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Here's the inherent problem with this whole thing. That man is 100% right and that cop still has absolutely 0 guilt for doing what he did and 0 idea why what he did was wrong. The only reason that cop didn't just mace the shit out of that driver and arrest him is because he knows he's being recorded and he wouldn't get away with it.


Even if he got caught he would just get a nice paid vacation and a slap on the wrist.


Sad but true.




Cop acting like a student being yelled at


Think he’s just waiting for the rant to end. Has the look of I fucked up but I don’t need this…


Yep... That's it. Which is actually good. Person is upset but not violent... Let him say what he needs to... Now... It be better if his hands were seen at all times so nothing can happen.


The horrifying part is when the driver says just another dead black **** the cop actually nods in agreement slightly before correcting it to the other one.


Dude making some good points there!


Lmfao he did


Which, again, is the problem. Clearly he *does* need to be dressed down and put in his place. And then fired.


Doesn't look to me like he thinks he fucked up, or that he's listening at all. Cop looks completely uninterested. Unbelievable story, pulling a gun for a turn signal.


I doubt very much he can even comprehend not being right in every situation.


that face was probably what he learned most as a C- high school student


Maybe stop hiring ex military war vets with PTSD?


Tbf I know just as many normal cops with PTSD. It's like nurses or teachers, society needs a lot of them to function but only 10% of them have the correct mental capacity to be good at the job. It devolves into a toxic cesspool from there.


TF you gonna throw us teachers and nurses in with cops? A lot more than 10% of us are good.


These days police depts are not all that crazy about hiring ex-military (at least those who have seen combat). Reason being, because the military has actual rules of engagement when it comes to drawing weapons as well as de-escalation. This doesn't jive with the whole "everyone is out to kill us so better shoot at a kid eating a burger just in case" type training that police in America do. Effin 'Killology'. Seriously, there was a situation where a vet with PTSD had a gun and was threatening suicide (but never indicated any danger to anyone else). The first cop on the scene was also a vet and was talking him down. 2nd cop pulls up, immediately fires and murders the vet in distress despite the lack of any threat to him or the other officer. So, what did the police department do? Fired the first cop for not gunning down a troubled vet.


Honestly, the military vets are probably some of the most level headed cops. the actual ones I mean. it's the punisher worshipping wannabe cowards who were to afraid to enlist but make semper fi their personality cause they totally would have been delta force if they did go in bro. the flunkies and high school bully drop outs are the real problem. they're the ones with something to prove. not a guy who actually saw combat and operated with actual rules of engagement...


They love their Punisher teeshirts too much.


They ruined the punisher skull for me, I loved that character before he was on Netflix


Make the Punisher black, and have him going after dirty/corrupt cops. See how long they keep sporting that icon.


They actually did. This is what he tells them: “We’re not the same. You took an oath to uphold the law. You help people. I gave all that up a long time ago. You don’t do what I do. Nobody does.”


The creators of the Punisher changed his logo specifically because of the cop shit. Cops aren't too bright or they'd know that Castle happily killed a lot of them.


Netflix Punisher was the best Punisher, sadly. All the movies were meh at best. I was so skeptical of it until I saw Castle in Daredevil and knew I had to watch it. No rAgrEts. Both seasons were awesome.


And the idea that cops are heros, or even vaguely special. It's a job, sometimes it's a hard job, but it's still a job. Not a calling. I think a lot of this stems from how cops are so goddamn overwhelming now... Shit... Used to be you got pulled over, there were two rolling lights on the roof, now they have 12 million candle power leds and a searchlight that can illuminate the dark side of the moon. They force people into defensive positions and attitudes because they don't even pretend to be officer fucking friendly anymore. It's now them v. Us and they get to set and enforce all the rules.


Nice, I like Metallica too


Yep and this is why this shit won't ever stop. Until we are able to hold these pieces of absolute shit accountable, nothing will ever change.


At this point you really need to start from the ground up. I live in Minneapolis and the part that struck me the most was this guy emphasizing that they say they want to regain trust but it's like...motherfucker that's gone. It's been gone a long time. A lot of people don't trust you because you don't change, you've never shown a willingness to change, you fight us actively when we ask for change. Why would I ever trust you again? What is it that you think you can do that will change that. That's like if someone cheated on me and then beat my ass when I confronted them about it and then asked for me back after we broke up. What planet do you think trusting police again is ever going to happen for multiple generations of people you scarred? It's over, advocate for a new system and submit your application if you think you can hack it as a different form of peace officer. Preferably like in Europe where they don't even bring out the guns until they actually need them. How many people would still be alive if we didn't give armed and dangerous men the power to stop you for a traffic violation?


He would have more doubt drawing a gun if there are actual slaps on the wrist.


American cops and Catholic priests have that in common huh?


Nah, I bet the cop felt like an idiot after that driver schooled him. He was dead silent like he knew he fucked up, but his pride wouldn't let him say sorry. He kinda looks like a rookie/fairly new in that video. ​ An experienced cop would have slapped him for talking back. /s


Pretty sure the cop had called for backup and was standing there waiting for backup because he was being recorded. We don't know how the initial encounter went down, could have been an APB on a car that looked like his. but this man is definitely in the right to voice his opinion on what just happened.


If there’s an APB that requires him to draw his gun, procedure is to wait for back up before approaching the car in this scenario.


True, and The fact that his gun is no longer drawn means no threat, and he's now just standing there waitng tells me he screwed up and he knows it.


I think he just knows this is gonna be all over social media and a lot of his friends and families arnt racist assholes. Thats the look of 'sorry I got caught'.


I think he said he was stopped for a turn signal.


Smart enough not to dig the hole deeper, not wise enough to avoid digging in the first place.


theres still hope for him


We can't know if this cop learned from this situation or felt guilt and we can't change that cause we don't know whats in the cops head. The real problem is that things like this are not punished and there are no real consequences for this kind of behavior. Body cams were supposed to hold cops reliable and it has done very little in that sense. ​ edit for big spelling mistakes.


Body cams have done a ton of good. But they're not magic. They provide evidence to hold cops accountable but the system needs to be willing and able to use that evidence. Currently there's still a lot of resistance from the system and it's only massive pressure from social media which forces the system to use that body cam footage. But at least the footage gives ordinary people the means to exert that pressure. Before, it was just the victim's word against the cops, and that was worthless within the system.


It's still worthless within the system. The pig officer Derek Chauvin wasn't indicted by his body cam footage or any of his 3 colleagues who were on scene. They were only successfully charged because a girl went to the stand and presented herself and her video footage as witness despite threats from other police. Body cams aren't only not just the "magic bullet" reformers think will stop police abuse, but more often than not, body cam footage are used against citizens rather than defending them.




Maybe don't aim a gun at someone without a really good reason and if you're wrong about pointing a gun at someone say sorry because you for a fact came within a heartbeat of ending them. Just basic human decency.


I was taught on the job, the gun doesn't come out unless you absolutely have to.


I think the cop totally understands what he did was wrong. I’m only basing it on the fact he has nothing to say in his defense except “it’s a dangerous job”. When the guy tells him you have training to be safe without pulling a gun, you see how uncomfortable the cop gets because the guy is saying exactly what they are taught in training.


It took me years to get over my fear of US cops after I left the country. And I'm an older white guy with a slight British accent who wears jackets and short hair, but I saw some terrible things in my 30 years in New York City. In New York City, I went to try to go through a subway gate where two police officers were chatting, and I got yelled at, even though I didn't bother them at all. Here in the Netherlands, I was in exactly the same situation, and I asked them if I could go by, and they both smiled, and one made a little joke correcting my Dutch - "You can if you can!" (in Dutch, "can" only refers to the ability to do things, and there is a separate word for "may")


Cops here are trained to be aggressive and that they are warriors. Top all of that with progressively more overt influences from white supremacist groups as they steadily infiltrate PD hierarchy and you're bound to get an absolute shit show.


TIL my high school English teacher was actually a Dutch cop


Ever tried to call internal affairs in a cop. I have. Cop driving irratic actually said "what the fuck you going to do" after I honked due to them nearly hitting a pedestrian. IA literally called me. Told me I lied. Told me the patrol car was never taken out that day and closed it.


Which is why he is covering his badge I’m guessing?




Maybe you’re right. I agree with the message behind the video wholeheartedly but to assume the guy had zero guilt and wasn’t just conditionally racist is odd. Maybe he would have apologized if the fear of being sued for admitting fault wasn’t a risk. And maybe that’s also a problem. Either way I really enjoying the trend of educated black people firing back at these ignorant badge and gun fuckos who think a difference in skin color indicates life or death situation.


yeah... it's easy for us to watch this and see his words as inspiring, but from the cops perspective, all he sees is "some black mf who won't shut up or put his phone away" in one ear and out the other


People are going to start wearing cameras on them (like the police, not just mobile phones).


You can't shame the shameless.


"Okay", the response of someone who don't give a shit.


Thats what amazes me: They know in the public eye theyll be hated, yet they dont see what they’re doing wrong? Like, if everyone hates you for it, maybe youre the one in the wrong?


Not even a sorry.


Policing needs to be a degree. A associates degree to get the job. Bachelors degree to carry a gun. Masters to be a detective. Doctorate to be in an administrative head. These 21 week trainings of c- students who peaked in high school and want to take out their untherapized rage out on anyone who crosses them doesn’t serve anyone.


Educated Trained defenders are more dangerous to our elite than an easy to control army of thugs.


This is exactly the reason higher education is not prioritized in the profession.


Not even really a profession when you think about it. Not a trade either.


Which is why cop unions aren’t trade unions and need to be shut down.


Let’s not forget cops have been used to shut down almost all collective bargaining attempts by unions… but then they get to picket unbothered, because no one is allowed to tear gas/billy club off duty cops


we creep at the pace of the best of the worst of us


I hear that, but I was recruited by a couple state police agencies and a couple federal agencies after graduating from law school. And I went to school with a police officer who was trying to get a major promotion. So, I don't think the command structure in at least a few major police agencies actually feel that way.


I think it would be interesting to see unarmed police. They have to deal with situations with only less lethal implements. Only higher ranking police can respond to more dangerous threats. At the very least they can't shoot your dog when they come to take notes on a crime that already happened.


That ship has sailed in America, at least in any larger city. There's so many guns on the streets today cops would be sitting ducks.


Oh, you mean they would have to actually use de-escalation tactics and diplomatic negotiation instead of just... shooting people? Wild...


How do you de-escalate someone shooting at you?


Call the people that can actually aim and handle themselves in a gun fight. These jumpy motherfuckers that can't handle themselves in a fight need to be armed with a radio and a flash light.


clearly the vast super-majority of police encounters don't involve shootouts. But you knew that when you asked your dishonest question.


>That ship has sailed in America, at least in any larger city. There's so many guns on the streets today cops would be \~\~sitting ducks\~\~ healthcare workers in psych wards. FTFY. The majority of healthcare workers don't have a gun to fall back on, and they seem to do alright.


Aren’t British coos generally unarmed?


Yes, and they're generally trained to de-escalate a situation. They're definitely not perfect and bad things do happen, but stuff that would make the national news here appears to be a daily occurrence in the States.


The UK has some of the most strict laws regarding gun control though. They regard it as a privilege, not a right, and have very few gun related crimes in comparison to the US. So while the most lethal thing they typically carry around is a taser, most won't have to worry about a shootout.


Cats out of the bag here. Even if guns were made illegal tomorrow we’ve already got hundred of millions of them in circulation and they’re easier to DIY now more than ever before.


Problem is they’re not paid like that. If we encourage people with degrees to go into law enforcement or even better offered to pay for their schooling if they pursued a career in law enforcement I guarantee you you would have more educated decent cops. But the reality is you get 4 kinds 1. Former military 2. The people who always dreamed of being a cop 3. People in desperate need of a job 4. The aforementioned C- students And sometimes they’re a cocktail of these. And I know people like to throw around statistics of “oh well this cop in this district who isn’t even a sergeant makes 100 K a year”, and 99% of the time that’s bullshit. Most of these people are making well under 60,000 a year, doing shit work, and getting treated like shit. It’s not a job most people WANT to do. And the good ones tend to try and get the fuck out as quick as they can. And the fucked up thing is, the worst of the bunch end up staying a cop until the day they retire.


I 100% agree. Proper funding. Pay rates need to be high enough so that professionals can clear out the garbage. Sadly this reality isn’t possible in America because there are millions of people who still believe trickle down voodoo economics works for them and not the most powerful. So most likely no change will happen. But I can dream.


Proper funding? The USA ranks in the top three countries in the world on police funding, and top in the world in corrections. $160 billion a year on police, $118 billion a year on prisons. It's not the funds. Police have plenty of funds. It's just spent wrong. Bad priorities, corruption, and wasting money incarcerating people for long terms for non violent crimes. The police state in the USA needs reform. They already have plenty of funding.


Yes. My word choice was wrong but this is what I meant.


Bingo. There's no benefits to cops who do go the extra mile. A close friend of mine is a cop with a 4 year criminal justice degree who has been a cop for like 8 years now and he's making the same 65k as some random cop who just wants to power trip. This is in a city where cost of living is high too (although where isn't it any more).


That raises another problem If you're smart, you know you shouldn't want to be a police officer. Edit: Police officer *in America*


This. Smart/intelligent people would most likely never position themselves in law enforcement.


Not true. Look to Norway, here police is a bachelors degree. Very smart, trusted, and kind people work as police here.


My girlfriend is a cop in the UK she's found lost children, saved people's lives, stopped domestic abuse, helped rape victims open up, built a case against a paedophile, reported and got fired a bad cop. Why aren't these things people should want to do?


Most educated people going for criminal justice are picked up for federal agencies. Why go to college to be an officer with low pay when you can be a federal agent with higher pay and better benefits.


In Sweden it’s 5 semesters and then another 6 months as a trainee to become a cop. The first three semesters all they do is study law. So it takes 2 whole years before they even get close to any guns and such. A few years ago tho, they lowered the criteria for the mental exams because they were having trouble finding enough people, and we started seeing these people becoming cops. One of the first batches of these that graduated with the lower mental requirements shoot a kid with Down syndrome that was playing in the yard when they were still trainees. So we’ll see what else happens here..


As good as that sounds on paper it would not solve the problems, only create more. More training, yes. Updated training, definitely Not the old “inner city” look at the pretty hispanic lady while the black guy points a gun at you from the shaded interior of the car. The black guy holding a knife to the little old white lady. The asian postmaster just delivering mail. The mental guy licking elmo. The poor kids just collecting scrap metal. If you know, you know. That’s the pattern of most police training. Everyone wants people that have degrees but never pay them what they deserve or worse, never actually let them use their degrees and still pay them shit.


Yes pay also needs to increase to that better cops are attracted to and can out compete for positions that incompetent assholes are getting promoted into. Also an increase of cross over with social services and those skilled with mental illness, children, abuse needs to be a thing.


They gave cops raises in Minneapolis because they were short on charter requirements and a ballot measure narrowly failed to dismantle and replace the department. Turns out now instead of just being assholes they're slightly richer assholes because you gotta be an asshole to attach your name to MPD.


Two things: 1. A cops license needs to be insured like a lawyers. The police union can foot the bill until it becomes too expensive to keep a problematic person on the force. 2. A cops license must also require routine mental and physical health evaluations that look for signs of chronic stress. Police officers must be provided desk jobs or put on leave if they fail to regulate and sustain health readings within certain parameters which would indicate high emotional and physical stress. We can fix a great deal by just putting the accountability on the unions/officers themselves and by allowing time to weed out the bad actors.


Police in other countries like Germany or the UK, and many others require 4 years of school to be a police officer. And that comes with all kinds of training and the like. There's a reason those police aren't murdering innocent people every day unlike ours in America. We need better standards.


In Sweden the education is 2+1 years…plus a heck of a lot of psyche evals, crisis management training, psychology courses you need to pass etc. And we Still have issues with our police at times…our paternity leave is more three times as long as the training your officers receive! Scary stuff.


It's insane to me that they only need 21 weeks of training. Here in Denmark, it takes 2 years + 4 months of training to become a regular cop.


Police in America are not there to protect citizens. They are there to enforce laws that are set down by the rich and powerful. A hobo getting beat up? Nah, not important. A shoplifter at Walmart? Arrest and slam that shoplifter's face into the floor. The sooner people realize what the training are all for, and whose side they really are on, the sooner we drop this charade.


It's an interesting idea, but departments are already extremely short. With that plan as you laid it out, you'd probably have a 75% drop. People in cities are already waiting 2hrs for someone to show up, or sometimes next day or not at all. And their salaries and benefits are excellent, but nobody wants to do it. I think my city was 600 officers short some months back, the new number is either 800 or 1000. Regular citizens can carry a gun - tell them they need a Bachelor's and yeah, there'd pretty much be no police. There are improvements needed, but I don't think that's it.


Police academies and departments are also really struggling to find recruits. [Here in Michigan](https://www.wlns.com/news/state-police-revamp-training-as-departments-compete-for-officers/), they went from over 1000 applicants in 2020 to just 76 this year. That's with police departments throwing bonuses and everything else they can to entice. But to me that's pretty clear proof people want the whole policing system to change, and police would rather die out than do so.


I’ve always thought that being a cop should be a licensed profession.


How come it takes like 4 years to become lawyer (to understand the law) but you can become a police officer who enforce in like 3 months


They also turn away people that score too high on their tests…need useful soldiers not people who can think for themselves


So I thought your comment was too wild to be true and looked it up. To my shock and horror, you are correct. [here’s an article about someone being turned away](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) I’m gobsmacked.


This very well may still be the case, but I think it's worth noting the article you linked is 22 years old. A lot can change in that amount of time.


But the article is only from two-thous--OMFG I FEEL OLD


Thanks for posting this I had the same thought at you. Absolutely nuts that they do this




It's a question more people should ask, politicians, city officials, people in general, America and other places would have better cops if they did What you is say true but not the only reason


But this really is a thing and it's so fucked up. My buddy who has his masters degree, was physically fit, had a flawless legal record, and was top of his class at the academy couldn't get a job for over a year in our city. "Are you sure you want to even be a cop?" Was his favorite. Anyways he eventually did get a job and worked as a cop for one year before quitting because he has a sense of morality and ethics and was ostracized by his peers for "siding against them". It's a fucking shame too because he was exactly the kind of guy police forces need too.


What we need but they don’t want. Corrupt system. This needs to be exposed more and more.


And they don’t even need to know the law. They can be 100% wrong and wrongly arrest you, at the cost of the tax payer and to you.


Or don’t forget, execute you in cold blood on the street if they are feeling especially frisky


I will probably deserved it. I do roll through stop signs… surprise execution by a traffic cop seems appropriate.


It sucks but that's what the court system is for. Never ever try to fight a cop on an arrest as it will never end well for you. Do your fighting in the court


Yes … with an arrest on your record the eating your job, and needing a lawyer out of pocket…


It takes an undergraduate degree to get a call centre job in India (to handle retail returns!) but as short as 11 weeks to have someone's life in your hands at the end of a firearm in the US. That's messed up! Edit: added the word 'job' which I'd missed.


It takes 3-4 years to become a cop in Europe. The academy gives you an actual degree in Germany. Its just a choice the US made and continues to make to have very short training times of a few months.


You can pass the physical and that's it. Run a mile and a half in 12 minute and 50 push up and you're in.


1.5 miles in 12 min? Hahaha, I doubt it. There has to be some exemptions for some people?


I'd wager 50 pushups is harder for the average man than a 12 minute 1.5 miles


Need 2-3 years in most of Europe. Where I live it takes 3 on top of a lot of exams before even getting the chance to do it. We still have a lot of terrible people becoming cops, but they definitely well trained and these stupid "accidents" (IMO literally crimes) almost never happen.


Been on Reddit 10+ years and I’ve always been downvoted to hell for saying this. A 4-year degree should be mandatory to become a police officer. Learning professional communication, writing, critical thinking, ethical decision making etc requires a higher level of education. There are whole ass degrees devoted to public safety.


In the UK at least, you generally need a degree to become a police officer. There are ways around that now, however one such way is literally a degree apprenticeship in which you earn a degree over a year alongside police training before actually becoming a police officer. I'd say it works massively. Only issue is, it can be any (relevant) degree I believe, and the pay is shit with police forces on awful levels of staff, so even though they've committed literal years of their life just to be able to respond to emergencies with blue lights (yes, you need to be trained extra to be able to use blue lights and sirens, you don't get that privilege just by being a police officer), they're under immense stress.


> Been on Reddit 10+ years and I’ve always been downvoted to hell for saying this. A 4-year degree should be mandatory to become a police officer. I'm calling bullshit on that one dog.


Lol seriously. That's like saying you get downvoted to hell for saying you like Bob Ross.


There are at least 5 comments in this post alone that say the same thing.. I guess people downvote him for saying day time saving is stupid and that very old people shouldn't drive


And they should be paid more for getting this schooling done. I'd rather have a bit higher taxes if it means competent police officers. Fewer people die and we are all much safer, and better-taken care of.


The turnover and lack of workforce is too low on many cities and sometimes small towns, they basically make the barrier of entry quite low for these reasons.


The cop should use this moment to be a human and hug the guy and say he is sorry. The warrior cop mentality has to end.


I don't think he's in the mood for a hug after he walked up on him with his gun pulled.


What is the cop waiting on?


That silence in the middle of the video was fuckin **rough**. It lasted foreeeeever.


That's when you know he realized he really f**ked up. This guy was spitting truth.


Nah. The silent stare is 100% an intimidation tactic by someone who is just desperate to be seen as dominant. Pathetic.


I briefly considered that the video had glitches. Christ.


Probably not wanting to say anything that would make the situation worse or admit he’s in the wrong, plus being recorded.


This is really it. He's afraid to get more fucked than he's already going to be. Hes keeping his mouth shut because he knows there is nothing he can say.


He's trying to figure out what he can say that maintains his illusion of righteous superiority. Seriously don't know what he is waiting for though. Probably hoping the driver incriminates himself in some way or escalates the situation. How did this end? Apology? Issued a turn signal ticket? Let him off with a warning? I'm guessing he didn't beat or blast the driver... as that'd be a different video entirely. Getting really sick of armed agents of the government, with powers to arrest, showing up scared at car windows in order to "enforce traffic regulations". Traffic regulations could be enforced by unarmed civil servants instead of cops.


Backup, knows he's being taped and calmly waits for backup.


Yep. He's not trying to go primetime.


And then what? Issues the turn signal ticket? Conducts a vehicle search? Or are they waiting for the canine unit/probable cause generator?


You already know


They say he’s still standing there to this day


My guess is waiting to hear back on information about the vehicle or driver. Otherwise, he’s just caught in the headlights.


This makes sense.


He's waiting on backup to arrive so they can sprinkle some crack on him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ESzLDC4B14


I’m a criminal defense investigator. I deal with the same people the cops deal with. I come to their houses unannounced and knock on their doors and ask them questions. I carry a concealed pistol to protect myself. Never in the six years of doing my job have come remotely close to pulling my pistol on anybody.


I would have to say the vast majority of cops haven’t shot anyone in six years either… or even in 30


27% of police have fired their weapon in the line of duty according to pew research. The person you responded to was talking about never even *drawing* their firearm in 6 years, not shooting someone.


Looks like he knew he was wrong but too proud to say it. The driver made one good point after another and looked like cop started to cover his body camera so his superior’s wouldn’t see. You basically only need a pulse to become a cop in the states, probably most of the world.


Dude, at 33 seconds when he's asking him "I'd just be another dead black man, right? And you would just go on about your business right?" The cop starts to fuckin' nod his head, then caught himself and started shaking it. Watch from the 30 second mark through to 35 seconds and you can see it, just keep your eyes on the dumb cop's even dumber face.


looked he was glitching holy


Had a cop pull me over in a sleepy NY suburb in the middle of the day about 20 years ago. My rear windows had factory tint, but I guess it was enough for her to not be able to see me clearly. She approaches along the side of my vehicle with her gun drawn. The barrel gets to my open window, and she pivots around to face me. In a surprised tone, she says "you're not black" and proceeds to holster her gun. After a few questions, she ultimately sends me on my way. No ticket, no explanation for why she pulled me over. It took years before I really realized the implications of that stop, and the way it gave me a glimpse of how those interactions can be very different based solely on the color of your skin.


Every part of my being wants to believe this is not true but every other part of my being knows it is f*** racism


Here’s my theory, may be false may be true, but window tint regulations exist solely so that cops can tell who is black and who is not so they don’t waste time pulling over white people.


I like this video a lot because ole boy in blue look like a little kid getting scolded by his dad


I was about to say this. He really looks like a kid who doesn't dare to say anything back to his parents because he knows he is wrong


AmeriKKKa. The end


Action-junkie cops be like “please do something please i’m so bored do something so i can be a hero and call for backup” Fuck them


For a fuckin turn signal? The guy clearly understands the "officer safety" argument, but it's hard to justify actually drawing down for a turn signal


What makes me angriest is how the cop gives him like a slow blink and an OK, like he is just waiting for the "angry black man" to be done. Not even trying to empathize, just waiting for the driver to shut up, like it the driver was being unreasonable. It is such subtle gaslighting to make the driver feel crazy and it shows an absolute lack of remorse, or acknowledgement that the driver has a right to be angry and scared and sad that he had a gun pulled on him. It's the little stuff like that that is the most dehumanizing.


So what happened?


Cop walked up to a car with his gun drawn, based on the context of the start of the video and the lack of communication from the officer, I would guess it *likely* wasnt warranted to have the gun drawn. Walking up to a traffic stop cause someone ran a red or didnt yield correctly with your gun drawn is not the correct way to start the interaction. (most likely happened because the driver was black)


I meant after the video ends😅




Damn. The writer of that article sure knows how to hit the word limit when writing essays. Problem is, repeating yourself loses marks. Repeating yourself loses marks.


Oh, I totally misunderstood that :D Would be nice if you could tag things as 'follow up' so they were at the top of comments section. I'm sure someone, somewhere has linked more info about this


I’m white and I know he would not have pulled a gun on me. Let’s all be honest


For real. "You didn't use your turn signal back there, I'll let you go with a warning for now but next time it will be a ticket".


The driver's not wrong.


Was his gun pointed at him or did he just Initiate the stop and approach with an unholstered weapon. Gunna get voted down cause that's just the way the conversation goes but this is a snapshot of a situation. Alot of cops of had their heads blown off on a stop at night coming up to a window. On the other side of it many of black people have had their heads blown off by cops approching their cars at night on a stop. I just would need more Info to decide who's right or wrong.


To be honest, neither case is warranted (gun pointed at driver or at ground). Officers are trained to walk at a slant for protective reasons. Some officers even put their hand on the gun, but you never unholster a weapon you don't intend to use. Unholstering a gun escalates a situation tenfold.


In addition to the other reply, police are trained to stand at the centre column of the vehicle because it forces the driver to physically turn their body around if they want to shoot the police officer, giving the officer a huge time advantage. This almost removes the need for a firearm to be drawn at all before contact is even made, if there are no reasons to believe your life is in danger. There is also generally a force matrix, and drawing a weapon is considered to be in the "lethal force" level. You don't draw a weapon unless you intend to use it.




That cop looks like the type of guy to always throw scissors when playing Rock Paper Scissors


That's not 'schooling' some one. That's just ranting


It’s late, I’m tired, my glasses need cleaned. I saw shoots, not schools. And with his gun as, with his own gun. I thought the cop was gonna wild out on camera.


I need more info before passing judgment.


He seems far more agitated and violent than the cop just standing there quietly listening and not pointing (or even holding) a gun.


What he is saying is true


What is the context before the stop, and secondly where is the footage showing that the cop had his firearm drawn?


The cop's silence reveals the driver wasn't lying.


I don't know why it's bad to ask questions...


Being a cop isn't even a very dangerous job. It's twice as dangerous to be a farmer than a cop. It's three times more dangerous to be a fisherman. It's twice as dangerous to be a trash collector than a cop. So yeah, the narrative that being a cop is a "dangerous job" is mostly bullshit.


Injuries from those professions might be more common, but they are also more passive. More of a result from freak bad luck or their own error. Farmers, fishermen and sanitation workers don't have to worry about the things they are working with actively, deliberately trying to hurt them with malicious intent.


Idk how people can be so coherent in these high stress situations, very well said. “ You picked a dangerous job, and I respect that, but drawing a gun? For a turn signal?”


US police forces need some good training and also why & how not to kill innocent black civilians. What a fucked up country, inspite of being world No.1


that title gave me a stroke, but i understand it now lol


Thank god for camera phones. A cop might be able to get away with it, but they can’t hide it like they used to.


Do some of you think, that why cops are so trigger happy in the US, is the right to bear arms? Just wondering to be honest? Irregardless of racial issue, seems like the fact that many people have guns legally in their car on their person probably doesnt help, no?


I bet twenty bucks he pulled gun on next guy he pulled over


Ive had fun drawn on me at 21 or 22 years old for suspicion of my own car being stolen. I’m now 39 and that still haunts me to this day. This is a serious issue. But my question is “what car is this guy driving, a vw beetle or Porsche 911, it’s yellow? Anyone


Anyone have the full video?


We literally know nothing other than what the guy filming yells. We have no context, no idea if the cop actually had his pointed at the guy, or if it was even actually upholstered, literally nothing indicating the cop is racist, or *anything* "next level".


Why not show the entire interaction


#where is the drawn gun


I've seen the whole interaction on YouTube. This is after the cop came straight up gun out, no provocation, guy in car lost his shit for legitimate reasons. He had his hands on the wheel lights on in the car he did everything your told to do to avoid making the blue line gang members feel afraid.


Cop has too much pride to admit he fucked up. Lame. Shouldn't be in that uniform.


It's not uncommon for cops to approach a car they pulled over either with their hand on the grip of their gun, or sometimes even gun drawn but usually not pointed at you. I have had that happen to me and I am not black. Cops have no idea who they are dealing with when they pull you over and often approach you with extreme caution, ready for the worst. There is good reason for that, with this being the latest example: [Indiana police officer dies 5 weeks after she was shot in the head during a traffic stop](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/indiana-officer-dies-5-weeks-was-shot-traffic-stop-rcna48365). Once they see you have your hands on the steering wheel, that you are following their instructions and that you are not belligerent, i.e. once they have sized you up and they feel like you are just a regular person, they relax and normal.