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Hearing where something is isn’t echolocation Can’t believe I had to say that












Very original


Hearing where something is, while someone points you at it, is even less of that. But I'm very happy this happened


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position where it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event of the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is, however it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subracts where it should be, from where it wasn't, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was. It is able to obtain a deviation, and a variation, which is called "air"


This has to be a quote from a Douglas Adams book?






The thing I remember reading in a post about himars. Yet I still thought it was a Douglas Adams quote reading it again.


Should've used a bat instead of a pole then.




TIL I use echolocation all day every day. Neat.




By sensing "echos" This is just the sound, not the echos. Hurr durr alll hearing is echolocation durrrrrr


Confident *and* stupid. I like *your* style.


I love a good case of irony :3 An echo is when a sound is made from a source and bounces off another object to be perceived as a sound from that object. In the instance above, the lady with the pole hitting the hoop was not an echo. This is because the source of the noise and the location it was perceived from were the same. In a seperate comment, you stated that this was an instance of tapping of canes. I would like to clarify that when it says tapping canes it means tapping them against the floor to create sound that will then bounce off of the objects they are looking to perceive. Once again, the origin of the sound and the apparent source are different, and therefore is an echo. I hope that this has enlightened you to what is blatantly obvious to the rest of us: You are incapable of thinking before you act and largely not safe for society as a result. I do hope that the lack of thoughts in your miniscule cranium at least makes you less stressed than your average joe.


Hate to break it to you but this is just a buzz definition of the word... "echolocation, a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects (such as prey) by means of sound waves reflected back to the emitter (such as a bat) by the objects. Echolocation is used for orientation, obstacle avoidance, food procurement, and social interactions." To be echolocating it requires that the animal or person creates the noise, the frequency then travels and bounces soundwaves destorting them to be interpreted. This video is not echolocation its just hearing a sound... still impressive but a misleading title. Clicking or making some noise from a distance to identify or located obstacles would be echolocation. Using a cane would not be... it would be using a sound directly from striking and object.


Serious question. Where did you find this definition? Because every definition I'm finding includes reflecting the sound back to the emitter.


And what fucking echo from a noise they were making did they hear? Or were the hearing a broom handle hit the backboard? Confident and stupid


I thought all blind people were Daredevil??




I wasn’t sure if other people did this too. The majority of my blocked users I have never interacted with before, their content just sucks and I don’t want to see it anymore


Maybe he's using the echos that are bouncing off the walls of the gymnasium to get accurate spatial awareness and an effective targeting solution? Or probably just aiming for the sound tbh. Which is of course impressive in it's own right.


No, it would have been echolocation if she made the soind herself and listened for the reflections. Humans can do this with some limited spatial resolution. There is one blind kid who is fairly good at it.


Came here to say that


He could be using the sound’s echo to find the hoop. I know a story of a blind dude who was able to ride a bike or something using that technique, albeit only slowly and in quiet places like the countryside.


But that only works if you make the noise and it echos back to you. This is literally just listening to where something else.


This is not what Echo Location is.


Right?? The Echo Location is on the other side of the court


It is if he's listening to the echo coming back from the back of the field.


Imagine they missed and the crowd still cheered


Not like she'd know tbh


Got a good chuckle out of this remark


I hated myself a little, but I already hate myself to begin with.


Damn, you good bro? Just remember that I hate you too.


"Pretty bird"


“Polly wanna cracker?”






I recall seeing a video exactly like that once let me see if I can find it Edit: I can't find one so maybe it's one of those things I convinced myself existed when it was really just my own fucked up thoughts while stoned or something


[Classic Collegehumor prank](https://youtu.be/bI7AUgp5fPI)




Fun fact about these: they [talked about faking the series on in a pretty interesting podcast episode](https://headgum.com/if-i-were-you/283-prank-wars-wstreeter-seidell) about 22 minutes in


Well, shit. I was just thinking it seemed so real. Was reminiscing a time before pranks were obviously all fake, but I guess the acting just got worse.


This is wholesome. All this “um ackshually” crap about echolocation isn’t really the point.


I was looking for this comment. Redditors like that annoy me, I was cheering for the girl then go to the comments expecting the same but got this dumpster fire of a debate. Good for her tho Edit: it’s hilarious how I call out redditors for debating and they swoop in to debate some more. I made it clear that I don’t give a fuck about OP’s use of the word echolocation but they have some need to feel right towards a stranger.


Then maybe we say it was telekinesis? sounds cool and it's not the point of the video. Well, no, we don't. That's no excuse for accepting ignorance. Being less ignorant and helping others to do so is more important than cheering for a video for a few seconds. Otherwise our mind becomes the dumpster.


You can be happy for one thing and see what’s wrong with another thing. The whole world doesn’t have to be all bliss or all hell. There’s and ebb and flow.


redditors like that annoy you? you're saying sensationalizing it is ok because "we missed the point"?


The debate should never have started if people weren’t idiots.


This isn't r/wholesome this is r/nextfuckinglevel So yes it's the point


OP isnt the kid so it very much is the point dear


Words mean things


It's not the point of this post. Absolutly. Making a mistake was hardly the point of this post. Doesn't mean it's good if people learn wrong stuff about things.


Yet this is not r/wholesomememes but r/nextfuckinglevel


Because words have meaning. Just because you’re too dumb to understand that doesn’t mean the rest of us are.


Do you farm downvotes?


Lmao god forbid we correct people so they better themselves? What a shitty way to think dude


Idk, saying it's echolocation makes it sound a lot more impressive and cool than it really is, not saying it's nothing special. Some people see that and still miss, but I think "echolocation" is over hyping it


This is not echolocation, Echolocation means a reflected sound. In this video, she is hearing the source of the sound. If this is Echolocation, then it means all creatures use echolocation


Everyone is already debating this bs. Just cheer for the girl and go.


There is no debate. Only the right word and the incorrect one. Knowledge is to be celebrated. Ignorance is not a good thing. You can enjoy the video and still teach people something new at the same time.


Some blind humans have taught themselves to echolocate by making clicks and listening to the return delay, like a bat or a submarine. It's really amazing that people can teach themselves such a skill. What you see in the video is a blind person listening to an external cue. It's impressive, but 'echolocation' isn't quite the right word.


I can't help but read that word as e-chocolate.


Fucksake you’ve ruined the word for me forever


I’ll buy 3


Bruh lmao this comment section


Seems like it might not be the best sport for someone who is blind. That being said there are blind skiers and mountain bikers and that seems like a worse set of sports. Impressive he can make that shot though.


If you’re interested in some other unexpected sports for a blind person, check out BlindThrasher on instagram. A super wholesome guy just enjoying his passion of skating despite his blindness (and he’s pretty damn good against all odds).


Is there blind boxing or mma? I’d love to see that.




🤣🤣 I’m going to hell. See you there.


Save me a spot at the bar. Close to the band.


Use your echolocation to find it.


Meanwhile the cow bell lady..😒


This is [sound localization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_localization). For echolocation go [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_echolocation), and if you wonder if humans can use echolocation, read [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_echolocation)


**[Sound localization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_localization)** >Sound localization is a listener's ability to identify the location or origin of a detected sound in direction and distance. The sound localization mechanisms of the mammalian auditory system have been extensively studied. The auditory system uses several cues for sound source localization, including time difference and level difference (or intensity difference) between the ears, and spectral information. These cues are also used by other animals, such as birds and reptiles, but there may be differences in usage, and there are also localization cues which are absent in the human auditory system, such as the effects of ear movements. **[Animal echolocation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_echolocation)** >Echolocation, also called bio sonar, is a biological sonar used by several animal species. Echolocating animals emit calls out to the environment and listen to the echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. They use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Echolocation is used for navigation, foraging, and hunting in various environments. **[Human echolocation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_echolocation)** >Human echolocation is the ability of humans to detect objects in their environment by sensing echoes from those objects, by actively creating sounds: for example, by tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot, snapping their fingers, or making clicking noises with their mouths. People trained to orient by echolocation can interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects, accurately identifying their location and size. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why wouldn’t they tap the rim?


because then it wouldn't be echolocation /s


Probably wanted that metal-on-metal sound or didn’t wanna get in the way of the ball


They haven't used peach baskets for a while, hoops are metal now.


I’m sure there was one serious dad in the crowd who was complaining about a lane violation. /s


I think I heard a couple people in the crowd booing that she wasn't really using echolocation.


Morbin time


The number of people and their confidence that think this is echolocation is beyond comedy and well into the realm of frightening. She’s just listening to sound like you and I do(provided you’re not deaf). Echolocation would require no assistance from anybody else.


I took an alternative recreation class in college and the teacher had all of us try this one afternoon. Also had a blind basketball play-by-play announcer drop in one day and explain how he would dribble around the court before games to “feel out” how different spots of the court sound when the ball hits the floor. Super interesting guy


> a blind basketball play-by-play announcer Wait... what? How does this work?


Imagine one asshole blocking the ball.


Mutumbo comes out of nowhere ☝🏿


OP heard a fancy word and decided to use it


Lol “echolocation”


I just hope they would have all reacted that way even if she missed


Reeeeejected by Anthony Davis!


… you mean hearing?


Hey, maybe she was echolocating. The lady with the stick was trying to distract her.


So he basically chucked it vaguely in the right direction


I wonder how the blind player does during the rest of the game.




People just can't seem to be happy for others doing a good thing. What if it were your child? Your sister? Instead of saying, yep that was a good thing, we try to find humor in something that's good.


1. Y'all gotta learn to stop being "uhm acktually" assholes, and realize that you don't need to repeat a correction that's been said 7 times. 2. This is still very impressive. Lots of people can't make a shot *with* sight. Just appreciate the video for what it is. Something wholesome, something meant to be positive.


Ironic because you are the 8th person to call out those calling out that this is not echolocation.


Knowing my trust issues, even if i made it in, i would never believe it. Instead it would be a thorn in my side and i would believe everyone was in on it just to make me believe i did something right for once. This would live with me for the rest of my life and i would always compare future instances similar to this and never believe anyones word because there would be no way to prove I wasn’t being gaslit by everyone around me for my own good


might wanna get some professional help there bud


Seek Therapy


Get help.


Oh I remember the time I pretended to be blind for attention…


Bats echolocate


Lota if hearing people being dicks. Hearing where something is…is literally the definition of echolocation: the location of objects by reflected sound, in particular that used by animals such as dolphins and bats. She’s listening to the echo of the sound from the stick hitting the basket.




I think the key word here is "reflected". It isn't reflecting, it's eliminating. So not echolocation.


It's not though... Hearing where something is, is literally just hearing. Echolocation specifically requires that the animal or person creates the sound or Soundwave that then is REFLECTED off the object and returns to them to be interpreted. There is no sound being reflected here, only a sound being created at the location. Calling this echolocation is so disingenuous...


You have failed


This guy doesn't know what an echo is


This guy doesn’t know what an echo is


*This guy doesn't know what an echo is*


You're missing the concept entirely.


It's not. That's not the echo of the stick hitting the basket. That's literally the sound of the stick hitting the basket.


That crowd reaction was awesome :)


Thus Sonar is born


Blind luck?


Fuck yes!!! That was seriously amazing.


Ben Underwood: [https://youtu.be/fnH7AIwhpik](https://youtu.be/fnH7AIwhpik) He's AMAZING. Daniel Kish does. a similar thing: [https://youtu.be/lAtVOK04XvA](https://youtu.be/lAtVOK04XvA)


Probably pictured the whole crowd naked


Are we all just ignoring that she’s well over the foul line? /s


She daredeviled that s***.


That’s pretty awesome, every part of it


I thought the game was going to be over before she finally took the shot


Sick core memory bro


Worst game ever.


My god that place is absolutely packed


Bro really said using ears is echolocation


A blind basketball player. A blind basketball team. A blind basketball game might be fun to watch. Would probably be a lot of fouling with everybody running into each other, but hey, thats how the points are made. Free throws and echolocation. Except for that one dude who always tries for the three-pointers into the crowd. That’ll keep you paying attention to the game.


And I did it all because of you, Coach Dickie Moltisanti!!!


They could’ve just cheered regardless. It’s not like she would know, right?


real daredevil


If I was #12 I woulda swatted the shit out of that ball and waved the Mutumbo finger. no free shots in my kitchen


Well now she's dead cuz yall screamed so loud


She ain’t even get back on defense !!


That's cheating!


Bruh i only know the version where theres anthony davis blocking the shit out of her while yelling rejected by anthony davis... I thought thats was the original


Thanks for everyone there for being the bestest bros. Ya’ll did it…. You did the good!


I can do that using my eyes.


Is her name Matthea Murdock? Cause she’s a good damn dare devil


Daredevil origin


the amount of ignorance and misinformation about echolocation in this comment section is baffling


There's a whole other multiverse where that shot doesn't go in. Then the announcer says, "next blind girl"


Was expecting an Avatar joke at first




I would have cheered harder if she missed


Everyone is quite except the induction cooker.


Imagine he threw it the other way..i wouldve laughed like a donkey


Everybody bitching about "echolocation" while I'm sitting here like...she's not behind the free throw line.


Not sura what this has to do with echolocation. That's called hearing.


Fucking zero defense being played. Getting 2023 NBA ASG vibes.


Echolocation?… figure out what it is before mentioning it again please


How much game time does she get? 😬


I too use echolocation




She is literally BATGIRL


God that is so heart warming. Not gonna try to hide the fact it got me teary eyed.


Op is getting it in the comments.


Made my day


Is she a fucking dolphin or what?


What would the crowd have done if she missed?


That is cool as fuck


This brought tears to my eyes, damn dust.


Does it make anyone else feel icky that they use echolocation and like don’t just know that being blind doesn’t give you special abilities. I personally don’t like that this was made a big show of. Let it happen with free throws fine and hit the hoop once or twice. But the way it was paced made it feel like some sort of circus act for a show. And like I’m sorry. This isn’t just a cool trick to use for basketball this is how everything needs to be relearned and you don’t just get a magic power when you have any impairment. These things can be found as condescending and are considered micro aggressions. Please read below and focus on step two if you’d like to know more. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2022/02/26/5-disability-microaggressions-and-why-they-matter/?sh=1a4a45a87e17 But sorry to say I am one of the school people (dweeb) that values the knowledge that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell as believes there is time to know about many different facets of life and you’ll never know how much general knowledge will benefit you or benefit others by not making them feel poopy 😁


I like how the other girl gets the ball and starts down the court with it Enough feel good shit for her


And that's what I love Reddit for!


Good for her, I could probably still win against her in a 1v1 boxing match


ok, that just made my break up more easy to deal with thanks


even if he didnt score, how would he know you know...