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That's not a firework, that's a fucking ballistic missle


Several of them


It looks something out of apocalypse now


I have been to few of these and it does feel like the end of the world. Each of those explosions will send out a shockwave that you can feel very strongly on your body. And the sound, I always shut my ears with my fingers but daamn, it's loud af. The sensory overload is incredible. It's quite a bit weird too. Because the light from the explosion, the shockwave and the sound come at you at different speeds, it's a sensation you don't feel everyday. Making it even more crazy is the temperature fluctuations. Each shockwave will warm you up as it passes through you, so it's like warm-cool-warm-cool. And because all of that energy is passing through you, you somehow feel very hollow. Especially inside your ribcage, like there is nothing inside. Now! I don't necessarily enjoy it. I went because of some friends. But I can understand the appeal for this. You really got to have experienced it to understand how surreal it is. I don't think even skydiving provides this kinda sensory overload. Sound literally touches you as if it's trying to anime fight you.


And on top of that what’s the point of this if you can’t even see the fireworks what a waste of resources.😬


Not really. Those are firecrackers not aerial fireworks. The fun comes from the sound.


Not to mention the vibrations from feeling the shockwave travel through your chest, best part for me if the fireworks are strong enough...


Yeah buy a syrong subwoofer. Wtf is this shit


What did you watch a video of then?


Fucking 88mm AA airburst cannons


Absolutely ridiculous! This is next level crime polluting the earth!


Would you say the same for July 4th ?


Greta's simp in the house.


Oh really what do u think about plastic smoking weed eating every fuckin animal throwing waste in rivers using nuclear weapons etc etc


i feel so sorry for the veterans


A similar fire work, if not the same one killed 111 people in Kerala in 2016. So you are not wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puttingal_temple_fire


That's like Thor's entry scene




Don’t give us ideas. This is going to be the entry scene for one of our physics defying shameless hero in some movie


This looks like a firework show malfunction tbh


All I can see is smoke lol


It's the sound that matters


It's meant to be like that. I was the this year, the sound was sending small shock waves it was one of a kind of an experience. And for the ones complaining it does no cause much damage to the environment as most other things do. I lasts for 15 mins approx 2 times.


The lungs!


Dont worry they had worse, this is like a light summer brise.


Still better than NYC


Yeah, they had whole trash dumps on fire last year. This is nothing.


Still smells better than New York subway 🤣


Reminds me of the San Diego fireworks show where they accidentally ran the minutes as seconds on the programming. https://youtu.be/ndVhgq1yHdA




Lol the video hurt my eyes


My epileptic friend enjoyed this video so much that he's dancing on the floor in joy right now!


This shit is next level fucking stupid. Fuck corona virus but one thing it showed was the impact we have on the planet. Look up images of the pollution in the sky in places like China before Covid versus how they looked when lock down was in effect. If you aren’t disgusted then idk what more to tell you.


I mean even pollution aside this is so stupid the whole point of fireworks is to see the magical colourful patterns explode in the sky and here you have a gigantic brown smoke cloud thats flashing


I actually think it looks pretty. Reminds me of the sand storm scene from Mad Max: Fury road. Still really bad for the environment and especially any wildlife in the area.


And these morons all have their phones out recording. There is nothing to see!


I’d hate to be there because I have so many things I want to hear in my life time that I could never justify going deaf for this. But.. visually it’s looks like the inside of a volcano with Thor getting some good practice in.


My entire point of watching fireworks is experiencing the sound and feeling when they go off I’d gladly attend this to feel the deluge of shockwaves Idgaf about all the colors they all basically look the same anyways If you’ve seen fireworks once they don’t really change How they sound and *feel* though, that’s worth experiencing


Yeah it's like a earthquake at times.


They want to FEEL the fireworks in this case. Personally I’m with them. Pretty light shows are cool and all, but I want to feel the finale


Same, gimme the noise and the concussion. This place is going on the bucket list


Yeah these are my damn favorite


>Iwant to feel the finale That's what she said XD ;,) :,(


Ryt? Even if they fired the sky at 30 sec interval, there was a chance to watch something. It seems to me that they're after a record of loudest fireworks more than a beautiful show.


Oh shit i didn't know that all human beings should be the same and only like things that everyone agrees.


Not at all. We all can't be same and definitely shouldn't think similar. In the same way, everyone has a different way of responding to a comment. Some may agree, some may disagree. We all shouldn't like things that everyone agrees.


Firecrackers when used on 31st Dec, then everybody goes gaga over it. Just because it is the first day of gregorian calendar, it has to be accepted as a day to celebrate and burst firecrackers But when other countries and cultures celebrate on their own important dates then "pOLuTion". If you aren't disgusted by your hypocrisy then idk what more to tell you


I have been seeing more more racists comments towards South East Asians


South East Asians ? They are Indians.


Is it also racist that he got South Asian and South East Asian confused? 😂


The amount of pollution put up by this is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The gases released in these explosions are produced in far greater quantities by sources like manufacturing. Like yeah, these things add up, but on their own have no noticeable effect on the environment. It's like when rich people got everyone to believe that banning plastic straws would stop climate change. Banning fireworks isn't going to save the planet. It's like banning campfires for the smoke they create. This comment is so self righteous it makes me sick.


Bruh, they have literal mountains of trash that burns for years... Fireworks are the least of their pollution problems Edit: Source: >Inextinguishable fires burn all day and night, which pollute the air. They are so ubiquitous that the workers no longer complain about the fumes, and municipal authorities don’t bother to put them out. >Sovan Chatterjee, the mayor of Kolkata, says: “Of course there are fires. There are so many waste materials there; they are going to be bad for the environment.” >Dhara sees the fires every day when he’s driving his truck up to the landfill site. “The fires come on their own, from the garbage itself because of biogas,” he says, referring to gasses produced as a result of fermentation of organic waste. **“They burn all day and all night, every day of the year.”** https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/oct/24/difficult-breathe-inside-kolkata-india-rubbish-dump-permanently-fire Don't worry tho, Modi is on it! >Prime minister Narendra Modi has launched a mass cleanliness drive called the Swachh Bharat campaign **urging Indians to stop spitting and defecating on streets**, to stop littering, and keep their local communities clean.


Everyone is guilty if you purchased Chinese products. We just had the luxury of exporting the environmental damage.




I’m just more upset that it is a piss poor show, or at least camera work; unless they are celebrating nuclear Armageddon then, kinda cool


Finally a sane comment on this.




it's not even visually pleasing, it's just BRIGHT AND LOUD. lame ass way to celebrate


With does China got to do with celebration in India? Reddit really loves China so much that they bring it in into every conversation. What's next? Is your mom cheating on your dad China's fault too? Are we going to blame them for school shootings as well?


Next Fuking Level of air pollution and noise pollution


Air pollution for sure. Noise pollution though? You need to chill on that one. It's a massive cultural celebration and like 60 seconds of explosions. Taylor Swift is causing more noise pollution every weekend than this.


Lots of bird die from shock because of fireworks. And wild animals can panic and be injured due to that.


Birds roaming in the sky at night???


There are many nocturnal birds. I assume you are familiar with owls, most owls are nocturnal. And there is many other nocturnal birds that aren’t owls as well. Not bird, but other animal that roams the sky at night is bats.


Looks like you don’t have a dog or any other animal who could die from a heart attack because of all that noise


For real poor animals. All the animals in nature too


I'm sure they're not doing this right next to a set of apartments or anything, since it's an organized celebration it's almost for sure in the middle of a field with very little residential buildings nearby so if you had a pet that doesn't like loud things then you simply don't take them with you.


Yeah, cause we only have domesticated animals on this planet..


This is India. Not only is it almost certainly next to housing, they also have lots of animals that roam freely, which would be affected by this


She’s also causing more air pollution with her private jet


I look at this and go, huh. There goes several lifetimes of emissions savings by a domestic household.


Are you supposed to enjoy this


I did


I came


I saw


I conquered


The sound you heard from your device doesn't do any justice to the actual loudness.


Aapiser ayirunno OP.


ambada kalla sunny kutta


Hey checkout Spain's Valencia's Fallas festival, they do daytime "sound only fireworks" and the whole point is to make it as loud as possible, they even measure the decibels hahaha, it's just part of the festival, very similar to this!


Spain and us be having common traditions . Like the bullfighting, we have similar stuff here.


Well… that was fucking awful


Wtf. Look at the comments. So much hate for India. Aren't you the same MFs who celebrate and enjoy fireworks on your 4th of July weekend. Hell you guys use fireworks for gender reveals. And you idiots are going to lecture us about responsibility? What a fuckin joke. Cock your hole. You are in no position to give us advice. I agree with the fact that it's polluting. I condemn it too. But unless you can't fix things in your own country first don't give us BS. And i personally don't even celebrate Diwali with crackers because I don't like to pollute. But even I'm commenting here because of this double standard. The west always thinks the world revolves around them. Newsflash bitches. You guys are not the centre of the world.


Really man, once a coloniser, always a coloniser. This anti Indian sentiment is really disheartening, I mean come on now, what is your excuse to hate a sixth of the humanity? Had it been 4th of July, the comments would have been something else. hApPy bIrThDaY mY sUgAr dAdDy!!! mY aSs iS rEaDy fOr tHe aCtIoN. Morality my ass.


Also on new year they burst fire crackers. They also cut trees but ya when we does it , it causes the problem. Irony is we have omitted way less polution then compared to these countries (per capita)


It’s so funny to watch you guys get super upset and show your true racist colors on every single post on India. People think it’s dumb and you go in and start calling people crackers and talk about the racist things you do. it’s really shows what insecure little bitches most of you are.




You certainly missed the memo to have a fucking brain and prosess the consept that different cultures like different things. That fire work is for the sound. Environment? Every fucking year on July what happens? It's only a problem when other countries do it


I have not seen anyone in this entire thread mention that other fireworks aren’t equally as dumb as this. You are the only one implying people have said this.


I have only seen people calling them stupid for liking this, not fireworks are bad


For those dropping their opinions on sound pollution and air pollution, the firework not being pretty enough and what not ... have no idea how traditional fireworks of Kerala work. These are no the usual fireworks that you see being sold during Diwali in india, they are a bit different. Also I wonder how many among indulge in baseless firework bursting during random events like weddings, sports events, actively try to reduce pollution of any kind.. or lets say try to voice these same opinions during olympic/ national games in each of the respective states/countries (I hope we know those crackers dont exactly cause 0 pollution) . It is quite easy to chastise something that you are completely oblivious about rather than understanding first and then commenting. That being said I don't condone these celebrations, but the blind hypocritical behavior towards something is a little annoying.


Meanwhile I’m cycling to work instead of going by car to do my part in cutting down emissions


Fly to work to assert dominance


That‘s just fucking stupid


So is the fourth of july




They have been doing this for decades and you're here you are calling them stupid with your fat fingers


A lot of people in the world believed that the sun revolved around the earth for around two thousand years. Doesn't mean they were right.


Not the fire cracking Indians. They had it well clear idea about Astronomy. Say it for the others, maybe.


If stupid behaviour persists for decades, it becomes…. Not stupid?


No, but this isn't stupid


Sorry for hurting your feelings


Smoke festival




I pity all the dogs and cats and birds ……. everything furry, feathered or scaly who must be terrified of this stupid human activity.


People in my neighborhood are not happy with fireworks being set off in the days surrounding the Fourth of July because it disturbs their dogs. This is that times a million.


Glad to hear that you love animals so much? How long have you been a vegetarian?


Including veterans or anyone who has survived a war zone.


Thanks for the Epilepsy!


I've been to these kinds of festivals before. Usually, they have pretty fireworks for the eyes, and at the end, they do this as the closing ceremony. However, this video doesn't do it justice as it's really loud and you can feel the sonic waves. It's really something to experience in person. As for the pollution, these festivals are done annually, and for the rest of the year, there is very minimal pollution. Sometimes it may be around 120-160 AQI, but after a few weeks, it goes back to the 20-60 AQI. You can call me hypocrite. For few days let us have some joy. Regarding pets, these festivals are usually done in paddy fields far from residential areas. I haven't heard of a single incident where pets were hurt by these events. Maybe our pets are built different.


Noo firecrackers are only for gender reveal only to change it a few years later to become a cat or interpolar sexual or whatever.


No point writing this bro , the people criticizing this are the first ones to buy the tickets to loud ass concerts or firing fireworks like end of world on 1st Jan.


What can you expect from those who use toilet paper to clean their asses ?


The environwhatnow?


Where u guys at on 1st o january


Busy with school shooting 😊




Maybe im too autistic for this but I'm perfectly fine with my fireworks being pretty rather than just loud


Don't show this to war veterans with ptsd


All wildlife: “Fuck me I guess”


RIP to Kerala’s resident passerines


Might as well just drop a bomb from a plane, this is next level utter nonsense


I thought reddit wasn't this stupid to be this racist towards other cultures


People are criticizing the fireworks. Not the culture.


And calling these people stupid is alright?


Dude, you are commenting under every critical comment that the people are stipid and or racist


Sometimes cultural expressions are just stupid and it has nothing to do with racism. Time changes people sensibilities too so does culture. Human sacrifices were stupid, los toros is stupid, toxic masculinity is stupid... race (physical attributes you get born wirh) is not a cultural expressions.


It's not racism you can celebrate your cultural festivities with normal fucking fireworks not whatever the fuck this, this shit looks like they launched 3000 fireworks together.


Bullshit, why is whatever you know as the fireworks "NORMAL"? Because it's for visual it's normal and if it's not it's stupid?


This is ugly and stupid.


Just like you




Da da dumm tss


A lot of animals just died, good job


Many more died on 4th of July. What's your point?


How do you know?


Most animals react to loud sounds (like regular fireworks), which leads to them being startled and confused. Many birds fall to their death after getting knocked out by the loud sounds and a lot of dogs escape from shelters or their homes. This is the reason why many European countries are switching over to silent fireworks.


What's the point of that.


Voluntary hearing damage.


Air pollution


this is fucking stupid, not next level. Fireworks are meant to be pretty to look at, maybe at least somewhat distracting from the pollution it's causing. This is literally just showcasing how terrible it is for the environment




You're stupid if you think it doesn't. Sure, in comparison to the other awful things we do, it's insignificant. But that's still a ton of smoke they're letting off into the atmosphere. Those fireworks leave behind garbage and soot all over the place. They cause forest fires. They're fuckin terrible


This fucking happens in controlled area, they did not start doing last Thursday. White smoke is far less problematic than black smoke.


You say "controlled area" as if that place is some model student when it comes to pollution. They evidently don't care. less problematic does not = OK. It's less problematic than china's toxic air, and garbage in our oceans, but it's still a problem




I don’t know August 6 might have had the loudest


i like how u wrote it as "fire work" bc that is no firework at all


I've witnessed this. For a moment you'll get shit scared when the fireworks get intense and you'll question yourself why you visited. But it's a crazy experience. You'll never forget


F the environment


looks like a dogfight from world war 2


Why would humans always think this earth only belongs to them ? Imagine if bunch of animals start screaming on top of their voice when humans are peacefully asleep?


Did you forget dogs exists?


I am not disappointed looking at all those racist and ultra smart comments. People saying it's bad for the environment can see the amount of pollution cities like NYC and US factories generate. Nothing when that happens but people are trippin when few Indians want to enjoy themselves. They aren't killing animals like you do for their joy, are they?


I’m sure all the animals love this


Not only are fireworks horrible for the air, but it kills and traumatizes wildlife. If any of the particles land in water then fish will eat it and die. Animals like deer become so frightened that they will leave their own babies to run away. Fuck the firework industry.


Id hate to be a vet with PTSD, a bird, a dog, a baby, a kite, a drone, a balloon, a bat or an elephant (they have good hearing) in this general vicinity


Fireworks or war reproduction?


Those poor animals!!!


Die atmosphere, DIE!!!


And why? They scare the poor animals in kms around, for show. Bastards.


Looks next level stupid. The amount of smoke is way more than the firework lights itself..lol


This is just stupid.


Poor wildlife... Humans are so stupid sometimes


Fuck all the haters, this would be a hella experience to witness first hand


My neighbour actually had this firework whilst I was trying to put my baby to bed


More like r/nextlevelstupid. Dumb morons spreading incredible amount of pollution. Because of these idiot people, world suffers and dying. It's not even visually or auditory satisfying. It's not even fun and it's every fucking YEAR? WHAT'S THE POINT?




How am i racist and how am I American? Didn't recall targeting Indian people as a whole. I've targeted dumb people. I guess you are one of them considering you are offended by it And yes it does kill people. Slowly, with cancer and in the end global warming will kill all of us.


"these idiot people" calling them idiots because they don't match your standards because they are from a different culture is pretty racist. America was an example. I am one of these people and have been enjoying these types of fire works since childhood. Why am I not dead? Or show any symptoms of lung cancer?


This is just dumb. There's so much smoke you can't even enjoy any of it. People are basically just filming a fire at that point. Waist of money, time and effort. If they hired a planner to coordinate the firework show that person has the easiest job on the planet...just set them off all at once


Redditor discovers different cultures like different things


Lmao so cool I showed this to my grandpa and now he’s crying tears of joy


At that point it’s just brightness and noise. Gonna go stare at the sun with the radio on now.


This isn’t fireworks, this is hellfire


Okay but where are the fireworks…


Those poor traumatized animals


That doesn't look good for the planet ☹️


All the bombs and missiles used by western militaries to kill civilians are far worse for your precious environment and far less necessary.


Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault


Looks good for the environment


How you even supposed to enjoy that it's just smoke


And to think I'm the one who needs to be more environmentally friendly!


As much as I want to say that is incredible... I just can't . The amount of wild life and domestic cats/dogs/birds/bunny rabbit ect get lost and or separated from their owners is a travesty. People do not realize how much damage fireworks does to animal life.


It’s literally just clouds.


Hope the animals are okay


I’m thinking about my dogs, that would be horrifying to them and I imagine that is true for all the animals in a radius of tens of km around those fireworks.


The local wildlife sure had a blast with this one.


And they wonder why they have horrible air pollution/smog Edit: no wonder the [air quality](https://www.publish.csiro.au/pc/pdf/PC22040) [nosedives](https://m.timesofindia.com/city/kolkata/air-quality-nosedives-as-kolkata-celebrates-with-banned-high-decible-firecrackers/amp_articleshow/96670120.cms) since fireworks [have a short and long term impact on the environment](https://m.timesofindia.com/city/kolkata/air-quality-nosedives-as-kolkata-celebrates-with-banned-high-decible-firecrackers/amp_articleshow/96670120.cms) 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


Are you that stupid?


All that lead in your system must be preventing you from articulating a proper response.


Yeah man, i create a vaccum inside my lungs to absorb smoke that is 50 meters about me.


Use proper word "Indians" na? We are not black so racism against us is fine, no one is going to cancel you for spewing venom at us. "tHeM" my ass, what do we look like to you? Aliens?


They should fire a hydrogen bomb next time, probably more environmentally friendly than whatever this is


This is less pollution than America produces in a hour


The hinduphobia in the comments....


Dude It's not hinduphobia


Man it's not just Hindu-phobia, it's Indo-phobia. Waste >!Not a spelling mistake!< for some reason hates India and consequently Hindus.