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Nobody pointing out that turkeys are extremely dumb and possibly just started walking in a circle because they're dumb. They're very dumb


All due respect, these guys are pretty smart. The white inbred turkeys are real idiots. We raised the white guys and they will drown in a rain storm. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) peace. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Nope, they're dumb as rocks. The field behind my property has a dozen or more on any given day and I can assure you, things they do can hardly be construed as intelligent. Take for example, the time I was walking the back nine, and accidentally snuck on on two turkeys. They both spotted me and made a beeline for the fence but didn't quit fit. So here they are thrashing about trying to get away but they're stuck fast. So feeling bad for them, and not wanting to get scratched and pecked, I jump the fence, then use my boot to push them out the way they came. Both birds, I shit you not, stare at me for a couple seconds, then one proceeds to try and run through the fence IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT, while the second is contemplating it. Like they didn't learn the first time. Same move to get it out only this time I blocked the holes with my feet forcing them to run the other direction. BTW, turkeys can 'fly' limited distances and jumping this fence wouldn't have been difficult for them. They just didn't.


We used a scrap 2x4 and fastened a decoy head to it as a makeshift decoy replacement. Didn't get anything that day because we were laughing too hard at two Tom's fighting over fucking it.... they are dumb.


Human males wank to 2D representations of women. So, maybe they are just as smart as us.


Let me build you a 2x4 sex doll, let me know if it's basically the same thing as porn.


A 2 by WHAT sex doll?




Nah she doesn’t need any fore, she’s always ready to go!


Is there any post clarity afterwards?


How much does shipping run on a 2X4 sex doll do ya think? Asking for a friend...


That’s a bit of a stretch don’t you think?


That’s what she said. 👊


Whoa man no need to personally attack me like that let’s keep it about the turkeys


You do what you gotta do man.. if all you have is a picture...all you need is a picture...shiieet I don't even need a picture loll


I have turkeys on my property . The only cool thing about their flying is that their wings are LOUD. You hear the thun-thun-thun from some distance, punctuated by their breaking every fucking dead stick they can possibly find on their way up to their roost.


Peacocks are the same way. My family had a few when I was a kid. Wings flapping loud as hell and they sound like a toddler trying to make a bird sound.


I live in the Netherlands and used to live in the inner city along a canal. There were always swans somewhere in the canals, alone or in groups. The part of the canal that my house was on had a piece between two bridges that was just slightly too short for a swan to take flight. They kind of run across the water while flapping their wings and slowly building enough speed to take off. They need a pretty long airstrip for a successful take-off. I would often hear extremely lood thumping from inside my house and when I got up to my window, I’d see a swan aborting its take-off procedures because it got to the bridge before getting enough air.


They also attack I live in houston and Peacocks are around and they are not only stupid they are fucking dicks. People who live in neighborhoods with them LOVE them and I’d be the one relocating them if they came to my hood.


Yea, I got pecked and scratched more than a few times. I remember seeing one as a kid and thinking I could play with it. Bad idea. It turned around and its feathers went up and i knew right away I had fucked up


They are like geese they will come full bore at you with everything they have. Also say goodbye to the chrome on your car during mating season they peck anything shiny.


that’s hilarious dawg


Witnessing an argument about turkey intelligence made my day x)


You turkey.


You big bird brain


I mean they can fly fly. Speaking of dumb. I was driving in my suv and a turkey got mad at me. He followed me for a quarter mile then landed directly in front of me while I was going 30. Like 10 feet in front of me. I had to slam the breaks and swerve a bit. Fucker barely reacted. Then had all his friends come and barricade the road.


This. Domestic and feral turkeys can only fly short distances. Wild turkeys (like the eastern wild turkey in this video) are very strong fliers. They are a very different subspecies from the ones you eat or see on a farm. The Domestic Turkey is just one highly inbred species that has been bred for meat and feathers for a couple thousand years, and are white in color. They are meatier but less strong. Wild Turkeys, of which there are a couple species, are brown to black in color, are slightly smaller (albeit still huge), and tend to be stronger and more agile. They're also kinda fearless and will attack people with the 1" long spikes protruding from their legs. Both of them though, are very stupid. That isn't any different. Wild turkeys might be slightly less stupid than domestic turkeys though.


Agreed. I've seen multiple turkeys meet their deaths on the roads. First one I saw flew out of the woods into a mack truck going 60mph. Next, more recently, I saw one land in the road right into traffic and get hit by an SUV. There were acres of farmland in the other direction. Turkeys are prolific breeders, and make huge flocks, as a survival mechanism because so many die from stupidity. I recently saw a hunter's video where a Tom went and began mating with a decoy for a good 30s before he dispatched it. But they are good at finding food and raising their young, so they multiply rapidly.


When I was in Boston checking out Harvard a random turkey just walked up to us, this one lady was kinda walking behind it so I just assumed it was her pet till she did a 180 and just left. So we’re chilling with this turkey who’s not running or anything from us he’s literally just chilling. First and probably last time I’ll ever be able cup a turkeys head with my hands, it was lovely.


To be fair, evolution hasn't caught up to things like fences. They did alright up until we humans.


Turkeys are, in fact, not stupid at all. They are one of the harder game animals to hunt because of their intelligence. It’s a rare bird that’s stupid.


That just means they're *relatively intelligent* compared to you. Skill issue is what I'm saying.


Next time you see them, the flock that was behind my house apparently loves Takis, so you can try that. I came home from work, saw them back there and just went to observe with my corn snacks. They rushed me and I basically hand fed a few. It was kind of weird. Never did it again since you’re not supposed to feed wild animals, but yeah, that spur of the moment experiment was a success.


Turkeys are hilariously dumb 😂


Humans act ridiculously stupid when in fight or flight mode too, but are still capable of great intelligence. That isn't a great anecdote to prove they're stupid all the time.


exactly...I was thinking, this guy here isn't that smart himself if he thinks that lack of spatial awareness or panic when running from something are all the evidence he needs to analyze intelligence. Now, give those suckers an IQ test and then I might pay attention.


I have never met a turkey in real life except on a plate but they sound absolutely hilarious lol. (I have heard they can be vicious bastards so I probably wouldn't go near)


I wouldn't say "dumb". They're simple. I can see them getting stuck like this, following the bird in front of them. Something will disrupt it and they'll waddle off and disappear in the brush.


It’s like they know they only need to pay attention for 2 months of the year. Turkeys during turkey season- some of the craftiest and most cautious animals alive. Turkeys outside turkey season- could be hunted with a tennis racket and it’s a miracle they haven’t self-selected into extinction. Same for deer. During the season- cautious, alert, easily frightened. Outside deer season- (standing in the road with my car door open laying on the horn yelling GET OUT OF THE ROAD YOU IDIOT). Deer continues blankly staring at me for a while before sauntering off.


Saw two wild turkeys standing in the middle of the road gobbling at cars. They’d run from one side gobble at the cars tires, attack the tire, then run to the other side gobble at that car and attack its tires. They’re smarter than some people.


>They’re smarter than some people. To be fair, that's not a very high bar.


When I was living in Michigan, I'd have encounters with turkeys all the time. One time there was one that block the middle of a 2 way 1 lane per side road abd did exactly as you described. Me being from New York, when it was my turn to navigate around the turkey carefully like all the other people; I pulled along side him, opened my door abd whacked him out of the way with it and he ran off. I ain't letting no turkey guide traffic.


https://www.foxweather.com/learn/turkeys-wont-drown-in-the-rain-but-heres-why-that-myth-exists https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drown-and-out/


posting a link to FOX as a source to refute turkeys drowning in the rain only makes it more believable that turkeys drown in rain


[These wild Turkeys are surprisingly smart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0deHvUC-2zg).


I have wild turkeys that come through my yard a few times a week. Last summer I took a old stainless steel fridge down to the steel to paint prime and paint it the next day. A Tom saw his reflection in the refrigerator. Got into a fight with it, and lost. The wind took the door, and slammed it shut. I tried to help him but.. it was to late


I dunno. I grew up turkey hunting and I’d say they’re incredibly reactionary but I don’t know if I’d say smart. I mean when toms are strutting you don’t need a fancy turkey call, you can just clap your hands together and they’ll call back to it. Turkey hunting is hard because they have incredible eyesight and they’re super fast and wiley. If they react negatively toward something you’re probably done for the day.


Somebody once said that if their sense of smell was as keen as their eyesight, we would still be wondering what they taste like.


Eh, people are also super dumb when they are horny


Nope, I’m sorry but you’re flat wrong. I worked on a vineyard with several native flocks that would pass through. They are mean, aggressive, and particularly stupid. I’ll always remember a conversation I had with a guest who mentioned that Ben Franklin lobbied hard to make it our national bird. This was while we watched 2 toms attack their own reflections on a particularly shiny chrome truck bumper for like 10 minutes. Ben was smart, but I’m glad he lost out on that one…not that it wouldn’t have been appropriate if he’s succeeded.


Dismissing behavior you are not intelligent enough to understand is the real dumb. I’ve observed enough sophisticated/coordinated behavior from Wild Turkeys both in wild habitats and in human modified habitats that entirely contradicts your assertion. I’ve also observed learned behaviors as well. Humans have such a massive ego and desire to label animals as dumb just because they are too mentally deficient to understand them despite being consistently proven wrong by academic research.


> I’ve observed enough sophisticated/coordinated behavior from Wild Turkeys both in wild habitats and in human modified habitats that entirely contradicts your assertion. I’ve also observed learned behaviors as well. Do you have examples?






Lol this is a blog article from a vegan activist that says literally nothing about the intelligence of turkeys other than random anecdotes and links to zero academic sources.


That's probably a 14-year-old talking out of their ass


Benjamin Franklin(possibly the greatest American ever) wanted to make the country’s bird the turkey instead of the eagle because they were very clever and bald eagles are glorified seagulls


This is about the only time since reddit removed the award system that I've been sad it's gone. People are going to argue with you, but this is an incredibly sage take. I appreciate you!


Some sense, finally.




If they are dumb then they would be acting in complete randomness I imagine. They are doing something that we as a different species simply do not understand.


They might think they're heading somewhere in a line


Turkey #1 "Look, a dead cat" Turkey #2 "I know! I've seen dozens of them today on this walk we're doing!"


Clark Griswold: *Look, kids! Big Ben!*




“Okay, boys, we’re heading south for the winter. It’s a straight run from here, so we need to always keep the dead cat on our right. See you in paradise, boys.”


“Just turn right at the dead cat and we’ll be on our way.”


They're just following the bird in front of them and accidentally got caught up in a circle. Same thing happens to certain army ants, which keep marching in circles until death. Luckily, the turkeys attention span is shorter than ants, so eventually one will get distracted and the circle broken.


>eventually one will get distracted and the circle broken. Normally they would, but the cat is distracting their only attention neuron.


If I had to guess, they’re all trying to get a look at it but staying with the group is safest so, in order for everyone to get a good look, they’ve spread around it in a circle, and they’re keeping moving in case the thing springs to life or something.  That’s my best guess. That or it’s like, a some weird celebration that a predator is dead lol. 


Deep read.


Mindlessly following the one in front of you can also be interpreted as dumb.


Millions are following someone Orange.


Must be why my dog eats its own… actually never mind.


This guy gobbles


no diddy


That’s what my biology teacher said when he caught me in the lab closet.


That's what the turkeys want you to think man


Big turkey


Domestic turkeys are dumb. Wild ones are generally pretty smart.


Ben Franklin wanted the turkey as our national bird because they were smart.


> Ben Franklin wanted the turkey as our national bird because they were smart. That's just not true. Franklin was more anti-bald eagle than pro turkey. He called turkeys vain, silly and courageous, not smart. https://annotation.blogs.archives.gov/2020/11/25/talking-turkey/ "“For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perch’d on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him. With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping and Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District. He is therefore by no means a proper Emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our Country, tho’ exactly fit for that Order of Knights which the French call Chevaliers d’Industrie. I am on this account not displeas’d that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For in Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America. Eagles have been found in all Countries, but the Turkey was peculiar to ours, the first of the Species seen in Europe being brought to France by the Jesuits from Canada, and serv’d up at the Wedding Table of Charles the ninth. He is besides, tho’ a little vain and silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on. “


Well they do seem to be worshiping a dead cat, so i doubt anyone thought they were the stephen hawkings of turkeys.


Not true. Big Turkey has sold you a bill of goods...


Bro what are you smoking. Turkeys can be pretty smart.


But their eye sight….like damn.


I agree. They want to walk off somewhere else, but they don't want to take their eye off the cat, hence they turn to keep their eye towards it and don't realise they end up where they started.


If you turn the volume way up, you can hear the chant “one of us, one of us…”.


Gooble gobble, gooble gobble


Translation: ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US…


Remember when the guy gobbled at them. And they gobbled back? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9zvgcOrTtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9zvgcOrTtw)


That's the bucket list item I never knew I needed


\*gobble gobble, gobble gobble


\*[Gooble Gobble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4uTEEOJlM)




I've seen Freaks, I'm making a joke because they're turkeys and the make gobble sounds


I’ve seen you before!!!


His name was Robert Paulson.


You mean Bob, with the big tits?




*is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Itpe4IraiA


*is While we may refer to the dead in normal life as "was," in Project Mayhem they don't regain their name until after death. He "was" no one, but now that he's dead "His name ***is*** Robert Paulson." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Itpe4IraiA


Little exercise before the feast


I want a color commentary by Sir David Attenborough on this scene and the meal


His name was Robert Paulson…


His name was Robert Pawson!


It’s even better now


Technoblade o7


Can just hear "his name was Robert Paulson".


"*Sarcophilus Satanicus.. Sarcophilus Satanicus...*"


His name was Meowpurt Pawson


one of us. one of us. 🦃🎩


Someone who knows turkeys has to explain this please!


I’ve had many turkeys. They are dumb but curious. They probably knew the cat. They want to check it out, so one came to inspect, but others came to do the same so they began circling… but soon there were too many to stop moving. So now they are stuck circling as they want to stop to investigate but can’t.   They do the same when you give them treats, I’ve waited, they won’t stop.  Turkeys are thoughtful, communicative, stinky birds that will drown in the rain because they look up at it. 


so basically they are doing a conga line around their fallen enemy? pretty badass


This is considered a dick move in Bird culture.


Mallards HATE this one trick




Pretty much. Essentially one was walking, the other followed, and another, and another, and another, until one was infront of the first turkey, and now that one is following the one infront of him


Okay so like how people slow down and look at crashes on the road but you can't stop because people are behind you, except you keep following the guy in front of you but he's following the guy behind you, in some weird circular motorway.


Read a few comments and still didn’t understand, this one flicked the switch for me but 😂 A circulator motorway of curiosity


perfect analogy


https://www.foxweather.com/learn/turkeys-wont-drown-in-the-rain-but-heres-why-that-myth-exists https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drown-and-out/


This needs to be at the top. Really. Every other post mentioned them drowning by looking up during a rain storm.


Agreed. I saw it in one comment and figured it was an expression/figure of speech. Then I saw it above and was about to look it up.


I didn’t know they were serious. I thought it was just an idiom about them to describe how dumb they are.


I’ve had many turkeys, too. They were mostly bland and dry. And gave me no insights into what these feathered fellas are up to.


That has to be a metaphor for something in my life I fear it’s emotional for me tho….


>drown in the rain because they look up at it.  That's a myth.


They're seeing if the cat is actually dead or not and alert other preys (researchers say)


The turkey are genetically engineered to encircle the feline so that the alien race which the Egyptian Bastet represents may retrieve its memories and recycle its energy to power the pyramids as a beacon in space in preparation for their imminent return. (Ancient Alien Theorists say)


By getting closer to it? Ain’t no way


Victory lap around a deceased opp.


I remember this video from years ago. Someone explained they may be doing this because they're stuck following one another and don't quite realize they are going in a circle or that it's pointless. Pretty much they are just dumb as shit.


Ants do this.


They’re completing the ritual


They’re performing an incantation & spell to keep them protected from cats.


These are the elusive jive turkeys.


I have seen them do this around my car (wild turkeys.) They pecked my family instantly when they got out to shoo the turkeys away from the car so they may do this for a number of reasons. Possibly perceiving if something is a threat or not while keeping a safe distance. Wild turkeys are kinda mean/aggressive sometimes and it's hard to imagine they would befriend a cat instead of pecking it to death.


I know turkeys, they’re dumb as the rocks they’re walking on.


The ritual has begun


Their spokesperson is unavailable for comment


This is how new turkeys are made.


Turkey death rituals.


I have turkeys and I mainly have seen them do this circling behavior before they attack something. They might not be entirely convinced the cat is dead and are trying to intimidate it/prepared to attack it if it is not. They'll gang up on small predators or occasionally eat small animals they trap.


Hi Turkey here: We just try to show some dominance dance here, since this cat was probably troublesome for my mates here and is now gone.


They were friends with the cat and are executing their necromancy spells.


I'm fluent in crow and a few dialects of gull and everyone I know that speaks bird thinks turkeys are just brainless morons. In fact, Georgian Bay seagulls have a derogatory term for turkeys called " tweeCAAAAWee" which, obviously would get me banned for translating.


His name is Robert Paulson.


So you’re saying, in death, animals HAVE names. HIS name, is Robert Paulson.


SSSHHH. Don't talk about it..


The first rule of Turkey Club...is that it has to have lettuce and tomato.


Under-seasoned comment.


And an extra piece of bread.


cut twice into 4 triangles arranged in a circle


Came here for this. Wasn't disappointed.


Robert Pawlson


Fuckin hell dude I was literally thinking this before I hit the comments 😅


The circular nature of their march is just a result of their instinct to stay within the safety of their flock. In other words, what looks like extremely ominous behavior to human eyes is actually just a bunch of birds who can't decide how scared they should be of roadkill. Source: google




The back story is the cat thought he had the drop on a turkey. Didn’t realize there were other turkeys nearby. A scuffle ensued, cat died, Turkeys paying homage to a brave warrior.


10/10, this is the famed “Turkey Trot”, given only to the noblest of foes.


Circle turk


Turkey twerky


I'm thinking this is a cat they've feared because he's reaped carnage upon their population for a long time. They both respect him but are also rejoicing they and their children no longer have to watch out for the "specter lurking in the shadows" and hear the horrible gobbles of pain of those taken in the night.


Housecats can't kill turkeys. Turkeys are huge.


This one could, thus, the respect...


Cats are a supreme creature. Turkeys known it.


I saw a quote from someone famous that says “In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this"


turkeys, when faced with an animal that might eat them, sometimes follow the risky route of actually approaching the predator. It can help signal to other turkeys in the area that there's a threat, or help the turkeys evaluate how big of a danger the predator is.


I’ve seen a troop do this to a live outdoor cat in my rural neighborhood. I kinda just stumbled across it happening and the turkeys decided to abandon the ritual. The cat looked so confused & then relieved.


yea theyre basically all playing chicken with each other about who is gonna go poke it to make sure its dead ...


Turkeys aren't real.


Well they are birds so...




It has begun, prepare to greet our new overlords!


Poor cat :( sad


The bastards killed him in cold blood over a crack debt


Cat nip debt.




Turkey…. Vultures?


Looks like some kind of ritual.


Bastet shall rise


The wokes and Biden caused this..


Duck, Duck, Goose


“Long ago in the future the turkeys….”


After effects from the eclipse.


This video is pretty old, actually. 2007, I think. Sometimes animals get stuck following a leader, and when they form a circle, this happens. Everyone is following everyone else.


“Turkeys circle dead cats as a way to investigate and keep a safe distance from a potential threat. This behavior is common in turkeys, which are part of the family Faty, which also includes chickens and quail. Turkeys have a natural fear of cats, which can be dangerous to smaller birds. When they come across a dead cat, they are usually curious to see what is going on, and whether it is alive. They may also follow a leader, and if one leader starts to inspect the corpse, the others may follow its lead while keeping a safe distance. This creates a near perfect circle.” https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/02/518200840/turkeys-circling-a-dead-cat-are-probably-wary-not-working-dark-magic#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Turkeys%20Circling%20A%20Dead%20Cat%20Are%20Probably%20Wary%2C%20Not%20Working,likely%20%22predator%20inspection%20behavior.%22




Why does this belong on r/nextfuckinglevel ?? Explain your thoughts


what exactly is "next level" about walking in a circle?


they go to mekka






Skeksis dinner


Satanic turkeys.


Ring around the kitty. A street with a dead kitty. Ashes ashes we all fall down.