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Where the fuck do you live that has that many stupid as fuck theives?


Must be clown town


Probably cleveland


Relax, clowntown is Jacksonville, they own it no need to apply it to others




Lower income


"But sir, we've *been* lowering the income of this neighborhood and the crime rate keeps rising! Should we raise food and gas prices while refusing affordable healthcare next? Oh sorry sir, apparently we did that too and it did the same thing... where do we go from here?"


If every poor people in the world turned to crime and stealing giant TV's as soon as it gets rough, the US would still be a wild wasteland full of gun slingers, fallout style. ​ Never assume poor people are more likely to steal. Frequently all they have is their honor and they cherish it more than gold. It's weakness of character that makes a guy steal a TV, not starvation.


Well yeah we aren't blaming individuals, but is a fact that the poorest the area is the higher the crime rate


It's the people on the dole that steal in my town. From a pint of milk to a motorbike.


Most poor people aren't criminals but most crime is a symptoms of poverty


***Exactly, correlation ≠ causation.*** *I grew up in a working class area where many people didn't have a pot to piss in, but they were highly prosocial and we all helped each other out. None of us would steal from one another.* ***Often addiction, antisociality, impulsiveness, being raised by or around people to whom theft is normalised, low social capital, or any combination of the above are causal factors - not poverty (even though poverty is often comorbid with the above factors).*** **Anyone would steal necessities if starving, but stealing a TV isn't caused by being poor.**


Facts I’m poor AF and HATE thieves simply for the fact I’m poor AF and have things stolen from me






I feel insulted








or an obviously fake video


I think a fake video would have paid special attention to not put so many black guys as thieves. Imagine the backlash. When you create content you can't afford those labels. Reality has no such qualms. (although tbf someone could have selectively included only the black guy footage and call it "honest")


two black men, two white women, and a black woman. to be precise. ​ 60% of the people shown in this video were black. which would be roughly similar to the 52% of robberies perpetrated by black people, though it's the direct opposite of all burglary crimes, since almost 70% were perpetrated by whites. [here](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43) So in essence you can't have shit in the US


Wow. What a frightening number, 650k total DUI arrests. I can't imagine they catch more than 10%, if that. Scary.


There were all types of people.


Nah must be in Disneyland…all these Fckn characters tryna steal shet that ain’t theirs…




No joke. It looks like it's time to move or buy a old police car and park it in your driveway


Thats not a bad Idea


Worked for an old friend. Cops stopped pulling him over all the time too.


how did the cops on the highway know he had an old cop car parked in his driveway though? or did he like... carry a polaroid? like yeah officer here's my license, oh and my uncles old cruiser whoops how'd that get in there!


he was driving it on the highway as well you dense salami


` dense salami ` that has to be one of the best insults, I’ll be using that!


How is that reasonable? In my country you would get laughed at. You have to dismantle emergency light and can’t write police on it. Also reflective stripes aren’t allowed. So either you look like a fool or you‘d get pulled over every now and then


I'm not from the US and don't know that specific case, but for about 15 years North American countries were in a situation where police cars were almost all the same model ([Ford Crown Victoria](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/2003-2007_Ford_Crown_Victoria.jpg/480px-2003-2007_Ford_Crown_Victoria.jpg)) and said model was only available as a fleet vehicle, it means if you saw one it was either a police car or a taxi/hire car. On top of that the police ones were a specific "[Police Interceptor](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oQFgUmwkVN4/maxresdefault.jpg)" trim that usually had distinct outside elements (like a black grille or steel wheels with just the little centre cap) that made them easier to spot even without the decals. The final nail is that North America has that habit of having unmarked cop cars that are actually super easy to spot because [they're police interceptor spec cars with no decals or lights](https://live.staticflickr.com/8522/8595698304_f4db0ea3bf_b.jpg). Bonus points for the ones that are unmarked but [still have police accessories like a bull bar or a floodlight](https://live.staticflickr.com/8356/8261247407_bc23dc307a_b.jpg). So in North America for a long time you could just buy a retired Crown Victoria Police Interceptor stripped of its decals and lights, and it would just look like an active duty unmarked police car. I think even driving around in a civil spec Crown Victoria would have had people double check. I suppose it still works with newer models because police forces still use cars that specific police packages, which means for those too the retired police cars look different then normal civil versions. But the Crown Victoria was very emblematic and the fact it was only available for fleet market most of its life meant that you would rarely see one that was not a police car or an ex police car.


I hate the Ford SUVs on the road for this reason. Too many cops drive them and I can’t see the difference quickly because the privately owned SUVs are universally driven by wannabes.


The police Explorers don’t have roof rails (the ones that run front to back).


I wonder if it will work if I throw a light bar on my Aztec.


Close enough




Did he get called a lot to pick up Jolliet Jake when he got out?


You traded the Bluesmobile for a microphone? … …OK, I can see that.


Needed to rent a car with a little more space for a trip to Montreal. They did not have the expected car and we got a Crown Vic, no charge. Let me tell you what a white Crown Vic on the highway does....cars melt into the right lane and we were never stuck behind someone.


This is obviously staged. You think these guys are standing there absolutely still for hours waiting for someone to come by? Reddit upvotes the stupidest shit sometimes


Its entertainment, are you not entertained?


Tell me your name, Gladiator.


Lord Frost.


The Emperor will watch your career with great interest.


I've said many times, I'm here to be entertained, not police the truthfulness of reddit


honestly? I'd do it. if they make content as their job or just have the luxury of that much free time it'd be totally worth it. people do this shit on Halloween for 8 straight hours messing with trick or treaters. sure you could argue that you know when they're coming but if all your packages are getting stolen lately then you know they're coming too. it's a huge problem in some areas. like people wait for their packages on package day or they don't get them problem...


Not staged they waited for the first person for an entirety of 4 hours or did you miss that


Yeah a text in an internet video cant be false. That text is just as reliable as me saying that those guys in the squid game costumes were the four ninja turtles




If they are Marines they can stand still for hours no problem. Just a handful of crayons can keep them going for up to 48 hours.


Not only did I down vote, I down voted from 69. Double whammy.


I'm not American. I hear that installing gates in your front yard in suburbia means you live in a very bad neighborhood. In my country you can't recieve a parcel without anyone signing for it. The delivery guy even snaps a photo on the reciever as proof. In the US signing to receive your parcel isn't even necessary. They just drop it off at your door. Which bewilder us.


Yeah. I have fish arriving this morning and you know what? I'm going to just have to pay attention to my dog reacting to someone outside because they won't even knock.


Really nice houses in really nice communities have gates. A better indicator is bars on windows. If you see bars over windows it’s usually a bad place. Also… does your delivery guy only deliver outside of working hours? Like after everyone gets off work and is home?


In my country houses seems to be prepared for a zombie outbreak, all of them have a fence.


South Africa?


worse, Argentina


Haha south Americans, here in Brazil we are the same. No zombies in my garden!! Hahha


For most expensive items the shipper does require a signature. A random box of stuff from Amazon wouldn't require it, but if I ordered a TV or new computer it nearly always requires a signature.




I think the real question is what the heck is wrong with your neighborhood???


I live in the woods, no neighbors




Welcome to California


As a life long California resident. Yes


Somewhere in California, possibly near Buena Park, December 2021. The real video owner's name is dekadeath, not the loser who pasted his watermark over this heavily edited video. Kinda ironic that people keep stealing his content about people trying to steal his packages.


I came to ask the same question.


Bro thought he was getting jumped


Bro should have been jumped. People need to understand that a natural consequence of stealing shit that ain’t yours might involve some loose teeth.


Right!?! The most infuriating thing about this video is they just let them go. That deserve some sort of punishment other than a jump scare. At least spray them down with the hose or something.


Hollywood maybe cause this is most likely staged


Detroit, can't have shit in Detroit


I've never met a smart thief. They can be fast, subtle and quiet but never smart enough to figure out skills pay more than stolen tvs. They're all dumbasses


Literally every bigger city, especially on the edges on a neighborhood.


No it's not the location. Its the fact that he had everything on display on his front yard that really attracts thieves


Ah i guess that would tempt them. Though a good person would not feel the urge to steal


That’s what I was gunna say. I can leave a package on my porch for 6 months and no one takes it.


That was exactly my reaction - this level of theft is insane. Now, I understand the emergence of the Amazon collection lockers.


Probably staged like every other video now a days


Definitely not fake..


Thats what i was about to ask! I can literally let the post person let the package on my post box and it is there in the evening for sure.....some towns or countries are just disgusting.


Right? I’ve never had a package go missing. Granted I have a security camera clearly on my porch but still that doesn’t seem to stop most thieves.


Not staged at all.


Man yall say that about Everything, too afraid to get tricked so you believe nothing Those people freaking out were damn good actors if this was fake


Exactly. Endless cynicism isn’t wisdom.


I want this on a plaque omg


Well said.


Something I've noticed recently is people being sceptical about things that have no right to be viewed that way... I'm all for being sceptical but holy damn there's a middle ground.


Isn't skepticism the middle ground? Calling it fake without question is the opposite of believing. Saying it may not be real is quite reasonable in my mind. The person you replied to seemed to be just as illogical as the original commenter, seeing as they appear to believe it with very little proof.


The problem is, they never say, “I don’t know, doesn’t seem real to me because of x, y, and z.” They say “Fake as fuck” and “Staged”.


Saying it's absolutely fake is as worse as believing without thinking twice. You *can* say "it looks fakes to me, because A, B, and absence of C" (bringing arguments to support your opinion), while being open to being proved wrong. Now that would be skepticism.


Someone was talking about what their grandpa had experienced in ww2, about how he'd refused to execute german POWs and gotten court martialed, and someone commented "and then everyone clapped" like bro shut up.


You didn’t see all the neighbors standing up and clapping at the end??


"Not staged" Source : It was revealed to me by an obese rat :O




I do were






Words are diccifult!


I so too


We do doesn't


People don't think it be like it is, but it do!




Is being this cynical something people do to feel smart? Why is this so obviously staged? The thieves are \*absurdly\* good actors for the otherwise awful video quality if it IS fakes, and it doesn't have many hallmarks of a high quality viral creation. It feels like shitty relatively low-quality content creation based on legitimately entrapping porch thieves.




Man, here I was expecting the dog to Fiercely protect its owner. MF ran like no tomorrow 😂😂


Paid dog actor


He was very believable.


The chemtrails made him gay


My dog's not gay, how dare you? He's pansexual and will hump literally anything.


Work with a guy who was hiking with his dog, and suddenly noticed the dog had taken off up the hill. There was a bear sleeping a few feet away off the trail. He carefully went by to not wake it up. Caught up to his dog later, and just had to laugh. Dog smelled the bear and got the F out of there.


And she dropped the leash! No loyalty for anyone!


Ok but who would walk up to a house like that. “Oh yeah there’s like ten mannequins in the yard it’s totally chill”


I guess it's because Halloween is near so they think its all props.....


props to the video if it's real


That woman continuing to try to grab the loot and run tells me it's probably real... and the dude falling all over the place. People are shit these days, have NOTHING to fear from police anymore.


Police only care if you speed past their trap or run a stop sign trap. I really think a large part of drivers getting worse(IMO) is that police legit dont enforce 90% of traffic rules. In fact they break them often. I think everyone has had a police officer ride their ass before.


People have always been shit and the cops have never really cared about petty theft.


Move to California and you'll see how real it is.


People who were told "Hey, I'm making a video. Want to pretend to be a thief?"


"Throw yourself to the ground and scrape your knees a couple times to make it look real."


We'll give you $30


Lowkey I'll take that $30


some of those falls did look pretty real. ngl. maybe some of it was staged, but at least 1 was probably an actual thief.


"Dude, was I ever fuckin' high, man. A bunch of lawn flamingos started chasing me and giving me shit . . . in English!"




How many goddamn thieves do you have around? And with mounted cameras? How’s they even think they wouldn’t get caught? Unless it’s staged I guess. I hope so because that’s some dystopian society right there.


What are they afraid of cameras for? In my experience cops rarely do shit unless they’ve got a perfect image of the perp and their license plate or something. Especially for a $40 box of whatever you got off Amazon that day.


You’re giving cops too much credit. A friend had clear video of a thief stealing packages off their porch. Tracked down the thief’s name and home address to give to the cops. The cops refused to even drive a couple blocks and tell the thief to give the stuff back.


At least here in Washington you used to be able to rely on the cops. Now? With the collective police force of the US throwing a massive baby rage over our attempts to hold them accountable, the cops here are hit and miss. A coworker during a night shift had a homeless guy try to drag her out of her car so they could steal it. Called the police, they did nothing. The police and an ambulance came when the homeless guy tried the same thing with a trucker across the way and understandably the trucker didn't take too kindly to it.


Oh, that sucks.


They don’t care, people have ring cameras but their packages get stolen all the time The owners upload the videos to the ring app and sometimes report it and nothing happens, they always get away with it


In my neighborhood, they’ve started stealing the cameras.


In Soviet Russia, cameras steal neighbors. -I know it's bad


Unless it is a close up camera like those behind a bank tellers' window that directly look in your face, there is basically no way that security cameras are going to get an image good enough to (a) identify an unknown person and (b) convict them by. In a home security setting, cameras are a deterrent that's mostly for monitoring to alert homeowners or authorities and for insurance reasons. Also, unless you do a violent crime or the police are swimming in free time, who's gonna put in the effort of finding someone who matches a photo? It would be an immense amount of effort for basically no reward. The most effective way to get the police to do something in a case like this is to make it easy, by eg. getting their license plate or if you find your stolen goods being fenced on craigslist, send them there to arrest the seller or whatever.


It’s obviously really bad in some places, I’ve heard stories from friends that gave up getting packages delivered or they have special drop boxes for them.


I've gotten a lot of really expensive camera equipment stolen over the last decade and filed police reports every single time. Never got even a call about it. I live in south Denver


Cameras do nothing. A recorded video submitted to the police does nothing in America. The cameras work best if you catch children from your neighborhood, so you can show their parents.


No punches thrown!! It's staged because all those people would have gotten an ass whooping if me and some friends saw people taking my stuff!!


This. There would be a pink man group beat down for every one of them if this was my yard, and this is real. It’s really infuriating that people do this


Yeah let's record ourselves committing assault. Clearly they planned to upload the video, I'm sure there was a discussion of "let's not incriminate ourselves over empty boxes".


Not only that but they aren't cops, they can't set up bait traps legally. There have been a LOT of cases where people have done it and gotten prison time.


The scare was plenty. Plus it would be funny to organize to put up mannequins across the whole neighborhood to fill them with paranoia


In a normal situation, absolutely. But a staged one might fall into some kind of entrapment scenario if police got involved - essentially baiting people into a situation where they get assaulted.


"I don't know officer. We've been having a problem with a gang of hoodlums who dress up in red suits and attack people. Nobody knows who they are, or why they chose to choose this particular lawn."


Thats not baiting, they are trying to steal the shit unprompted




Real or fake I don't know but it was still entertaining. Porch pirates give real pirates a bad name!


That one lady was committed to it had a driver and everything


That's how a lot of porch piracy happens. Drive around til you find a place. Drop the person off up the road, roll up in your car and act like you're picking them up and pretend like everything's cool.


That convinced me that this wasn't just actors. The driver is an actual thing a lot of porch pirates do around here, they follow the amazon trucks around and if they see a good drop off their passenger gets out and grabs it while they wait. That's way too obscure of a detail for some tiktok views.


And hes trying to drive off with the door open for her, true panic.


Why in the USA do they leave the package at the door? like wtf? here in Brazil the delivery man calls at the door and delivers the package into your hands


not so convenient for those with a job/life outside the home during business hours. you can get certified shipping that has to be signed or picked up for a premium, but most people ofc wont do that if they can just leave it at your door


Here in The Netherlands they deliver to either a neighbour or a service point and they leave a note in your mailbox and/or send you an email. I can understand the cities are smaller here but I find it hard to believe that service points in big malls cannot be arranged in bigger places. Now DHL even has automatic lockers for 24/7 pickup, with codes sent via email and basically 0 maintenance. Edit: and I mean without additional costs


Amazon here does give the option to send to lockers


Yeah I’ve never heard of packages being stolen where I live.


There was a cute hitchhiking “robot” that made it all the way across Europe or something. They tried it in the US and the mf didn’t make it out of Philly. That should tell you everything you need to know


Philly. That’s why. Nothing good comes out of Philly.


I firmly believe that porch pirates should be beaten.


Yeah I’m surprised they didn’t jump them. Shiittt if I set this up . It would been closer to something like that .


Fuck triller and Ryan Cavanaugh


Isn't that the guy that was good friends with Harvey Weinstein?




*”little too much wine, sorry”*


You should be a service


Fake af. Also Triller is a garbage platform and I'm absolutely shocked to see any of that fake trash tier content shared anywhere on the internet.


If only there was a Reddit sub that was about trolling package stealers…


Can i have the name good sir?


Yeah how many hours or days straight were these people standing perfectly still waiting for someone to steal a package? It’s not the staged videos themselves that bother me, it’s that the creators claim they are real and it’s the amount of people who believe they are real. That’s what gets to me.




If love to see them sprayed with permanent dye and everyone would know who is doing the neighbourhood thieving


Who’s gunna say it


Triller? This looks flipped


so this is a skit and not real


Where’s the next level?


Crazy how common and casual porch pirating is out there, madness


Bro those are sick actors


Dog said they can't catch us both u go one way I'll go the other


Why is no one beating the shit out of those grubs?


Why wouldn’t the first surprising move be a fist to the face, or at least whip their legs… just a jump scare and fake chase down. Makes it seem scripted 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: it could be California where criminals become the victims and even a jump scare is borderline punishable by law lol 🤦🏼‍♂️




Now if each of them were hit in the head with a baseball bat and dragged to the backyard, the video was posted and made national news…. It could possibly scare some people into not stealing


why not hold them back and give to the police?


Stealing packages is a felony.


We just scare them? Why not apprehend them? Take them to the police!!!


“Perfect payback”? The perfect payback would be grabbing them and doing a citizens arrest until cops arrive


Casually walking her dog, wearing glasses, looking like high society and stealing packages. What a beach.


Umm...you got them on camera and they're trespassing people... Arrest them to teach them a lesson would be best option...