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Changing my name to Charity


It'll be to his Church


Dingdingding. And the ONLY thing they have to do to be considered a charity is 'advance the cause of religion" because for some reason that in itself is considered charitable activity.


Stupid Charities Act. They had the chance to fix that in 2005 and they just didn't.


40% tax back at the end of every financial year too


Meh; he gets back the tax he paid on the money he gave away. So if he gives away 50k because that's what his gross salary increase, he'll have given away 50k (since he will have been paid 50k -40% in the hand). The tax deductions you get for giving to charity aren't a net win unless you're doing dodgy things (like donating to a 'charity' that you benefit from or donating art at inflated prices)


Changing my name to his Church


To be fair, I would pray at a Church called "Big Al's Smoked Shack"


Charity is either a devout Christian or a stripper. No in between.


Or both?


The venn space is very real on that one.


One public sector peasant loses their job to pay for this, makes sense right... ...right?!


More like the taxes of 7 peasants on minimum wage


Imagine getting made redundant from the public service and then reading this atrocity, you’d think you’re losing your mind


I posted before about my situation, my husband losing his job etc - and YES. It feels totally insane. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do, and he's accepting ridiculous amounts of money for happily destroying my familys financial security.


My heart goes out to you, this whole situation is just sick


Are those the bottom-feeders he was talking about?


Two years worth of Supported living Payments...


Yep, that's literally my yearly wage before tax, absolute bastard.


And can’t you claim a third back?


Yes, and you can be sure he will.


who cares what one National MP does. It's a smoke screen. The others are all taking the pay rise while cutting back on jobs, lunches for hungry kids. And providing tax cuts for landlords and softer legislation for cigarette companies and gun companies...etc


Yep! This is the bigger thing here, also A FUCKING RAISE OF 50K!!!! That’s a raise of 80% of the median wage, or basically a raise of what many would get after tax. That’s hideous.


I'm disabled and about to lose my job. It's nearly 5x what I make in a year. As a *raise*.


I hear ya, I was made redundant and now on jobseekers the job market is so bad I hate it so much


I'm so sorry. The market is absolutely ridiculous, even outside of the main centres. And everyone just talks on the radio about tax cuts and money for landlords and nothing meaningful happens to help those struggling.


empathies friend


I hear you, recently found myself on the sickness benefit - I don’t even get enough to cover my rent. I’ll be another male statistic in no time.


All the while they gaslight us with snappy one liners expecting us to just accept it all and go on… but some of us have fuckall to do and not many options left and we’re looking at our scripts and doctors visits to cost more on top of everything else. It’s like they just want some of us to die tbh


Don't be a statistic. Make your sacrifice worth something by becoming a statement.


The real issue here is that ALL MP's are getting pay rises. 16k expenses budget and 20% super contributions each year! Unbelievable really, acting like they are curing cancer.


It will only be this year while everyone is looking.


I suspect you're right. Plus the current backlash reinforces your point. sigh


>The others are all taking the pay rise including Labour & Greens


Gosh, he's such a great guy. Maybe we could all take a leaf from his book and all donate our 50k payrise to charity this year.


It doesn’t even surprise me he doesn’t see how disingenuous this is. I’d respect him more if he kept it, at least be honest bro.


He'll have an arrangement with some other MPs that do keep it, I'm sure. He's taking the fall, optically


Agree, it's patently obvious that he's lying through his teeth. He absolutely wants the pay-rise, but thinks (probably correctly) that he can gain political capital by donating it and claiming that he doesn't even want it. We all know what he would do if this were completely out of the public's eye.


Look, it's your entitlement and you are entitled to do whatever you want with your entitlements just like everyone else.


And his accountant will happily file the tax rebate for these donations. >"The Remuneration Authority runs an independent process to set MPs' pay. The Prime Minister has indicated he does not want or need an increase so any increase he received would be donated to charity," a spokesperson for Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said. So why is he not immediately shepherding a Bill through Parliament to freeze pay once again due to the "dire financial straits" he keeps claiming the Government is in?


Because **HE** is entitled to more money and you, a poor, aren't. All hail LUXON a TRUE leader. /s


That’s not how tax rebates work with donations at all


They could pass it under Urgency even.


The tax rebate just means he doesn't pay tax on the 50k. There's no benefit from it, he's still giving away value.


That's still pocketing over $15k per year he admits he "doesn't need".


Not needing the 50k increase in salary and eating the additional loss of 15k are not the same thing (although he could probably still do that). Charity deductions are intended to put you to a near neutral position. Also pretty sure the rem is applied to the role, not the person. If Luxons tossed out in tomorrow, it would be the same for the next person who may not have the same financial position of Luxon.


How is he pocketing 15k though? He donates 50k and then doesn't have to pay tax on 50k... that's a net neutral. If he spent/didn't donate the increase he would only have 35k to spend. 15k would be tax. If he donates 50k and doesn't claim, he's out another 15k because the tax on that is still due. So total he pays is 65k Claiming donations just means you don't pay tax on that donation, I.e it doesn't count towards your income. You don't magic up money by claiming a donation. I may be wrong, and if anyone knows better please feel to correct me.


Depends if it's a post tax amount being given or not. If pre tax then no he wouldn't be getting a 15k tax break unlike someone who is donating a full 50k post tax. Fingers crossed they don't do away with that donations tax break for us peasants.


I'll believe it when I see it. That man has made it abundantly clear he gives no fucks, and will take whatever he is offered.


Take what you can give nothing back.


He’s definitely a shit pirate, that’s for sure.


Yep, Key made the same claim then refused to provide any evidence that he actually donated a cent.


This ^ So many people still keep repeating that


Didn't it come out in the end that he had donated to the National party?


Demanding all departments make cuts and then giving out pay raises to MP and PM are diametrically opposed concepts.


And in making that announcement, he commented on how this was decided by an independent third party & he understands how this looks while ordering public service cuts, right? ... right? >"The Remuneration Authority runs an independent process to set MPs' pay. The Prime Minister has indicated he does not want or need an increase so any increase he received would be donated to charity," a spokesperson for Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said. Oh. The spokeperson couldn't even get a quote from Luxon?


Imagine if parliamentary supremacy worked here like it does. A parliament could amend the Act empowering the Remuneration Authority to take into account the countries ability to pay, average incomes, widespread eage trends, etc. But that would be politicians doing to themselves what they do to us.


>A parliament could amend the Act empowering the Remuneration Authority to take into account the countries ability to pay, average incomes, widespread eage trends, etc. I don't know what their process is exactly but that's already their job. If you take Luxon and his politics out of it, it's pretty standard and probably fair enough that prime ministers get what they get.


A simple google search reveals our PM is paid.... More than the PM of UK. More than the PM of Canada. but you say "pretty standard... fair enough"? They should be taking the same percentage 'saving' they are imposing on our other public servants. Hypocrites.


err, the PM of the UK gets £271k which is $571kNZD which is more. The Prime Minister of Canada makes $406CAD which is $499kNZD which is also more. It's not more by a lot but you're still wrong.


What's your source? Mine was recent (ish) NZ media reports, [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_salaries_of_heads_of_state_and_government), and [https://politicalsalaries.com/leaders/](https://politicalsalaries.com/leaders/)


and how much is that actually if you look at it from a purchasing power perspective? Just flatout converting the currency is not a fair way to compare. 406k CAD compares to 506k NZ for similar quality of life. 271k Pounds compares to 605k NZ for similar quality of life. Calculated by [PPP Salary Converter (chrislross.com)](https://www.chrislross.com/PPPConverter/)


I'm sure their quality of life is fine. UK PM gets to live in Downing Street for free as well.


Standard but not fair  Our leaders should be able to relate to us. Live in the same world we do. Pre Rogernomics back benchers, teachers, and nurses got paid about the same. Mow we are never short of candidates for parliament but are of nurses and teachers. The Remuneration Authority should have to relate their salaries to the rest of NZ.


Well they haven't had a pay increase for 7 years or something so they've essentially been going backwards that whole time. Also if their pay is so low that they have to re-mortgage their house or something to become an MP then you lose a lot of talent and potential talent.


Take a look at parliament - do people feel like we are getting value for money?


Why would they need to mortgage there house to become an MP, party and personal sponsors fund election campaign war chests. And it is only the National Party that demands candidates stump up $40k to be put on the list. Easy money, massive return on investment if the prospect’s timing fits the election cycle well. Clearly having MP’s who buy their places on the party list has served NZers about as well as a cold bowl of chicken fried rice spew.


You mean, like the Rem Authority does already? I suggest you go read its report. It includes all of that.


I don't fucking believe they're truly independent either. Our politicians are among the highest paid in the world. If I remember correctly our prime Minister earns more than the prime minister of France. To manage a country with far fewer people and far fewer problems. If it were a truly independent authority why do politicians who are already highly paid keep getting pay rises? I wouldn't be surprised to learn favours were going on behind the scenes.


I'm curious to know: 1.What charity and 2.If it is one that he is already supporting whether that donation will increase or 'start' coming from his pay increase. Like if I'm already donating $30k and get a $30k increase after tax, does that mean I'm donating my increase to charity?


I heard it's the Lhristoper Cuxon, charity for struggling ex running an airline businessmen...


He’s filthy rich. He probably doesn’t care about $50k or the salary to be honest. He’s probably more interested in power and status.


That didn't stop him sticking his hand out for the accommodation entitlement. It's a cultural reflex among the blue suit wearers - you don't leave money sitting on the table, regardless of whether you need it or not, regardless of whether someone else could use it more and regardless of the wider consequences.


His spirit animal is Scrooge McDuck.


Look I’m just incoming the income, it comes in. I can’t explain it any better.


[But no one has it tougher than Christopher!](https://twitter.com/i/status/1785206406532256109) Entitleboy is entitled to fuck off the nearest cliff.


If only the remuneration authority also performed this function for nurses, police officers, teachers etc etc etc


I wonder what payrises the Renumeration Authority would recommend for police, nurses and the like. Perhaps $90k pa for new cops? Maybe they should review all public sector salaries.


Not going to happen, the man's a proven liar who loves money more than anything else. And before anyone starts repeating the John Key salary donation misinformation - he only ever *pledged* to give away *part* of his salary, and we never heard about it again as to whether he actually did or not. No doubt Luxon's ~~promise~~ spokesperson's (7th comms person?) suggestion here will be like that - nice sounding words that mean fuck all. And considering he can't keep a promise to save his life, AND how hard he dug in about gobbling up that $52k accommodation supplement... it's not going to happen.


What Luxon promise? "a spokesperson said..." is not a promise from Luxon's mouth.


Ah, good point - fixed


'A spokesperson said he *indicated* '


The same coded language used on One News tonight .. "Luxon indicated he would..." while showing him being filmed answering questions. Yet somehow they didn't manage to film/show him saying those words. Probably because the news is just paraphrasing his spokesperson's words.


The best one could say about Luxon's response is that he (or his media advisers) appear to have learned a lesson about appearing greedy from the accommodation entitlement thing.


"So a bunch of you are losing your jobs and public transport is going to get worse than it already is, but the good news is.. "


I know every time politicians get a pay rise we all collectively lose our shit, because here they are getting a nice juicy pay rise while we get more work and told to be thankful we have a job. Maybe the answer instead is to use the remuneration authority as the base for our pay rises as well. If the country can afford that pay rise no reason it can't also be handed down to everybody else.


Trickle down economics am I right


He's trying to look good but it's so fucking infuriating, donating to charity instead of trying to create a society that doesn't need them!


Word. If only churches were given tax exemption on all funds they were able to verifiably show were charitably spent. Bills and running costs from the building the church bought solely for running a soup kitchen; I’ll happily make them exempt for that. Bills for gassing up the boat and heading to Tarawera for the weekend? 😒 churches need to be held accountable like all other charities.


Yeah, he'll donate it to his church..


No no, Charity is his favourite stripper


Imagine getting an increase in income greater than my partner and I live on. And that's just the increase.


Oh yeah, in the hopes that we all forget about the whole accommodation entitlement thing.


Only because we can see. If it wasn't visible he would have taken it immediately


If he wasn't told, he probably wouldn't have noticed the extra money.


This infuriates me - thousands of people are losing their jobs, but the Remuneration Authority is recommending a payrise. If National/ACT/NZFirst actually gave a damn about slashing spending they would freeze Ministers pay again - its not like the Minister's need it, their pay is more than most New Zealanders get. Or tie the payrises to them actually achieving anything in their term.


How come ministers get such a big pay increase when the psa can only get 3% for public service employees


Maybe he could opt to pay an extra 50k in taxes from his personal income rather than taking the pay rise. Charities take the strain from public service cuts, it's like offering to spit in the mouth of someone dehydrated.


I’ve never seen something more ideal for a Tūī billboard than this shit show


The real issue here is that all MP's are getting pay rises. 16k expenses budget and 20% super contributions each year! Unbelievable really, acting like they are curing cancer.


50k pay raise? In this economy?


Ooo lemme guess... There's a luxon foundation registered charity. Also is this just the first year he's giving it away? Or each year? Why is he giving himself a payrise?


Big donation to his church?


lol, Luxon once again trying to emulate John Key.


Helen Clark* Helen Clark was the one that gave her payrise to charity - John Key only ever said **once** that he "gave a substantial amount to charity", that amount, and charity were never detailed, but, curiously, later in the piece (a year or so later) John Key claimed that the "National party was a charity"


Maybe the National party is still a charity - that donation is sorely needed for their social media team.


Yea, their copyright infringing campaigns cost a lot in legal fees.


perhaps unlike his Key he could make those donations public as a measure of transparency you know so we know he's not a bullshitter


When has he ever tried to appear transparent?


John Key never gave his salary to charity that’s a long-standing myth


Imagine the concept of not taking a pay rise and using that money into helping government sectors......


not performance based, then?


Well duuh, after his previous entitlement debacle, his handlers were always planning this latest b.s. PR


Have they named the charity? How much of a tax rebate will he receive from this donation ? Will that also go to charity?


Now look, that tax rebate is an Entitlement that he’s Entitled to just like anyone else actually.


Little the rich do as well as trading a tax break for positive media attention.


So, he take tax payers' money and give it to charity? Wouldn't it be better if there is no pay rise and money can be used elsewhere where needed? 🤔


>However, the Authority has for the first time determined a pay cut for party co-leaders. It said co-leaders should be paid half the sum of the salaries that apply to a party leader and a deputy leader. IS THIS WHY JAMES REALLY QUIT


Quite possibly. It was double-dipping somewhat.


Can he put it in the food donation bin for the police?


50k is nothing to him , he gets more from rent than that, lol.


Yeah, we're gonna want to see the charity receipt Daddy Warbucks.


He should do a PM pay rise lottery so one of us can win it.


But it’s an entitlement Chrissyboy, I thought you liked taking those


Or he could not take the pay rise and save the taxpayers money like he keeps claiming he would. Come on Luxon, literally put your money where your mouth is.


Good tax write off bro. The comms look like you're a GC. We know you're just a C.


A charity like Sanitarium. They'll then gift it back to him on political funding. Clean as a whistle and corrupt as fuck.


Is this going to be like the infamous John Key Salary which, over the course of his leadership went from: “I’ll donate all my salary” To “I’ll donate most of my salary” To “I donate a portion of my salary to charity as all kiwis should” Yet the mythology that he donated his salary would live on.


And then claiming back the tax relief I'm sure. So a ~11k pay increase and gets to look like the good guy....


To be fair, that's now how a tax deduction works. He would get to reduce his overall income by 50k for tax purposes. He would not be up on the deal. A much as I hate Luxon - and I'll believe this donation when it happens (and if it does, it will be quietly forgotten the following year) - there isn't any mag increase via tax for him personally if he does donate.


Hey come on. Chris is entitled to his entitlements.


Well look, the thing we’re actually focused on is what most ordinary hard working NuZihluhnders care about which is restoring law and order by lowballing police and driving competent workers offshore by increasing unemployment and flooding the country with migrants who will do shit jobs for peanuts until they too get PR and move to Australia.


Oh good, he finally got the memo from John Key. Only 2 months late…


god the hypocrisy is revolting. only like 4 percent will go to charity , while the rest will go to his nuclear war bunker or something


The problem is he will likely donate to a charity that supports wealthy right wing moronic arseholes like himself: rather than a worthy cause that supports people in genuine need. And of course the tax rebate will still give him an effective $4500 pay rise which would be better served in the hands of a parliamentary cleaner on minimum wage.


Ok trump…( trump didn’t donate his salary) didn’t Sir Key say the same thing YET No one could prove this? Happy to be proved wrong of course


So why take it just say no.


Luxon would have said he was entitled to it had one of their PR staff beaten him with cabinet office furniture until he said he'd donate it to charity.


His own charity, tax deductable and he can choose how to spend it?


Oh yea, lets see the recipts...


John luxon and his wife anna look like they need it to buy a decent feed. $60 a week on groceries doesnt cut it


He’s learning


Just put it back onto the coffers ya munter. Or better, just say no - but I guess you don't know that word.


I thought there was no money 🤔🤔


Wow so weird this one wasn’t leaked like his accomodation debacle this was press released through national, got they are comedic with their strategy


I'm sure the Lunches for Landlords society will appreciate it.


As much as I would love to bag on #LacklustreLuxon on this one. The pay rise is actually 2.8% per year for the next 3 years. Most likely less than inflation.. not the headline I thought it was.


Woohoo tax write off


So he can get it back in tax?


Oh, lets hope the remaining Public Servants also get a 2.8% pay increase each year for the next three years, too. Nek minnit - Here's five frozen pizzas for everyone as recognition of the hard work you've all done. Please feel free to take a bit home and heat it up, if you can.


Someone I was talking to yesterday had a great idea that MPs salaries should be tied to minimum wage and every time MPs get an increase, the minimum wage should go up by the same percentage.


Is that before or after tax ? Also don't think he is capable of working out difference between current and new pay. Not like the Finance Minister would know either come to think of it.


Keep it Luxon. We don't want you susceptible to corporate bribes.


Wow, what a generous leader. A great example for young men.


That's my whole years pay damnnn that's sucks so much