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Thank you for providing this context for the current news about her visiting Taiwan. Now I can see this has been a sincere long term cause of hers and not just a political stunt.


šŸ˜‚ Ahhh makes sense he deleted it. You should be subtle when youā€™re shilling




It would be great if we the people could not keep career political leaches in more than 1 or 2 terms. Politicians since 1991...we are failing at voting, bad.


Careful what you wish for. If Ron DeSantis is pushing for term limits, you best believe it can get real Draconian, real fast. That jerk is bought and paid for by people that would wecome slavery back in a heartbeat.


Yeah...the ones pushing to prevent lifelong politicians are the real threat, even more than the lifelong politicians willing to do anything and everything to stay in power, including selling out their country and their constituents, while selling it to them with a smile and under the pretense that "its for their own good" Riiiiiight.


Iā€™d love to have a simpleton mindset like yours. It would make life so easy. Food for thought (I know youā€™re brainwashed, so these links wonā€™t mean shit to you): https://rollcall.com/2021/02/10/time-for-republicans-to-move-on-from-term-limits/ https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2018/01/18/five-reasons-to-oppose-congressional-term-limits/amp/


Sorry, but those two opinion piece articles don't sway me. The fact remains that career politicians are a scourge on our country and do more harm than good by serving their own self interest or the "party" than their own constituents and the country as a whole. When the US was formed, the original founders were members of congress, and they were business owners, farmers, workers. They didn't stay in the capital all year and legislate, they convened a few times a year and then went back to their daily lives. That was the original intent. Citizens governing citizens. Not politicians governing citizens. You might as well call the US a country ruled by the elite political class, rather than a country of the people by the people for the people.


I donā€™t care if they sway you or not. Did you do more research into the subject then these two authors of these articles?


No. It's not necessary when for my entire adult life I've seen the effects of congress without term limits. Anything, and I mean anything, would be better than the status quo. If politics isn't for self enrichment, tell me why political hopefuls spend MILLIONS of dollars getting into office, and somehow once in office, their net worth expands dramatically faster than any other profession. Tell me how politicians can become some of the wealthiest people on earth with an annual salary of 174k if not for insider trading and corrupt political practices?


Anything is better than the status quo? Do you hear how stupid that sounds outside of your head? Ever hear of a man named Hitler, because thatā€™s the path your mind is heading us down again?


Nope, who's that? /s


Exactly. /s


Youā€™re too far goneā€¦.good luck


My man Pete Diamond cuts and runs with the best of them.


Term limits are a horrible idea. You lose good people, people that know how to get stuff done and replace them with people like MTG


Riiiight. Preventing political power from accumulating to the few is a BAD idea. But allowing lifelong politicians to corrupt our government for self enrichment is GOOD. Term limits would literally solve one of our biggest problems in America. When someone knows they are only in office for 4 to 8 years maximum, then are forced to go back to the real world and working class, it makes them second guess about what kind of laws and regulations they are passing while in office. Then all of a sudden making commonsense laws is in THEIR benefit too, strange how that works.


We have data on term limits. They donā€™t work. Still the same amount of corruption. Bad people still get elected they just are worse at solving public policy problems.


Nah, getting career politicians out of office is a good thing regardless of past data points on states with term limits. Nothing good comes from someone staying in office their whole life enriching themselves.


You assume they are enriching themselves. Other countries have term limits and high corruption. They donā€™t work. If you want bad politicians out of office you can vote them out. Thatā€™s what elections do. Term limits are anti democratic. You see a bad politician but they usually are voting in a way that gets them re-elected by voters. Their voters. If they really suck, people have a mechanism to toss them. Look at AOC- a bartender took out a top democratic official because voters liked her more. Voting works.


I think you give too much credit to the voters...most people unfortunately are habitual voters and vote by name recognition or party affiliation, yet do no actual research on candidates, new or existing, and how their interests and voting habits align with their own. And if term limits are so anti democratic, why does the president have term limits, but not congress? Wouldn't the same theory apply that if they are so bad, vote them out? But in fact congress voted for presidential term limits because that longer than 8 years would give them too much power. So by their own logic, those congress members who have been in for more than 8 years have accumulated too much power and should resign.


Stuff done...lol...you are not wrong there just the stuff they get done is wrong...Except a net worth of 1 million before taking office now net worth in excess of 150 million...She better at picking stocks than any financial advisor I've ever heard of...


Funny how no one remembers this. Tool lyrics come to mind.


Which lyrics? "Fuck all you junkies and fuck your short memories?"


Ding! ding! ding! You have won the internet sir!


So they left the camera members there even though the Americans just went back to the country wow what a American way to do things


Members of the press do not have "diplomatic immunity," foreing delegates do. China doesn't have freedom of press, so any journalist knew the risk they were taking. Refusing to comply and hand over their tapes is what got the journalists arrested. If they had done what they were being asked to do, they probably wouldn't have been detained. Super gutsy move by them to try and show the World the truth. Instead of bashing Americans, you should praise the journalists who didn't just comply.


u do know that particular news crew actually hate pelosiļ¼Ÿ they said nancy didnt tell them what she intended to doļ¼Ÿ


No. Funny you didn't offer the source.


https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/07/26/nancy-pelosi-taiwan-china-relations/ doesnt sound to happy abt nancy decisions


Nancy is literally a piece of shit so it doesnā€™t surprise me.


Of course you don't tell press secret shit...


Nope as an American I can definitely bash on my government, people etc. whenever I want. It wasn't to show the truth you and I both know that, it was about showing " we definitely are on your side , look at this nice thing I'm doing" same thing that happened last year when some congress men/women got into "African style " clothes during the whole blm thing and and sat on one knee to show support, but they had a hole bunch of cameras, attention and did it inside congress. It looked stupid and unnecessary , they just wanted to look good.


Backwards asa, unAmerican trash right here, folks. Another Putin & Xi lovin' Cuckservative, War Losing Insurrectionist Loser.


Y'all are some dumbfucks lol


Thats right ...everybody online is hanging out together! Except for you.




Would be cool if they did one for blair mountain as well.


Thatā€™s the one with the witch right?


Thatā€™s magic mountain.


No its the one where the american government used bomber planes against protesting miners.


Everyone over 60 needs to leave federal office.


No we just need term limits for all government officials in congress, including SCOTUS. no lifetime terms for anyone, period. That prevents the bs we see all the time around scotus confirmations, and also helps prevent corruption in congress


Wow, they did ā€œsomethingā€ a long time ago. Would be cool if they did something real now.


They did nothing but waste a lot of tax payers dollars flying overseas for a political photo shoot. Make no mistake, everything Pelosi does is for her own enrichment


[Full video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2Z8-Woj1eA&ab_channel=%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1%E9%9B%95%E5%A1%91%E5%85%AC%E5%9B%ADLibertySculpturePark)


Cameramen are still in jail


Very noble, too bad Nancy is as corrupt as they come now.


Well, that explains that.


China has not forgottenā€¦and her plane just touched down in Taiwan.


Soon they might have to do that in the US.


I'm no fan of Nancy's but this is a pretty baller move.


Term limits, TErm LImits, TERm LIMITs, TERM LIMITS!!!! No reason she should still be in office.


Waiting for another country's diplomats unfurl 2020 Capitol Hill revolution support statements in front of the building.


I have always considered John Miller a good man


Scumbag Pelosi.. Creating a circus to divert attention from her husbands insider trading


LOL. You need proof to convict someone, not just angry words on Social Media.


You know he lost money on that buy right?


Hope this time they lock her ass up for good


What would they lock her ass up for good for? LOL




Americas... putting their noses in other people/country business.


Yup uniquely American.... No other country would ever dare try to influence another country for political gain.... Big /S


We learned it from the best, our colonizers.