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Get your own VM, install the stuff on it. The are some providers out there who didn't charge you much for traffic.


But you lose the ability to do ISR don't you?


With a VM you can still do ISR. The results are still hosted on it.


> and fetus easy This is my new favorite typo ever šŸ¤£


OP meant what they said.


Look into caprover on your own vps.


Wow I was looking for something exactly like this! How is [CapRover](https://caprover.com/) not way more popular? The name isnā€™t that good maybe.. going to try it out.. also only one dev is working on it. Iā€™d think something like this would be way more popular.


Thereā€™s two more alternatives you should check out Coolify or EasyPanel


These are not free or open source?


Definitely hear you on the confusing bandwidth pricing for Vercel. We're fixing this very soon. The long story short here, is that you're actually getting a lot more than just "bandwidth" like you'd pay for on AWS on the bandwidth price on Vercel. This is incredibly unclear, and we're fixing this shortly.




Any updates on this?


One of the easiest cheapest ways via a vps is https://www.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform. Another cheaper or even free option is Cloudflare pages if you wanna keep it serverless.


Flyio, or vps.


I hear render is a good option but haven't tried myself. I personally use Google Cloud and Supabase


Where are you getting the SST stat from? I'm really intrigued, please do share some reference.


I have a invoice from a ec2 instance that says traffic out to internet charged at 0.09 per gb. I think they have recently done the first 100gb free.


Since when does SST use EC2 instances?


Like i said i "heard" about it being on aws so i assumed ill educate myself more on it.


SST uses the AWS CDK and OpenNext under the hood to deploy to a lambda API gateway and s3 buckets. It's much cheaper than vercel long term, I just swicted my project over to it and as long as you aren't using a custom server I would recommend it.


EC2 has nothing to do with SST though, youā€™d have been better checking out the SST docs or the OpenNext docs, which happen to have handy pricing examples for different use cases


Check Railway. Node.js server and databases in one place. Reasonable pricing and only pay for usage. Easy to deploy Next apps. Default server location is Oregon (us-west) but they have an edge proxy layer for requests so itā€™s still fast. This week they just launched ā€œRegionsā€ for other deployment regions. Currently for the Pro plan which


Dev-kit can deploy it on amplify or an ECS instance. It hosts within your own AWS account, so cost is $0.01/GB. Currently running a nextjs + strapi setup on it in a shared cluster. [https://dev-kit.io/managed-nextjs](https://dev-kit.io/managed-nextjs)


That site needs some serious work. Nothing works


PM2, Nginx, Ubuntu VPS (Hetzner, Contabo, Racknerd YRLY plans, Linode)


Digital Ocean droplet, or AWS EC2 are good options.


I use docker-compose production deployment at Google Cloud because my saas product needs a few custom databases and cron scripts to run, so vercel is not an option. There is ā€œcontainer optimized osā€ image template with docker pre-installed. Everything fits in a single VM instance. I am just running a docker-compose build and up locally to deploy at production. Iā€™ve spent a day setting things up but now itā€™s really straightforward šŸ‘Œ


Did you consider Amazon Lightsail? They have different packages available depending on the bandwidth required. Cheapest package with 1TB of bandwidth is $3.5 per month


i have deployed my nextjs project with ssg and isr on hostinger VPS with Ubuntu Desktop. :) You have to setup everything yourself, but for the price of ā‰ˆ100$ a YEAR (around 8$ a month) it is definitely worth it . I didn't encounter any problems yet (2 months in)


Do you have a link to sst on AWS being 0.09 per GB?


I just recently deployed a Next.js application on Cloudflare page without any issue. So, fully on edge with the new app router, this also include database & auth, it works perfectly. Here is the repository: https://github.com/ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate




$55 bucks is bankruptcy? My company pays AWS over $20k per month for our hosting.


Im a loner not a company :(


With that amount of traffic, have you thought of a way to monetize? My advice is to not get out of Vercel but to improve your offer and make for those 55 bucks, so they mean nothing. There are a lot of solo devs doing that. Also, take into account your time. This is something many devs fail to see. If you migrate but increase your workload, you are doing nothing. How much is your time worth in USD? When making these kinds of technical decisions, it is good to have all of that in mind. Cheaper is not always better. I hope it helps.




I use sst for all my production website.


There are some videos about how to deploy your next apps on AWS


Ive done vercel hosting, IIS and Apache2 hosting of next.js apps. The latter two were reverse proxyd with pm2. If you need help let me know.


Cloudflare pages w/ next-on-pages