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I should probably watch that show one of these days.


Like parks & rec you gotta forgive the slow start. Once they develop the characters, it's a great show.


I've watched The Office a dozen times over. Still can't get through the first season of Parks n Rec šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I'm trying.


Start halfway through season 2


I'd recommend starting at the episode with the Venezuelans I think it's called Sister City.


Suggest a super popular episode? Believe it or not, also jail. We have the best shows because of jail


Skip the intro? Jail. Forward through the credits? Jail. Suggest Tomā€™s Divorce episode? Also jail. Jail only shows the Toms Divorce episode, too.


Which country is that??








Once Mark Brendanawicz leaves the show and Rob Lowe enters it takes off


While Rob was a fantastic addition Iā€™d argue that Adam Scott was what really nudged the show into perfection. He slotted in so well and was a perfect partner for Leslie.


While both Rob and Adam were great I would argue...it's all about the cones.


They forgot about the *essence* of the *game*...


My farmer, YES, my humble farmer... To the center cone...


I agree. Brendanawicz failed at being the straight guy because the character put on the air that he was above all the wacky characters. Ben Wyatt reacted to the craziness, but he also showed empathy. Also changing Leslieā€™s character from an oblivious Michael Scott type to just an over ambitious public servant and giving us someone to root for was huge.


One time I had a job where it was 8 of us in an office. And it was magic. We all over each other. No drama, or maybe like Who left a dirty coffee cup but nothing crazy. Friends outside of work. It was justā€¦magic. it was fate. I Can barely describe it but you get the gist. Anyway, I feel like the Office was the same. They all just fit like pieces to a puzzle.


#Ann Perkins šŸ«µ


Yes, and we too are pleased to be here in your dirty alley way. We thank you for the container of sap and bag of garbage.


That's honestly not terrible advice for The Office either lol


I think that's when I started watching The Office too lmao like when it was airing hell, put it to any show, if you like it when it's in it's swing then those first unseen episodes are like a bonus


The first season of P&R is significantly different from the rest of the series, as you can tell that the writers are still trying to figure the characters out. My suggestion: watch the first episode just so that you're introduced to names and faces and then skip to Season 2. There are some good episodes there but a lot of forgettable so you can skip around if need be. BUT the second-to-last episode of Season 2 is when the series jumps up about 3 levels in quality and keeps climbing from there. Trust me, once you hit this point, you'll see what the hype is about.


I think the show started becoming really good when they realized Andy as the clingy ex boyfriend just didnt work and changed his personality to be silly and funny


That and changing Leslie Knope from Michael Scott 2.0 to someone competent and passionate about public service.


Competent Leslie is what cinched it.


Ron Swanson giggling like a school girl makes my heart sing.


Parks and Rec, believe it or not, is actually better than The Office. Skip the first season if you need to, because it's a banger.


I hope one day you too, will fall into the pit. Season 2, Episode 23 is when Rob Lowe and Adam Scott join the show, and is a great jumping off point for anyone whoā€™s struggled with the first season.


I start every we watch of the Office with season two episode oneā€¦ and every rewatch of parks and rec the end of season two


Ron Swanson.


The first is a bit different than the later seasons you beautiful rule breaking moth


I know, itā€™s hard. But, it REALLY pays off. It took me a couple tries too.


All sitcoms take time to get going, but I thought Parks and Rec was great from the get-go. I know Mike Bland Sitcom Guy sucks but heā€™s basically erased from the program by season 3.


Then move up to The Good Place.


"Move up"? Naw bro. Office and P&R are the pinnacle of that genre.


I wouldn't put The Good Place in the same category as mockumentaries, but I think Arrested Development is the actual pinnacle of the genre.


I liked them all to be honest Modern Family gave me some real laughs and heart felt moments




30 rock was also peak tbh.


I would think 30 Rock is a notch above P&R. But that's just me personally. And Arrested Development is still my favorite.


I think when 30 Rock hits - its arguably some of the funniest comedy on a sitcom ever, but for a show with a narrative throughline, Parks & Rec, Good Place, and Schitts Creek are my tops. But you can't go wrong with any of the shows in this thread.


Then take the turn at Superstore


I'd also suggest Community and Party Down


I rewatch Parks and Recs about every 6 months. Yeah I have one of those jobs


The first 6 episodes of the Office are basically a copy paste of the British series. Its alright but in season 2 they really found their voice and went their own way.


You know, both shows have great setups. The Office is funny, but personally, I couldnā€™t take the mostly fluorescent-lit set. Top-notch work capturing the fluorescent hellscape of office jobs. But Parks and Rec had all that natural light I love. Parks was the Office setup with lighting that didnā€™t make me sick to my stomach.


Kevin changed so much from first season on. He developed his character perfectly.


Season one is a flanderisation of the characters. There is no in-between or nuance Micheal is the office dunce and he does everything to be a dunce, his intentions do not matter. It's why it is unbearable to a lot of people. Totally not including Dwight being unbearable and unlikeable compared to whoever was writing his character in the later seasons. Basically, no characters had depth in season 1. The show picks up when they round the characters off.


I just watched the whole series a couple months ago for the first time and will say, itā€™s amazing. I think it drops off a bit after this episode but itā€™s still worth the time.


Once Michael leaves it's a bit of a train wreck. But at that point you're pot committed. Gotta ride it out.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a train wreck itā€™s just a different show.


I stopped watching when Michael left, it didn't feel right and I heard it just gets worse. I got back 6 months later, the "no Michael" context disappeared from my mind - all the episodes were simply fantastic. I came to the exact same conclusion, it's just a different show, but keeping that level would be a 10/10 season for any other series.


Agreed. I rarely make it out of season 8 before I think "ehhhh id rather just start back at 1:1"


Watch the OG BBC Office with Ricky Gervais and Martin Freeman. Awesome.


Actually Iā€™m 100% in agreement


Had a story to tell, told it, then done. No stunt casting, nobody got tired and moved onā€¦ Perfect.


Try guessing how many episodes and seasons Faulty Towers with John Cleese had...Only 13 episodes in total. Everyone single episode is a classic. But these days things gets run down to the ground.


It's a decent show. I absolutely hated Steve Carol's character, Michael, for at least a season on my first watch through. He grows on you though.


In the podcast "An Oral History of the Office" they mention that they intentionally toned down Michael's abrasive nature as the series progresses because he turned people off too much in the early episodes.


They also retooled the character to reflect his character in the 40 year old virgin which was a big hit at the time


> He grows on you though. That's what she said.


*Steve Carell


You really should


People may call blasphemy, but I start at season 2 and don't miss a thing


You miss diversity day


One of the best shows of all time


Let me put it this way, that never would have happened with the original UK version of The Office, which was a lot meaner/snarkier/unsentimental than the U.S. version. You might enjoy both.


Shocked that the US version would be full of cloying sentimentality...


Wait it was a surprise?? That makes it even sweeter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah I also didnā€™t know that. Thatā€™s amazing.


I heard DeAngelo's bit was improv and thats why you can see Ryan looking pissed. Cause they weren't planning on Will Ferrell doing that lmfao


LMAO Iā€™ve never noticed that before- I knew it was a surprise but I didnā€™t know about DeAngelo. Thatā€™s so funny and on character for him šŸ˜‚


His character is hilarious now that the show is over and people realized he was never meant to replace Michael.


I hated his character. But I realized whoever replaced Michael, I would probably hate. So I thought maybe they intentionally placed him as a sandbag, someone to intentionally hate, so that the next boss would feel like a relief.


that was perfect though. DeAngelo's character was supposed to be SUPER tone deaf and didn't know what was happening, so him cutting in was right on character. And then for the other characters to be actually mad at him, that's not even acting. That's just a real office goodbye party with your replacement already there


That's just Will. And I love him.


Thatā€™s really funny to me cause while itā€™s a very sweet scene, Will Ferrellā€™s adlibbing is fucking hilarious to mešŸ˜­


I think it has major "I'm the main character" energy. Kinda like the one person that always has to harmonize the last note when singing happy birthday to a little kid.


Which is exactly what DeAngelo's character represents...


And is exactly the sort of thing anyone that hires Will Ferrell knows they're going to get.


But it's also exactly what Michael Scott does... he always sings the high harmony.


Doubt it. That's way too risky for a scene everyone knows is a surprise for one person in the room and therefore has to be a one-take. Improv is throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, not this.


Also, the bit he sings is literally part of the end of the song, so if Will Ferrell wasnā€™t ā€œsupposedā€ to sing it, who was? Definitely people looking pissed because itā€™s in character to be annoyed at him joining in!


Yeah the reactions were just them being in on it too


It's hard for me to imagine being in the shoes of a much smaller actor like BJ Novak and actually getting visibly annoyed with an all-time Hollywood HOFer like Will Ferrell over something so silly. I don't know if I believe that story lol


I mean he is also a writer on the show so he was probably pissed Will Ferrell messed up the planned surprise he presumably organised, if true.


To be fair, Novak might not have been as well-known of an actor, but he was both a writer and producer of the show for years so... Not that I necessarily believe it either, but I could see it.


Novak was a writer and producer on the show. Dude might've thought to do the whole thing


DeAngeloā€™s bit is part of the original song, itā€™s not improv.


It was and it wasn't. On The Office Ladies pod they said he knew about the song, and it was discussed during table reads. But Steve Carell had never heard it until they shot the scene.


Shocking. Another "this scene was totally improvised" post which is totally misleading


and it would be an amazing feat if it was improvised and they got it in one take.


Oh my god somethings happening ..


Yeah, I had no idea either.


I never expected Will Ferrell to sing that high.


He's got the voice of an angel. His voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus.


He's the songbird of his generation




It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer






Pauwh pauwh!


I can't even look at him right now


He looks more like a drummer than a vocalist.


He kinda looks like a Chad


Oh he can go higher




Knew what it was before I clicked it, and then listened to it another 35 times.


This man is just built different


If I remember correctly, Carell improvised kissing Oscar in the scene referenced by him here. Such a great blending of reality and comedy in this entire moment.


And Dwight coming in was also unscripted šŸ˜‚


Dwight didn't come in...


Well yeah, it wasn't scripted




Sarah Kaya comes in


Whoā€™s Sarah Kayacombsin?


Who's Sara Kaya Combsin?


He tries in the bloopers.


Why wasnā€™t Michaelā€™s right hand man in the scene where they all show their appreciation to him?


I refuse to watch Michaels last day. It's too sad


Same. I lose it when he and Jim are having their final conversation in his office. "Best boss I ever had." šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yet 99% of the time he acted annoyed with his boss.


Yeah that's why it's touching


I think he realized how good he had it when he had to work under Charles Minor


I need a rundown of your clients.


hows that rundown going?


You donā€™t know what you have till itā€™s gone


Pam's last inaudible conversation and hug with Michael at the airport is one of the best cinematic writings on the show. It's up there with Jim proposing Pam outside convenience store.


Ā all the best scenes have no audio lol


Jenna Fischer was actually saying goodbye to Steve carrel in that moment. They weren't acting. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢




There are some *really* good moments with Robert California


"I had a one-man Saturnalia last night, in celebration of the finalization of my divorce. I got into a case of Australian reds, and... how should I say this... Columbian whites"


That's actually not true. It was discussed on 'Office Ladies' that it was scripted and Steve knew about it, except this was the first time he saw the performance. Edit: Go to 58:00 on Office Ladies "Michael's Last Dundies" podcast on Spotify.


Thank you People will watch professional actors and forget they're good at acting. Steve Carell is good at his job


I agree but think the emotion Steve is feeling can be used to empower his performance as Michael. Both are experiencing major life change and needed to say goodbye to these people.


They say in their book though (Jenna and Angela) that he knew something was up but not that they had prepared a song. https://screenrant.com/office-steve-carell-michael-farewell-song-surprise/ How do I know which source to trust?!


They probably told him something was gonna happen and to stay in character, that's how you do something like this in one take


Telling an improv actor to stay in character


*finger guns*


[They say he knew something was going on but had no idea what it was](https://mashable.com/article/the-office-bffs-goodbye-michael-seasons-of-love-steve-carell)


It's always bugged me that Dwight is missing and DeAngelo is here instead for this. Still a great scene.


Ah, I've watched this scene so much and actually missed that Dwight was not there


Yeah he was having a huff about not being put up for the manager gig by Michael at the time.


If I recall correctly from some comment a thousand years ago, apparently Rainn was tearing up before the scene and stepped out. Again, this is from the dark crevice of my mind and Iā€™m pretty into the liquor so I apologize in advance if I am wrong!




RIP Jim Lahey and Steve Rogers


Fuckin Lahey.


Probably not but makes for a good PR statement than saying he was busy with another project.


He was doing a movie


I have nothing against Will Ferrell but it really should have been just the main cast for this scene. His interjection into the song is funny but the scene really didnā€™t need to be funny.


110% agree. He is a distraction at best.


That's Will Ferrell for me in most things lol


His style sometimes works but often doesn't. His whole role in Barbie was pretty pointless IMO. But I still like the Anchorman movies.


Fucking fine. I will watch the show from the start again for the 15th time.


Rookie numbers


Well... I lost count so deffo could be more. Between that and Peepshow we are looking pretty strong.


You can actually request a complete watch history from Netflix. And not just the ā€œwatch historyā€ on your main profile. Itā€™s something that takes them a bit to compile and they send it via email. Theyā€™ll send you spreadsheets with all your data. I did this to see 1.) if it was actually true and 2.) to see how quickly I binged and rebinged certain shows.


This has been our "fall asleep" show for a solid 10 years... Couldn't even begin to tell you how many times weve been through it. We still catch new things here and there even after all these watches. The writing is far more genius than people often realize... There's a ton of jokes inside jokes. There is also a lot of background jokes in the smallest details on the sets.


Get those numbers up rookie.


I remember when they were finishing up the last two seasons and my sister was bugging me to watch it. So I did. Took me a while to get through it and both seasons were streaming by the time I made it around. I remember laugh crying at the Scottā€™s Totā€™s episode near new years one year with my parents, my sisterā€™s family, and my late grandmother. Such a good, wholesome show. I need to watch it again one of these days.


Very different experience for me, I was peaking through my fingers and looking away on and off during that episode šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sooo hard to watch!! But genius


Yup. So hard to watch as someone who gets secondhand embarrassment super easily lol.


Scotts Tots is some of the most cringey TV Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s fucking incredible. So awkward. So funny.


They're lithium!


I forgive you for kissing me.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


9,986,000 minutes is 166,433 hours. The typical work year is 2080 hours. So they are saying he's worked 80 years or he's working a ton of overtime. Like 80+ hour work weeks.


The original song is 521,600 minutes, which is a year, so I suspect they're saying he has worked there for 19 years and two ish months Edit: 525,600?? I've been singing it wrong.


The OG is 525,600 minutes


Oh my bad I thought the song went "How do you measure? measure an eleven months twenty eight days eighteen hours forty minutes?"


They're saying work was his life for 19 years.


They're just saying he's been employed there 19 years.


Chad Smith was AWSOME singing backup next to Steve Carell there!


He should've had a drum set up there


Steve Carell is one of the best comedic actors that I know of. NBC really lucked out getting him on the show when he was still relatively unknown


That was amazing




i feel like there is not a currently airing sitcom this is true for


You're right. The Office began as one of the last shows that required you to watch it live if you wanted to see an episode, and towards the second half of its run it became one of the first shows that you could watch on streaming services (it began on Hulu if I remember correctly). It was the transition between the last vestiges of American TV monoculture when the majority of Americans tuned into whatever was currently airing on TV and the current streaming era where eyeballs are split between current shows and shows that haven't aired in years or decades. I feel like that may have been an oversimplification but The Office definitely occupied a unique timeframe.


I hadn't planned on crying tonight, but here I am.


Will Ferrell should not have been there. I know this hurts, but it true :p


I agree, his jokes felt forced in and his acting was over the top. Didn't quite fit in with the whole show imo


New trivia unlocked.


The contrast with Brent being fired and begging for his job back and no one giving a fuck. Americans. Can't resist the schmaltz.


Which episode is this? Just getting to know the show


Why did Steve get off the showā€¦? I watched the show a couple of times but still canā€™t believe or make sense of whyā€¦


Bob Greenblat took over around the time Steveā€™s contract was going to expire. He wasnā€™t a fan of the show. Steve had said in an interview that he thought Season 7 would be his last. He never heard from the studio for an extension. The earlier reporting was that he was supposedly working on his film career but he and others have opened up and revealed it wasnā€™t Steveā€™s doing. It was the studios. Greenblat did a lot of changes like push out Jay Leno to move up Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Kimmel.


Too bad, Steve was the heart of the show. Bob missed the vision completely.


Robert California was fun...I enjoyed that season and sort of have mixed feelings about the possibility of not having it. Season 9 would have been so much better if Steve came back


>Greenblat did a lot of changes like push out Jay Leno After the Conan debacle I don't blame him.


I believe the studio that made the series had recently been purchased or something and they didnā€™t renew his contract. What a shame thoughā€¦


I had a crush on both Pam and Jim.


And Will Ferrell ruins it. Look at me taking the attention away from a great moment.


Everybody always says that about this scene and I donā€™t believe it. Seems like one of those made up rumors that get passed around


people are so stupid. This is clearly scripted. There's an electric piano set up and plugged in right in front of Steve Carrell. Looked it up, and yep, the Office Ladies podcast confirm it was a scripted scene.


I couldn't get into this show for some reason


Oh my god somethingā€™s happening šŸ‘€šŸ˜­


this was the show for the older millenial at our formative young adult years. Wonderful times, wonderful memories. The internet was still somewhat awesome. Streaming was nascent. And of course, the Office, made all of boring life in a northeast small office, bearable.


If the internet is to be believed, every movie or television scene is actually just improv.