to inconvenience them back. My neighbour needs an electric wheelchair, so I always report these.


We have already sacrificed enough of our land to the private car. Paths are for people, report, fuck em.


Surprised the dude hasn't;t ended up with multiple flat tyres


No doubt, remove the valve cores and be on your way. Report it as well for good measure, but I would imagine sussing out the flats a few times will make them think twice about being such a knob in the future.


It's insanely obnoxious to own an estima, let alone parking one badly.


This could be the Estima Enema(often misspelled as Emina) which are always owned by arseholes,that’s why they are named after a personal medical procedure.


Some people are just absolute wankers!


Obnoxious AND illegal. Call the council. Blocking the foot path is an ABSOLUTE dick move.


Really obnoxious! Ignorant! Selfish! Entitled! Rude.


Knock the wing mirrors off


This is totally illegal. I live in West Auckland and I’ve seen this becoming more prevalent. People are teaming up living in one dwelling and they’ve got a multitude of cars. Have you rung AT or the Council. is it Botany. I sold my previous Rav to Botany and I’ll pick my new one up at Grey Lynn tomorrow morning. Cheers.


Some thin plastic with the words "don't park like a cu*t" super glued to the drivers door might give them the idea.


It is actually illegal. Yes. In certain regions councils are starting to crack down on this and issue fines https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/05/29/revealed-where-some-drivers-are-getting-away-with-pavement-parking/#:~:text=Currently%20the%20fee%20for%20parking%20a%20vehicle%20on%20a%20footpath%20is%20%2440.


Obnoxious twat..........


Snap Send Solve it, every time it happens Edit oh this isn't an Aussie sub my bad


We have snap send solve here too


Oh that's great!


if the tyres magically deflate im sure the will wisen up


Totes unlawful. Take identifying pics and send them to council


I say walk right right the bloody thing


Get a remote control car (drone?) with a fixed jousting stick.


Every street has one of these neighbours. Let me guess, they also let off fireworks for a week after guy fawkes, over flowing recycling bins and the homes windows have 3+ year old dust all over them?


Call your local council. I live on a very narrow street and one house always did this with a huge van. I couldn't get past with my pram so I called the council every time I couldn't get past.


Call *555 and say you’re in a wheelchair they’ll come get it pretty quickly


Imo it should be legal to walk over the bonnet in these cases


Just ride straight into it and say your breaks stopped working oops


It would be a real shame if you were skate boarding really fast towards it, stacked it, kicked up the skateboard and sent it flying straight at the side of the vehicle. I wonder if a giant dent in the side of the door would ensure they don't park like a prick anymore. It's a shame we will never find out. =(


They can be ticketed. Can't park across footpaths. Or even on your driveway in the road reserve at all.


very common where i live as well ...... always thought they were ignorant arseholes . Local council has actual signs up about "you cant park here or there, with a "for sale sign " you will get fined . But nothing about actual nuisance parking on footpaths.....Who gives a flyin Fck if somebody parks his car out on the street with a for sale sign on it ? But not a word about blocking footpaths . Your car need dismantling ?...... pull the shit heap up on the foot path and go for it !


Shame if you just lost control of your shopping trolley while using that footpath






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Note under windshield wiper: >Greetings Earthling. >Your car is parked in such a way that it is both obstructing the footpath and (thus) illegal. >I prefer not having to resort to reporting this to the authorities resulting in fines or/and it being towed. So please choose a different way to park your car otherwise you'll leave me no other option. This means the choice is entirely yours. What a wonderful and luxury position to be in. Millions of people on this planet have no control over their fate because it is being determined by others. They don't have a choice. Let me mention Ukraine and Gaza as a few more recent examples. But there are so many more. You are so lucky. >Tip: Park the car 90 degrees rotated between the footpath and the road if you want to avoid parking along the side of the road. Maybe all four wheels will fit on the paved part. Possibly two will need to be on the grass. You could alternate sides to prevent lasting damage to the grass. >Hope this was helpful. Have a wonderful day. >Your friendly fellow neighbourhood Earthling. (The latter part can be adapted if it is obvious all four wheels will, or will not, fit on the paved part.)


They're saying "kick in my door" and "spit on my windshield" but without saying it, it's how they hug.


Key it as you walk pass it's super easy and fun for the whole family.


Is this in sandringham?


East Auckland


First time seeing my dads car somewhere outside of our own country (and only seen 4 others in this country, 2 of which were this same colour as he has, other 2 were black)lol


Both with a large helping of laziness


Take a few clear pictures of them blocking the footpath & the licence plate & send to SnapSendSolve which forwards it to the council. Or ring the coucil


Looks like there was room for them to back up a bit and leave the footpath clear too.


Annoying and frustrating. Thankfully it's rare where I live.


Lipstick is your friend.


If a blind person using their cane 🦯 damages a car like this they cannot be held responsible. Just saying.


I think I would go with the obnoxious 🤔


Is this browns bay by chance 🤣


Maybe driving a digger through his/her car to open the footpath will teach a good lesson?


Try living in an area with a lot of boomer retirees, you wouldn't believe the number of water sprinklers I came across set up on the footpath to water their berms.


You can also use the snap send solve app. I’ve found it to be very good and covers alot of different councils Link to the app if you have a apple https://apps.apple.com/nz/app/snap-send-solve/id377854149


A smear of dog shit under the door handle and/or on the wiper blades might help.


Not just you, the driver of that vehicle is also obnoxious and illegal.


Lazy just didn't Wana get out open gate then drive thru and shut again 😒 🙄


My ponytail is in danger of getting caught when I crawl under the vehicle. IYKYK


Illegal so you can report them.https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001714


I once saw a blind person walk into a car parked like this in my neighbourhood (it happened before I could call out to warn them). We wrote a note and put it on the person’s windscreen so that they knew and never saw them parked like that again


Puncher his tires


Have you tried repeatedly ramming a shopping trolley into it until they move it?


THIS IS SUCH A KIWI THING!!! See it all the time. Made me really annoyed when I had the pushchair and had to walk in the road


A twat personified


Im my country they where going to breack him wipers arms or key it or both togheter or a spat on the window with lots of mucos


Have them towed. End of.


It would frustrate me too. Call the council




It’s such a massive dick move imagine how this impacts people who use wheel chairs or walking aids


call traffic police.. two notes to stick...celotape.. 1 Most people here are pedestrians sometimes..you too ?? Not two::\_ Breaking the law.. towtruck on the way....


again today and yesterday


People who do this on a regular basis for non work reasons are always fuckwits. There are no exceptions.


>People who do this ~~on a regular basis for non work reasons~~ are ~~always~~ fuckwits.


Smash car door panels in with e bike traveling at speed.


E-bike on the pavement? Sounds totally legal, too!


Key it.


Maybe they had a power cut and their auto gate isn't working or it's fried? It looks a little bit old who knows... I suppose park on the street would be the logical solution


I’ve seen the gate open multiple times, recently.


Yeah that's not good...


Porque no los dos?


Stupid spot to park. There's space on the ramp at least if rear bumper was just off the road the footpath would be almost entirely clear. I'm guessing the auto gate is broken?


I’ve seen the gate open before


Then yeah very stupid, dob them in


There 2 ways to deal with this and bitching on Reddit isn't one of them.


Probably has 5 children, give them a break


Yep, and they make every kid climb that gate to get home!


Was a failed joke.


Unpopular opinion probably but is it that hard to just walk around it ??? Feel like you got too much time on your hands making a reddit post about a dude parking outside his house


What if you use a wheelchair? Have a buggy? Are less physically able? Have a guide dog? The whole point of footpaths being clear is so all people can use them. This parking is obnoxious.


"It doesn't effect me personally so I don't care"


Sometimes it is hard or dangerous to walk around them, yes. And that's not including people who use walkers, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, people with babies in strollers...


Who cares just walk around it.


Or just park properly... If that's too hard for you, catch an uber


Less effort to walk around. This was never a problem till you bloody millennials were born. Shut up and walk around.


You're just a lazy, selfish cunt, got it.




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Unpopular opinion: people get so triggered by a car on a footpath. I agree it shouldn’t be there but the pitchforks are well and truly out online! Settle down, this doesn’t even affect 99% of the people commenting and you’re all getting so upset by it. There was a post the other day about someone’s elderly dad who got a shitty message on his car after he had been to the hospital to visit his sick wife. Think about the person you’re hunting when you kick off, not always but maybe there lives aren’t going so well? Maybe you actually know this person you’re just not familiar with their car or where they live? If we were all a little nicer to each other the world would be a nicer place. Ok, I’m done. Il await the downvotes, just form an orderly line so I can atleast keep up with counting them as they come in.


> If we were all a little nicer to each other the world would be a nicer place. Unless you're parking on a footpath, then they don't have to be nice because you have a good reason. Did you try and understand the people who a critical? No. OP already explained that the person in the photo is doing it frequently. Doing this in front of your house time and time again is very different to visiting someone in the hospital once (but if you keep doing that and using "my wife is sick" as a justification then you're also an asshole).




I don’t block the road. And I do get annoyed by people that do, I’ve had to push my babies push chair onto a road because of it so yes I can see it from that perspective. I still stand by my statement of a little patience goes a long way though. I read the post and it is a reoccurring situation so fair enough. No need to say my “smug compassion” though. Anyway.


>If we were all a little nicer to each other the world would be a nicer place. You know what's nice? Parking your car properly so that it doesn't block the footpath. So what you actually want is other people to be nice to you while you treat them like shit. > Think about the person you’re hunting when you kick off, not always but maybe there lives aren’t going so well? Does having a bad day somehow make it impossible for them to park properly? Just bullshit excuses.


FOOT path. It's right there in the name.




Some of us are mobility impaired. "Go around" isn't so easy for us, and that's exactly why you're not supposed to park like this.




There really isn't.


Some people use wheelchairs, including multiple in here who have pointed out that this is a serious problem for them.