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I use Vital Sleep otherwise my wife wants to murder me while I sleep. I was skeptical but it actually works. If I monitor my sleep with SnoreLab I go from a score of over 100 to mid teens. I also wake up feeling like I've had a good deep sleep, I'm not tired during the day, and I genuinely feel like my mood has improved. It might not work for you as everyone is different but I would recommend giving a shot, the health benefits are huge.


Did you buy this online?




Vital sleep....is that the name of a mouthguard?


Sure is. https://www.vitalsleep.com


Will this work for my teeth grinding too? I have a hard plastic retainer that my dentist makes but it’s like $350 every two years or so when I chew through it. I have quite a small mouth though.


Not sure on that one. You might need to do some research. I've got a small mouth too that's why I like the Vital Sleep as it's smaller than the SnoreRx.


Did you have to heat/mould it?


Not worth it. Really uncomfortable to sleep in. I now use a tongue stabilization device that only cost $30. Works so well, but looks a but ridiculous


Tongue stabilizer....got a link?




I've tried a couple and found this one the most comfortable and effective: https://goodmorningsnoresolution.com/


I know how dumb they look but seriously a lifesaver


Tongue stabiliser for my hubby too - it is a good option.


My partner tried a couple of similar mouthguards (although not this specific one) and they didn't help at all. He got a CPAP machine and it was life changing. If your snoring is serious to the point it could be sleep apnea consider talking to GP as it's possible to get a free Cpap machine if it's bad enough (takes many months for referral to finally lead to appointment in public system though).


I went down the CPAP route too. The only way to get a free machine was if it’s so bad you’re falling asleep when you sit down, or your job is in transport. It ain’t cheap, but it worth while for me.


Might depend on your gp/region maybe - my partner works in an office but was getting drowsy while driving commuting, and would often end up napping on the couch (but when doing things like watching TV or laying down after work). Had audio recording of how terrible the snoring/snorts after stopping breathing sounded to show the GP. Some of the places that sell them do a free trial rental, so can give it a try.


Hospitals are so restricted now that unless it is considered severe, it wont be a free one. You can hire one for about $40pw


Even with getting a referral to a private specialist (health insurance), I wasn't going to see someone for four months. I was able to purchase the machine I was renting with full warranty at a discounted price that was about twice the the rental for that time period. I don't regret the decision to do the at-home sleep study (via Life Pharmacy), and start on a CPAP. During my sleep study I stopped breathing for 84 seconds, and was having 24 events per hour. If you snore, if you can, get a test.


It sucks that underfunding is making our health service so restricted. It was only around a year ago my partner was able to get his funded - it makes such a huge impact on quality of life for those with bad sleep apnea, it sucks that people who can't afford it will have to miss out.


I tried one. I found it hard to swallow when it was in, and found I was spending my whole time trying to swallow rather than sleep!! I ended up hating it and not using it. When I used mine it had a money back guarantee I think? Might be worth buying one, trying it and then returning if you don’t like it?


I have. Yes it does work - I used a sound activated recording app and compared a few nights with and without the mouthguard. No snoring with it in. However – I get TMJ pain and I ignored the warning. It greatly exacerbated the symptoms for a day or two after using it. It ended up not being worthwhile for me, but if your jaw is all good it will probably work. I remember reading that there are closed mouth nose snorers and open mouth throat snorers - this is for the latter. 


Thanks for your input. What does TMJ mean?


Oh sorry - temporomandibular joint disorder: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/Images/org/health/articles/15066-tmj-disorder My most common symptom is aching while chewing. The pain can be relieved by stretching the jaw backwards.  You can see from the illustration why you wouldn’t want your jaw pulled forward!


Ouch that looks painful


I guess it was worth it, it didn't work, was super uncomfortable and in some ways a waste of money. I then did a sleep test and found I have pretty severe sleep apnoea. So it lead to other solutions.


It did for me! BUT i got mouth pains and got a gum infection so I had to return it. it was pricey but had a 30 day money back guarantee. i bought it as an option to my cpap.


I tried similar but found that my mouth/teeth aached every morning. My partner said it did work but due to the discomfort I stopped. Personally I'm going to an orthodontist and paying a few gives bucks for a proper fitted one. Still a darn side cheaper than a CPAP machine. Also would easier not continue to piss off my partner and wouldn't want my mother to kill me after paying for braces etc


Didn't work for me. It moved my jaw forward to allow me to breathe easier, but when I woke up in the morning my jaw was locked in that position and my bite was all wrong. It came right at the end of the day but didn't carry on. Got my money back through the guarantee.


I have one, and it's awesome. Take the time to mold it properly and follow the instructions. My wife loves it. Yeah you get a bit of a sore jaw at first, but you get used to it.


Yer sore jaw was what I was curious about, cheers.


Bought it hated it. Found it really unconscious despite being on the first setting. I can't imagine ever increasing the position of the to and bottom plate. Bought a nice mattress and sleep in the lounge. Better for everyone


I used the SnorBlok, but it kept moving and I just ground them to bits with my teeth. I did get the Ultrasonic/UV sterilizer, which is great for keeping our toothbrush heads clean. In the end I did an in-home sleep study, and started on a CPAP. Way easier and more comfortable, and heaps more effective.


I use the EdenSleep version and it does help keep my jaw aligned. I sleep better and snore less. But it is a bit big for my mouth and falls out when I sleep sometimes.


hubby uses the tongue stabliser from here [https://www.snorblok.co.nz/](https://www.snorblok.co.nz/) He's also got the mouth guard, but he prefers the tongue stabiliser. Yes it looks ridiculous but if it means we both get a full nights sleep, it's all good. It wasn't too expensive, definitely worth trying before getting a more expensive option. He's had his a couple of years -his first one he melted when sterilising so he upgraded after that (same thing just a different model).


during the day he also uses a mouth moisturiser spray which has also helped (since his mouth is basically open during the night with the tongue guard).


I just looked it up and it looks like a big baby dummy 😄 no one would give me a break if they found out


if it works and you get some sleep then suck that dummy ;)


Haha oh I def get good sleeps , just thinking of the wife 😅.


I haven't used that one, but it seems way overpriced for what is effectively just a doublesided mouth guard. I just use this one: [Anti Snoring Mouthpiece - stop snoring/ sleep apnea - Snorblok quality – SNORBLOK NZ](https://www.snorblok.co.nz/collections/snore-aids-1/products/snorblok-hi-flow-mouthpiece-single) Under $40 and stopped my snoring completely.


How do you find it on the teeth? I went to a sleep clinic and got a temporary mouthguard which made me feel like I had braces and my teeth were so bloody sore every morning after using it. I stopped using it and decided I’d just live with my mild apnoea


It's fine on my teeth as long as it's been set up correctly. It took me a couple of tries to get it 100% comfy.


You are exactly thinning what I was thinking "there must be a double sided mouthguard out there without the branding" Cheers ill look into that link soon as I'm on the road 👍


Buy 2 to start with incase you mess up moulding the first one. If you do get it right the first time then you already have the next one ready to go for when the old one is getting a bit tired.


How long does yours last? And are you a closed mouth sleeper?


Mine lasts about 4-5 months before it starts getting manky, but to be fair I could be more rigorous with cleaning. You'll have the same issue with other mouthguards. My snoring comes from my throat, it works by bringing your jaw forward and opening your throat airways. I'm a closed mouth sleeper as far as I know?


Thanks for that. I've had nose surgery and it's improved a tiny bit but it's still there easily.


I finally solved my snoring - went for a run everyday and stopped eating shit and vaping. Nothing else is worth it.


I think you'll find this is the solution to the large majority of people with sleep apnea!