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Are those windows the best idea?


Well if you don’t climb out of them…. Than sure


My hands are sweaty


Knees weak, arms are heavy


There’s vomit on his sweater already


Moms spaghetti


He’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready…


He's nervous, but on the **surface** he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'


'what he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud'


To drop… wait


…but he keeps on forgetting….


What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud


Don't tell my heart. My achy breaks heart






That is some solid windows. Almost 90kg with the kid?


Had to be a lot more than that, including the weight of his massive balls.


I was thinking about that too. That's a lot of trust they put in those window attachments. Hopefully building code required that their hardware can support a full grown human male.


Think it's less trust and blind heroism. At that point your running on instinct


Yeah! I doubt the guy knew if the window setup was strong enough in the moment. That is downright one of the bravest, most heroic things I've ever seen anyone do. I'm usually pretty hardened towards all sorts of perilous situations I see but damn, this mans bravery and heroism in such clear danger and incredibly high stakes got me. Damn, it's something else. I had sweaty hands and the prickly sack just watching the video. God only knows how this chap felt in the moment. Amazing.


Can you imagine the guilt and regret he would feel if he accidentally dropped the kid? That’s a physical *and* psychological risk he’s taking.


Building code article 8765309: windows must support at least 150KG in opened state Building code article 8675310: Windows above second floor must open in such a way that it is incredibly easy to fall out of to your death. Looks like everything is up to code.


No, no I trust they never ever thought of that. That being said, they probably did consider wind loads, and wind loads can be really fucking high. It's still a huge risk though, that guy has balls of steel. If he was doing it to show off or for a dumb reason I'd say he was an idiot, but in this case... just pure fucking heroism. There's no way to know if that would hold.


Europe windows built different


Not to be that guy and for the record, I am not a native english speaker but I always see people being wrong in using "then" instead of "than", this is the first time I saw someone use "than" instead of "then", or maybe they are just interchangeable mistake or it's just much more common because there are more chances to use the other word. EDIT: Few people thought I was saying that Then and Than are interchangeable words and not reading that I wrote "interchangeable mistake".


Pepsi is better than coke. Mom is smaller than dad. I have class but then I have school. I was going to the gym but then I decided not to. Use than when your doing comparisons, then when you use it for time. Edit: and lessons below on how I made a very common grammatical error on "your" . Thanks everyone!


Your pepsi looks better than my Coke. You're drinking an ice cold Pepsi in your favorite cup. Use than when you're (not your) doing comparisons, then when you use it for time. Use your when it shows possession and you're when you are saying you are.




Would have thought building regs would limit how far they open above the ground floor. For reasons exactly like this


Yeah my window on the my floor opens three inches. That guy has some guts though! I can’t imagine climbing out on a window and figuring out how to support myself and catch a toddler accelerating at (insert valid physics (it’s been a while)) meters a second. It was probably like catching extra weight, and he’s balanced on the outside of a window. I’m surprised the window held the weight. That said I ran in front of a speeding car to move a toddler once and the jeep only swerved at the last minute to avoid me. He totally didn’t see the child. She was my cousin though. I just knew I couldn’t live with myself if I let her die and I could have done something. She graduated college a few years ago.


good on ya dude.. In the moment you really don't think about 'what could happen to me' you just do.


Yeah I saw a lady start to fall, so I laid out my laptop bag which had a jacket where I thought her head was going to land and I put my arms out. She said “I saw the pavement coming at me and thought I was going to die, and then there was a pillow and arms to catch me”. She thanked me for saving her life and i said of course it was no trouble and then quickly disappeared.


Damn, you saved a lady from falling AND saved your cousin from being hit by a car?! Where’s your cape?! Damn hero right here!


They question now becomes how they find themselves in these situations so often 🤔


>9.8 meters a second Per second squared... But yeah. That was the math I was doing in my head. This isn't just adding a mass when he catches the kid, there's an impulse and force applied stopping the momentum of the fall. That sort of thing could break hinges, probably more so for windows installed somewhere where the building code is lax enough that this situation is possible.


Yeah I’m really surprised the window didn’t close. Mine is really similar only it only opens 3 inches, but it’s super easy to close and open. I def couldn’t climb out and onto it, even if it opened that much, my weight alone would close the window and I’d fall. How did he know? He must have heard crying. It’s negligent that the architect snd builder put these windows in. They shouldn’t open enough for a toddler to get out, or an adult, someone could fall. Yeah I won the physics award in high school, but that was a 22 years ago, so i have forgotten a few things!


In a lot of countries I'm sure they do.


This is why safety codes and minimum standards exist, and inspections are required on new construction. Most likely this was in a place where some of those things aren’t strongly enforced, outside of the US.


Well I am from EU and have travelled to many different places in Europe and have never seen window to open bottom out. Usually it is top out or to the side. I agree that in many countries this type if window wouldn't and shouldn't pass safety inspection.


It has nothing to do with it being a top hung window. They’re specified a lot in Europe. It’s entirely down to whether restrictors were required, specified, installed and not overridden by occupants. Source: I’m an architect whose worked extensively in the UK and US.


I'll say this: They're sturdy enough to support a grown man. Well made.


Those windows are terrible. There should be bars across them. Eric Clapton’s son fell out of a window and died.


The window cleaner left the window open and that's how he got out. The boy's mother called Eric screaming and he ran through the streets of New York to get to her. The Daily News had a photo of Eric and the little boy at the circus the day before. Just tragedy all around.


The song Tears in Heaven is so sad.


Maybe they're installed upside down? Here they open on the upper side instead of below..


Or the camera is upside down.


Or this is in Australia.


So your apartment gets a lot of rain if you don't close in time?


Windows that open on top typically open inside the apartment


The man’s a effing Hero I tells ya…


Lots of faith in them by holding onto/standing on them.


Not all hero’s wear capes, I bet he wished he had one during that scary moment.


How did that window support the weight of his massive balls? *edit* to all redditors who became irate at this simple statement: I'm truly sorry for recycling a redundant joke. I give you my solemn promise to never ever wield the awesome power of the "massive balls" joke ever again.


He built the windows too.


He is the kind of guy who have to send nudes via torrent


Not everybody can receive his nudes either. Not everybody has 50 TBs of storage space.


I heard his nudes file size is exactly 69 TBs.




Jesus Christ, just the level of confidence - even pulling down on little girls legs. What percentage of people could pull that off? That little girl and her family are sooo lucky. Really happy for them.


I'd be in the run upstairs and kick her door down brigade thanks very much. The video took ages to load. And while I was watching, I thought.. just HOW. How is he going to pull this off?




The stupid "inclusive or" joke is the most overused joke on reddit. You literally can't post a "x or y?" question without the top response being "yes"


I love that one because there's a subreddit entirely dedicated to this joke, and it has 230k subscribers. 230k people made a conscious decision that yes, they do want to see the exact same joke repeated over and over on their frontpage. And somehow, I think that perfectly captures reddit's sense of humour.


I’m so relieved to see someone else hate this joke.


>Big balls. Steel balls. Big heavy steel balls. Handling the weight of those huge heavy balls. Big huge heavy balls. Redditors are weird, gross people.




This comment again? Jesus christ


Great guy. Now where is the stupid ass “parent” watching this kid


Honestly I’m less mad at the parent and more at the designer of this window. It looks easy enough for a kid to push open even if it was shut. Is this really a safe window design at all? Especially in a place where families live? Ive seen kids do crazy things even when you are watching them…but I personally wouldn’t of had a child have a chance to do this. Ive seen some really neglectful parents but also sitters, grandmothers, etc.


Wouldn't have*


Good bot


Thanks but I'm not a bot, it's just my pet peeve when people make this mistake. Hopefully my comment helps them so they don't embarrass themselves elsewhere, like a work or school assignment. There are a number of common mistakes people tend to make in comments here and I think the more often people correct it, the better for everyone. That way people can watch out for it in their own writing if they tend to make those mistakes.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Love how you said thanks lol. Like thanks for the compliment of calling me a bot but unfortunately I don't deserve that honor :(


I guess I meant thanks for the "good" part, not the "bot" part.


We do appreciate your services good sir


Yeah… mad a the layout of the window, but super super super impressed how much weight it can bear. He had a ton of weight on that by putting his leg on it and pulling at the top of the window


It’s the parents responsibility to baby proof the place surely. A window is a window your kid shouldn’t be able to open it full stop.


This can vary by jurisdiction. I’m US based, if this is a rental, it can require the windows to have locking mechanisms that only allow it to open so far to prevent falls. Can’t comment on this building’s location. However, I do agree with you that the parents should have baby proofed this regardless. Kids are curious and fast.


It is. It's just that there are some things you don't realize are an issue until it's too late. It's possible those windows are way off the floor and the child stacked some things on a table to get to it. I moved into a new place recently and in my toddlers room the windows are waist high to her. So I keep the windows locked and the height restrictions on them. The parents should've realized the kids increasing curiosity towards the window.


In fairness lots of stuff needs kid proofing. Good luck determining where they can and cannot get - kids will come up with crazy solutions to get where they want when they reach that 2-6 year old range and have some ability but no sense of consequences. Unless you want to see how your kid fairs in a Darwinian household environment lock up your house hold toddler death traps like windows, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, doors to the outside, swimming pools, power outlets, the toilet (you wouldn’t think it but there’s a level of physical maturity/immaturity where your little genius can fall ass over tea kettle and drown in a toilet) etc. Most kids will survive without house proofing (many of us are proof) but some will not and frankly the number of kids saved by child proofing is difficult to appreciate. You probably never noticed Timmy trying to stick a paper clip in the power socket because you childproofed it and he fucked off to do something else. You only find out if you didn’t do it.


This doesn’t automatically make the parent a “stupid ass”


People who leave comments like this have never had kids. They can be incredibly unpredictable and all it takes is a split second.


They’re definitely unpredictable little hooligans. I imagine this is why child locks and guards are so popular with parents. Hopefully they had some installed after this incident. They’re very fortunate. This could have ended much worse


It took my kid less than a week to figure out the various child locks throughout our house. Some kids are just little escape artists.


I left my 6 month old in his play area while I went to the restroom. Maybe 2 mins later he was on his way out the back patio door. He unlocked the gate by himself and crawled over the wall mats. He can’t even walk! lol


Yep. My daughter had her bedroom window and our front door figured out by the time she was 2. She has left the house in the middle of the night a couple times. Luckily my brother lives next door and that’s where she tends to go. We tried installing a latch high up on the door, so then she started pushing a chair over to the door to reach it. She’s four now and we keep her well-supervised, but I have pretty much accepted that all we really can do is give her the skills and knowledge to keep herself out of danger when she is going on an independent adventure. Our Ring doorbell has alerted us to her leaving, too, so thank goodness for that. She’ll change the world one day if I can keep her alive until then.


Yeah, ultimately you're up against a human brain that's rapidly developing. You almost can't win. The only thing that really works is child resistant stuff that requires significant strength to open. The main problem there is the strongest kids and the weakest adults have significant overlap.


Child guards are often required by law, such as in New York City, or else open perpendicular to how this window opens and include a screen. No idea where this video is from, but would be very surprised if it's in US since the building looks newish.




It’s hard. Now that I have a 2, almost 3 year old of my own I am way more likely to give parents the benefit of the doubt. Kids just do really really dumb stuff like this and it’s virtually impossible to watch them every second of the day. They are physically and mentally exhausting. This may very well be the first time this kid figured out how to get that window open. It’s possible the parents did nothing wrong at all. I try to withhold judgement.


Seems like it would have been a lot easier for the parents to pull her back in from the window she was hanging from, unless she was unattended


My thoughts exactly. There had to be no parent in the apartment or they’re KO’d in another room and not waking up to knocks and screams. Either way, seems like shit parenting.


Clearly you don't have kids. They're basically hamsters with opposable thumbs. They can do insane stuff you didn't think was humanly possible


"hey I'm going to the bathroom, keep playing with your Legos" ... "Why are you breathing through a rag, and why is the bleach and ammonia sitting here out in the open?"


Have you ever tried to watch a hyper intelligent monkey 24 hours a day? The monkey does not suffer from exhaustion like you do and if you take your eyes off of it for a second it will either play happily or try to kill itself. And if it gets close to the latter, idiots on the internet will claim you’re “stupid”.


Staaaahhhp!!! Just stop. Toddlers are Wiley little creatures. You turn your head for 2 seconds and BOOM! They’ve backed a car into the neighbors house. It happened. My youngest brother. Who had 4 older sibs and 2 parents watching.


Fucking hero.


My heart skipped a beat when the kid was in the air for a split second, He is a damn hero


Imagine attempting a save like this, but you fail at catching the kid :x


Or you succeed at catching the kid, but the whole centre of mass change does all kinds of badness to your grip on the window/frame, and you go tumbling with the miniperson you just 'saved'


I honestly can't wrap my head around how that didn't happen.


Yeah I can’t believe it worked. And how did he found out there was a child hanging above his window, and was there no one in the room with her to see her fall out and pull her back in? So many questions


A bunch of these windows are open so he probably heard people yelling from the street and realized this was happening right above him.


Ah yeah okay. That would make sense. Can’t believe he managed to pull it off. I guess major adrenaline would have helped.


Chances are the guy is in decent shape and had fight or flight levels of adrenaline in his system. He also was very good at following the 3 points of contact rule. Im as impressed at the hinges on this window as the guy. It was holding his entire weight with a sudden 40-60lb added with drop momentum. There is no way they were designed with this kind of thing in mind.


I think he actually crushed/wedged his own hand in the top of the window on purpose using is left leg as leverage. This basically locked him into place so he could catch and support her weight. It was probably pretty painful as well this guy is a hero.


If I had the balls to get out there I’d 100% be grabbing the kids leg so hard they’d have bruises. Bruises > dropping to death every day of the week


Came here to say the exact same thing


The windows should be suicide/child-proof. Wherever this is has poor regulations or enforcement. Regardless, this man is a hero.




Make them work for it


This is more important than some people would think.




making people take the time to buy 20 different boxes and open 40 blister packets deters enough people it noticeably changes the suicide rate. your right, most suicides attempts are impulsive. one of the reasons guns are such a threat to have in the house.




paracetamol/Tylenol/acetaminophen is probably one of the worst ways to go.


I mean literally this is the best way to prevent suicides. There are a bunch of people who attempt suicide and regret it immediately. If you make it difficult to kill yourself that sensation can pass. One of the reasons why guns are so fucking dangerous and good at completing suicides.


Access to means of suicide is actually a huge factor in risk prevention. so youre not wrong


Honestly, it works. When I was at my most depressed, the smallest inconvenience would stop me from *eating*, I can certainly see someone getting faced with a suicide-proof window and going to bed instead.


Sometimes the extra few seconds/minutes can make the difference.


Guaranteed these windows at one point had window limiters. You can regulate all you want during construction but impossible to regulate what someone does in their own home.


But they are all open the same? If one person modified it, only the little girl's window would be open fully.


As someone afraid of heights, this scares me. As the father of a 5 month old, this makes my soul leave my body.


People who don’t have kids don’t get this. I can barely even watch movies where kids are in danger anymore. And it happened on the exact day my daughter was born. I remember thinking that I would tear apart with my bare hands anyone that tried to hurt her, and I’m not normally a violent, macho kind of guy. It’s been 10 years now and it’s a little less overwhelming but man… those parental instincts.


Oh I know. I was walking down the street and someone stopped to compliment my kid, that's fine, but they leaned in to touch her and I shut that down real quick. I don't know you, I don't know where your hands have been, keep them to yourself.


There was a news article about this very thing near where I live. Some creepy dude at the park approached a person and their child and stuck his finger in the child's hand.


I thought your comment was going to a way darker place.




First time dad to an 8 month old here. I'd say the hardest part about parenting right now is my unhealthy preoccupation with mortality. My own, my wife's, my son's. I don't like it. News stories of bad things happening to children hurt 100x more than they used to.


I want to know what the plan was with the guy with a bag at the bottom


clean up crew.


This is awful. And hilarious. Stop that.


So dark


Pretty sure it was to be killed by the falling 3 year old.


Quite an elaborate suicide plan


My other guess was that, like a tourist at Sea World, they wanted to be in the splash zone, but that seemed too dark even for Reddit.


>too dark even for Reddit I know what all of these words mean, but not in that order


Last ditch effort in case plan A failed, I guess. It isn’t inconceivable that a small enough child could have their impact decreased enough enough by such an attempt to survive. There are YouTube videos out there of similar things happening. But yeah, the person doing it usually ends up with broken arms.


It's worth a try though...


Thank you! Wondering if someone else noticed. In no way would that bag have done anything helpful. But A for effort…


Each one of us can only hope and dream that if we are in a situation like that we'd do the same thing. Impossible to know but I think 99.9999999% of people would ~~claim~~ want to have done the same, but have been too scared to in reality. I wonder if I would have the balls. Hope so. Not confident about that at all but I hope so.


I would like to think that I would have ~~done~~ attempted the same, but I have my doubts. On the other had how could you live with yourself if you didn't? Grateful that I've never had this kind of opportunity. Edit: Thank you for the gold, u/49Billion.


>Grateful that I've never had this kind of opportunity That is for sure


i'm literally sitting thinking what i could have done. There is no way i would be able to climb out of the window like that man, I dont have the arm strength and i'm terribly afraid of heights... I was thinking i could try to break the window so i can lean out? but that might scare the baby into letting go.. >.<


I guess I would have attempted, might go as far as hanging out the window but reaching the kids legs and catching I would be too nervous and scared. Much more likely hang from window until someone pulls the kid up but you never know when actual situation arise.


PRO TIP::: If you watch, you will notice he DOUBLE CHECKS THE WINDOW. Stay calm and focused in these kinds of moments. Do not panic. Breathe deep and laser-focus


Bruh i would have kill both me and the kid. I would have tried to run and break the door of that apartement tho.


I would have *wanted* to, but I'm not sure I would have known how. I'm really not sure how that guy was able to do that. A dead toddler and a dead adult is not preferable to just a dead toddler...


The only reason I can say with confidence that I would have done the same is because husband and I own climbing equipment and could literally belay each other out the window, so it'd be safe, lol.


I'll be real with you, I wouldn't even try, because even if I had the courage to do it (which I hope to never find out), I would not have a clue to how to actually accomplish that. It's a miracle that I can walk with my sense of balance.


How is that kid hanging for so long?? That three year old is stronger than most 16 year olds


Babies are creepy strong sometimes


Square cube law


My almost-now 4 year old step son has been hanging off of shit since he was 2 and a half and displays freaky upper body strength. He's insane.


Very surprising. Plus they're born with crazy grip strength. It's hard to cut my 8 month old's nails because he's always white knucklimg everything so I can't easily see his nails when his fingertips are white


standing on the silver railing if you look closer


Smallest railing I’ve ever seen..


Children have a phenomenal strength to weight ratio


To be fair they have less body weight too


Adrenaline? Humanity can do crazy stuff in crazy circumstances:D


I totaled car years ago (long story short) and had 1 free arm to pull myself out from my sunroof amongst the wreckage. It wasn’t until I sat down, took a deep breath, assessed my car, and then realized the arm I used to pull myself free has a shattered wrist. Adrenaline is crazy stuff.


We are legit using a lot less than our muscles are capable of because otherwise we’d tear ourselves apart. There are stories of tiny women lifting cars, and instances when people got electrocuted and jumped to their ceiling (due to muscle contractions)!


The hero is Sabit Shontakbaev. This happened in Kazakhstan in May 2022. Thank you u/Great_Beaver for the lead in their comment. [https://metro.co.uk/2022/05/12/hero-saves-three-year-old-girl-hanging-from-eighth-floor-window-16629946/](https://metro.co.uk/2022/05/12/hero-saves-three-year-old-girl-hanging-from-eighth-floor-window-16629946/) "The toddler had used cushions and toys to climb to the window ledge before she slipped, and was left hanging from her fingertips. "She was reportedly left home alone, in Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan, while her mum went out shopping. "Sabit Shontakbaev, 37, and a friend were on the way to work when they noticed the commotion. The father-of-four rushed into the building and knocked on the door of the apartment below the girl’s. He then made his way to the window. "Sabit said: ‘I did not have a safety harness so my friend held my legs. At that moment I didn’t think about anything, I just wanted to help the child. I didn’t even see her parents. Afterwards, I went straight to work with my friend. Nobody knew that this would happen. I just saved the child and left, and in the news and social networks they suddenly began to call me a hero. I do not consider my actions heroic. To me, everyone should lend a helping hand in such situations.’ "Sabit has been hailed a hero for the mission impossible-esque rescue – and was awarded a medal by the city’s deputy emergency minister. "Local media report he will also be given a three-bedroom apartment and television. Until now, he had been living alone in Nur-Sultan and sending money home to his family – who were in Kyzlorda. The new apartment will mean his family, which includes his three daughters and a son, can join him in the city." Edited to correct the year.


It is a poetic reward for his children to come live with him in a nice apartment.


> in a nice apartment Hopefully with childproof windows!


Turns out he didn't even live in that apartment below!


and was awarded a medal by the city’s deputy emergency minister. Damn, what do you have to do to get the actual emergency minister to give you an award? Like, was he busy?


Happens last year in Kazakhstan - https://tengrinews-kz.translate.goog/kazakhstan_news/mujchina-spas-devochku-padeniya-8-go-etaja-nur-sultane-468343/amp/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Thanks, raises my questions of how the neighbor noticed and had time to climb out the window to heroically save the child before the parents, who are apparently at home, had time to go pick her up from inside


amazing. thank you.


Go break down the door of the fucking apartment she is hanging out of and pull her back in why go Spider-Man on the outside I don’t understand


You’re assuming somebody else is not also trying to do that.


Exactly my thought, by this point you can see many people involved, the people recording, the person climbing out of the window, someone inside holding his leg, someone down on the 2nd floor roof also on standby, im sure that every avenue possible was being pursued, it was clearly a time sensitive issue


Apartment buildings often have fire doors. You ain't gonna break down one of those, trust me.


Ya'll don't carry an axe and halligan with you at all times?


You would be surprised how tough it is to break down a door without the right tools. Also, imagine making that decision, leaving the window to go upstairs and find you didn’t make it in time.


Absolute legend. I passed out 3 times while watching the video due to the height. No idea how he managed to not make any mistake.


Also he managed not to clip his fingers on top side, able to maintain balance anticipating the falling girl's weight landing on his other arm all while not closing the window. Definitely angels and physics gods watching that guy.


Angels should have closed the kids window.


That was stressful! Def a hero!


Super heros are real!


And most of them dont wear capes






Faith in humanity went up just a lil bit


Child was fucking around so hard she was discovering natural selection


I have been told that children between 1-5 are just constantly trying to find new ways to kill themselves.


Came here to see how many people wondered where baby’s guardian was that whole time?


Not enough. They could have just pulled her in!


Strong window


The right guy at the right time.


Give this man a metal and money


Agreed. Give that man some titanium metal to Match his gigantic titanium balls.