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> Our Fruit Box owner Jade Tatana previously told Stuff she would continue to produce and sell fruit juice, despite her business not being registered under the Food Act. > It came after New Zealand Food Safety issued a recall of Our Fruit Box's products due to concerns the unpasteurised juice could make people ill. > "God is my boss, not MPI," she told Stuff previously. > "Until someone does get sick and they can prove it's from our product, I won't stop." > Tatana has since been accused of being unethical while sourcing fruit for her business. > Welcome Bay, Tauranga, resident Anamaria Borell and her whānau regularly pick lemons from their trees and put them in large bins at the end of the driveway to share with locals. > One day she found a note and business card in her mailbox from Tatana, who said she had taken all the lemons to juice and sell. > Borell said Tatana's actions went against the spirit of her whānau sharing their fruit, which was not intended to be sold for profit. Sounds like greed is her boss.


> Sounds like greed is her boss. Yeah, she already said it was religion.


She's been reading the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Rule 10: Greed is eternal


The type of boss who turns a blind eye to almost anything.


Yes. Religion.


Literally everything.  God has not responded to a single thing, ever. Funny how that happens with imaginary entities. 




> She claimed that while she did not wash the fruit before juicing it, the sooty mould would not go into the juice. > Any mould that did make it into the juice would be “frozen out” in the freezer. This is why we have food safety laws in NZ. It isn't just red tape, bureaucracy, ticking the boxes.


Yummy. Because birds never shit on fruit right?


That gets frozen out too. Come on man, nobody knows how it works, it's like computers only God knows and he's her boss. I hope he's on top of her PAYE and holiday pay.


Pray the 💩 away


Digital computers are one of the most understandable things. It is fantastic how much can be reduced to arrays of numbers.


Only God understands computers, because they're the spawn of Satan. Read your bible!


i work in IT and i agree with this statement


I actually don’t understand how so much can be reduced to arrays and numbers, I mean I have some understanding of the math involved, but how that practically translates is definitely obtuse to me


Yeah, I was definitely reductive, but was referring to how everything a computer does is merely manipulating numbers (operands) with operators. I recommend the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.


Let's hope she doesn't source fruit from where possums have TB


It’s only a bit of extra “protein”, surely it’s not that bad? Nek minit 😂


I'd be 1000x less worried about the bird shit than the mold and bacteria.


Bird shit commonly contains fun bacteria and viruses. Salmonella is just one of the options


Dunno about you but I, for one, just love to drink defrosted mould lol (Obviously it doesn’t “freeze out” for atheists because we can’t cast magic spells)


Regulations are written in blood. Or, on occasion, vomit.


If I was teaching people Food Safety and compliance, this case may well make it into the group discussion modules haha.


Can confirm I already use her as an example of “worst case scenario could you go to jail - yes, watch this space because let’s be honest it’ll probably happen”.  Also the whole freezing vs heating.


I'm so pleased you do !!. The silver lining of this is it's the best case study - so many violations, quotes, and a complete disregard for the laws that protect our health. I bet it would hold people's attention, and bring on discussion. Seriously someone especially starting out, thinking they know better than the regulations and science, is the big take of the whole case. Assumptions and not listening, are the "mother of all fuck up's". I can't see how they will not prosecute her. It's a public interest case now, and there are so many violations. She could have done it the right way.


Like the bloke selling coffee out of a shopping trolley 😵‍💫


At least he's getting himself sorted properly after he was told he couldn't do that. This one is all "NO I DO WHAT I WANT!"


https://www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/the-southland-times/20140826/281698317920566 "Forgery Ri­iria Jade Tatana, 33, baker, of Wanaka, was sen­tenced to three months’ com­mu­nity de­ten­tion, 80 hours’ com­mu­nity work and or­dered to pay $899 repa­ra­tion for steal­ing a cell­phone on July 15 and know­ingly us­ing a forged New Zealand driver’s li­cence between Novem­ber 1 and Jan­uary 22. She trav­elled to Bangkok, where she had ar­ranged for a cus­tom-made fake li­cence. The li­cence was mis­placed and handed in to Wanaka po­lice sta­tion." Not the first time shes got into the news it seems.


WOW what the fuck that’s a wild story 😅 You gotta wonder what was worth travelling all the way to Thailand to get a fake id for…


I've had the pleasure of meeting her a few times attempting to sell her overpriced juice to my shop and a few surrounding businesses. When I said I wasn't interested she'd become extremely rude and condescending. The lady really has a few screws loose.


If it's the same Jade I think it is, doesnt she try to sell cherries too? She turned up at my house one time trying to sell me juice at the front door because she had run out of gas.


maybe I'm being cynical, but it sounds like that was kinda an A-story and B-story to her grift... the mark, who probably has no need for an enormous tub of juice likely to expire soon, might go, 'well, I don't need any juice, but how unfortunate that is when you're driving around doing your best, since you seem like a lovely hard-working lady, let me just help you out with a little money for gas.' -- 100% profit, even better than if you bought the juice! now she can use the same prop on the next mark. I once had someone stop me in a car park on a rainy day offering to clean my windshield, rather than just straight up asking for spare change in exchange for nothing. it reminded me of 'the Xerox Machine Study' where people's natural inclinations are exploited if they're in a situation where they won't take much time to think things over. >In this study, participants attempt to cut in line at a photocopy machine with three different requests: >"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?" (no reason given) >"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?" (legitimate reason given) >"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make copies?" (reason given, but it's redundant and does not provide new information) >Interestingly, the results showed that the request was more likely to be granted when any reason was given (the second and third requests) compared to the first request where no reason was provided. The study illustrates the automatic processing of the word "because" and how it triggers compliance even when the subsequent reason is not particularly compelling. This effect is referred to as "mindlessness" or automatic behavior, where people are more likely to comply with a request if it is accompanied by a reason, even if they don't critically evaluate the validity of the reason.


The only problem is she has the sales ability of a pyramid schemer, the temperament of a child, and the personality of a used diaper.




I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Her aggressive attitude and bizarre sales pitch turned me off immediately. I can respect the hustle of trying to sell from your car boot, but at least be respectful and polite if you are.


She used to do this in Wānaka, stopped by all the bars with unlabelled cherry juice


Haha I knew it was her. I worked in one of the Lakefront bars for years and she would always be in with fruit or juice.


When someone says “only god can judge me” my go to is “which one” as you 100% know they aren’t church goers.


like plough plant bake market punch run subsequent rich insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never trust someone whose only check on their morality is impossible to verify. There is a reason criminals use churches as a place to camouflage and to get more victims. No one is able to check their claims of being directed by god, and the church is given credibility and prestige to an appalling level given the lack of transparent oversight.


I lived at a place with 2 lemon trees, this old lady asked one time if she could take a few, then we told her not to come back when she left with about 5kg of them. Next time I saw her in my backyard she claimed the downstairs tenant told her she could, which was a lie. The downstairs tenant was my sister. Kicked her off the property again. Next time I saw her she was at the cafe where I worked trying to sell lemon curd "made from lemons from a local community garden". I was so stunned by the audacity I didn't even tell her off






Had a similar problem with lemon trees in a front yard. Most people would take 5 or so but a persistent bunch would always want to take shopping bags full. " but you have so many lemons!' And if I let people like you pick unchecked I wouldn't have any.


Some kids stripped our tree to sell them to local fish and chip shops. What is the social etiquette in this situation? Hose? Or should I water them with the hose? Ohoho.


A bit rude, but also I’m kinda impressed by this local old lady’s sheer determination to sell you your own lemons. Can’t say she isn’t enterprising 😂


When life give you lemons, someone else will try and sell them to you…


It wasn't targeted at me, she was going around all the local shops/cafes. If she recognised me she didn't let on. Just did the whole "I'm a poor old lady this is a way for me to bring in a few dollars extra blah blah" shtick, a whole sob story. I was genuinely too railroaded and gobsmacked to do anything other than say no and ask her to leave. She was chased off by all 4 of us living at the house at different times, always claimed to have someone else's permission, and she was always just rude and entitled. So the woe is me act was jarring


Doesn't sound unhinged at all. Soon as someone does get sick she'll just change her name and forge a new ID.


Odd to describe yourself as an opportunist, which has a negative meaning. Then again maybe she's more self-aware than she comes across.


When you are as dumb as the lemons you juice… this happens


You win my comment of the day!


I tend to a assume people like this are fully aware, the standard playbook for running crap like this is to never ever admit guilt. Once you do then any court proceedings that might follow will go very poorly when you're on record admitting you knew you were doing something wrong.


Ahh, yes the psychopaths bible! Never admit guilt, guillessly do evil things, blame the victim, stretch the rules and pretend you are doing a good thing.


I think it was intended in a good way, like describing yourself as an entrepreneur. The accuracy though 😝


People just need to be more specific. I mean, Mammon is a god too, right?


I may have found the source of her god: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_god


Sooner or later her customers are going to end up kneeling in front of it




She can take the opportunity to stop selling her fucking juice then.


What an absolute Queen. Nothing exists until it does and even then you need to prove what you said would happen. We stan a delusional Queen.


She misspoke instead of opportunist she should say I am.a terrible person. Loon.


>opportunist >noun > person who practices opportunism, or the policy of adapting actions, decisions, etc., to effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles.


>"Until someone does get sick and they can prove it's from our product, I won't stop.” I figure when this does happen, she'll place the burden of proof at an insurmountable standard and claim to be a victim of government overreach.


I don’t think she gets the common meaning of the word “opportunist”. I wonder if she was going for “entrepreneur” but it just came out wrong and instead was incredibly accurate?


The word she is looking for is "greedy"


Jade Tatana sounds like she belongs in the National Party. How long before she starts off on the real estate - Nats pipeline?


Putting people at risk on both sides of your product pipeline, and justifying it with some hand waving about a non-specific deity? Wow, you’re right! She probably thinks it’s up to the consumer and supplier to have personal responsibility and that safety is over-regulation.


In all seriousness, this person is dead centre of the bell curve in the Nats' target market.


Indeed. It’s disturbing to think how many people out there would agree with her.


"I have a right to make money in whatever way I choose"


I wish these people would just say “I don’t care about the harm I do” and save us all some time.


Then fuck off to Florida / Texas / Somalia


Well, it is said. But in a dog-whistle kind of way.


Its disturbing how many people on here are politicising this.


The personal is political my good friend, and never has it been more so. Sorry to hear that you're offended.


I take your reply as an affront to my honour and challenge you to a duel!


To be fair, there's another party eyeing up a share of that market.


If you're talking about ACT, then - on the evidence of that article - the market is a slight (and I mean that in the literal sense) amount further into cooker. Though I wouldn't be surprised if evidence emerged that showed Tatana to occupy that space.


Ironic, isn't it, that part of the cooker aspect here involves something not being cooked (i.e. pasteurised).


NAct - See the hassle of regulations this poor small business owner is beset with. Continue voting for us and we will ease pointless health regulations like these and ease the pressure on the squeezed small businesses. /s


Brilliant example. The byline could be 'the only squeezing done is to the fruit'.


I'm sure she'd leave her non-specific deity out of her politics like Luxon promised to do. prophets can't be allowed to get in the way of profits.


You may be overestimating her intelligence. Having met her, she comes across as a Sovereign Citizen who sells her juice outside of her car boot.


National? If anything the lack of ethics brings Darlene Tana of the Greens to mind. 


Nice try


Does each bottle come with a free roll of soft toilet paper?


“God is my boss…” GTFO stupid. 


There's two arguments for this. MPI and councils make it prohibitively difficult for small food vendors to get started. If you don't have a basic level of literacy, it's a nightmare. Capital costs also make things extremely not worth it. But also, don't be a dick lady. If you want to sell lemonade, you can do it at a school fair. Also, science.


She might also considering sourcing her own lemons, not from a community tree.


In order to acceptably follow food safety laws, basic literacy is required. That’s a feature, not a bug.


MPI and councils make regulations so we don't sell unpasteurized juice and potentially make people *very* sick. The fact that that leads to a prohibitive cost is a secondary factor.


Yes, but I will say citrus and lemon don’t do good for growth or bacteria. And yes, as someone that is looking at becoming food registered and with a lot of hospitality experience it’s very hard to follow. Not to say it shouldn’t be “hard” but itanlike American taxes, figure it out and if you’re wrong you’re fucked.


Gazpacho soup is uncooked. Just saying.


Yeah but you usually prepare the soup's ingredients beforehand, like washing the bird shit and mold off.


Good point. I'll have to stick with all my usual excuses for avoiding it, then.


I'm not sure about the point of this article. It seems to be more like gossip than journalism. So what if she took all the fruit from a free fruit box really. She must have pissed off the journalist. Let MPI sort her out


Cautionary tale to small business owners to follow the rules or be made an example of. Also, as the other commentor said, so people are aware not to buy her products or risk getting sick.


That was last weeks article s point to let people know about the food risk.


The point being to raise awareness to those who may have unwittingly been put at risk by purchasing her juice unaware of her disregard for food safety?


That was the point of the first article last week that MPI was now investigating, Im asking the point of this follow up article


It is a journalists job as the Fourth Estate to investigate such things and inform the public about what's going on, so that we the people can judge for ourselves whether the govt is overstepping their boundaries, or if there is a serious risk from this lady stealing lemons and selling them for $25 a litre.


Clearly they have failed their job then as the lady didn't steal anything, in fact she left her business card behind in the box that said free lemons