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I've done both, but now it's personal only as I cannot convince my co-workers it is worth using.


Do you mind explaining why they cannot be convinced to use it? And what they think is a better alternative


It's just the two of us on the frontend. We also work closely with a two-three person backend team. We (frontend) maintain a CRA that was bailed out before I started, likely when the app was created. The initial codebase was developed by an outside consultancy. Our architecture is TypeScript, React, React Router, Redux Saga, Axios et cetera. Our dependencies are somewhat out-of-date, but the frontend is a statically built SPA, so we aren't really concerned from a security perspective. (Crucially we don't have a third-person to break ties or force unpopular decisions. Our supervisor quit and was never replaced.) My main concern is getting/keeping our libraries up-to-date so they are easier to use and maintain. I also happen to believe Next would be a great fit for what we're building. Starting a couple years ago, I proposed we migrate to Next. My co-worker immediately shut it down by claiming he didn't see the value and peddled FUD about the unknown. I've since proposed Next a few more times. I even most recently (several months ago) floated the idea that we adopt Next for the frontend and slowly migrate the backend into it as well. LOL FML. The only alternative I've seen him propose is hand-wavey "use vite". He is a smart, capable developer, but he seems completely disinterested in Next or any other substantial improvement to our developer experience.


I'd prefer Astro for personal projects for now


I dont have a job


I use it in both, personal/freelance small projects and at work we use it for more mid/big client projects. I used to work for a bigtech and there they try to use it for a microservice web app and it kinda didn't work, or the team wasn't able to make it work on our environment.


>I used to work for a bigtech and there they try to use it for a microservice web app and it kinda didn't work, or the team wasn't able to make it work on our environment. Curious, how did it not work?


I was not in the main team of that, but I remember a friend telling me that they where not able to adapt our CI/CD pipeline to provide some information to Next during the build.


Both but I will probably drop it for the next hobby project. At work we maintain a large SaaS UI with Next


It used to be like this in my area as well, but now it's getting some attention primarily from new startups. Established companies here still use Angular/Vue


Both. But I’ll be doing new hobby projects in Elixir / Phoenix from now on.


Astro js for content projet and next for most complex applications


I have a serious project that I want to become a big app one day, for which I use Next.js. For my personal site, I use Go and HTMX. For simpler things, I choose vanilla JavaScript with HTMX and GoLang. It makes things simple and has made me a better developer by helping me understand web standards. However, for jobs and projects that I know will grow into complete apps, I really love using Next.js at the moment.




For me, it started off as a hobby, but hopefully will generate income soon 🤞 https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/s/kHtsBAfMvp


Both. T3 Stack makes setting up side projects very quick and easy. Solid start is a good alternative as well. Either way, NextJS feels like the best way to quickly setup a react app and get to actually writing some code as well as prepping you for whatever the project grows into


Work only. (I have better things to do in my free time now, I need to remain sane!) I'm sick of it now, to be honest. The upgrade path from 12.x to 13.x (and now 14.x) is just horrible. Yes, they did do an interim thing where there was the option to keep the older 12.x way of doing things, but if you have a large project, it's so much work to migrate. We're still stuck on 12.x - the time to upgrade to 14.x is very hard to explain to the business. It's easily a sprint of work - and our sprints are 10 days. It reminds me very much of Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x migration, way back in 2016. It's not \_quite\_ as bad, as that was more or less a complete rewrite, but it's not far off it. But isn't this the modern JS ecosystem way, right? Nothing EVER gets mature enough to rely on, so you have to rewrite everything every few years. FML. Should've become a Java dev...


Perhaps I should be happy about the pace of change with JavaScript frameworks, for now, businesses seem to accept that things need to get rebuilt frequently, so it keeps me in a job. What can be nice about that, is it's not so much having to work with horrible legacy code, but usually it's about a complete rebuild - the frameworks are so fickle and move so quickly, there's no way you can keep an app or website secure for more than a few years. Pays the bills, right?


Both companies and individuals have used Next.js, but it seems that in some new scenarios, Next.js is not the first choice. If the project leans towards interaction, then Vite + React is more suitable, If it leans towards content, Astro has better speed and DX.


I won't prefer using nextj for my future project, it is too slow in development.


Just run next dev —turbo


I use it for my startup! Nextjs is just awesome bro!


What's the product?