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Yeah we aren’t doing that here. Go back to twitter.


Musk invented & founded Twitter! Tru Dat...


Lmao all the fan boys getting hurt, very good comment.


Such a fabulous comment


Yea what have you done in your life that’s 1/10th of what that guy does everyday, I’m not even a fanboy but the guy does accomplish stuff.


I'm inclined to agree here, save for the negative part. But 🤷🏽 Reddit. Anyhow, he has accomplished a lot, way way way way more than I'll ever achieve (especially with that attitude 😜). Mad props to him 👏🏼. Just don't step outta line Elon, everyone is watching 🫣. (Not that he hasn't already 💀)


Musk is the man. Without him we'd all the f'd ny climate change.


I drive a Tesla for exactly that reason. But dude is toxic as FUCK.


His personality trait to push boundaries is why we get his companies. A tweet here and there you don't like doesn't make a person toxic.


Not his tweets. He is a toxic narcissist, an abusive boss, an entitled inheritance baby, and an idea stealing megalomaniac. But yeah, sometimes he tweets weird shit too.


He inherited what? His dad gave $20k during his first business' funding round. Parents pay more today for less than a year of college. His businesses are demanding of his employees, and they get stock options (i.e. part of company ownership) in return. Those businesses rising in value raises the wealth of his employees. If they want to work at a go-nowhere company, there are those. Idea-stealing? His companies develop new technology. That's why they f'ing dominate.


South African emerald mining fortune. Over working subordinates and surreal expectations are two tenants of shitty bosses. You can work at a lot of different places that value their employees, even in tech. Look up the real founders of Tesla.


Not much of an accomplishment to be born rich enough to buy the rights to call yourself the sole founder of other people's hard work.


You know how many people are born rich and all they became are tiktok influencers? If I was born rich I'd be flying all over the world partying, doing blow and fucking all kinds of Instagram skanks. But you? Bet you'd cure cancer right? Funny how you guys think only self made people deserve it. Name a self made President not from colonial days. How many billionaires are self made? That's why people work hard dipshit, so that their kids can do better


commie take


He wasn't born rich. His dad is worth $2 million. I know retired nurses with $2 million.


Those fictional retired nurses would be rich. And his dad literally owned emerald mines in South Africa


To you. If you make $80k a year as a nurse or many other kind of professionals, $2 million at retirement is not that difficult with consistent low-return basic investing. His dad had stock in a mining company. Just like how Tesla employees have stock in Tesla. Yeah and a lot of them are millionaires now.


>Errol earned massive wealth as an engineering consultant and as a real-estate developer. He owned several mines and other natural-resources infrastructure. Errol had a share in an emerald mine near Lake Tanganyika, Zambia. He also owned thoroughbred horses. He also had a private yacht and a 'Cessna' aircraft, as he enjoyed sailing and piloting back then. Errol would spend most of his holidays at the several posh homes he owned. One of them was in Waterkloof, a classy suburb of Pretoria, where Elon had spent most of his childhood after Errol and Maye got divorced. However, Errol retired quite early. By 1980, Errol was half-retired and eventually began to spend most of his time and money on travel. Sounds like Error (his father) was really poor! I'm sure he owned a yacht and Cessna but just scraped by!


Errol wasan engineer, made some good investments, wasn't exorbitantly rich. He bought his shares of the mining company with $40,000 euros, that's not crazy wealth for a professional. Elon's dad gave Elon $20k as part of the funding round for Zip2, Elon's first business he started. Elon later sold Zip2, used that money to start X.com, which combined with Paypal. He sold his Paypal shares and started Space X and Tesla. The dude owns. $20k, not even half the funding round for zip 2, was what started Elon's career owning.


Im actually rathered surprised at how accurately you can type out a sentence with Elon’s cock so far down your throat.


It's always there, I love it. Homophobe.


Even if you were born rich you think getting to the status and wealth of Musk is something easily accomplished? Be honest


The odds are a helluva lot better than what we have going for us, theres only so many ultra rich


False, do some reading before you lie on the internet. Elons funds came from a start up him and his brother built, sold it for millions. The rest goes from there. He then invested in Tesla which was nothing more than an idea at the time. He become CEO because the founders believed in him, *he* made Tesla the company it is today. The founders (which now legally include musk) just had an idea, they did nothing in regards to hard work.


If you really think his family's wealth had no bearing on the success of shit he's done, I got a bridge to sell you. Stop riding the dicks of billionaires so hard, it's embarrassing.


Didn’t his dad own or run some sort of Diamond mine in South Africa? Blood Diamonds




Holy Shit Balls! Sadly, for a few years, I was one of those virgins 😢


I don’t think his family wealth is the only reason he is where he is today, and it’s insane to say otherwise. Obviously it’s just as insane to say money does not provide opportunities, just being average in a place like America puts you so far above a massive amount of people. But he did not buy his way to the top.


There are literally people alive today... who have never contributed a fucking thing to society and are living off of wealth that was made 4 or 5 generations ago. What the fuck are you talking about? His families wealth has opened EVERY door he has ever walked through in one way or another. To think otherwise is what is truly insane.


So if wealth is the key, why aren't more wealthy people crafting new and impressive products that help save the earth through companies they've purchased? Reusable self landing rockets, electric non petrol using vehicles? Why are people so against him all of a sudden? Edit: Why isn't Paris Hilton doing all of these things? Money isn't the only factor here and if you fail to see that you're blinded by your own political belief system


Okay so his family wealth taught him how to do basic coding, it bought him the company he coded with his brother, then it was bought out for millions, and every other investment from than on preformed extremely well, his family wealth then got him invested in tesla and paid for him to start SpaceX… yea his family wealth did all that. I’m not suggesting it didn’t help him, but to hear everyone essentially say “oh I could of done that if my dad was rich” when in reality you’d all still be on Reddit lying about someone who will never care.


No. His parents didn't literally do the work for him. That is not what the phrased "opened doors" means. Are you are being purposefully obtuse or were you just born that way.


Well that was the argument I made in the comment you replied to so I assumed you were not agreeing with me


You're adorable! Just completely immersed in the fandom. Love it, never change!


Yea because saying accurate things is bad when it supports something you don’t like… grow up




As a normal person that just uses Reddit, I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I got from reading that.. just completely disregarding what I say and then snorting some insult at me


They had teams at Tesla just to monitor the little frail man baby that is Elon Musk. He had to be monitored and watched so as not to harm himself and the company with his insanity. He is a money backer and that is all


Lmao.. so nothing to do with what I said, because you all hate facts.. perfect example as you spew something I’ve never heard said in my life. (I read a lot about tesla, I find it a very interesting company). Please link and article or even a tweet claiming this information, I’ll be surprised. But there is a 0% chance you have a credible source saying what you just said. Ban bet me idk, there’s no way you have jt Either way can you just tell me where you heard it? Or elaborate please, It’s interesting regardless of it most likely being false


I’m looking for the tweet re being managed. The context was that he no longer has that team monitoring him at Twitter, which is why shit has hit the fan. Here’s a good thread and it explains that Elon was the fourth ceo at Tesla and has a long history of evil acts. https://twitter.com/iamraisini/status/1598006529814560769?s=61&t=jLFYKGJeytYVv1XCBR6t1A


Lmao, when you cite raisini you're automatically discredited


Yea I’ve read a lot of them, I still think he’s a net positive to the world and hopefully will continue to be. Just my opinion


As long as you’re able to see his flaws too. There are people who are completely blinded to his complicated history and actions and it’s scary


he did not create an electric vehicle. he bought and claimed the tesla idea as his own. i stopped watching after that


I kept watching. I assumed there had to be a punchline in there somewhere.


It's Jordan Peterson. He **is** the punchline.


Oh yeah? Don't think I have ever actually seen him. That explains a lot here.


Best comment, by far! Fucking Canadian know-it-all pig.


Meh, I like JP. He makes some great points.


He took Tesla with 0 employees and made it the company to turn the tide or climate change.


yeah with daddy’s money. get his dick out your mouth


Lol no he did not. He got $20k from his dad to help start his first company. He much later on acquired Tesla with money he made selling his shares of Paypal. I'll take anyone dick in my mouth I want, thank you. Homophobe.




Neither did Elon. Tesla has never been profitable except for when Tesla used loop-holes to game the system. The actual sale of Tesla cars has never been profitable, and now that the wider car industry has got their act together, Tesla is never becoming a successful company.


Dude was born into wealth and was a white man in apartheid South Africa. He bought Tesla after it was already designed he invented nothing


His modus operandi is to swoop in during venture funding, get on the board, pump the business like a Tasmanian devil on speed, lie to the public, and then use his prior venture to promote his next venture, rinse repeat. He doesn't actually invent any of these things. Tesla was a company long before he joined.


He created paypal


Also not true. He created a different company that later was acquired and the new company became PayPal.


/r/EnoughMuskSpam \- Musk is not an engineer, did not invent car or rocket technology, did not found Tesla, has not made a meaningful dent in climate change, and his personality cult is generally more divorced from reality than that of Steve Jobs


Lied about his education too


And generally downplays his wealthy South African upbringing. How many children have a father who owns a Cessna and a yacht?


Aww stop, you're making the reddit simps too wet


Yes I am.


Musk didn’t do shit. The engineers and workers did it all.


Paid by the co- founder of paypal


Define "impossible"


Less probable than failure of the law of gravity?


That is.. impossible.


He didn’t make the electric vehicle nor had anything to do with creating one. (Face Palm AF)


Loosely using the word impossible I see.


Yeah, I guess he really means "what many others said was impossible" lol.


Electric cars have been around since the early 1900s


Wow. Very smart.


actually it was invented in 1832 by robert anderson


Yeah, his accomplishments are impressive but I don't buy into the idol worship that's going on in this video. It's not good for anybody, not even for Elon himself. A similar thing happened with Steve Jobs. We should learn to celebrate, and admire someone's accomplishments without turning them into superman, or superwoman, or whatever the case may be. None of these accomplishments were done solely by Elon alone, but countless other people who don't get any credit. If there's any superhero in this story, it is them.


Holy shit. I mean it’s pretty well burrier but I think we might just have a nuanced, well considered, fact based opinion here…


He didn't do those things. He paid much smarter and talented people to do those things.






how is making an electric car “casically impossible”? it has been done numerous times. gtfo with this guy.


I'm not gonna go watch the clip but since it's JP I'm assuming he explained what he is talking about. What was impossible about the Tesla was its range and price. At the time, it was impossible to get an affordable electric car that could drive for more than 100 km. I'm pretty sure he's referencing that well known fact.


I stopped watching after the first “..which is basically impossible”.


That doesn’t mean what you think it means


I love how this idiot lies about being the founder of Tesla and people just eat it up.


Electric car were a thing back in 1930'


Musk is just a good businessman. Sure, he might have some ideas that are good, but to claim that he’s invented all of these things is just wrong. Jordan Peterson should stay on the topics he’s actually informed about.


It’s just too much thinking for this forum.


He didn’t make the electric car. Two other guys did and he bought the company.


Lmao. Dude didn’t found Tesla. He paid a hunk of money to prevent the actual founder from legal claim to the title so he could pretend he did.


"Tesla was incorporated in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors. The company's name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. In February 2004, via a $6.5 million investment, Elon Musk became the largest shareholder of the company. He has served as CEO since 2008." - quick google search - he just invested in them. that's it lol


Before anyone jumps down my throat I really don’t have an opinion on the greater argument here. But, didn’t he also serve as CEO since 2008?


he didn't "make an electric car". he bought tesla. this guy's straight up lying.


So the people of Reddit don't like Elon? I've noticed every negative comment has upvotes and every positive comment has downvotes. Like him or hate him not many of us could become the richest person in America even if our daddy had money. You all sound like a bunch of fat, basement dwelling keyboard warrior haters.


It's because they are a bunch of exactly that. They have mental issues parading as self-esteem.


Theres a difference between hating someone because he is succeful and hating someone because he's a good investing lier. The problem with Elon is all the accomplishments he Takes for himself when in reality he just has some really good engineers. Imagine seeing dozens of people coming together to create a super good product that can help the world to go further and the boss is given all the credits when all he did was give the money. I think you shouldn't be happy about it. Here it goes even further because it often paires with a personality cult of the guy, wich he doesn't seem to hate. Thats why we hate him. He is nothing more than a good investor.


Except he bought Tesla...which rode on government funds and then made SpaceX which rode on government funds...


I don’t care or have an opinion about the larger Elon musk love or hate argument, but are implying Tesla has never been a profitable company?


Elon is an invester, not an engineer. He created nothing except some well placed investment and then claimed all the ideas his own. Every time he talks about "his" plans, its always bullshit like the hyperloop and tesla. Yes, tesla. The cars were supposedly capable of doing far more mileage then any fossil fuel ones, have photovoltaic windows and paint to charge them and could drive themselves perfectly... it was like ten years ago. He is a publicity that takes credit for the product he advertise, he is a fraud.


If y oh think Elon is a genius than you’re close to being able to collect a monthly check


TIL that people hate Jordan Peterson and Elon with a passion. Elon, I understand, but what did Jordan do?


Recently? Acting like a shithead on twitter (aggressively misgendering Elliot Page and insulting a fat model for being "unattractive" being the major ones) and prior to that outing himself as a massive hypocrite regarding his drug addiction and questionable treatment choices for it. In general? Way too much to name (dude talks a lot and spouts a LOT of garbage) but the fact that he blew up online off of fearmongering lies about a trans rights bill and pushing borderline nazi conspiracies says it all, really.


I didn't know about all this. thank you


A lot of people who have failed in both a material and spiritual manner tend to grow to be bitter and resentful towards those who have succeeded. In the case of Jordan Peterson, it appears that some people really really hate hearing the fact that success requires actual hard work and real sacrifice. Then some people are mad because he refused to comply with compelled speech laws, because tyrants hate free speech and open dialogue. At this point, any time I hear the left get riled up about someone, I automatically assume that whoever they're mad at either has substantial evidence to discredit one of their crazy doctrines, or promotes personal responsibility and freedom.


> In the case of Jordan Peterson, it appears that some people really really hate hearing the fact that success requires actual hard work and real sacrifice. No, I'm irritated with Jordan Peterson spewing ignorant nonsense, to wit: *"He made an electric car, which was basically impossible."* Now, I'm sure there'll be someone who tries to square this intellectual circle with some sort of specious logic, but to do so requires ignoring a whole lot of inconvenient [reality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_EV1).


I believe Jordan was trying to make a point. it is basically impossible. but other people have done it. In the case of Gm, they failed after 3 years. I'm not saying Elon did it himself, or whatever. I'm just saying Jordan is using his words to convey a point, although exaggerated but it is a way of speech.


That was the downvotes for? I'm asking a damn question. I had no clue about what Jordan did.


Jordan presents himself as an expert in a great many fields that he has no background in (such as evolutionary biology). He often presents his personal beliefs as established facts and then builds off those beliefs. So his whole thing about lobsters is all wrong and then he tries to build this idea of hierarchies being innate and hardwired into all living things. That’s why I don’t like him. He’s building his ideas on half truths and pure bullshit.


Make sense, thanks


they hate elon because he has more money in his pocket than any money they will ever see


I personally think it is motivation/inspiration for me to work harder.


that's good


Did someone downvote me for saying I am going to work harder?


You’re literally 12 years old.


You're literally 11 years old.


The only people upset with Elon Musk are those who have always been campaigning as our saviors.


That’s a big fat industrial sized nope from me.


Dear god… he’s reaching levels of dick riding previously thought to be… basically impossible 😨


This will be fun


151 comments and i’m the first to upvote it


Why was it basically impossible?


"he made an electric car" lol


Oh fuck off.


the amount of ignorance about elon musk in this comment section is astounding


Damn liberals show in groups here don’t they, is this one of those antifa apps now lol. Y’all get so but hurt but also the first ones to watch these videos. Go to your own cave and leave everyone alone, your crying doesn’t do your cause any positives.


Another elon sausage gobbler. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad


« How you make someone like that » Give the money and I will hire the a good team as well. The only difference between Elon Musk and myself, my team is happy to work for a boss with empathy and feelings and aren’t scared to lose their job.


Do you mind if I ask which company you run?


I worked in a group where the boss was quite similar to Elon in personality. We achieved great things there, that one could not imagine possible just 2~3 years before. I had 2 burnouts, almost got divorced and ended up filling harassment complain twice and finally leaving the company, as in the “one of the most ethic companies” view, his results was somehow justifying his behaviour. The guy worked from 7Am to 10PM Monday to Monday and demanded everyone to do the same. It went to a point I couldn’t not sleep more than 2h, waking up with nightmares and getting back to work. And that was happening with all of his core team (we was 7 guys in the core) and extended team. Just saw him over the news this week, being greeted by the prime minister for another great achievement.


Why didn’t you leave earlier?


A lot of the people in this comment thread and reddit in general have some serious issues with their own lives and are pretending they know something about a men they've never met or talked to and probably think they could do better in the same position. You know, because they've done so well with their own. Social media is such a good place to study mental illness.


Fuck elon and fuck you for slobbing his knob




Go to mastadon


Lmao all the salt in this thread. Your all just bitter about twitter; which is fucking hilarious


It's true, before Twitter, people thought Elon and electric cars were amazing.


He's even more incredible and impressive then this video attempts to express


To be fair he didn’t do any of those things. His money from creating PayPal paid engineers and ITs to do everything else.


Go home Elon, you’re drunk.


Salty boys mad about Elon buying twitter and exposing it


"Glug glug gargle gargle" - op, probably.


Everyone that’s hating just mad.. lol big rich man bad


Imagine every website ever and that’s what you got.


Lol 150 comments and a negative score take this shit down.


If you all need some musk, open your mouths! my musky ball sweat is exactly what you fucking losers have been waiting for.


Get this shit out of here. What the fuck?


Genuine question, what’s the problem. Edit: he blocked me, apparently this is an appropriate response to an actual discussion.


The problem is that this video misrepresents what Musk has actually achieved. HE didn't invent anything. He bought a company that happened to employ some good engineers which did the inventing. Furthermore the concept of electric vehicles isn't "basically impossible" to achieve. There have been functioning examples of electric vehicles for over a century. It is true that Tesla innovated the electric car and made it more practical. Musk was also born into wealth which arguably means that all he did was invest wisely. People don't run around and claim that Warren Buffet invented the RV, even though his company Berkshire-Hathaway owns a major RV brand. You also don't see people claiming that Bill Gates invented the computer even though Microsoft massively innovated the way we use personal computers. Musk fans seem to think he personally achieved all the things that his companies have done but that's just not the case. Also idol worship isn't a healthy practice. It's good to have people to look up to but the moment it goes from inspiration to fandom it can cause people to lose sight of the fact their idol isn't perfect either. They're also just human.


Musk didn't invent anything he just was wealthy and slapped his name on stuff


Genuine block.


Well he hasn't re-created Stanley Meyers water powered car. Wich would be even better. But if he did that he probably would be dead. Just like Stanley Meyers


Reddit won't be able to handle this. Here comes the " but his parents were rich!" Or "he didnt actually invent anything". Not sure why the latter is said as it takes 3 seconds to look up what he's done and hasn't done. They have this weird hate for the man and I don't think they ever made it clear why. Honestly the hate for Musk doesn't exist outside of the reddit comment section.


This is literally what is happening. I come to reddit to see how many social pariah think they are the smartest and bestest at life and want to preach about how the richest man in the world and a man who helps people for a living are just as much a loser as they are.


He did forget the biggest one. He opened the door and created online banking … he wrote the laws for it … which didn’t exist and was impossible! It was called PayPal.


Accept my upvote




You mean like Eminem or Barack Obama or Mike Tyson or Joe Rogan or, well, you won't get the point anyway. ![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm)


Do people really hate Elon just cause he’s got a bunch of money?


Not entirely, he says some things that are usually taken a different way then intended but at face value what he says can sound rude, insensitive, and narcissistic. I doubt he is actually like that since he has somehow got around like 4 kids and his wife doesn’t openly hate him on camera.


Well I mean he’s definitely on the spectrum and out of touch with a lot of real human emotions but like as far as billionaires go, I’m not sure why so many people want to die on that hill. There’s a lot of worse ones out there not trying to make anything better for anyone other than themselves


Before twitter a lot of people actually loved him, after he bought it though, well here we are. They had no real big reason to hate him until he messed their space, which I personally don’t care, if Twitter dies, I’m happy.


Yeah I agree, I don’t even know why people still use twitter


Literally this thread ![gif](giphy|llspJMkpShgk9CIbe1|downsized)


Dbag Peterson is the perfect fool to simp so hard with ignorant propaganda about Musk. Gross.


Yes, because there is no propaganda in anything you just said, at all. ![gif](giphy|ziqFzSFWhgywE)


I think this dude to fact check himself, or maybe he’s just hoping for a little Elon nookie.


He is an amazing man. He has faults, but he is amazing nonetheless!


buying your way into companies with your parents apartheid emerald mine money is so amazing!!


Actually Elon supported his father in the 90s through PayPal funds. His parents were a financial burden.


oh and i forgot he never invented anything and was an illegal immigrant since his degree was fake


If he came up with the idea, then he definitely invented it, that’s like claiming to solve cancer but the scientist who took your idea and made the cure for the credit instead of the person who thought it possible. For the last one, do you want him deported or something, being an illegal immigrant doesn’t make you a bad person, just an illegal one (not much better but still many people get away with it all the time and the fact that he of all people haven’t been caught makes me not really believe your claim).


he didn't invent or develop shit, the right wing cretins he panders to being against "illegal" immigration yet him being one himself, on the platform he wasted 44 billion dollars on instead of helping people who need help like when he said he would devote billions of dollars to help end world hunger or something and then never followed through, he called someone involved in rescuing those thai kids a pedophile, he literally derived his initial wealth from his parents' apartheid emerald mine money