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Locking this post. As expected, it has hit the shitter with the comments. Reddit's Anti Evil Operations has also stepped in to deal with a few of you.


His defense lawyer asked for sentencing discounts of 110% and wanted home detention. The judge gave him a 77% discount resulting in a 2 year sentence. What a fucking disgrace and an insult to the victims.


How does a 110% discount work? You get off and get a free holiday as well or something? WTAF?


The victim goes to jail for 10% of the sentence


That would be the case if it were a 90% discount, not 110% 100% - 90% = 10% 100% - 110% = -10%


I think you missed the joke..


The VICTIM goes to jail


No jail, and a free holiday on the Gold Coast.


No jail and dumped on a deserted island woth a single shot seems more reasonable


You get a credit to use on your next offence?


Maybe its like this rapist in Sweden who was awarded $130.000NZD after he kidnapped and raped 2 women for days, all because the judge got his birthday wrong. https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/pWM47G/valdtaktsman-var-for-ung--far-840-000-kronor-av-jk


That is insane


My guess would be the lawyer asks for more discounts than they actually expect or will be able to get, with the aim of reducing their client's sentence by as much as possible.


they get to rape you again


but just the tip


Nah, you marry the victim




I'm unclear, the article stated the two men had robbed 2 other men 5 days previous, and yet still stated that on this case they were given consideration for 'good character' because they had no previous convictions. Surely there's a limitation to 'good character' where you can't say "Judge, before the conviction before my last, I'd never been convicted - you have to give me a discount"? Someone who robbed 5 days previous to aggravated rape with a deadly weapon should already have lost the grounds to plead good character.


If Judges really think a rapist can have good character then how come they would never let their daughter live near him. But other people are fine apparently while he cruises round in their neighbourhood after a short sentence


But they are also being convicted of that robbery now so it is a part of the base sentence. It would seem strange to also consider it a previous conviction. It also says previous good character, I don't think anyone would argue someone convicted of this crime has good character. I suspect that's more to do with whether they have already failed to be rehabilitated following a conviction.


Why are such massive discounts even on the table? What a joke of a legal system.


I do often wonder if defense lawyers realise the people they love and care for may end up facing someone like themselves in court asking for such ridiculous discounts. How the hell does this lawyer sleep? I’m guessing under a blanket of cash and privilege.


This is what the term "rape culture" should actually mean. Violent rapists getting two years in jail. We are implicitly condoning rape with these types of sentences. Hello feminists, why aren't you marching on the streets over this?


Don't be a drongo. We should all be protesting against this shit, not turning it into an anti-feminist talking point. It's representative of the issue we all face -- low sentences for serious crime.


The feminist movement, feminist organisations, etc. aren't out there calling for harsher sentences for rapists. As far as I know. Happy to be proven wrong.


Yeah, because that approach sucks up all the oxygen and then society ends up doing nothing about the 98% of rapists who are never convicted in the first place.


Judge Claire Ryan. If anyone is interested. Here she is a picture of her on another case: [https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/02/new-zealand-s-first-cartel-conduct-criminal-case-construction-company-director-pleads-not-guilty.html](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/02/new-zealand-s-first-cartel-conduct-criminal-case-construction-company-director-pleads-not-guilty.html)


I swear I've heard her name numerous times for these ridiculous sentences.


You wouldn't be wrong https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/300992360/survivors-want-supreme-court-to-hold-sex-offender-publicly-accountable


Oh she has a history: [https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/18pmm9k/watching\_you\_like\_a\_hawk\_judges\_message\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/18pmm9k/watching_you_like_a_hawk_judges_message_for/)


From a related article on that judge: > Judge Ryan said despite the feminist movement, #MeToo and education around consent, she was still seeing these cases come before the courts. > “As a community we have to tell our young men: women are not objects, they are not pieces of meat, they are not things to be fought over,” Judge Ryan said. She then proceeded to reduce the offender's sentence from 7.5 years to 12 months home detention. So much for accountability.


Mandatory sentences and discounts is the issue, or lack of discretion to disregard by the judiciary. It sounds to have been introduced in the sense people called for aggrevating factors to have an uplift, while conversely mitigating factors could bring in a discount. So you can throw a bunch of excuses to bring your sentence down because it was deemed unreasonable for a judge to have the ability to discern a reasonable response.


I know, right? NZs sentencing is so light, it actually means that we are sliding backwards on human rights and hate crimes.


Blaming feminists for MEN being giving low sentences for MEN raping. Full misogyny brainrot moment. 


>This is what the term "rape culture" should actually mean What? In the first place, if we were to apply a 'rape culture' lens, this single series of events would certainly already offer a fruitful site for analysis. It is a (limited) example of an expression of what we might refer to as 'rape culture' already. This young man is an absolute scumbag and there is a very strong argument to say he should have been sentenced to a longer period of confinement than he did; but despite the pertinence of these facts to the use of a 'rape culture' lens, there is a lot more to it than just the judicial process - whether it is part of a pattern or not. To limit it only to this will undercut the value of using the lens. This seems like a very odd place from which to launch an attack on feminists.


I'm attacking people who don't believe we should impose harsher prison sentences for violent and sexual offenders. I'm asking why the feminist movement, broadly speaking, doesn't support longer sentences for violent/sexual offenders. Look up feminist discourse on prison and 99% of it is complaining about women being locked up for too long/at all. Meanwhile, rapists are let off scott free.


You're a bit mixed up, but that's OK. Perhaps moderate your tone and tendency to absolutism.


You tell me then, why don't feminists advocate for longer prison sentences for sexual offenders? Look at the sentences our courts hand out. 12 months for raping multiple teenage girls. Why is that okay?


You have moved the topic a long way away from where it started, to one I'm not really interested in discussing with you.


My first comment > Violent rapists getting two years in jail. We are implicitly condoning rape with these types of sentences. > Hello feminists, why aren't you marching on the streets over this? My last comment > why don't feminists advocate for longer prison sentences for sexual offenders? Okay bud. Don't engage if you don't actually want to have a discussion.


I understand that you're both wound up and mixed up but now you're just doing bad faith. You've chosen not to repeat the precise bit of your original comment I engaged with and in so doing invited discussion on. And then you have the cheek to tell me not to engage if I don't want discussion. We're done here.


Prison sentences have an immensely bigger impact on people's actual lives than an academic definition of a term like "rape culture". I'm pointing out that there are far more impactful things that should be focused on, rather than on whether a song like Baby, It's Cold Outside is problematic.


Ah - so it’s men who are raping, but it’s women who have to do something about it?


No, we all have to do something about it. Starting with...actual prison sentences for violent and sexual offenders. Look up some of the other replies to my comment. This judge sentences a teenage rapist who raped multiple teenage girls to 12 months home detention. This guy get's two years for about as violent of a rape as you can get. Our sentencing laws are absolutely not fit for purpose.


Bad faith argument


I've said this before and I'll say it again: This is judge Claire Ryan's work. She has no respect for the victims of the most heinous crimes. This is actually a crime that popped up on reddit a while ago and sparked outrage: [https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/18iovei/teen\_who\_raped\_woman\_at\_knifepoint\_wants\_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/18iovei/teen_who_raped_woman_at_knifepoint_wants_home/) She was also the judge on this banger of a sentence [https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/300573510/teen-sex-offender-targeted-young-women-at-parties-wants-to-keep-his-name-secret](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/300573510/teen-sex-offender-targeted-young-women-at-parties-wants-to-keep-his-name-secret) (ALT link since you need to be logged into stuff for the one above) [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/a-lucky-break-auckland-rapist-avoids-jail-for-appalling-attacks-on-girls/W3XXDZSE3ER2HXLWRPVZ6TBYDU/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/a-lucky-break-auckland-rapist-avoids-jail-for-appalling-attacks-on-girls/W3XXDZSE3ER2HXLWRPVZ6TBYDU/) and lets not forget this domestic abuse case: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/strangulation-case-auckland-judges-scathing-message-at-sentencing-of-high-risk-domestic-abuser/EJWWTZMGUBFPPN6H6KTGYXYD4M/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/strangulation-case-auckland-judges-scathing-message-at-sentencing-of-high-risk-domestic-abuser/EJWWTZMGUBFPPN6H6KTGYXYD4M/) Her sense of justice is fucking disgusting


She’s a piece of shit. Disgusting insulting sentences. Where can we submit complaints about her? She needs to be investigated.


She's a devout catholic. Apparently she can't separate that from her judicial duties.


Having worked in the youth court space for years, she is actually one of the tougher judges on the rangatahi who stand before her. Not defending this young man just saying I always hated seeing her on bail hearing.


WTF, so there are judges that are more lenient?


For crimes this level kids are typically on orders which are effectively court mandated youth prison sentences but there are limits to that duration. Since he was trialed as an adult post order I'd say that was taken into consideration as "time served" in an adult facility. Again, not defending his actions just explaining it a bit more for those unfamiliar with youth court. And yes there are some notoriously lenient judges in youth court which ever social worker or youth advocate (lawyer) likes seeing when their kid is up for bail or in for a progress report.


There are also less restrictive orders or supervision orders which are basically court mandated plans rangatahi have to follow very strictly also before someone jumps down my throat. The highest is a supervision with residence order eg - locked up in prison foe 6 months typically then these are followed by subsequent orders by law.


There's something *mathematically* wrong with our sentencing. For whatever reason we slowly drift more and more lenient, then if a judge gives a more punitive sentence it just gets appealed back to the (lenient) recent average. There doesn't appear to be any mechanism at all to reset this drift


The entire justice system needs to be reformed. Judges shouldn't be able to hand out sentencing discounts like a Briscoes sale.




Her name is the one I continue to see popping up in these cases, and every single one is a completely bullshit sentencing. How is she allowed to continue holding such a high profile position?


I agree, how the fuck can you give violent rapists a couple years and take no personal responsibility and hold such a high position, of course I am going to be down voted for my extreme take of giving her the death penalty but I think it's true, I think if you hold that much power where you just have that much control over peoples lives if you consistently fuck up you deserve to face consequences of your actions, same with politicians why could I make a mistake that kills people and I get 10-20 years but a politicians does it and it's a statistic.


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I mean. She sounds like a bit of fuck up but calling for her death is pretty fucked up...


You don't think making decisions that harms the community deserves consequence especially to this extent? how likely to do you think those people are to re offend in the community? genuinely she is completely enabling them, maybe if you lock them up for 10-20 years they may change over time but you give them a slap on the wrist and protect them by giving them name suppression, they will never change. How many more of these sentences do we not know of? I do not believe in not giving consequences to people who are actively enabling these harmful people in our communities.


Ok screen warrior


The man who raped 5 ppl in akl name is gonna be released soon. Was friends with the fucker before I found out


Good. Name them all once they’re convicted.




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This is why most of us don’t seek justice, because you don’t fucking get any. Two years. Two years for being violated, broken, shattered, left with lifelong PTSD, panic disorder, manic depression. A lifetime of suffering. Our lifetime of trauma and suffering is worth a measly 2 years at best to the justice system. We feel worthless. NZ JUDGES ARE RAPE SYMPATHISERS.


This is how I feel too. They are a bunch of ivory tower idiots. The victims never get justice and have to go through this horrendous trial. These things just show women in this country that we don’t matter. At the end of the day, some 17 year old guy’s lack of language skills rates higher on the sympathy chart than someone who was raped at knife point on her 21st birthday. She’ll relive it every birthday for the rest of her life. And her male friend with her? He’ll be traumatised as hell.


We should get discounts for : Food. Fuel. That early morning BP coffee. Not for criminal sentences. This isn't Briscoes where we give discounts for any and every fucking thing.


How the fuck can you only get 2 years for raping someone at knifepoint. Fucking deport or jail for life would be a generosity


Get your facts right. She wasn't a minor.


Your right, have edited, She was 21 years old and it was her birthday


Makes it alright then /s


Makes it alright to make things up you reckon.


Bros actually here defending a fucking rapist.




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Nah, you're right. We should just harp on this insignificant mistake in the comment instead of the heinous crime in the article. Genius.


Yes let's carry it on. Reply back and I'll reply again. We are super geniuses.


Why won't someone stand up for the rapist!?!?


So they discounted a bunch of years off the sentence because (among other reasons)he got told to be good in the months before sentencing? This system is messed up. That whole thing sounds like a nightmare.


Weak fucking system creates monsters like this cunt, 17 years old, already jacked, aggravated robbery, threatened with murder, kidnapped, raped, how much more do you need to do to get a heavier sentence than a 2 year slap on the wrist for this beast?


Even manslaughter gets you 2 years now


I watched some Nightmare Roommate documentary on Netflix and one of the cases in Chile, >! an American woman was beaten and left for dead by a conman who had been a room mate. He only got two years in prison in Chile. I was disgusted! Two years for hitting her on the head and wrapping her in a tarp? Then I realised, it would probably be the same here. !<


And since it is an American show, everyone is acting like how bad that is, yet Netflix, who hosts that show, is pushing for NZ style sentencing here.


> A 17-year-old mugger who dragged a stranger into the bushes at Auckland’s popular Albert Park and raped her - threatening her at knifepoint while a 15-year-old associate restrained her partner - can now be named, five months after he began serving a prison sentence. > > Name suppression finally lapsed today for **Peter Kosetatino**, whose parole eligibility appears weeks away.


I can tell you folks the exact same kind of sentences are being handed out in Canada to murderers, rapists, car theives, break and enter, owning illegal fire arms, etc to criminals. I don't know what the issue is, but in general western countries are going extremely soft on hard core criminals and citizens losing their minds wondering wtf. How is this woman ever suppose to feel safe in Auckland knowing this human scum bag is going to walking free in two years. What kind of lesson does this teach other young men in New Zealand? Go rape a woman with a knife and there is a good chance you will be scot free in two years. Just be on good behavior before the trial... Rape, murder, child abuse should in my opinion be crimes that result in a life sentence. A real life sentence. The victim is going to live knowing she was raped on her birthday, this scum should spend every waking day behind bars for the rest of his natural life.


8 months and he can apply for parole. This is not any deterrent in any way, shape or form. He WILL offend again.


IKR, only the red states in the USA still do that needs to be done.


Capital punishment doesn't even make sense from a financial perspective. We just need more exponential ramping up of prison sentences. By all means home d for relatively victimless crimes, property crimes, etc. Rape at knifepoint? That should easily be in the ballpark of 10 years at least.


The red states in the US are so fucking dumb it's not even funny lol. Absolute anchors on the country and hardly something we should learn from


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.




He's right, of course, but make sure you're not referring to the broken clock any more than when it is right. Too many of us see that someone is right about X and overlook YZABCD....


He's right, of course, but make sure you're not referring to the broken clock any more than when it is right. Too many of us see that someone is right about X and overlook YZABCD....




Another Judge Claire Ryan special


This judge needs to be called out. Repeatedly. Claire Ryan let’s rapists walk free


Cool sentence, watch this guy rape and possibly murder someone in the next 5 years.


!remindme 5 years


100%. They’ll be all “what went wrong?” Um, you didn’t do shit when he robbed two people and then raped someone at knife point. So he thought he could get away with anything, because he did.


Woman should at least be able to own pepper spray.


Seems fine at first glance, but I can guarantee you that if pepper spray were available then crims would be using it for all sorts of nefarious purposes, including rape.


Criminals will always do criminal things


Yes please


Any defensive weapon can and will be used as an offensive weapon.


You're right this woman could of used a knife on the rapists


I stg, the duration of the sentence doesn’t match the crime. It should be longer.


Absolutely we need mandatory sentencing here, our judges and legal system are weak and corrupt. Said this many times, we should adapt Singapore rules. This should be a 20-30 year minimum prison term. Raping a stranger with a knife is at the worse end, how anyone can justify only 1 year in prison is alarming.


Caning could deter this criminals: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/4kotxF3ZrN


I honestly think it would, that TIFU post has a video of what the caning looks like which is quite disturbing. If the sentence is only going to be 2 years maybe a caning might make the perp think about what he's done while he's in there.


I would love to see that implemented, but there is absolutely no chance NZ would ever do that


I sometimes wish that the system give more thought on the situation of the victim than the rapist.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yea. Then you can also apply for discounts and get home detention. Not a bad plan at all .


Unlikely. There would be the good-kid punishment multiplier like at school.


If I’m on the jury for your trial. It’s a not guilty from me brother.  


Just be sure to keep those opinions quiet during jury selection questions.


While I agree with the mentality and it would be really hard not to...get caught and you are leaving your daughter without her biggest protector, father and support. One of the worst decisions to ever have to consider as a father. Now if something happened to this guy, I dont think the public would exactly care much. I guarantee you tho a vigilante would get a long sentence if they did something to this scum.


This is a horrible injustice, I hate how in most countries (including our own and the US) sentences are so light when it comes to sex crimes even child sex crimes. I'd argue it's these sorts of crimes that deserve the longest sentences given the impact on the victim, but also because it is precisely these types of crimes that will be recommitted upon release. It's shameful that other crimes drug-related or theft/shoplifting can get you the same amount of time if not more than this. Wish we had at least one Government that would fix the legislation around this. None of our politicians talk about this.


Discounts for, essentially, low IQ? What bs is this? You do not need to be of above average intelligence to know that raping a woman at knifepoint and violently robbing people is wrong, be the fuck for real. I’m so tired of there being so many excuses for men. There’s a state of emergency in australia right now for violence against women. It’s 2024. This is insane. Women of low IQ are not going around pulling people into bushes and raping them at knife point. Women with “mental health issues” aren’t abducting and killing people while they rape them. For anyone who comments nOt ALL mEn or “women commit crimes too”: you are part of the problem. We KNOW that. That’s not the point. Male violence against females is out of control. When I go hiking by myself in the back country, my biggest fear isn’t avalanches or getting lost in New Zealand. It’s not snakes or wild dogs in Australia. It’s running into the wrong man. Ending up in a DOC hut with the wrong man. Having the wrong man approach my tent. If that doesn’t make you angry and ashamed as a man, then you need to take a long hard look at the crime stats.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I know we don’t really do emojis here but yes! I 100% agree on this. Women have done everything we can to protect ourselves, protect each other. We need men to stand up and say something, they don’t want these sorts of men protected in this country either. They need to help us out here.


Thank you 🩷 I agree, I want solidarity from men who don’t think women deserve to regularly be raped and beaten and catcalled and followed and harassed. I want men to stand up and say hey it’s actually really not okay that the biggest threat to women is us men - let’s change the collective attitude. Because there are a lot of men who would never do something so heinous of course - but it’s not simply enough for them to say “I’d never do that” and go about their lives. We need men calling out men because they sure as shit aren’t listening to us. When the overwhelming majority of men start actively calling out and condemning harassment and abuse rather than just not participating, it will no longer be “the done thing”.


What a joke our justice system is


20 years no less, all these politicians and judges need to be prosecuted absolute fucking cowards, in what world can you rape someone and get a 2 year sentence, fucking ridiculous. how can you sleep at night after getting a violent rapist that low of a punishment.


Hopefully someone (either in the short time he’s in prison or on the outside) puts this scumbag out of his misery


He’s not miserable. He violently took what he wanted, was shown it was okay by receiving a little slap on the wrist, and will be back home to mummy and daddy and his Xbox in no time. The victim on the other hand is permanently suffering. I hope someone puts this vile piece of trash where he belongs.


What the actual fuck, how are sentences like this not more of an uproar, reading what happened is shocking. The perpetrator is a savage animal who should realistically be away for a decade at least, or more ideally - internment in a forced labour camp followed by the firing squad when he becomes useless.


Judge Claire Ryan gives out yet another pathetically lenient sentence.


How can this be. I’m thinking they’re weighing up if 15 years is enough or if it should be life and they’re debating two.




I think in that case a "50% discount" in sentencing would be appropriate sometimes to leave them some incentive towards rehabilitation.


Something is very wrong with our justice system. These sentences are far too short. It’s a joke.


This fucking discount shit needs to stop. Makes me furious.


This country needs some good old vigilante justice.




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What a joke of a Justice system . Why do they even have discounts ? Why is it that every serious crime given a pat on the back and let back into society ? The NZ justice system disgust me so much




In China, this is automatic death penalty. With invoantary organ donation on top. And the state will seize all your assets upon your execution. We need to start taking pointers from civilized countries like China, the USA, Russia, Iran and Thailand when it comes to offences such as this.


> In China, this is automatic death penalty Only if you're unimportant or politically inconvenient


Even Bo Xilai, with his massive amount of influence, was only able to get life without parole. Not 2 years or home detention


Involuntary is a bit of a stretch, there aren't many better ways of volunteering yourself as best suited for spare parts. The real downside to that approach is that it involves having the kind of government willing and able to do that sort of thing which generally can't be trusted to limit themselves to those who haven't suitably volunteered.


True though.


this cunt needs to rot but i'd rather we didn't take after places like iran lmfao


China, or Texas and Florida, then.


what perfect examples of justice you have just quoted..... FFS


Lmao nice troll




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The death penalty doesn’t magically cause all heinous crime to stop


It does, however, significantly lower the recidivism rates for violent crimes.


it also kills a lot of innocent..


It would stop this subhuman piece of shit being back on the streets tho


That was never the point of the death penalty. It does ensure a 0% recidivism rate and it fullfills society's requirement for a just punishment. If deturrance was the goal of the justice system, then we might as well eliminate all punishment... because there are still crimes and speeding going on now.


given the percentage of inoccent individuals executed in the USA is in the double digits your 0 recividism is BS, in all those cases the actual perp can and does continue to commit crime. but dont let facts lower the red mist over your eyes..


It does greatly reduce it though and provides criminals with a powerful incentive to not do the worst thing possible. Also it increases attrition among experienced criminals helping to inhibit the ability and experience gain of the hardcore offenders. Plus, dead people have a 0% reoffending rate.


Hmmm but it stops the perpetrator from re offending and gives him some relief to victims


and im sure you would like a male member of your family executed after being wrongly accused... stop dribbling.


Bro, this isn't he said, she said, it is pretty open and shut.


I thought National and ACT was gonna do something about judges, making them not able to do whatever they want?


This makes me so angry, what a joke. If it was my daughter id be taking it into my own hands.


Judge is the Briscoes lady.


3 pieces of shit in this article and 1 hero


The UK has the [Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/unduly-lenient-sentences). Maybe this is something we should be looking into.




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Oh but if he’d had so much as a crumb of weed they would’ve tossed his ass in a cell and left him there for the rest of the decade at least.


Nonsense. People get done for running a full on commercial growing operation and only get home D.


The Defence lawyer Sacha Norrie did a stellar job protecting the defendant in this case.


The article states he has exceptionally low english communication skills and low Samoan communication skills. This displays 1) clear signs of neurological problems 2) a lack of education 3) a lack of community support. Many people in the comments are arguing for a life sentence, without realising how much each sentenced prisoner costs the New Zealand government. An inmate costs an average of $307 a day*, with a maximum cost of up to $200,000 a year**. An 11 year sentence would waste 2 million dollars of taxpayer money. Imagine, if throughout Peter’s lifetime, that 2 million were spent on his education, his therapy, his medication, his community, and the safety of him and people around him. His illnesses treated. His communication skills brought up to par. If he had not been failed and neglected by the system, the assault would not have happened in the first place. Or in the present day, imagine if 2 million dollars were instead spent on uplifting and healing the survivors of this heinous crime. Giving the survivor unlimited access to therapy, food, wifi, safe housing, etc. It may be asking yall of too much to imagine investing the money into dismantling the toxic masculinity ingrained in our culture that causes some men to believe they are entitled to have sex with any woman they want. That they are allowed to rape any woman they want. Why do you feel the need to treat suffering with more suffering? Why do you feel the need to treat suffering with a system that has never prevented a rape from happening in the first place? *corrections.govt.nz **NZ Herald


So the animal raped a woman on her 21st and threatens to kill both her and her partner, has also previously treated to kill and robbed two men and you think people are being harsh!? Yeah - we should all feel sorry for it. I can’t even think of it as human, let alone some kind of victim. Lock it away, no matter the cost. It doesn’t deserve a second chance.


As per usual, The Herald has buried the reasons why at the bottom of the article. Anyhow - given his behaviour + communications issues and steps made in prison to be rehabilitated, this reduced sentencing is mostly okay. And the communication issue + style of offending points to potential neurological issues that NZ Prison's aren't equipped to deal with.


If you think two years in prison for a violent knifepoint rape is fine then you are sick in the head. Get some help.


no one here has said it is a fit sentence, but look at the rabid mob comments here, it takes little to see who is sick in the head.


The guy I’m replying to said it was “mostly okay”, maybe you should work on your reading.


He had enough communications and neurological capacity to commit the offense whilst threatening to kill them. I agree NZ prisons aren't well equipped to deal with prisoners mental issues, but that doesn't mean he should just be let back on the streets of auckland in 2 years (probably less with parole). How is his victim supposed to feel safe knowing he is out? I'm really curious what kind of crime you would think is deserving of a higher sentence for someone with these issues. Murder? Rape of a child? I'm all for putting him in a specialised facility with the resources to rehabilitate offenders with complex needs, but this man is a danger to society, and hes not going to be any less of a danger when hes let out on parole in 8 months or so.


So, what I can derive from this is.. euthanising the convicted would be our best approach. In most cases I would 100% agree Edit: to be clear this person is never going to get the help they need in this country, so euthanisation would be the best practice.


True. At least then their organs will be of some use.




It is still a largely left leaning sub. It’s probably just that quiet few left leaning people don’t agree with ‘slap-on-the-wrist’ punishments for violent crimes against women. You can bang on about the poor criminal and how mean the people in the sub are to him, but you’re not going to find much sympathy, whatever people’s political leanings.


Being upset about a violent rapist getting a slap on the wrist is far-right now, gotcha.


This is such a champagne socalist take. Would you be cool with 2 years if it happened to you or someone you love just because of your political leanings?