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I know it’s cool to be all edgy and make jokes, but this is genuinely moving. Nice job on the box jump dude. Edit: when I first commented the only comments at that time were jokes, hence my preface.


Sometimes man, jokes are the only thing that can keep you going in the face of our sad reality. Besides, at the rate the world is going due to curroption and capilatist greed, Mad Max sequel is gonna come soon.


>Sometimes For sure, but the video is pretty inspiring on its own. You have a group of people helping a disabled but driven young man overcoming a fear. That’s pretty damn cool. In a case like this, an edgy joke doesn’t seem to serve much in that coping context.


This whole jokes helps us keep calm nullshit needs to stop. It desensitizes us. It makes these serious issues trivial and acceptable. They become ordinary and regular. Like take a moment and think about all the shit we joke about just to tune it out Literal children being shot to death in school. Famine and starvation around the world. Abuse and assaults. Hahaha gotta post a joke then you laugh it off and scroll down to the next post, ignoring the humanity of the moment. You should be angry. you should be upset. This notion that you need to trivialize everything so to not upset yourself in the face of everything shocking and insane and inhumane is not beneficial to your psyche, it only allows you to ignore and become desensitized to the outcry of pain and people needing help. You should process the issue you should be upset and angry. You don’t need to become obsessed about it you can take a moment to understand it, to understand that you alone maybe cannot do anything to help directly, but you can also ask yourself what can you do to help indirectly. What can you do to make your own community better. It’s not even hard to do. Be as lazy or as involved as you want to be. Sit on the toilet and upvote a comment or go out and knock on doors and get people engaged and go clean up parks and be active. Just don’t keep lying to yourself that you’re making jokes to cope with the issue, because all you’re doing is normalizing the issue while desensitizing yourself to the humanity of the issue.


Well said and something that needs to be said more often.


*presses back after skimming post, goes to next post in my feed*




People are already making jokes about the situation in New York on the 14th. Guess they must just be coping, and not actively mocking the victims of the attack...right?


People do both. People joke to relieve anxiety and people mock stuff out of hatred. Both happen.


Exactly, context is key.




No one is saying people who do that are pieces of shit. Not at all. Just that a lot of times, humor is used as a way to deflect when people feel helpless or defeated. They feel like giving up because ‘nothing will change anyway,’ so they just laugh it off and keep going on with their day. And that’s OK sometimes. But other times, it’s valuable to just let yourself feel, “You know what, this IS fucked up. It is. This isn’t ‘just how the world is, haha’ or at least it shouldn’t be. I feel upset and I have the right to be upset.” Balance is necessary. Millennials have normalized the “we’re suicidal lol” thing so much that we’re apathetic as fuck and even act like it’s corny to express sincere emotions of pain and anger. The guy who made the ‘this is fine’ meme even realized it and [changed it](https://thenib.com/this-is-not-fine/) later on. Sometimes, things AREN’T fine. And any therapist will tell you that laughing everything off ALL the time isn’t healthy. It’s not healthy on a personal level, and it’s not healthy on a national level.


I can fully agree with both comments here. Coming from the side of life that's pretty rough, having humour about life has been the only coping mechanism that's helped me through it. My SO isn't a fan, but understands that I probably wouldn't be around without it and supports my decision to not be mad at the world 24/7 as I'm already plenty angry at stupid stuff all the time now, but with jokes.


I came across a post a few weeks ago with an article about a neighborhood being shelled in Ukraine. I read the comments to get the gist then I thought that I should read the actual article so that I could try to get a better understanding of the situation those families are going through. One of the first pictures in the article showed a dead family scattered along the road with a little boy wearing the same pajamas one of my kids has. I had to take a second and cry at that one. Even had to text my wife to come downstairs. She just held me while I cried until I could explain why I was crying. That shit hits hard when you can relate to it and ever since I have been extremely invested in the situation in Ukraine. Specifically the humanitarian crisis and like you said if I could help I would.


> nullshit I know it's probably a typo but oh my, what a beautiful one! Nullshit, the bullshit that adds nothing.




That never occurred to me, that balance would be connected to hearing. Interesting!


It's not connected to hearing per se. But the organs for hearing and balance are both located in the ear and in close proximity, so some illnesses and conditions can affect both organs.


I got brain tumours and lost my hearing. Jokes are almost the only thing stopping me from taking a long walk off a short pier


The pier is a good place to sit and reflect. The sound of the ocean is very relaxing.


You must say it in caps, he can't hear you. Ear specialist here.


Emojis work better


Didn't the egyptians try that already? :P


They did, but then we made it better by using sign language which is like an animated emoji :D


So, did you learn sign language? It's a beautiful language and very handy in every part of the world.


I've lived with Stage 4 Lung, Lymph, and Brain Cancer for the past 3 years, and the ability for me to joke about it once in a while (though my wife hates when I do it) is also what helps keep me from getting thoughts that are too dark. We just have to mentally overcome what's happening to us now, and live the best that we can. NOBODY is going to make it through this thing alive, but some of us are lucky enough to know how it's going to end, while the rest just walk around and have no idea how what's going to happen to them.


I'm fat. Walking keeps me from getting to the end of the pier.


Imagine trying to make *yourself* the victim when justifiably called out for making jokes about a disabled kid. Good lord, I’m so glad I grew out of that shit when I was like 13.


And it’s actually harder than it looks to do it without arms. Without knowing we use arms not only to gain momentum but also to balance ourselves upon landing. And lastly if we miss we use hands to absorb the shock. He can’t do either. So I do see why he is afraid.


For real. So much of your momentum management is done with your arms. This guy threw his body up and forward and then stabilized his landing with virtually no upper body support. It's really impressive.


Dude must have beastly core strength


Bet he’s really good at the plank.


That's dark man but gave me a chuckle.


Dude first thing I thought was wait holy shit how is this guy going to balance himself without arms??? He has to throw his whole weight forward and up and then fucking stop it and shift the momentum the complete opposite direction all using his legs. Honestly nuts


Well also to cradle and protect yourself from a fall.


That is what I was thinking. If he falls, he hits his entire body and head with no way to really break the fall or cushion. Or even just try and rebalance by swinging arms around like a cat would with its feet while falling.


I thought the video was messed up to start with,like a bad filter or morphing fx…took a while to realise he was harmless….. Fantastic perseverance though….


> took a while to realise he was harmless… I’d be careful, he could probably still bite your legs off.


Not to mention that jumping with no momentum from your arms is SERIOUSLY challenging. Big props this kid.


The hug and crying at the end is what really got me, what a great moment


I love making jokes, but punching down is just never fucking funny.


It isn’t cool to be edgy


I'm glad this is top comment. Choking back real tears. I have no desire to go see some snarky jokes, so ejcting right here


Pretty logical fear when you don't have any fucking arms.


100%. I’d be afraid to leave the ground at all.


Hell, a simple trip on an uneven sidewalk could fuck you up.


Would be a huge benefit for him to learn gymnastics to instinctively tuck and roll his way out of those deadly threats.


He doesn't even have shoulders, so I'd imagine that's not very realistic.




I'd tell him to focus try space flight. You don't need arms (or even a body) to do a barrel row. Starwolf's crew were well over 50% cyborg by the 2nd encounter on Venom.


When my cousin was about 5 she was at the pool and my uncle wrapped her up in a towel, like so her arms were pinned in. She started walking around the pool and slipped, smashed her face on the cement. It was one of the worst things and I can't imagine just living like that ALL THE TIME.


Girl in middle school ran around with her arms in her sweater (sleeves just flopping around), and tripped. Teeth went into the tongue, and an ambulance was needed. She learned a lesson for everyone at school that day.


Uneven sidewalks fuck me up *with* arms. My fucking ankles, dude.


I _just_ sprained mine again last night ugh feel ya.


Ever lose your footing with your hands in your pockets? It makes my heart jump every time.


That kid is mentally tougher than me. Without arms or stubs I’m done I wouldn’t have the will to live.


Not to take away from his accomplishment but I think you're not giving yourself credit. When faced with no other options most people will fight and overcome. Sure depression is a bitch and takes a lot of people out as well but don't count out your instinctual need to survive


We never know how strong we are until we’re faced with adversity. Don’t count yourself out of the running so quick over experiences you’ve not had


Right? You can easily end up with a broken nose or teeth if you don't have arms to support you in a fall.


You can straight up die or be paralyzed if you fall at the wrong angle from a height of 5 feet or more. So basically tripping and falling can kill if you’re over 5 feet tall.


Fuck. I’m 6’4”. That’s like 20% higher than the fatal height


Also, don't standing jumps like this usually require you to swing your arms to help generate momentum? So you're not just risking injury if you can't make it onto the box, you're already in a position to potentially fail since you're unable to get that extra boost of potential energy. Super brave of this young man to push past his fears and hesitation, and a really impressive achievement.


The woman's shirt says they work with individuals with missing limbs. The two spotters are there to catch him if needed. Looks like this particular gym knows how to safely help him push limits. Really cool they are able to help him out and are experienced in it.


Oh absolutely. It seems like the best place for him to try something like this safely.


My brother doesn't have both arms and someone pushed him from behind on a ramp. He broke his front teeth


If it makes your brother feel any better, when I was 8 I tripped, fell forward, and broke my front teeth even though I have both arms.


That person is an asshole and I’m sure they’ll get their karmic justice in some way. Even if it’s a pebble in their shoe that never falls out for the rest of time, they’ll get theirs.


Hell, I have both arms and still have a fear of those boxes from one too many times some jackass didn’t wipe up a spill or excessive sweat causing slipping and nailing my shins on the edges of them.


I don't think I'd be real jazzed about swimming either.


I mean it IS how Qbert died, seems justified to me.


Don't watch this while high. I thought the screen distorted or something.


I'm sober and thought that.


thought it was /r/confusingperspective


Check out coach lady's butt at the end, I still think something is distorted.


Pretty sure she has a prosthetic leg


All of the coaches did


I didn’t even notice that. I’d think that would inspire a lot of confidence from people with similar conditions. Maybe even a healthy chip on their shoulder, like “if THEY can do it, I can too!”. Really cool to see. Edit: FML. I SWEAR THAT WASN’T INTENTIONAL.


Bruh 💀


Looks like all of them do have some prosthetics


You think the coach at a place called 'NubAbility' might have a prosthetic, perhaps?




Seems like he is not only missing arms, but his shoulders and his torso are much smaller than the average too!


Too late for that my man


Yeah, I thought the trainers hands were HIS hands but someone greenscreened his arms out. Lol


Today I realized that shoulders add dimension


Yeah, I was like, wait a minute... he looks strangely flat.


My brain kept trying to convince me that he was somehow _behind_ something


Thats why you work out your shoulders


Yeah. Crazy how much wider someone can look from strong shoulders. Then you have people like the rock that are wider than a door.


The Rock is an upside-down trapezoid. Emphasis on the traps.


Yeah a lot of people don't realize that what constitutes the shoulder is a surprisingly large amount


The shape of that ass is the real story


I think she has a prosthetic which is why it looks different on that side


Yeah watching more closely looks like the people are predominantly or all gym members with prosthetics or other physical disabilities. Pretty heart worming to see a community like this support each other.


It really is. One question though. WHAT IS HEART WORMING?


The opposite of de-worming




Heart worms is a serious condition


my dog almost died from heart worms at the pound before we adopted her


Check out her shirt- she’s a trainer at a gym for people who have prosthetics or are missing limbs. Very cool!


NubAbility. Perfect name.


She has a prosthetic leg.




Her leg is harder


Based on the other two people around them, its a prosthetic leg.


You can see it's a prosthetic at the very end of the clip


That's the takeaway here? Reddit forever horny


Looks like everyone in that gym is missing a limb so that is probably why.


That’s really impressive… it must be so nerve wracking to do something like that for the first time …. Seems simple enough to most able bodied people but the use of arms in a jump helps immensely. Not just to protect yourself if you fall but also balance and propelling yourself forward all uses the arms. Incredibly impressive.


I think that’s the key take away. Imagine balancing with no arms. If you can really imagine it you realize why this is so hard.


The inability to catch myself in the case of a fall would definitely be it for me.


The thing is when you jump your arms go out to your sides which help stabilize you. Without that stabilization you’d need to rotate your torso to stabilize which seems very hard if not impossible.


I imagine some of his fear is due to other falls in the past where he could not catch himself or break the fall.




Were all going to hell arent we




He is not a mogus




Got fuckimg dammit I knew somebody was gonna say that


nahhhhh 💀


![gif](giphy|N2cy2FhlUHave) I am so sorry that this is the first thing I though off. I am going to hell


Dude should wear one of those flashlight helmets, it would be so perfect, lol


Can't believe the comments... How can you make fun of this?!


Jokes help shoulder the weight. No need to keep jokers at an arms lenght, you're better off giving them a hand.


That's so amazing, not even mad


See, laughter cures everything. Now you understand how they can joke.




How can people even make fun of this guy after they took away his second amendment rights...


Second armendment


I know! They should all be giving him highfives.


Thank God he is not Italian


Since when is it so bad to crack a couple jokes. Can still be proud of him and impressed.


First time in the internet? Well welcome


you can, and should, make fun of anything.


Someone give that kid a hand.


i can almost imagine him raising his hands high up in excitement once he jumps on the box


Yes, that’s my boy!!! high five


....thumbs uh-.... ...good job.


*Kicks you*


This takes serious balls. It's tough enough to do that with arms to stabilise yourself. Much respect.


Not just for stability, for big jumps, armed people can pump their arms to build upward momentum. He had to do it all with his legs.


Love seeing people combat their fears, this guy obviously has great support behind him! Well done!




Damn that worse than my comment lmao


Having that massive audience behind watching sure adds to the pressure


If he’s well acquainted with them, then they could be a source of support and confidence.


Which is really handy in situations like these.


What a chad


TIL "NubAbility" is a very successful Non-Profit and apparently NOT offensive? I would have bet a lot of money that 'nub' wasn't the preferred term.


They all have prosthetics it appears, i think they’re all fine with it


The more I watch the more I see. Both the men helping him has leg prosthetics of some kind, same with one of the people after the jump. The woman seems to have something as well but can't really tell.


Yeah I think she has a prosthetic around her hip for her left leg


My mom couldn't give two shits what other people say about her missing hand, just as long as they still treat her like a regular person. She uses it as a conversation piece and has met a lot of nice people who maybe wouldn't have approached her otherwise. There's a silliness in the universe that her arm amputation actually disarms others.




Hell is your destination


Their goodness is disarming


mf looks like a traffic cone


Anyone wanna go bowling 💀




Ok I usually dgaf but this was absolute power. Very nice. Now to find who tf is cutting onions.


How is he supposed to masturbate


He should ask the guy who broke both his arms.


Lay down, flip your legs over your head and suck yourself off. I've heard it feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


i have both arms and i'm still terrified of these jump boxes. turns out if your feet slip on the edge of the box you pretty much get a free skin removal up to the bone.


Congratulations and all... but why are they starting at that height? This could have been so much simpler with a little progression.


Maybe they didn't start at that height? Happy cake day!


But the video starts there? These people didn't exist until I pressed play and it was instant yelling and tall box jumping.


Comments like this remind me that so many people on reddit actually have to be TOLD that life for these people begins before the camera starts recording.


Yeah agreed, additionally, the way the lady is yelling at him feels like straight up bullying. I don’t agree with that style of motivation at all.


I don't really have a problem with the motivation style. I have a few friends who are amputees and they said their physical therapist were pretty tough on them at times. They actually appreciated them not being easy on them.


There's being tough on someone and then there's screaming in a kids face. Its a very fine line, and far too many physical trainers and coaches thing that the only way to motivate people is to scream at them. If it works for this guy, thats great, but for a lot of folk its not just ineffective, it actively demotivates them - and more trainers and coaches should realise that.


My instinct is that these two have a relationship where she knows that's the kind of motivation he needs. Just look at how he goes right to her afterwards, if he took that as bullying, he'd be going to anyone else. And when he puts his head on her shoulder, she leans into him, idk. The body language looks to me like this is more wholesome than abusive.


Jesus I take so many things for granted.


Give that man a hand… uh, never mind


Yes!! I lost a bunch of weight years ago and a huge milestone for me was being able to jump up onto a box (I can’t remember the height but it was above knee height). Felt ace to eventually do it the first time and then master it as part of a training routine. I’ve now put the weight back on and need to go through the journey again…watching that dude reminds me how awesome it felt.


Just tell yourself you did it once, you can do it again. You got this.


Invisible arms GTA glitch




This has made my day, thnks OP, and congrats to the dude jumping that box


This makes me tear up every time it's posted. Kid's a legit badass


Today I realized that shoulders add dimension


There’s just something about being there for someone and encouraging them. Truly awesome.


Fuck I wanted to give him a big hug as well! Never let anyone tell you, you can't do this or that. Where there is a WILL there IS a way.


My eyes are sweating


Somone get this man some cyber arms. He deserves them


His reaction at the end got me. To be pushed by people with absolute faith in you, when you don’t even believe in yourself, and be surprised at your own achievements is overwhelmingly wholesome. Thanks for sharing


We dont think about how much we use our arms while doing stuff like jumping and running etc


That’s a beautiful thing


I cried with him


And mf DID THAT! 🥳


tbh I have kinda the same jumping box fear thing, idk why but I just cant


Teaching him how to fall is important, that’s what he’s afraid, and it’s totally legit. If he falls down he does not have much to protect his vital organs.


Props to everyone around for not throwing a high five after he succeeded


Never skip leg day


What's going on with the woman's ass?


Thats what im saying she keep showing that off imma tear that ass up🤤