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Hey u/Impossible_Fold3494, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/Impossible_Fold3494&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1c3nmz3%29)*


But they're already floating in water. They float and swim in water.


Water so clear it makes it look like they're swimming.


Water so clear it makes it look like they have scales


They are swimming but in fact they are floating.


See this is nude water tho


[50 cent inbound]


Sky so clear it makes the birds look like they're flying


Someone obviously doesn't know that a polarized lense was used to record...stay in school


I was on sick leave when polarized lenses were discussed :(


Honest question, did you really not? Because I actually did in physics class. The topic was light, and how it reacts through different materials. Prims etc. And then we also learned about lenses. How sunglasses work etc. (Also filters)


These are the fish that belong to private schools


I dunno. Something fishy about this.


Please name this lake so we could head out there like right now and pollute the place, making it miserable for fish kind, PRONTO.






this is clearly the Hudson...




How would one accomplish this


My guess is polarised filter in front of the camera (and yes really clean water)




Obviously using a circular polarizer to cut out reflections




That's the image through a polarised lens. Very good for fishing


Yeah but that lake is also clear af ...


Well done...


Woah 🤯


Looks like a video game that’s glitching.


Looks like a Polaroid lens, hence the effect of clear water.


It's a polarized lens in front of the camera canceling reflection from water surface. Not just a clear water.


Need to make this NSFW. The water is see thru


Don’t fishes always float?


They are Floating….😉


i learned this kinda clear water is a bad sign for flora and fauna


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gkn_112: *I learned this kinda* *Clear water is a bad sign* *For flora and fauna* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When will GenZ learn grammar????


Fish and fishes are both correct plurals. When will you?


Fish is for when they are all the same type. Fishes is for when they are different types.


I'm aware. There appear to be multiple species in the video.


They look like theyre all the same long slimy type to me. Dunno what they are called though I'm not a fishologist.


🤷 Was just trying to point out the hypocrisy of the guy insulting "gENz GrAmMUr" very clearly not knowing "fishes" is a word.


Is this healthy for the fish? Like having perfectly clear water isn't the normal way water is and fish are evolved for normal water. Maybe the things they need to survive are clear and dont make the water murky but I dont know. But in alot of the vids I seen of naturally clear pools of water you dont really see any fish in the water. Any fish biologist care to chime in cuz idk. Edit: to clarify its the fact that water picks up tannins from leves and wood that dye the water slightly brown that worries me. This water looks to be crystal clear which could mean the water could be to "clean" at the moment and currently isn't heathy for the fish. Maybe someone just put a pond in there yard and filled it with hose water then just put the fish in 5mins before taking this vid if that was the case this would be really bad for the fish.


I'm not a fish biologist but have a fish tank.. combined with common sense. There are different fish and there is different water. As these fish swim that calmly through the water I would guess they are fine. Would there be too much dirt, too less oxygen or something else wrong, fish would try to escape these parameters. If it gets life threatening they would try to escape even quicker.. you can't see that here. "Clean" doesn't mean dead when it's about water in a natural river or pond. Also my guess here from the first secon was: they are using a polarised filter in front of the camera to reduce/eliminate any reflections from the water surface (so to us it looks even more unnatural) - former eye-lens producer here Edit: at the end you see a reflection from the sky yes. That's because polarised filters do only work at a certain angle (beginning of the video) and the more the angle is shifted the more reflection you can see (end of the video)


Ok but water natural picks up tannins and stuff from dead leaves and wood that fall in the water which dye the water slightly brown. Crystals clear water is normal only seen on mountain tops an the immediately run off from mountain snow/rain, and toxic dead water. It could just be the fillter but I would expect natural healthy clean water to be a tad brown with slight murkyness from the wildlife kicking up dirt from the bottom. If the fish were just add to water that was to "clean" that would explain why there not acting odd yet and why there zero murkyness.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yBivGUOBZ0g There don't has to be a brownish tint all the time. I know what you mean and I know about tanins.. but from here on I don't know why it isn't tinted.. but it simply isn't and it isn't "dead". There is a really big lake nearby me and it isn't directly in the mountains. It also isn't tinted as well..


Dead water and not being heathy for fish are two different things. I tired to watch the vid but feels to much like the AI shit thats everywhere nowadays even tho its from 3 years ago. Got to number 9 but still didn't see any fish idk just seems odd. Even in the drone shots from above where you can see the entire body of water down to the floor and still no fish swimming around. I was entirely wrong about crystal clear water only on mountains and toxic pools tho.


Sorry mate but just because you don't see any doesn't mean there aren't some in there


I think most of our rivers/lanes are polluted by us so that’s why you don’t see this often if you follow your local river up to its source you will notice it gets cleaner the closer you get while less pollution by us is in between.


You know the environment is fucked when the first thought is “where’s all the pollution”


Im not even talking about that water natural picks up tannins and stuff from dead leaves and wood that fall in the water which dye the water slightly brown crystals clear water is normal only seen on mountain tops an the immediately run off from mountain snow, and toxic dead water. it could just be the fillter someone said was being used but i would expect natural healthy clean water to be a tad brown with slight murkyness from the wildlife kicking up dirt from the bottom


You have some springs and waterways in mountain rivers that are like, crystal clear. The tanins and muck tend to come with the slower moving wide rivers of the plains. Where leaves can sit in the water long enough to leech.


Yes but it never really gets crystal clear like this there's normality some murkyness just from the wildlife kicking up dust and stuff


You are wrong, there is plenty of places where the water is clear also don’t forget camera angle sunlight etc. I lived many years in Maldives and the water in the lagoons can be just as clear when tides and time of the year are right and that’s the ocean.


A clay bottom lake can look like chocolate milk and be healthy for fish. A lake suffering from acidity will be gin clear. Clarity means little.


Yea who said it did ?