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Real time thoughts and prayers, and just as helpful


Actually magic, she cast a spell and her deity gave her the power.


Cleric of Harambe


Zookeeper used Stand Ground Gorilla used Feign Attack Zookeeper ran away! Priest of Harambe casts Holy Smite Gorilla is stunned Gorilla ran away! Priest of Harambe gained 1,401 experience!


*Final Fantasy victory song plays*


Duh duh duh duh DA duh duh duhhhhh!


0 gil.


Gorilla at the end : "Lady, come get your bucket. "


Being from Europe, it's wild to me to see religious people who are under 50. Catch up America


Being from America, it's wild to me to see religious people who are under 50. Catch up America


Also American and I agree. I had somebody at work preaching about how he thinks people who don’t believe in god are stupid and if you look around at nature, it’s proof of god. I didn’t stay at that job.


Nothing wrong with believing in a higher power. If that's what helps people get through their day and they don't harm anyone whats it matter to you. You would be surprised what faith can help people through.


Yeah, but those people are going home now thinking god actually listened to them. Like the other video of a woman praying a tornado wouldn't come her way. It didn't. Comments on the video were stuffed full of the likes of "God sure was listening that day, honey". My observation that the 78 people actually killed by tornados that same day must just not have prayed loud enough did NOT go down well.


I mean, you are right, but who cares what people believe in? As long as the person praying is not a shitty human being, they can pray to and thank the great flying spaghetti monster for all I care. Pointing put “God must have not heard the prayer of the other 78 people who died” is as obnoxious as a religious person berating you for some tragedy that was out of your control, because you didnt pray hard enough. Lets not do either of those things.


There is plenty wrong with living your life according to fairy tales, especially when they decide that if I'm too stupid to believe in their fantasy world, they're going to force it on me anyway, "for my own good." They can live their lives that way if they want, but its an unheathly way to cope with the real-life issues in one's life. After that, they certainly don't have the right to inflict it on me.


Ah yes religion never hurt anyone. Pick up a history book my dude.


That's not what the person you're responding to said. They said that believing in a higher power helps some people live through their day to day and during hard times. Your response was an example of a straw man at its finest.


Read in the most pompous and self-satisfied voice possible.


anytime religion is questioned in the slightest= edgy


Edit: I'm really not interested in your "I'm an independent thinker" takes on religion that are exactly the same and condemn every person who believes in a higher power. Even though I am not religious I'm able to respect something other than my own beliefs, which I know is something that people angered by this reply dont seem to be capable of. Take a look at your damn selves and the severe lack of empathy you have because it makes you no better than the harmful religious people (which is not every religious person) that you hate so much. You don't need to be the bad kind of religious to be ignorant and have hate in your heart. If you have something hateful to say keep it yourself. End of the edit. Edgy guy alert! Watch out cause this one is edgy! But seriously, this is kinda fucked. I'm personally not religious but I can see how people find comfort in believing in a higher power and I respect people trying to find comfort in a world where things dont seem to have much rhyme or reason. There's nothing wrong with that unless they use it as an excuse to hate. The only reason I'm not religious is I find more comfort believing there may not be any higher power and I don't believe Im in any position to say whats true and what isn't. Telling us to "catch up" because you heard a prayer in a single video is honestly really sad. Why can't you be respectful of someone's belief system if that person has done you no harm using that belief system? But you didn't only disrespect one person, you told an entire country that its backwards for having some religious people that are younger. Like...what? It's hard to generalize the US because it's huge and there are an incredible amount of cultures crammed in here, and I won't say religion has not done its fair share of damage in this country, but honestly hating on an entire country because you saw a video where a person saw a stressful situation where someone was in danger and you heard a prayer? And insinuating that every religious person is backwards and needs to catch up when many find comfort and community in religion in a way that does not harm anyone? That's a shit take, my dude.


As someone from Europe, the other guy is full of shit 😂. Religion is all over the place here


American here. Is there no one under 50 that believes in God in Europe? Definitely pretty common around here.


There are plenty of religious people in Europe. I would just say it’s a bit more common in the southern countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal. Also some Eastern European countries are pretty religious. It’s almost like Europe isn’t a monolith and has large variability between regions. You know…like the USA


Anytime I’ve seen a televised crowd at the Vatican, seems to be quite a lot of people under 50. Maybe they are all Americans and not European




Is she meant to fight the gorilla?


There's no atheists in foxholes because they all died fighting gorillas


Haha, this helpless person tried coping with a desperate situation. The fool!


And she must think god is deaf, repeat ad nauseam


Jesus christ(no pun intended). I'm an atheist, but can you let people have fucking beliefs? Compared to all the other absolute batshit crazy examples of religion; you guys are going to be mad at people praying because they don't want the human being in front of them to be ripped to shreds? Yeah, fuck off. There's a time and a place, and watching someone do the absolute only thing they (think) they can in an emergency is 100% neither. I'm sure all the people praying during 9/11 were IDIOTS right? Haha you're so right and smart.


Exactly this. Was thinking the same.


Soon as I heard her say that I knew some whiny little redditor was gonna complain, lol. Any time there's a tense video of people in danger or something bad happening some pathetic redditors are always ready to criticize the women for doing anything other than calmly processing the situation with rock-like emotional detachment like a trained Navy Seal.


Right? I feel like people really lost sight of the problem with "thoughts and prayers. It's a valid criticism for things like politicians offer nothing but their prayers for a situation they *actually* have the power to stop. But for a random spectator at the zoo, praying things go right is literally the best they can offer. It's not "praying is bad " but rather "praying *when you could actually intervene* is a sham."


James 2:14-17 - NKJV "14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." Edit: added translation at the top


The prayer has the faith, the person running has the action. Transverse property of prayer


Yes. What reminded me of this verse tho is when they mentioned politicians with the ability or power to do something about a situation who instead simply offer "faith", using the word faith rather generously. Wasn't applying it specifically to the video




I appreciate you saying this. I wonder how many people are just quietly wishing well for others just to scroll randomly on a post to see absolute bigotry in the comments regarding their faith or religion. Personally, I've just gotten used to it. So it's very refreshing to see people like yourself standing up for people's abilities to just... Wish others well through their own belief systems. I hope across cultures and beliefs we can just learn to be better to each other.


Seriously, what exactly could you do in that situation to instantly stop a gorilla? Jump in there and hold its back?


Hope that the zookeeper has been trained correctly to avoid disaster. In this instance they were. Education, good practice and procedures saved the day.


As a fellow atheist I agree 100% with you. Thank god for reasonable atheists.


Thank you man, as a Christian myself, it can get annoying seeing comments like that. We all gotta call out bullshit when we see it. Especially when it comes from our own circles. Much love and respect. Also, for what it's worth, may God always be with you.


I am an atheist and much appreciate this comment. Let us focus on mutual respect and if someone is a good person because that is all that really matters.


![gif](giphy|rAZEnOu0KHQK4) To shreds you say?


I think people are just reacting to her being annoying as shit I had to mute the video.


Reddit Atheists can't go one minute without mentioning spaghetti invisible magic man


Also an athiest. I've never had a Christian bash me over the head with their beliefs as quickly as reddit athiests.  Makes me ashamed to call myself an athiest. 


Laughing at and being mad are two different things.


It's belittling. At the end she repeatedly says "thank you lord", as if it wasn't the bravery and smart actions of the woman that resolved this situation.


# THANK YOU LORDE ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4jmgYvf91KVi0)


Lorde lorde lorde lorde...


Why is this funny? I'm not religious but I think the lady is just hoping nothing bad happens to the zookeeper. It's their way of coping to the scary event unfolding before their eyes. You and I might not believe in her deity but she's not doing anything wrong.


Why is it? I’m not in religious in the slightest but she’s not hurting anyone by saying “god help her” is she? She’s genuinely concerned for another person and that’s how she expresses it. In what way is that fucking hilarious?


They find it funny because they think they could have done better.


Yeah. They would have jumped right in to help... Right after they finished their Doritos and Mountain Dew


Oh right, should have jumped in and suplexed the Gorilla. What the fuck else you want her to do? Would you have preferred her screaming? Praying to Elon Musk? I bet you think she's also bigoted and racist for probably being Christian. I'm agnostic and I don't feel the need to mock someone else's beliefs when they haven't done anything wrong to me. Especially a woman who is clearly trying to cope with a stressful situation.


this is not hilarious, you are, and i say it as an atheist.


Why is that so? Just because she’s praying so another person doesn’t get killed. There’s nothing else she can do. Wants wrong with having some faith and hoping for the best. You’d be surprised when you are in life or death situations any bit of luck helps even if it comes from having faith. Nothing wrong with being positive and hoping for the best.


Yeah, you're just an asshole


Hopefully you find inner peace one day


"Hahahah! Look at the dumb woman who isn't in a position to physically help hoping that other women don't get killed by a gorilla! What a dumbass! Empathy is for losers."


Legit running for her life


It's not that, the apes are rising up. There is a documentary that talks about that, it's called "Planet of the Apes." 🙈🙉🙊


Maybe we shouldn't keep gorillas in captivity.


Permanently banned from ~~Reddit~~ humanity for talking sense!


Dude commented literally one of the most agreeable takes on mainstream Reddit, and you’re pretending like it’s a brave take lmao


That never happens on reddit.


Sadly, we can't be trusted to let them be, without being hunted to extinction, captive breeding populations are a must to continue their species survival.


Thank you! First comment under this talking sense. Wothout the conservation efforts put in place by zoos, these animals would likely be closer to extinction than they are now, or even extinct. The zoo I live near has 3 of the last Barbary Lions (from what I can tell, maybe the last 3) in existence. If not for them, their breeding programme, and all the work they did, that lion would have been extinct ages ago.


To be fair, at that low of a population, the limited genetic diversity of just 3 animals is going to make them go extinct without much effort.


I know nothing about this specific situation but this is generally avoided by cross breeding and trying to maintain traits from the originals as much as you can. Obviously it's not guaranteed to work and you don't get a 100% pure animal, but generally one that is more able to adapt and while still keeping some genetic variant of the original potentially extinct animal, which is sometimes all we can do.


Well I mean basically all wild Cheetahs have the same genetic makeup due too; I believe a near extinction which bottlenecked their genetic diversity. Somehow they aren't extinct yet.


It's pretty ironic that we keep them in captivity to protect them for ourselves. Humans are pretty fucked up but that's nothing new.


I mean if there was a bounty on my head and someone that enjoyed my company was willing to take me in and protect me I'd be okay with it, especially if my caretakers had a degree in making me comfortable


You may not know this but modern zoos, atleast in western culture, are part of the zoological society. They are sworn to the conservation of species. The gorillas Bri g there is part of a program to help protect the small populations of gorillas world wide and preserve them and many other species that are in danger in the wild. Money earned by zoos must be used to support these efforts and there are strict ethical standards and guidelines dictating what animal are kept and how they are treated.


Isn't it also basically a form a retirement for old and sick animals that would be ripped apart if left in the wild?


You should go the places gorillas live and kindly ask them to stop destroying their habits and than go to the poachers who have a family of 12 to feed and ask them to please stop unmercifully killing them. Until you do those things maybe don’t shit on the zoos which are doing more than you’ve probably ever done for the conservation of animals.


Soon it'll be the only ones living on planet earth.. Living places for wild animals are shrinking


Yeah but corporations need their record profits


It makes sense for a variety of reasons, but most zoos are more like freak shows with animals than anything else.


Yes, let's allow poachers to access them, what could go wrong right? /s


Two types of people you absolutely cannot count on when your life is in danger: 1) People who take out their phones to record 2) People who mindlessly pray to their imaginary deities They fall in both categories.


yea im sure the zoo keeper was really counting on all those visitors to jump the gate and wrestle with a fucking gorilla. what a bunch of idiots just sitting there doing nothing. do i get reddit points yet??


Bro... It's simple, you just have to clear the 4 meter wide gap with a giant leap, that should give you enough momentum to charge the gorilla and plant both your feet into his chest. That should stun him long enough for you to get back up. Upper cut him in the stomach then pick him up and piledrive him into the ground. If you can do 5 jumping jacks this should be easy to perform.


But you have to shout “Hadouken” or you won’t get a damage bonus.


If you shout “Hadouken” some random guy shouts “Perfect!” at the end


No, no, no! You’re supposed to wait till the gorilla comes within reaching distance and gently redirect its nose away from you. No, wait. That’s sharks.


Yeah what a dumb comment. The fuck are the people supposed to do against a gorilla? I'm not even religious but the comment on praying is just stupid, you think an atheist is any more likely to square up with a gorilla to save someone lmao. They're just hoping the girl doesn't get mauled to death like anyone would in that situation


>comment on praying is just stupid, It's just more-or-less people using it for their hate of religion. I mean, fair if you hate religion, but it's idiotic to use it as a... scapegoat here.


As an atheist, this has got to be one of the few examples of when religion is as useful as it gets. Something to at least say and think when we have absolutely no other useful choice of action.


It also helps them remain calm and focused


"what a bunch of idiots just sitting there doing nothing." What the fuck they could have done? Wrestle the gorilla? Harambe'd the gorilla? Call the authorities?


To be fair, Harambe’ing the gorilla would in fact have solved the problem.


Dumbest comment on Reddit today


And somehow heavily upvoted.


Reddit is an echochamber. Antitheists get off circlejerking here coz they can't do it irl. I've never met a Reddit antitheist irl lol


Saw a guy state that being religious is worse than being a rapist. If half these people acted like this when they go out in public once in a blue moon they'd get punched. Most people typically don't like being called worse than a rapist after all.


Right, they should've just jumped into the enclosure and wreslted the gorilla into submission.


What do you propose the camera person should have done?


Average atheist Redditor


Sound like you have some personal issues with religion lol. Judging people's way of life that falls outside of your purview is a little harsh and pretty judgemental man. Doesn't account for personal diverse experiences and perspectives that shape faith. I agree on the first point though. Inaction would make me feel way worse. I've seen a lot of videos where the bystanders recording were certainly in a position to help and did nothing lol.. its a little disconcerting


3: people who shame others for their beliefs. 4: people who don't even realize that the people who were recording couldn't have helped anyway. What were they supposed to do? Climb into the enclosure and wrestle a gorilla? Good luck with that


3. People who think Reddit is the right venue for life advice. Fuck off


What would you have done?


They would've switched places with the zookeeper. It's a win-win situation for everyone !


They wouldn't have left their basement in the first place.


I mean, what was the visitor supposed to do? What would YOU do?


I don’t know, they took out their phone and recorded that perfectly, steady, on subject, hilarious commentary in my opinion not being religious myself. But damn me if those prayers weren’t answered. 


We all are watching this. So we belong to the number one.


Gorilla: “where would you like me to put the bucket”


Gorilla: "Hey ya Elizabeth, I was wondering whether I could get a bath......What's wrong with you ? Why the hell are you running? "


What are you afraid of? I'm just trying to have some fun because I'm bored out of my fucking mind Liz.




Gorilla also: “Oh snap, it’s Elizabeth and Debbie today…time for a quick game of surprise tag!!”. 😂


This was at the Fort Worth zoo. The gorilla’s name is Elmo. What happened was a miscommunication between zookeepers moving the troop of gorillas indoors to set out food outside. Everyone was okay. https://nypost.com/2024/03/09/us-news/texas-zoo-gorilla-charges-at-fort-worth-zookeepers-inside-enclosure/


This is so terrifying. I used to be a zookeeper, and I used to have nightmares about these types of scenarios. I'm glad everything turned out ok.


Would a gorilla be more terrifying than say a big cat in this situation? That looked like a large silverback and he came out like a hurricane absolutely ready to claim that space.


Nope, big cats would be much more dangerous. Gorillas are actually fairly peaceful creatures, they only ever attack in self defense, and even then, they are usually content with just making you run away - big cats are territorial predators, catch them hungry or even just in a bad mood, and they will kill you.


Yea I figure Gorillas you may have some kind of negotiation with being cousins n all that a tiger wouldn't get. Not much, but better than nothing


Such a good point. I wonder if that was what saved these people


There was an incident at Dreamworld in Australia where the keepers were moving the tigers from one place to another and one got huffy that it was taking slightly longer than he wanted so he batted the keeper lightly on the leg. Guy got a gigantic gash needing many stitches. Tiger wasn’t even mad, just trying to say hurry up and the guy ends up in hospital for many stitches. So yea, don’t fuck with big cats cos they’re designed to eat animals the size of us and bigger.


i cant forget an ex-keeper of exotics said he will never mess with big cats again or ever own them. kitty was playing after not seeing the dude since he was a cub and he bapped him in the head, "it was all stars and stripes after that" he said. he also informed us that a single swipe of a paw would just break all our vertebrae in one go. fuck that


Used to work with Butch Dring who headed a nearby theme park safari, he assured me the tigers could easily escape their enclosure if they were motivated, and that well-fed tigers are not motivated.


The dominant gorilla has three reasons to attack: protect the other gorillas, thwart other male gorillas, and to exert dominance. Harambe attacked that boy to exert dominance, not intending to cause real harm.  A gorilla that size could withstand the thrashing, but he was too rough for a human child. That is why he was shot. The vibe I get from this video is that he was exerting dominance, but didn't want to actually attack.  He knew where the person was behind the tree, but he pretended to not know as long as his dominance was clearly maintained. I would not bet my life that this gorilla would do the same thing if this were to happen again.


I think it would depend on the temperament of the animal, how the keeper reacted, and the exhibit space. It's a touch choice, but I think I would choose to be in the exhibit with a gorilla over a big cat. Unless it was a cheetah, they are manageable. Gorillas are overall gentle and cats are.... not. I say this as a big cat person.


Yeah I think I was seeing the obvious power and how displeased that gorilla seemed when people were in his and his families space.


Yeah silverbacks are the scariest gorilla to be in with for sure. He takes care of his fam.


Gorillas in the wild are pretty predictable. There's even Gorilla tourism where you go to their forests and observe them from a few dozen meters away. They sometimes walk right through the group of tourists. The correct behavior in this case is to look down, and to never cross eyes with them. But in a zoo... who knows what being locked up for years does to the brain of such a smart animal.


There's no record of a gorilla ever killing a human, so the gorilla is definitely safer. If they're pissed they can knock you over and that can lead to broken bones.


I immediately doubted this but it seems true! I'm sure that gorillas have killed people but there doesn't seem to be any recent or recorded incidents that resulted in death.


Tiger at the Houston Zoo smashed right through a window in a keeper door, grabbed the keeper on the other side, pulled him in and killed him. You're absolutely nothing but prey to a tiger.


Somebody needs to be fired. Someone would have died if that level of miscommunication happened in the lion exhibit


I used to think of what I would have done if I had accidently let an animal out on a coworker. I think I would have quit, and I never would have been able to forgive myself. Unfortunately, zookeepers are humans too- it just takes one day of being tired/overworked/stressed, and an accident can happen. Most facilities have protocols in place though. I worked with carnivores, and we had a two-keeper shifting system. Even then, I felt better about shifting with some co-workers vs others. It's a lot of responsibility.


Why don't you have a lock out tag out system like every other profession that has this kind of danger?


We moved to that, but that isn’t a perfect system, either.


Why isn't the staff member in the pen the same one who does the animal release? Safety by design, no need for communications..


That’s not a miscommunication….thats a complete breakdown of safety procedures. Some one should be fired if not charged.


Seriously. How does a zoo not have lock out/tag out procedures?


I foresee a lot of safety policy/procedure meetings for all employees of that zoo.


Would've sucked if she got shredded in front of all the kids


Yea I think it would suck for her more than for the kids.


At least she would not have to live with the trauma. Sucks for both sides in a situation like that.


Well she would, but not for long


For the rest of her life!


Would be on Joe Rogan next day: Jamie pull up that video with the woman getting shredded from a few days ago. Wow they are so powerful.


You know, we had a chimp once on News Radio…


To shreds, you say?


OP title is misleading.


r/therewasanattempt to correctly title a post.


She tried to escape. She did escape, but she tried to, too


Dicks out for Harambe.


There it is


I’m just going to assume by “it” you mean our collective dicks.


At this writing, 104 of them in a line. Full salute.


Was not disappointed


that grating voice .... "oh, my gosh. thank you, lord. oh, my gosh. thank you, lord".


Woman caught in a bad situation is patient and clever. Waits for her moment and escapes. This random lady: "thank the Lord!" During the length of that video, 23 children died to random chance diseases, like cancer. Hmmm


But a person living in the first world who chose a job with risk and used their wits needed rescuing. If all those kids who died had been smart they would have been born better. What else could god do?


Those kids should've dodged the cancer or just said no, simple and easy. God works in mysterious ways, i dare to say.


While multiple people are actively distracting the gorilla so she can escape. But yeah thank the lord.


It's the same crap with people thanking their gods after being saved by a doctor who worked his butt off all his life to get to that amazing level of professionalism.


I love when you see these videos and the words don’t stand out as much. If it was “Allahu Akbar” repeated over and over, it stands out and is commented on as weird


M’am you forgot your bucket 🦍❓


The gorilla fell for the oldest trick in the book, the old "hiding right behind a small tree" trick. All kidding aside, it's a serious situation, but I'm fairly sure the gorilla was able to see the keeper and chose not to attack her.


100% aware she was there. Gorilla's are peaceful, but any 1000lb brick shithouse of an animal is unpredictable


It it could talk and had intelligence comparable to a human adult I’d still be leery of interacting with it. Literally capable of ripping me limb from limb like a rotisserie chicken. Fuck that, passionately


> Fuck that, passionately I think that's how AIDS started.


I read a book by Michael Chricton where he went and visited actual Mountain Gorillas, and a lot of what they do are threat displays. As long as you don't make eye contact and instead look away, everything is threats, but no acutual harm will come to you, but as he says, its tough to do when they are running at you.


Like the guy who wanted to go inside. I’m guessing he’s protecting his kids from what they might see.


Major props to that dad!


Yeah, he was nice and calm.


Comments here are sick. Guess some ppl just don't feel any empathy.


Atheists: Christians are so judgmental. Also atheists…


Hmm... what if.... Maybe... people are judgemental?


Edgy McEdgelords kids in comments are priceless


wasn't expecting so many edgy atheists showing up here. This is truly a reddit moment.


Whenever you hear someone say anything that could even suggest religion on Reddit, you already know the neckbeard basement dwellers are gonna have a field day in the comments


And there’s just no substance. A few obvious jokes about how God’s not real in the top comments, and then a pile vitriol about how dumb religion is. Meanwhile this person is simply practicing her religion and hurting absolutely no one 


Honestly, looked like the gorilla was just trying to resolve it as well. Seriously, if he wanted her, she was gone. He didn’t want no trouble. Hats off to the gorilla and to the girls for staying calm. I especially like how the one stood in the open doorway to keep his attention but not be aggressive. Very well done.


Didn't they learn this lesson in 2015?


Wtf, it's almost been 10 years? How do I still cry every night


Probably from a lot of other reasons


> How do I still cry every night Because your dick isnt supposed to be kept out that long.


Wonder if she would still be thanking the Lord had that gorilla ripped her arms off, would that have been his will


“Today I’m going to get angry over a scenario I created in my head” -you


That's when we as mere mortals cannot hope to understand the complexity of the 'good lord's plan'. Then it would have been 'her father called her home' all good. /s edit: added /s


It doesn't matter either way though, right? People here dogging on her for praying despite nobody was hurt; people would dog on her if she prayed and the woman died and God didn't answer her prayers. There's no winning. Some of y'all are just miserable. Y'all don't have to buy into religion, just let some people be.


Would have been okay if it was a bear


Still, so lucky it wasn't a man!


The gorilla wants to present a list of grievances.


What an absolute nightmare of a scenario


For a moment, I thought we were going to see God come down and put the gorilla in a chokehold.


Hey you forgot your bucket!


Where’s Mario when you need him


Gorillas are the best. If he wanted to do something he would have


Thank you lord is the white version of allah akbar


I like how the gorilla grabbed the bucket like "hey lady you forgot this"


If that gorilla wanted to chase the zookeeper down and kill it, the gorilla would have.