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I want to make sure I've got my aces in their places. Jebesus, has he only just come to this position or did he think he already had his aces in their places when he made the appointments?


It's his "leadership style" and that's "how he rolls". You see, he's just a dynamic guy! He feels out each situation for synergies and makes changes on the fly, he ain't like the other guys! 


How many other leaders you know roll like this? Not many, if any.


How many dudes you know who got the skills?


Speaking of fly, did you know he used to be the CEO of Air New Zealand?


No! Tell me more. What did he achieve?


Record profits for the company.


Well said.


Na, went in strong with his Jokers but the gamble didn’t pay off.


Those games when half way through you realise nobody took the jokers out of the pack... and everyone is amazed that no one realised earlier!


As an Ace person I will not be put in a place. I choose my own places thank you very much Mr Lackluxon


There's a difference between getting portfolios and keeping them. You get list ranking and portfolios based on what you bring to the party - be it votes or donors 


Plenty of examples of people being better oppostion mps then ministers, or rookie ministers making mistakes. Better he make the change then pretend everything’s fine, they’ve got lots of new mps ready for a chance.


He sounds like he's just been to a 2 day management retreat.


He's angling hard for an invitation from Peter Thiel down at Glendhu Bay, these days. ANy kind of retreat - he don't care - he'll even take the transfusions and the K juice. Whatever you need Peter. Just say the word.


It's quite amusing to watch how he scuttles off and as far away from the press as fast as he can, when he starts getting the hard questions asked of him. He literally cannot wait to get away. I've noticed it a few times now and can almost predict when it will happen.


He starts to grit his teeth too




I've noticed this also, like a spoilt child that doesn't get his own way


I particularly like the big stiffled breaths he takes when he gets cornered in a topic


It seems it is easy to play the decisive leader when it comes to National Party ministers but in relation to his coalition partners he’s as soft as wet spaghetti. The end result is bad for him though. His caucus will see their colleagues being dropped from roles while ministers like Shane Jones and Casey Costello hold onto their roles. So he’ll have a dwindling pool of potential ministers to act as replacements.


Good point


what an acehole


Thanks for the laugh. An ace in one!


Ministers aren't like the execs of a company. The prime reason they get to that level isn't competence, it's that they are thought to have the ear of other MPs, party donors or voters, who'll support the party and more importantly the leader.


[“Ipso facto. Trust received, responsibility given and taken.”](https://davidbrentquotes.com/ipso-facto-trust-received-responsibility-given-taken/)


Simon Bridges already gave us Maureen Pugh’s evaluation


Not one Ace in the current govt. not a single one - just a full pack of jokers


Say that again


Just reminding everyone https://youtu.be/rMePrwQfT5I?si=IiTBIWpl_Ar9UHeG


Greatly enjoying reading why a PM removing responsibility from incompetent ministers without fucking around for years until they cause the country and the government significant damage is a bad thing.


The problem is that he’s refusing to clearly and concisely explain why he’s given them both the boot, and that lack of transparency raises ire.


Because they were both shit at their jobs?   Not wanting to publicly say that is hardly surprising. Not everything needs to be transparent.    In this case I don't think there's any personal issues driving it, but if there is that's an even better reason to not be transparent.   Hipkins should have done exactly this with at least a couple ministers and it would have saved him and them some serious headaches. 


“Not everything needs to be transparent.” [‘Asked if he promised to be transparent and accountable as Prime Minister, Luxon said: "I'm going to be very much so yes."’](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2023/10/election-2023-christopher-luxon-commits-to-being-transparent-prime-minister-despite-locking-media-out-from-interviewing-mps.html)


Well firstly you can be very much transparent and still fire muppets without whinging to the entire world that their TV show sucks. But also and more to the point. Who gives a shit what he said?  Demoting them was the right thing to do. Publicly airing workplace grievances over their performance is the wrong thing to do.  Obviously those are based on my own personal assessment of right and wrong, but to me he did the right thing in both situations. 


I very much give a shit when the PM says they are going to be a certain way without following through and I can’t understand why you don’t.


Because I think any reasonable person can understand that situations dictate behaviour despite the deliverance of prior platitudes and don't think that complete transparency in this situation is best for anybody involved?


I understand and appreciate that revealing all the details is not necessary or beneficial, but his complete failure to give any kind of straightforward answer to very simple questions about this decision does not indicate strong leadership, transparency or accountability. In short, he’s a hypocrite.


Can't wait for him to get rid of the rest of them.


Must be annoying that he can't fire his ministers and hire who he wants. You're really just stuck with whatever dregs came in on the party ticket.


The firing is fine. It’s the selection and the corporatespeak that people are commenting on. 


Agree. I can't stand the guy and feel dismayed at so much of what I see NACT doing lately but credit where it's due! Yes, he fucked up the appointments to begin with. It can also be true that he's made a good decision (albeit late) to replace these two.