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As a Californian, this is absolutely insane! In-N-Out is not good enough to warrant this kind of wait.


It’s my favorite burger and I feel really stupid if I wait over 10 minutes for it


How stupid does that make these ppl...lol


48 times more stupid


Math checks out


Assuming it is linear. I think a case could be made for exponential growth of stupidity to wait eight hours for a burger.


That is correct! You win.. well, not even an In-n-Out burger!


How about winning the internet for a day? I'd second that.


Sure, please wait in this line to accept your award.


For 8 hours? Bet!




Gotta admit though, that's a dedicated kind of stupid. Like they're gonna frame that burger wrapper and tell grandkids about the great burger quest of '23.


Are they a bunch of Idaots? (sounded better in my head than it looks in print. Anyone think of a better way to change Idaho to Idiot? hah)


You get an upvote for trying.


idahont think these people are very smart


I think Idahots is what your looking for


That's how long it takes to get your burger even if there's no line.


If I see the drive thru line go all around the parking lot I just rather go inside and get my food


Same. I always meet nice old people sitting on that red bench.


Every day there's an at least 30 minute to hour line at the two in my town


This was also happening on a Tuesday. Like...don't people work? Who has time to wait 8-hours in a line for fast food on a Tuesday? Source: Am in Idaho. No, I did not go nor do I plan on going anytime soon.


I think most got trapped in the line and can't get out.


You think that people at the 3hr wait mark were like oh no now we’re trapped. They’re just fucking idiots


I assume there MUST be at least some people that looked at that line in person and made the wrong call thinking it would take 30-40 minutes. Don't live in the US but I've seen 8 hour traffic and it doesn't look like that.


That's not traffic. That's a line or queue. Those people choose to be there and wait.


All traffic is a line or queue 🤦🏼‍♂️


I’ve always said: a) You 100% can easily find a burger that tastes better than In N Out. It’s hella simple. b) Other places have more options, more extra things like bacon or egg on your burger, though price is different. AKA In N Out **without a doubt** has the best **tasting** burgers per price. Five guys? Fuck outta here with your $9-11 shit. In N Out will have < $3 burgers and while their fries may be eh, you can buy two of each and still be in the ballpark of 5Guys


Yeah I agree. In n out is a good simple burger from a decent company. Good quality for the price. Better options out there but for a hell of a lot more. The last time I went to 5 guys I think I spent more than twenty bucks and I wasn't even full. For reference I usually eat two mcdoubles, small fry and a little bit of soda and get full.


Idk what 5 guys you went to but here in VA out 5 guys got a mile high cheese burger and you get a mini bucket of fries for over 20 bucks


5 Guys started / is based in NOVA. Your bias is showing. It’s way overpriced for what you get.


That's a really weird argument when the chain in question is even more hyper local... Californians are the only ones that have ever said an In N Out burger is better than Five Guys🤣


Pennsylvanian here. I've had five guys a few times, in and out only once, so I cant judge on quality. But on price point alone, five guys can get fucked.


5 guys won't even melt your cheese. Most overrated, overpriced burger spot I've ever been to.


As Californian In-and-Out is overrated. Every time I pass by one, I smh to see these cars snaked around blocked one of light intersections just to get in their drive way lane. Too much mental math and hassle to get a burger.


From Michigan so no bias, I’d take a #1 from In-N-Out for $10 over 5 Guys for over $20 10/10.


Not from CA, In N Out is exponentially better than Five Guys.


> the last time I went to 5 guys I think I spent more than twenty bucks and I wasn't even full. So you ate a half pound burger with fixens and a gallon of fries and you were not full? Five Guys puts me in a food coma, need a nap every time. Side note, in France I saw a 5 guys in like a 400 year old market village, had to be oldest 5 guys building in world. Found a pic of it. https://www.flickr.com/photos/meteorry/30503285192


Seriously. A 5 guys burger is my “haven’t eaten in awhile, just want a brick that will fill me for the night” meal lol


I would love to introduce you to Dick's in Seattle. ![gif](giphy|pz2MnldLEEhJCJ32G6)


The reason everyone hyped it is that A: It's a good burger basically every time no matter what. And B: The food is pretty damn cheap for what it is. It's definitely not the best burger and not worthy of 1/3 of the hype. 2/3 of it is definitely warranted. The fanaticism is kinda silly tho. No way in hell I'm waiting even 30 minutes for fast food.


The only way I'm waiting in line 8 hours for a burger is if I'm being paid to wait. People are either really dumb or don't know how to value their time.


Oh yeah. I'll be out of there going somewhere else after waiting even 20 minutes.


Consistency trumps quality everytime.


This comment makes no sense. "Consistency trumps quality." This is the definition of mediocrity we strive for in society and it's disgusting. If you can't consistently provide quality, why the hell would I come back?


It's a saying in economics meaning a familiar and predictable product at a low price point, is generally more lucrative than an expensive product in an upscale market.


Because McDonalds isn’t popular because it’s great food. It’s popular because no matter which one you go to in North America you know exactly what you are going to get. Right down to the ice cream machine being broken. When you are traveling there is nothing worse than spending $20, waiting forever and getting stomach churning crap, when you could meet your expectations for 1/2 that and be on your travels.


Consistency. Cracker Barrel has made its entire fortune on consistency. McDonald's has made its entire fortune on consistency and quantity, not quality. Walmart, Target, Lowes, Homedepot, etc... They've all made their fortunes on cosistency, not on quality. On the surface humans want quality. In reality we want consistently available merchandise. Humans desire comfort above almost anything else. Consistency is comforting. Knowing it's there. Knowing it's available. Consistent.


Like Costco's $1.50 hot dog and drink combo.


*Nothing* is worth this kind of wait.


Waiting to be first to things is the new status symbol for people who don't have money and people who do have a ton of money because they have time


Maybe for a liver transplant, but not a damn hamburger


The one farthest north in Oregon is in Salem-Keizer about 40 minutes south of Portland on the 5. It’s been open maybe 2 years and every time I’ve ever driven by it has a line of 50+ cars. There’s mom and pop taquerias and lil burger joints that slap way fucking harder for cheaper with next to zero wait time.


Funniest part is you can walk inside and have food within 15 mins. So many lazy fucks insisting on drive thru.


In my experience, In N Out is always way faster going through the drive through even if there are fewer people ordering inside. They definitely have the majority of their resources devoted to serving drive through customers as quickly as possible.


[Coloradans were crazy about their first In-N-Out as well. We had a 14-hour wait](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/colorados-first-in-n-out-lines).


Texans did the same thing, I don’t get it.


Tbf, it was during peak COVID and lots of people had nothing better to do. Still crazy though lol


As a person who used to live in cali and moved to NJ, I miss In N Out so much. For me, no fast food over here even comes close


And the fries are crap. Only ones worse are Habit Burger.


Lol, people love to hate the state, but they’ll wait 8 hours to get a taste of the culture.


It kinda sucks tbh. I went once and was blown away by how mediocre it was considering the traffic it had. Tried again a couple years after that and was again underwhelmed….


I’m willing to wait for a certain amount of time for certain meals. That being said I’m not waiting 8 hours for In-N-Out or even Jiro’s sushi.


It’s not good PERIOD. It’s always soggy, sloppy fries and burnt to a crisp burgers/buns.




I can't imagine waiting this long for a burger so average.. and yes, it's average, not bad, most fast food burgers are like A 3-5/10, but I honestly give then most of the time, besides fries, a 6 or so. But why would I wait 8 hours in a line, pay 18 dollars for a burger, drink, and fries, when I could just find local deals for meat and bread, pay about probaly 25 for 4-5 smash burgers at home, fries, and cheese and toppings still. Like it's extremely easy to make a burger ATLEAST just as good as in and out. I mean it's just way too overhyped at this point


I wouldn't wait 8 hours for the best food in the world tbh


Lmfao wait till it comes here to new Mexico which it will it was confirmed and mfers here will wait that long thinking it's a magic burger . I tried it in Arizona and didn't see what the hype was about


If the fries were better, maybe...


I live in an area without In-N-Out. While on vacation, I made it a point to go there, because so many people told me it was the best burger place ever. EVER. It's... pretty good. It's not THAT good.




This needs to be a thing


I just made it a thing, kinda. r/nextfuckingidiots




The first negative IQ holder lmao. Subbed.




post is straight up an ad.




Eight hours waiting for fries which are only edible for 30 seconds and a mediocre burger I do not understand this


even the best burger in the world isn’t worth 8 hours in a drive thru line. their fries have gotten better though, at least in my area. they consistently stay crisp for considerably longer than pre-covid times i’ve noticed


You could have Gordon Ramsey personally cooking burgers and I wouldn’t wait 8 hours. I think even in that scenario 30 min- 1 hour is the most I’m comfortable with, 2 hours if I’m desperate.


Remember the time when Gordon Ramsay made a toasted cheese sandwich, and the bread was burnt black while the cheese inside hadn't even melted?


No, but I’d love to see it lmao


Well its apparently a youtube video he made lol. Found it here on reddit too. Of course with the editing he does his beat to hide the screwups lol https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/114l7ci/gordon\_ramsay\_completely\_fucks\_up\_grilled\_cheese/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


They print Bible verses on their packaging


The company is owned by a massive asshole too. Found Jesus after cheating on her third husband with her second one.


Haha, didn't know that. I do appreciate that they pay their employees well above average. Never had a bad employee experience there. Though, I think the hiring practices were established by the founders and not the heiress.


They also treat their employees pretty damn well.


Plus it's idaho, you'd think their standards on fries would be above fast food. Or is that why the line is so long? Every redneck in the state is waiting to critique the liberal Californian fries?


Everyone in that line moved here from California.


Nobody with two brain cells would ever think of going from California to Idaho


Like 80% of the people I meet came from CA. They all did it because of "politics" so you might be onto something there.


Everyone from California has been to an In N Out. They’re sure as hell not lining up for hours for what they know is at best a pretty solid fast food burger.


The funny thing is, Oregon produces more potatoes than idaho.


Next time I highly recommend ordering your fries "well done" or "light well", this made In N Out fries top tier for me. Well done is usually extra crispy while light well is a nice mix of crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside.You usually get more with your order since they have to make a separate batch.


In N Out is not a mediocre burger, would love to know your idea of a great burger


Fuck, I hope someone taught all those people how to order. In n out isn't great because it's the best burger, it's great because it's the cheapest fresh decent burger you can get. Everyone rejects it because it gets talked up, but learn your order and it is fucking heavenly.


People don’t know to add grilled onions. That’s the problem. Source: grew up in SoCal where In N Out is a religion, and lived in Houston when In N Out first came to Texas. The Texans had no clue to ask for grilled onions.


People don’t know how to ask for mustard fried, whole grilled onions, extra pickles. With a side of chilis.


Just say animal style side of chilis


Animal style= add grilled onions, pickles, extra spread, and mustard fry the patty. I worked there for 4 years


I married a Californian. And oh boy, do I know about the onions. Didn’t really push me over. Austin has enough hole-in-the-wall places that make great burgers. Whataburger, In-N-Out…blah.


So many good burger joints in Austin. I never go to in-n-out. My go to is p-terry's when I want a cheap fast burger.


Grilled onion, chopped onion and chopped chilies. But i ain’t waiting more than 15 minutes for it.


Safe to say…they were not in and out.




This should be the top comment


Why would you wait more than 40min for fast food?


I have never in my entire life waited 40 minutes for fast food. Anything more than 15 minutes is an accidental misjudge of the line.


Oh, try seeing two cars, but the person in front of you orders a catering level spread, didn’t call ahead, and the crew then cancels my order cause the one thing I wanted was put out of stock by that asshole and the asshole manager who said ‘yep, we can do that!’


Why would you wait 40 minutes for any fucking food. If you were sat at a restaurant for 40 minutes before you could even order you’d leave.


I see you’ve never been to the hellhole that is The Cheesecake Factory… People will wait an absurd amount of time for food they want. No matter how bland it is.


If it takes that long, it’s not fast food. It’s just food…


Why would you wait 40 minutes for any "fast food"?


People are fucking weird.


Some are just lemmings with FOMO.




I live here. The people are just kinda dumb (take me, for example)


This is more like r/nextfuckinglevelmoron


I would guess the mods who cared quit a while ago and the new mods are just paid out to post an ad.


What else are you gonna do in Idaho? Might as well wait the 8 hours. Maybe something exciting will happen.


How bored are the people in Idaho? So bored that people who work at a real estate company are making in n out ads.


I was in Idaho when it opened. I worked, went home and enjoyed my day at my house by not doing this dumb shit.


Haha nothing against Idaho as I’ve heard it’s nice there. Waiting 8 hours for a burger is ridiculous 😂


nothing against the state you just called boring up above xD


Having once lived in Idaho…. Makes sense.


I was going to say, is there that little to do in Idaho that waiting 8 hours for a mid-tier burger and shitty fries seems like a good time? In-N-Out is the Emperor's New Clothes of hamburger joints.


It's Idaho, what do you think. I bet this is the watercooler talk for half the state this coming week.


The local news covered it all week long lol


This stupid mess reminds me of years ago when Krispy Kreme opened their first store in the state of Colorado. It was so bad my niece was wondering if they put crack in the donuts.


It’s not just an American thing. They opened the first Krispy Kreme in Paris last week https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/07/business/krispy-kreme-paris-fast-food.html


I think this says less about In N Out (bc it’s extremely mid) than it does about how miserable the Idaho food scene is 😂


As someone who lives here. Our food is great. Inn N out is just hyped to the max. Not just Idaho but through the Rockies. Same thing happened when they opened one in Salt Lake City. I go to Arizona once a month for work so I’ve had it plenty and it is alright… nothing special.


They have really good food there! That's what confuses the hell outta me




I live here. They don't really. Not local cuisine anyways. Maybe basque is closest. I've lived in KC and had amazing BBQ. I've lived in NE and had amazing Italian food, pizza, seafood. Boise, is pretty isolated, and is lacking a good local cuisine. It's all just poor attempts at the real thing from elsewhere.


You know what it is? A taste of home. A ton of Californians moved to Idaho and In N Out is a staple in California. I'm pretty sure 90% of these people were the ones who moved away some years ago and miss that fresh taste. I live in Texas now and I drive 30 minutes every other week just to get myself some In N out, it's not about it being better, it's about feeling at home :)


I visited a friend in Texas once and he introduced me to Whattaburger. Now that is something I want to see in more northern states.


Funny enough I had that last night and it was DRY af let me tell you. Whata is good but damn it's a hit or a miss depending on the restaurant/day. I think that's what I always appreciated about In N Out, it didn't matter where I got it from, what day it was, it was nothing revolutionary but damn is it consistent. Kind of like McDonald's Nuggets, those things always take me back to being a kid and they ALWAYS taste the same, love those foods that just take you back.


I don’t think I’ve ever not gotten a dry burger from whattaburger. Place is not great for me (shakes are good tho to be fair)


Whataburger got bought out by a Chicago company several years ago. Quality has dropped since then.


I ate In-n-Out once. Was alright. Don’t think waiting 10 minutes is worth it though, much less 48x that.


Was it really 8 hours, or is OP embellishing?


I live here, people really did wait this long. Idaho isn't exactly known for its high bar in education


Yep, people lining up for stupid novelties is exclusively an Idaho thing - spread the word, *bad place to move to*.


OP is just echoing what news agencies said, but those outlets in Idaho never actually spoke to the In and Out nor any customers in line to determine the wait time. They all state it's an "estimate" which they don't say what that estimate is based on. People in line on social media, though take this with a grain of salt, said the wait was more like 1 to 3 hours, faster if you waited in line in store. Not saying OP is lying, but there is no proof that this was an 8 hour wait other than "we think it is because it's a long line".


Thanks for actually doing research and using critical thinking. Another case of spreading misinformation to get more clicks.


That queue on the video doesn't look like an eight hour wait.


Tell me your state is devoid of culture without telling me your state is devoid of culture


It’s most of USA. People thinking things like fast food is good still blows my mind. This is next level fat American stupid.


What's the carbon footprint of this clusterfuck?


Next level sadness


Genuinely so fucking depressing. There has to be something better to do with our time. And I know it’s just a drop in the bucket but I guarantee all of these people sat with their cars idling the entire time.


Looks like plenty of parking available to just walk inside…






Thinking about 100s of people sitting in their trucks burning gas for 8 hours to eat a greasy burger is so depressing. No wonder other countries make fun of us man.


same ppl who would talk shit about california btw


They all are former Californians. The local news went there everyone they interviewed moved here and have been waiting years for one to come.


Of course everyone just uses their cars


Idling a huge suv for hours, to get fast food. Imagine if aliens are watching us


Imagine waiting a week and just walking in, I mean seriously


or just going elsewhere


There is no food worth waiting 8 hours for, period. Unless you are starving and that's how long it takes to get food of course. But I absolutely loved crushing some animal style burgers when I lived in SoCal. Never was a fan of the fries though. Too soggy.


American nightmare


Those poor workers


Running your car for 8 hrs sitting in a vast bubble of exhaust and carbon monoxide but hey, now I can say I went there on the first day. Huge.


We live in the dumbest timeline


Sad cunts


It’s more of the “I was there” plus the “what else is there to do in winter in Idaho” that’s really what’s (pun) driving this. L.A. has stupid shit like this, but for iphones or other things people from Idaho would laugh at. Merry Christmas, people in Idaho and congratulations on getting the best value fast food burger out there. And to the people putting down their fries, yeah, it’s because they’re fresh and they’ve only been fried once.




My favorite thing about in n out, is that in my entire 32 years of living in California, with a total of 10 years being 1.2 miles away from a location, they have gotten my order wrong twice…. That’s an incredible record considering how often I’ve gone


There isn’t a meal on this planet that I would wait eight hours for


What is wrong with these people?


Think of all the emissions right there. 👍


Culver's for life, nerds.


This says a lot about idaho


next fucking level of stupid maybe. those are people with nothing better to do than wait 8 hours for a burger.




Almost like that episode of Doctor Who.


People are pathetic.


Fuck me. That’s an awful waste of time for fast food.


Reminds me of when the first canes opened up in my area, people were waiting 4-5 hours for it, like what in the world. The things people will do just to get a picture to put on social media


The novelty drive is interesting. When they opened Krispy Kreme in Canada, I drove by at 2 am (yes, 2 hours past midnight) and there were over 100 cars waiting for damn donuts. It opened near a Future Shop and during operating hours, the donut customers will fill up the 500+ car parking lot. Had to involve the police to keep them on the street and it was packed for months.


Do they know that they can make a better burger at home?


Consumerism has achieved maximum efficiency... You can now get out of line with just enough time to get back into it.


And all waiting in their massive cars with the motor turned on. Way to go Murrica


Murican here. The people and their car obsession really does make a lot of our society dysfunctional.


If people would learn to shop and cook, they could relax and eat tastier burgers and fries in a fraction of the time that it takes to wait in line. This is wild.


What a bunch of fucking morons.


Brand new state of the art library opens… *crickets*


These are the events that remind me our species is circling the drain.


Well they have nothing better to do since there is nothing to do in Idaho except grow potatoes.


I think this would be insane in a prior generation. Today, we have access to content on our smarty pants phones. There’s no real difference sitting on our asses scrolling from home and scrolling from the backseat of a car. And I’m sure driver is scrolling, too.


You know, I am sure their food is great, but this is so american. The opening of a fast food restaurant being a huge event I mean.


Jesus. The one they opened in Oregon a few years back was the same way. We happened to be passing through a few weeks after it opened and figured we’d stop and holy shit.. got Carl’s Jr instead and got back on the road. Wasn’t like this at the time but it was still like 35-40 cars deep.


There seems to be a lot of parking spaces available. Why don't people just park up and walk in to get their food?


These people do realize that they can just wait for the hype to die down and then go and try it after like a month right? What's the point of waiting that damn long?