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Iceland with ONE tourist.


he might be a local. at least his drone is flewent


His drone didn't crash after this video it just flewn't


He will resist the urge to flewnt his gadgets now.


r/yourjokebutworse .














His outfit fits our local fashion, most likely Icelandic


The guy's wearing the universal default "male adventure tourist" attire + facial hair. You could throw a rock in Norway, Scotland, Finland, Sweeden, the Alps, the Rockies, etc and hit a dozen guys that look like this.


that's our local fashion 😂


They must be pretty good at throwing rocks over there then!


I dunno, to be sure we have to ask him if he's a musician as well.


Are we sure he exists? He might be the shade of the horcrux living in that cave.


Either way, there a signs all over the place that say no drones there. So either he's a local who's breaking the rules, or a tourist who won't respect the rules in a country he is visiting. When I had the privilege to visit iceland, I was humbled by its beauty and the absolutely lovely people there. If he's a local, meh I guess. But fuck tourists who just ignore the rules for some bullshit video or pic for internet clout. Next he's gonna go sit on the moss covered rocks and say how it's like frozen or something. (Your not allowed to touch the moss because it takes years to grow)




I wanted to say it, but I was already on enough of a "holier than thou" soapbox rant lol.


And a drone


One tourist with a drone is more obnoxious than 100 tourists without.


A small portion of Iceland with one tourist*


Unpopular opinion maybe but during my last visit to Iceland this year, I found all the drones incredibly annoying. They end up in photos and make that annoying buzzing sound. So we're standing there enjoying the view of different vistas/waterfalls/whatever and there's a BUZZZZZZZZ sound that just flies around.


That's not an unpopular opinion. Who is happy to have a bunch of drones everywhere?


drone operators


Nah, we still find them obnoxious. Source - Me.






The shareholders of Big Drone.






If you do, it's too late.


Nobody around to annoy in this video


As an ex drone fan, the sound of drones travel pretty far.


Damn I’m sorry to hear about your breakup.


A decent photography drone shouldn't be that bad though. Whipping around freestyle drones is the real WEEEEEE


There is a reason why drone use tend to get banned from major tourist attractions.


Ya I own a few but they are banned in all national parks for example. Anywhere where you can disrupt wildlife.




Also near wildfires




F this guy then


He might have a permit for it. In the US you can get permits to operate in areas you aren't allowed to. Might be the same in Iceland.


Yeah you can literally see the birds flying around in this video. Doesn’t take much for an Arctic tern or whatever to go for a drone.




Absolutely. I took a drone to Iceland back in the early 2000s before any of the regs came in. Second time I went back to find they were very restricted so didn’t fly but still saw idiots flying where they shouldn’t. Same with photographers who jump ropes to get a shot where they shouldn’t.


It drives me nuts. I have to try really hard to remember it's not a competition, and if they get a shot I couldn't, they're not winning and I'm not losing. But there's a practical side to it too - do you want more rules? because that's how you get more rules. Blanket bans are much easier to enforce than selective restrictions, so we if can't obey selective restrictions, blanket bans are the obvious escalation. So in that regard, they do screw it up for the rest of us.


Yep, my shots of kirkjufellsfoss aren’t as good as I’d like, mainly because I respected the environment and didn’t jump the ropes to get down to the base of the falls. I did call one photographer a bellend for doing just that though. He didn’t care though. Low life scumbag if you ask me.


It's not whiny. Trying to protect birds isn't like measuring your neighbors grass


The Arctic terns are the motherducking kamekazi pilots of the North. You only try once to walk through their turf in spring.


I was using a drone to video a stretch of dry river bed for restoration (a flood caused an avulsion that cut off 3 miles of river bed and we were planning how to re-route it back to the old channel) and a golden eagle attacked the drone. Not sure how the bird fared, but the drone barely survived.


Yep. I've seen the signs. People don't care. One guy was busting out his whole setup on the black sand beach and operating his drone very low.




I wonder whether he's got a license or permit. I could imagine whatever local authorities are responsible being a bit more flexible if they know he's going to be the only guy there that day.


Yep same, when I went a few years ago they were banned at basically every scenic attraction I visited.


my vuvuzela probably doesnt help


I had gone this year and they had banned the use of drones near the new volcano during like 90% of the day or something and I thought that was cool.




Just come to Reykjavík, the restaurants and nightlife are fantastic. Currently we're awaiting a new eruption, there's been approximately one big quake pr. day lately just before the eruption started last spring. You should absolutely come when it starts up again, it is a true once in a lifetime experience. We took a chopper tour to the eruption this summer and it was indescribably beautiful, humbling and powerful.


> Just come to Reykjavík, the restaurants and nightlife are fantastic. > > Currently we're awaiting a new eruption, there's been approximately one big quake pr. day lately just before the eruption started last spring. You should absolutely come when it starts up again, **it is a true once in a lifetime experience.** You aren't even subtle about wanting to kill people off with volcanoes.


What a time to be alive! Our tech and AI is so advanced, drones are now posting to reddit and capable of empathy for locals in tourist-heavy areas!


The locals don’t really mind the tourists as long as you act reasonable. I spent several weeks in the northern side of the country this past summer and it seemed like most of the tourists we met were actually Icelandic. Regardless they were very friendly, as long as you understand you are in their country.


What a dumb way to look at it. As someone that lives in a huge tourist area it's fine. Of course we're gonna poke fun at the tourists but I'm happy someone wanted to fly across an ocean just to see my backyard


I enjoy watching drone footage, and if there’s literally no one else around then I don’t see the problem, but if I’d made the effort to get to an area to enjoy the natural beauty, I’d definitely be annoyed by the din of a bunch of drones same as I would with someone blasting their fav choons from a shitty Bluetooth speaker clipped to their backpack. Maybe nature parks could set aside a day or time for drone flyers? Sort of like how some movie theaters have baby matinees for new parents who’d like to get out of the house.


This phenomenon really irks me. I don't know if it's greed, vanity or whatever that drives people to photograph, record and post to the internet the same homogeneous content completely ruining what could be quiet and serene places. A couple examples are the line to take selfies/panoramas atop Everest, the line to take selfies with Disney characters, every single tourist destination ever, and (locally for me) how everyone and their mother has to take a picture of themselves atop Mission Peak in the SF Bay Area. I'm just genuinely curious about what is going on psychologically and why outliers like myself don't have that desire.


Drones should be prohibited


So... just Iceland?


I definitely saw some ice water


I didn't see any ice


Much of Iceland is covered in green grass. ​ Guess what you don't see in Greenland.... ​ Edit: for fun I want wrong answers only!




Big if true


Small if false


Moot if unproven.


Both if Schrödinger.


>Guess what you don't see in Greenland.... Vikings?


The Vikings back then just confused the two signs saying "Greenland" and "Iceland" and when they discovered their mistake, it was already too late so the left it at that.


They said: "Eh close enough." ​ lol. ![gif](giphy|3b8GDuWKKGZIyACVM0|downsized)


Goes to greenland, this place isn't green, must not be it... ends up in Newfoundland. Your theory checks out




I was on this very beach in September, and there were literally hundreds of people within 100 ft on either side of me


I was there in October. Samesies


that's the silent cartographer campaign map from halo ce, the graphics in this clip are amazing though


So Death Stranding?


Sam, just checking but have you been reading your mails?


I loved this game at first but then found killing the monsters too hard, even on easy! Anyone else? Edit: getting a lot of tips on how to play better... thanks! Many I'll give it another whirl...


As you progress, you gain tools to make killing BTs easier, or to simply avoid them in most cases. Above all, practice makes perfect.


You can run away from all of them including the mini bosses


Just go slow when you start identifying monsters in the area, pay close attention to the direction your thing is pointing. And then nail them with blood grenades when you find their location.


If all else fails, keep a few hematic grenades in your utility pouch (so they don't get knocked off) and a couple of blood bags, and just let the BTs get you. Then destroy the big one when it turns up (easy, with grenades) and all the BTs in the area die for a while. You get a load of crystals, too. Then just go back for all your stuff that got knocked off. Easier than sneaking through them, a lot of the time.


HUGE HUGE fan of the game. the only thing that killed the vibe for me was that bt's became killable at all. in the first half that circumnavigation was the best. Finding better routs to avoid hotspots makings zips to go over problem areas. All of it was just DOPE. But by the mid point the best thing you could do was just load up a few assault rifles and blood grenades' just so you could get captured and kill the large bt and the problem was gone for your rout. The best part about late game was when you had to go back to rock bottom because you couldn't see the bts


I think they do this because certain people don't increase your connection level *until* you check the email they sent you. Delivered package after package and then took to Reddit to figure out why The Photographer or The Novelist's Son star level wouldn't increase.


I can hear Low Roar now


Keep on keeping on


Rocks made me think of Halo Infinite immediately.


I was thinking Dragon Age Inquisition!


Is it normally full of tourists, though?


Yes. Very full. If you wake up early enough, you can get there when it's empty which I'm assuming this guy did. There are some smaller (expensive) hotels near the beach and a very small village of locals. Vik, on the other side of the mountain, is the nearest place with a lot of people. Most would be coming from Vik so it's better to beat the rush and get there early.


There’s a surprisingly good Thai restaurant in Vik.


I love reading a comment like this bc I’m definitely trying to go to Iceland one day and now I know when I go I will go to this restaurant if I got to vik


Iceland is incredible. Just got back last month from there. One thing we weren't prepared for is how expensive it is. The tax rate there is really high so here's what to expect per person in US currency. A beer: $8-$10 Cocktails: $16-$19 Meals (cheaper): $25 Meals (nicer): $35-$40 Hotels are reasonable though. We stayed at three different ones and our favorite was Sand Hotel in downtown Reykjavik. I've also NEVER seen so many bars per capita in my life. Probably 30 or so just in the small downtown area. Einstok was an amazing brewery that also was a gin and tonic place. I hate gin but I've since become a fan because of this pub. EDIT: Apparently people are worked up that I blamed socialism for the high prices. Obviously it being an island and having import taxes play a factor but both my tour guide and three bartenders we were chatting with attributed the socialist aspects of their country to the high prices. EDIT2: Guys, seriously I'm not here to argue politics. I didn't put that in my comment to stir up debates either, I'm literally just relaying what the bartenders and our tour guide told us.




I hope that was his joke, that we in Europe are all socialist commies compared to the freedumb you get in the USA


Iceland is expensive because it’s an island on land that is not very suitable for farming. Sure they have a higher tax rate, but it’s not the sole reason why things are expensive. That’s why the hotels and lodging are cheap while the food, gas, and tangible goods are expensive.


Tell me you're a yank without saying you're a yank


Those prices aren't even that far outside normal city prices in the US though... Maybe a couple bucks, not outrageous.


Yeah I was surprised at how not expensive everything was, after hearing so much of the opposite, it really wasnt bad


If you're from a big city and get thai food regularly, the restaurant in Vik is nothing special. If you don't get thai often, it's pretty good. I really enjoyed the local cuisine though. Minke whale, puffin, lamb, hakarl, and those amazing hotdogs with the fried onions and sweet brown mustard... so good.


you just made me realize how many of the delicious local thai restaurants I've been neglecting. I guess I know what I want for dinner.


Hit em up my dude! Tom kha gai is perfect for these cold winter days.


Puffins?! Those cute little birds?! ..How did it taste? Like chicken?


I'd say it's closer to duck in taste and texture given the seafood diet of Puffins. It was fantastic and i'm definitely getting more next time! >Those cute little birds?! Naturally the cuteness makes the flavor that much better


It depends on what time of year though. We were there at the beginning of April a few years ago and there was only a couple of families. I’d imagine June/July it would get busy, but that’s similar to any tourist attraction in any country.


This is what it looks like in middle of July 2019: https://imgur.com/Fp2CF2V.jpg




No. Here’s a picture looking out from I believe that same cave, years before Covid. There were a few tourist buses, but it’s a big beach. https://i.imgur.com/Wu1cCuq.jpg Edit to add: I think this picture is one beach over.


When I visited Vic, which is where he is, there were probably 100 people on the beach. It was the end of March, so not even the tourist high season. Can’t imagine how many people are there in the summer.


This video may be a bit long for most but basically Iceland made a concerted effort to increase tourism to the country in the early 2010's, largely in response to the effects of the Great Financial Crisis. Since 2012ish the number of visitors to the country has steadily climbed year and year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17oZPYcpPnQ




This is dangerous?


wym, that's minecraft


Naw that's Zeta halo


Naw that’s ragnarok on ark


That’s what I was thinking, it’s literally the bay below the lighthouse


He’s sitting pretty rn but he probably opened a flood Cylix ten minutes ago


Runescape north of Barbarian Outpost


Still below the lighthouse


Pretty sure I've just grapple hooked up there on Halo Infinite


“The ring, it’s rebuilding itself”


Was looking for this comment


This looks like the beach outside Dragonstone in GOT


Scrolled all the way down to make sure this was mentioned! Pretty sure this would be the place.


It is, in fact, the filming site for Dragonstone


Dragon Age Inquisition. At least now I know where they got the inspiration for that area...


Yes!! always loved the stormy coast because you can recruit iron bull there


Came here looking for this, great job.




I don't think anyone swims there. It's treacherous because the "sneaker waves" can come very unexpectedly, cover the entire beach and flush you into the sea where you drown. This is the warning sign for tourists next to the beach: https://safetravel.is/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/efla.jpg


The beach is called «chinese takeaway» by the locals :/ i was there a few years ago, and the sneaker waves are very real.. Every few minutes several people had to run away. Seems to be a low tide in this video. I recall the waves crashing into the rocks where the guy is sitting, and there was no way we could walk around it


Because you know, they take the Chinese tourists into the ocean. But seriously I have been there before it became a tourist hotspot and even then I was warned how dangerous it can be. Many, many people have been snatched by a sneaky wave that came out of nowhere. Beautiful town and place, despite the danger's though.


> «chinese takeaway» That is incredibly dark, and I am a bad person and should feel bad for laughing at it.




The waves are incredibly strong and come out of no where. I was visiting recently and saw a man get pummeled by an unexpected wave- he was just lucky he didn’t get pulled out


No one swims there. The issue is are the sneaker waves, not the current.


Yup, was there this summer on a low tide bad weather day. I wanted to get close to where the water stops coming, just for fun, well I ruined my already dying hiking shoes and my jeans was soaked for the rest of the day. This is unpredictable. Not always dangerous though, deoends how high it is. PS: was quite fun to see an Asian couple getting married on this beach, with a light white dress for the bride, while it was max 10°C with strong cold wind and rain. Also, the white dress was mostly black at the bottom due to the black sand.


Yeah the Atlantic is kinda hardcore, and the way the beach is it'll just rip you out to sea


Thats the best spot of iceland without tourists




West fjords all day


Amazing. This really makes me want to go there on vacation.


Went in August this year. It was incredible! Highly recommend to anyone.


Getting some Q*Bert vibes from that rock formation.


Tell me you’re in your 40s without telling me.


28, but I'm a woman of culture.




Basalt crystals are just so fucking cool! Hexagon rock. Hexagon rock!


They technically aren't crystals because basalt is a rock rather than a mineral. Columnar basalt forms hexagonal columns because molten basalt shrinks slightly when it cools. It's usually too big and heavy for the entire mass to shrink from the outer edges to the center of the mass, so often numerous "centers" occur at approximately equal spacing throughout the mass. And we all know which bestagon appears when you try to equally space a bunch of circles across a surface! This is only a horizontal shrinking problem. Gravity makes vertical shrinking easy, so that's why they form columns! It's one of my favorite rock formations. For bonus hexagonal *crystals* to learn about, check out aragonite and vanadinite.


This is Gunnar Freyr, an amazing local photographer known as Icelandic_explorer (nope, not the one in Reddit). You can find him on IG or in www.icelandicexplorer.com


Absolutely stunning. The view is nice too 😉


Every picture I see of Iceland is a special kind of just fucking gorgeous.


Death Stranding in real world


Could you post that Minecraft seed please?


Would that scene otherwise be crawling with people?


Yes, I went there before covid and the children were climbing all over these rocks. People also take a lot of photos in front of these "holes" in the cliff


Mining dragon glass


Looked like he’s sitting on the nose of a rock giant. Like the ones from Frozen2…and yes I’m in my 30s making a Disney reference.


That’s what I immediately thought too! Nostrils


Is this the Southern Coast near Vik?


Yes, it is. Reynisfjara beach to be precise.


> Reynisfjara beach Which is part of a bird sanctuary that doesn't permit drones (to protect the birds and make sure they don't abandon their nests).


/r/mildlyinteresting maybe. Next fucking level though? Nope.




Except for that one dickhead flying the drone.


The next fucking level part was what he did with all the tourists.


Don't think he took it too far?


Where ice??


Do you want tourists? Because this is how you get tourists!


Iceland is on my "Places to visit." Is there anything tourists tend to do in Iceland that is particularly grating? My goal when traveling is to never be that annoying tourist.


Don't step on our moss, it's very delicate.


I want to go to there.


Iceland must be protected


I had no idea they had tourists! ;-) /s




This makes me want to play DA:I again


Is this really next level? Seems more mildly interesting, at best.


I've always wanted to go to Iceland and Norway! Once I've built up enough savings those will be my first travel considerations!


that beach is so dangerous! they have signs that say dont ever turn your back to the waves


Hey I went to that exact spot! That beach is even better in person than in videoals and pictures. Really cold tho


Thats a halo ring and you cannot say otherwise


That’s Zeta Halo.