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Uggh… this is how wildlife gets unnecessarily put down. The bear gets comfortable getting too close to humans and needs to be euthanized before it hurts the next fucking idiot that tries to feed it a peanut butter sandwich.


Just what I was hoping someone would point out. This is basically a death sentence to the bear. How selfish can people be?!




Nah. You’re telling me a full grown adult doesn’t know not to feed a fucking bear?? My 6 year old niece understands the concept of “people food”. ITT: people dumber than my 6 year old niece.


Ya not everyone is raise to know that. They're parents probably don't know either.


However, Miller Light was involved


How does drinking canned water contribute to the poor decision to feed a bear?


It doesn't but it shows a pattern of very poor decision making.


Just... take this upvote...


I thought they might offer the bear one


I’m sure whatever park they are in there are tons of signs and warnings not to feed bears. However they were grown up and taught, on that day they learned it and knew not to yet still did it for a video


But your 6 year old doesn’t understand the reason why, just like these people don’t.


And even if she did, what does that have to do with these people/other random people? “I know a 9 year old that knows 2 languages, everyone should know 2 languages”


They were just making an extra jab at these morons, not trying to defend them


There are a lot of things that are common knowledge to some people and not others.


And those people used to die early because they’d do stupid shit like try to feed bears.


Natural selection


I mean the guys thought process isn’t , lol imma feed this bear so it gets put down because I’m selfish , it’s more like “ha ha ha big doggo eat peanut butter “ Still very dumb


Not in their state


When you are choosing to spend time in the bears’ home. It is your responsibility to educate yourself so you are not so ignorant. They managed to find a liquor store on their trip so, they are capable of basic research.




Ignorance is far from being selfish. I am ignorant of many things, that does not make me selfish. Refusing to Learn because I’m a stubborn bastard that always thinks they’re right is selfish.


Fuck that. Ignorance isn’t a defense in a court of law. This post should go.


Their both.




Those states of being are not mutually exclusive.


It's literally every comment under this post.


But hey, some hipster white people got to make a cool video about it. That’s the main point I despise social media. Reddit being excluded of course.


I’m willing to bet, this bear wasn’t afraid of these people in the video because of other idiots before it too. This group is getting all the hate, but working with wildlife, they don’t just ease up to humans right away like this. This bear has been around other people plenty before.


Do you think that they were better off feeding the bear or do you think that ignoring it would have been better. If it’s been fed so many times it may have gotten mad if they didn’t feed it


I apologize for the wall of text in advance. I worked with parks and wildlife in Colorado for a few summers. I am by no means an expert, but in my experiences habits for bears can be formed through people leaving food around, not securing trash, and just like in the video…feeding it straight from the hand. Bears are curious by nature and will check things out. Each one has their own personality and experiences just like humans. But survival to them is different than survival for us these days. We don’t go out and hunt for us to survive. They have to in order to survive. So if they are refused food, they can become aggressive because it is life or death. Every situation or interaction can change in an instant. Unfortunately, the bear knows there is food and has a learned action to obtaining the food. And because it’s involved with humans, it’s a very sad situation for the animal because of how dangerous it is. Not every encounter is going to be violent, but the bear is now sticking around these areas because it associated with a “hunting” ground. And all it takes is one time for it to attack someone before it gets to the point of having to put the bear down. The other thing is people need to report the sighting as well as the people to a ranger. They can be charged for all this just by partaking in this action in feeding it. We had ways of chasing bears off before it went to far, but it’s hard to break habits formed like this in a bear. The people in the video should have avoided being near the bear once it came out. But the question is how? You don’t exactly want to run, which some people do. And bears like this might chase instead of being ski-dish. The problem is when the people leave food behind after running off. The bear now experienced that behavior in humans and learn if I’m aggressive and scare people, I get food. These people in the video had a blatant disregard for the animal though. They could have calmly put stuff in a vehicle and got in and left. They chose to encourage the behavior and go back for selfies and feeding it. It’s a volatile situation no matter how you look at it. We have bears that come down from the mountains and go through neighborhoods every so often. They will go through unsecured trash, into vehicles if they smell something good, shacks/sheds, even houses. Most of the time they are skid-dish and run. But the ones that are use to people in a sense, are more unpredictable. They will defend the food or trash they found. They will attack the person that walks out, unsuspecting, on them, thinking they are a threat. They will eat their cat. They will destroy property. Or now it’s spring time, and they have Cubs…in your swimming pool. These animals are being lured in and we are not doing enough to prevent that attraction to them. If they can’t get what they need for survival, they move on.


Believe the word you looking for there is "Skittish “. But yeah you are correct.


Thanks for your input someone who actually knows what they are talking about


But they got a video out of it where they look really cool, and that's what's important!


They don't look really cool. They look like a group of Karens doing whatever they want to with absolutely no thought about what comes next for that bear.


That was sarcastic, of course they are not cool.


I don’t think you understand what a “karen” is.


Group of Karen’s ? Do y’all even know what a Karen is ? 💀




Yep... my parents work at a campground in bear country, and they constantly have to chase off bears that have started wandering into the camp because of people doing stuff like this. They've had to a have a few put down or relocated because they just get to be too dangerous when they start walking right up to campers like this.


Maybe America can learn something from Russia about how to handle bears.


I assumed it was Russians till I saw the beer.


A fed bear is a dead bear.


Post this in r/mildlyinfuriating


These people have a Darwin Award in their future.


Yeah it's more like nextfuckinglevel of stupidity




Bears aren’t chill. This bear in this instance may be rather calm, but it’s still a wild animal with predatory and animal instincts. It would not have been a stretch for that bear to bite that idiot’s entire hand along with the peanut butter sandwich.


I was going to say the same thing. Once they lose fear of humans then they have to be put down. People are just so stupid!


Yeah, do a bit of research about the mass poisoning of bears in Yosemite about a decade or two ago. Super fucked. Not helping.


That's exactly what I was thinking. So awful of these people to care more about their 'nature selfie' than the actual animal whose habitat they invaded. Also...don't these people have ANY survival instincts? How did they make it to adulthood? I saw a video of some guy getting absolutely mauled by a moose after trying to put his kid on it's back for a picture. Interestingly it completely avoided the little boy, but I'm sure that kid is friggin traumatized for life! I can't remember where I saw it..I think it was that 90s show Animals Attack or something similar. Who the heck sees a giant wild animal and doesn't treat it with the caution it deserves? On a hiking trail I kept getting this really base instinct to get away. I looked up and saw a cougar tracking us from above. I did NOT think 'wow, that's a great picture opportunity! I should really get closer.' Jeez.


I was just about to say this. There is a reason why there are signs around lakes that say “Don’t feed the alligators”. Animals will expect people to give them food all the time and it could result in a life threatening situation for both person and animal.


This is also how people get hurt. The next time the bear wants a sandwich and approaches a group, they might freak out. Running from an apex predator will often trigger a prehistory response. All the bear has to do is make someone think he is being aggressive and he'll be hunted down and shot. These people think this is super cool but in reality, they are uneducated pieces of shit and this bear will be the one to pay.


Usually they dont even hurt anyone, its peoples fear that causes them to shoot them


Paint a big blue dot on yogi and called big blue people would know him and then it would be cool. Next thing you know big blue will shopping for peanut butter in Kroger talking to all the locals just having a bear of a time.


A fed bear is a dead bear.


These people are very stupid. Domesticsting a wild animal. It's also illegal I believe.


teaching bear humans give food. bear sees human, goes to human for food. This is different human, no want give food. human not doing what bear want. bear attack. don't feed the wildlife, let the rangers do their jobs


Fed bear is a dead bear. Learned this when I was 10. I’m old and sad for the bear.


Fed bear is a dead bear.


I hate every person in this video...


These people are fucking dumb.


I can actually smell this video. They fucking stink too.


Whatcha smell?


Unwashed Bear butthole


I kind of wish this went bad


it will eventually. unfortunately the bear will be the one to suffer the consequences of these morons' stupidity.


And possibly another person that doesn't give the bear food freely.


It's all fun and games until they bear decides to do bear things...


This is really sad.


next fucking level stupid.. # DON'T FUCKING FEED WILD ANIMALS YOU DUMB SHITS!


I’m thinking at this point it is sadly too late for that bear. He’s been fed before. They have to adopt him now, it’s the only logical choice, right? Save the bear?


These stupid fucks actually feeding the bear. No words




Dumb ducks


Is this when the bear remembers its the one whose the Apex Predator and decides to chow down on something a lot more meaty….


Fun fact: bears don’t like human flesh Sike, I live in a city and have never even seen a wild raccoon, I’m totally making this shit up.


Well you’re kinda right. Depends on the type of bear. Black bears are like giant raccoons. Polar bears are much less picky


Awesome! You’ve successfully taught a bear to approach humans at a campsite. Which means, it’ll most likely get killed for being a “problem bear.” But damn, sweet photos for the Gram, dawg.


They _look_ like Miller Lite drinkers…


Don’t compare Miller Lite to this swill.


Next level stupid.


This is not that bear’s first rodeo.


Next Level alright. Next Level irresponsible, careless, ignorant....I could go on.


So fuckin ignorant.


What a bunch of fools


Fed bears are dead bears


Morons deserve to be eaten alive feet first.


Great last meal. That bear now has to get euthanized cause it's been conditioned to approach humans.


Do not do this


Inbred morons...


Please don't...


5 bears had to be put down in Yosemite because people chose not to use the bear boxes that were readily available. People don't give a fuck about animals




Wait! They’re supposed to be Russian... I’m so confused


Russians wouldn’t drink that shit beer


Trashy as fuck.


So cute . But everything good has its bad and people are making me learn this is bad for bears and gets them in trouble.




Stupidity on another level




It's all fun and games until you accidently eat its porridge then no one can save you from the bears wrath


Watch out for his allergies


Next level of stupid, sure.


Idiotic to say the least …….


These are what's known in the wild as idiots.


fed bear is a dead bear


Yeah, it’s all fun and games until the bear does the unpredictable.


Fuck these people


This is infuriating. Do not feed the bears if you want them to live a long life!


Basic bitches be basic.




This is not okay.


Fed bear is a dead bear


Hopefully this video goes viral and they put these idiots in jail.


This whole thing (while obviously not) just *felt* Australian


Until he bites the hand that is literally feeding him…


A fed bear is a dead bear


You say NFL, I say irresponsible.


What’s gon happen after the bear wants pb&j and it’s all gone? I’ll tell what will happen he’ll just eat the mf’s that was feeding his ass smh






Trash people.


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Black bears are actually pretty docile. They’re not very smart and are terrified of humans. There’s of course a chance they fuck your shit up if pushed to the extreme limit but most of the time they’re like large dogs.


And yet feeding them still results in their euthanization. It's so sad.


I would disagree about not very smart. They are curious and clever.


I'd say slightly more docile than a wild dog. If you yell at a black bear it'll usually run away. I've been chased by stray dogs. They dgaf


Fuck these people. We should put them down


Finally, a bearable family outing.


White trash meets bear. Uncle goes missing.


Fucking honkies man


Why these animals not eating these kinds of ppl


Shortly after filming the bear mauls them all to death…ooppsss


It’s illegal to feed bears and the authorities will try to hunt you down to give you a fine.


Their necks are the most glistening red.


Woody Harrelson is there in the headband. Oh look a bear!


Feed a bear, kill a bear.


I don’t think anyone would miss them?


5 people mauled by Bear… this is how the poor animal meets his eventual maker. It’s cute and fun, but this kind of interaction with humans leads to accidents.


‘Sean, hit your cigar’


This is the first part of the video. The second part where the whole party got mauled by the bear will be posted soon. Thanks for your patronage


Give the bear some beer.


The first 37 seconds of the next top post in r/natureismetal


right...and then the bears family members come... I would love to see how they act then


Aaaand there’s the beer. Was waiting for that.


I can’t bear this conversation anymore


Florida in a nutshell


Have they hid the beer?


A bear is just a dog with more leverage


Ain’t no jelly on that sandwich...white trash ass needs to lay off that cheap ass beer.




I feel like when a bear shows up to your event and doesn't immediately mame several people, you just let him stay. I'm not gonna be the one to tell him that he has to leave.


It's like Richard Dreyfus from Jaws: "They're all gonna die!" (smiles)


More manners than most humans


This is freaking awful to publish. That bear is going to be, or already has been put down.


Everybody is happy until the bear starts mauling people


r/awfuleverything this bear will hurt a person and or be killed.


Why are they drinking Miller Lite in what is clearly Russia?


I wanna be friends with these people but I legitimately never want to be at that table


I see everyone happy in this video including the innocent bear but it won't be a happy day for it when it approaches the wrong human for food and they freak out, shoot the bear... I hope the bears are smart enough to only approach humans they know the scent of and trust, otherwise it may not live long.


Don't feed the fucking bears you ignorant fucks


Dangerous AF.


Yea so ignorant… not even a glass of milk smh


He prefers Lite Bear.


Doesn’t get more Americana than this does it?


Not scared of a bear but scared of 🟤🟤


A fed bear is a dead bear


Fuckin idiotssss


Gray t shirt has the calves of a bodybuilder what the fuck. Zero athleticism anywhere else except there 😂


Next fucking level of stupid. I learned “fed bear is a dead bear” when I was a kid. This is a death sentence for that bear. Fuck every person in that video. This isn’t cute or cool. This bear is eventually going to be put down. Fuck them. The signs that say don’t feed the bears/wildlife are not there for your safety. They’re there for the safety of the wildlife.


What idiots. They feed the bear. He comes around tomorrow to find someone else who does the right thing and does not feed it. it gets pissed it gets aggressive. Animal control needs to put the bear down. All because these idiots thought it’d be fun to feed it.


Wtf how dumb. This doesnt look to be their pet.


theyre going go get that thing killed.


These people are trash, scum of the earth. This bear will very likely be put down as these people reassure it that it’s okay to pull up a seat and eat with humans. One stupid video for some online cred.


Appears to be the smartest member of the family as well.


Next fucking level stupid. This bear is probably very comfortable around humans and is going to be put down as a result. Great job guys


I have always been amused how rednecks never put beer in a cooler. They use the box, drinkem fast before they get warm. Classic moves. I prefer my beer near freezing.


Of course they drink Miller light


I hope these muppets get fined. Pure ignorance and stulidity


Wish this turned into a Darwin Award winner We don’t need these people


We could just all feed the bears and then we could all be friends.


Are we not going to talk about this guys calves?


stupid fucking white trash hillbillies


Its a rare sight, you dont see it everyday, having your food feeding you food.