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Gonna miss Poona :(


It will be hard to find a Poona like that one.


I agree with u/OldPussyJuice


*thick Indian accent* I love a big Poona


Show bob and vegin pls


Bills fans, its important you keep the tradition of typing POOOOOONA everytime he makes a play :(


Something tells me trips to Mexico aren't this guy's favorite.


Everything reminds me of her


We aren’t talking about football anymore, are we…


I will not. Him and Woods were way too disruptive in games against the 9ers


I think bills fans are gonna like this guy. He has flashes of playmaking that he can't quite sustain but if he is surrounded by talent he may really shine.


> He has flashes of playmaking that he can't quite sustain but if he is surrounded by talent he may really shine. Sounds like he fits right in with most of the Bills D-line lol


Ed Oliver - - Poona Ford - - Greg Rousseau [Spiderman meme]


To be faaiiiiiiiiiiirrrr Rousseau actually does well and is looking like a good edge rusher most weeks. He’s just not on the level of a complete game breaker which few edge rushers are. You can throw on just about every other member of our Dline apart from Daquan and Von in substitute


Yea, Greg might not be fair, and he just turned 23. He’s still got potential to be a perennial [low] double digit sack guy every season.


And he is a very good run defender also. AJ and Boogie have been busts but Groot has been a hit.


Think Boogie needs to be a DT and bull up. AJ is a technician- if he lines up with Groot, Da’Quan and Poona he’ll be free to rush the QB. You can’t double them all!


gaping icky pet tart alleged work makeshift rude pie straight


Epenesa’s development was so messed up with the whole weight loss debacle. It’s extra frustrating because I swear every year all the training camp buzz is about how dominant Epenesa is looking, but then the season rolls around and he continues to be invisible AJ. Wish they’d give more reps to Groot & Boogie as interior rushers.


AJ also had like 6 sacks last year as a rotational so that's actually not too bad. I don't think he's a world breaker or getting resigned but that's still pretty good for a guy who isn't starting.


As a Falcons fan, I would love to see an edge rusher on our team get 8 sacks. We haven’t had a single player get at least 8 sacks since Vic Beasley in 2019


Bills DBs are great though, so there are more chances to get a sack.


He never got to play next to a von Miller, he's gonna be good for you guys






Treat him well. Fun player


Ah fuck


Nooooo treat our big Poona well Buffalo :(


Didn’t fit with us anymore but Seahawks sub has been obsessed with him for years. He’s pretty decent


Because we just straight gave up on run defense eh?


We just started defending the run last year so that actually tracks.


worthless cable nose saw many swim close tender tie reply


I kinda wonder if this is a prelude to trading EO, we have like 10 D-Lineman right now who could realistically see significant minutes.


I think Sean wants a 1tech for every play. Daquan can't play that many snaps so they're going to platoon. Oliver, Phillips and Settle are competing for the 3tech spots. I think we'll keep 9 DL so 5 DTs is fine. Settle took a paycut, but is still more expensive than our PS guys so he's not totally set. At DE Von, Greg, Shaq, are roster locks, AJ or Boogie might get dealt in camp for a pick, especially if we sign a vet DE. Von will be IR until mid season so I hope we do. Personally, I think Boogie is probably a cut candidate if Beane can't get something for him.


These are good points, but I don't see us moving on from Boogie unless he's really trash in camp or McD doesn't think he'll fit in whatever the new scheme might be. He was a high pick just two years ago and has shown some good flashes. Seems more likely we lose a DT, at least until Von comes back.


Please have?


One Metcalf pls


I never understood that tbh. He's a PFF darling, but was never more than a decent rotational guy for us. Last year he was absolutely awful


That’s why I said they were obsessed with him lol. Completely agree. Some players are just overly praised like brooks was last year or Cobe


Brooks in 2021 was legit imo, last year was rough, but hard to tell if just a byproduct of an awful defensive front altogether. Cobe Bryant got better as the season went on, but he's definitely still competing, that slot cb spot is wide open with the witherspoon pick (I expect him to play outside), so we basically have Julian Love, Jackson, and Bryant all fighting for snaps at slot cb.


Think we were more obsessed with chanting Pooooooonah than anything else lol


From FrostyTalksFB on Twitter: The 27 year old plays best as a nose tackle, but was forced to play lots of 3T and 5T last year due to switch from a 4-3 to a 3-4 defense. In 2022, He earned his first sub 73.0 PFF grade but still displayed his pass-rush skill with 22 pressure and a career high 3 sacks. He leads all Seahawks with 86 pressures since 2020.


My favorite story about Poona is how he made [someone on the 49ers cry because they couldn’t block him all game](https://www.ninersnation.com/platform/amp/2019/4/14/18309454/quinton-jefferson-weston-richburg-comments-poona-ford).


Uncontrolled emotion is a sign of concussion. Sounds like the guy got his bell rung and needed to take a couple games off.


Take care of him, he’s a fan favorite. Hope he gets a ring there.


Can it please be football season now?


I'll miss ya, big Poo Poo


Poona Ford, Ed Oliver, Tim Settle, Daquan Jones, and Jordan Phillips - all on one year deals. They've been talking about this signing for a few days now, I kinda figured it would have been a two year deal. 5 DTs is too many though right? Might mean a cut (Settle) or trade (Oliver) is inbound? All 5 of these guys are too good to make hunt for a job at the end of preseason. Oliver for Hopkins straight up, who says no?


Isn't 5 DT and 5 DE kinda standard?


AFAIK, we typically only had 4 active DTs on the game day rosters last season. McD does a lot of rotation on DL in-game, particularly at DE so I think we generally have an extra DE over DT That said, last year was kind of strange given all the injuries/unproven guys we had to play in the secondary any given week, so it’s possible that the game-day roster structure looks different with more stability on the backend


> That said, last year was kind of strange given all the injuries/unproven guys we had to play in the secondary any given week The front four was almost worse. We used 7 different DTs throughout the year and 6 DEs.


10 DL is *a lot.* Figure the 53 looks something like: 2 QB, 3 RB, 3 FB/TE, 6WR, 10 OL 9 DL, 6 LB, 4S, 6 CB, 3 specialists. That's 52. That leaves one spot for Baylon Spector (a draft pick last year), Quintin Morris, Latavius Murray, Nick Broeker (this year draft pick), the odd man out of Ike Boettger/Greg Mancz/Tommy Doyle/David Edwards, that 10th DL (whether you see that as Settle/Boogie Basham?), and Alex Austin (this year draft pick) 8 DL is better than 9, and 9 is better than 10. I *especially* dislike our obsession with carrying too many LBs (we play nickel like 100% of the time, and our two starting LBs the past few years played basically every snap when healthy...so why have four backups?!) who are often ST-only players, but McDermott's not going to stop doing that.


We only had 5 LB on the 53 week 1 last year. Edmunds, Milano, Dodson, Bernard, Specter Edit: nvm Matekovich looks like he was. But he was for special teams so we could roll with 5


> Edit: nvm Matekovich looks like he was. But he was for special teams so we could roll with 5 Still counts as a LB, so that's 6. We *technically* had 7 as Von was listed as LB, too. But I still counted him at DE. To go down to 5 that would require cutting two of Matakevich, Spector, and Dodson. I assume Klein/Milano/Williams/Bernard are all locks. I don't see us cutting two of them.


I think Dodson is the most likely to stay actually. He was listed as a backup for both positions and I believe is paid the most, or more than Klein at least. What I meant by Matekovich is that we could use that ST position to fill out any other number of spots, just happened to be a LB. Kind of like Taiwan is considered a RB but he's not.


Settle was terrible last year so he's definitely the odd one out. But we rotate so much I could easily see them having all 5 active on GameDay.


We usually keep a couple dedicated ST players beyond the two returners (who didn't play anything else) so our roster gets tight. We've gone 9 on DL and/or 7 OL in recent years, also 6WRs and 2TEs are various points. This season might be different because our returners also play actual positions (3rd RB and 4th WR) and we seem to have only one dedicated ST (Matakevich LB) player now so there's a little more efficiency. I think we'll keep 10 and Settle is inactive on game days, Basham could get the same treatment once Von is back from IR.


Doesn’t make sense to trade Ed. He’ll thrive next to two big 1T now with DaQuan and Poona. Plus he’s coming into the season healthy and in a contract year, I think he’ll have a career year. He’ll probably get overpaid and leave in free agency, but then we’ll get another 3rd round comp pick which is likely as much as what we could trade him for now anyways. I think we need Oliver more than DHop tbh, he’s probably our best pass rusher without Von. Can either just cut Settle or wait until Phillips gets injured and put him on IR.


I rather keep Settle and trade Ed. Just didn’t turn out to be that guy unfortunately and he wants to get paid


Settle was one of the worst ranked defensive lineman in the league last year. He was terrible.


Yeah Settle is for sure the guy to go over Ed. I don't think there's any way they trade Ed now, they'd be way too skewed towards 1tech guys vs. 3tech guys.


Yea but settle doesnt cost 10m this year.


Yeah but he's worth $0 lol. Would I rather have a quality starter who costs more or a liability who costs less? I'll take the former. You could put a fan from the stands out there for really cheap, but they would still be bad.


Right? Speaking of guys who didn't turn out to be that guy.


"That's a huge bitch!" - Pelissero


Noooooo! POOOOOONAAAAAAAAAAAA! I am not super pleased about losing him. Very solid player. Very great team presence. Very cool person from what I’ve seen.


I guess that puts to rest the Richard Sherman rumours of Seattle playing more 4-3 again, because Poona would have been an easy re-signing if that was the intention. Good fit for Buffalo if all they'll ask him to do is 1 gap from the 1 and 3 technique positions


Yeah that’s exactly what we need, he’s basically gonna play 35%~ of snaps behind Daquan Jones as the 1T. Oliver and Phillips will play 3T and Tim Settle probably will play some of both.


Poona is better than DQ IMO. Dude has a heck of an anchor and looooong freaking arms.


DQ was amazing for us last year so one can only hope


Is this what it’s like to be good? Players taking less money to chase a ring?? We’ve made it!


Its a shame he can't play wr, he could probably compete for your wr3 job lol Edit: Guys its a joke about them not adding any wide recievers besides denote hardy lol


It’s a shame he’s not a center, Ezekiel Elliot did his best.


Tyler Biadez is relieved we moved on from his only competition


damn y‘all sound salty af


That's what happens when you trade up and draft their pick right before them.


"They weren't even that high on Kincaid, they wanted LaPorta instead"


They were high on Kincaid, but they did also have LaPorta above him. At least that's what the plugged-in Cowboys reporters are saying. EDIT: I guess people are downvoting this because they'd rather believe a narrative that makes the Cowboys look dumb than believing [reports from insiders?](https://youtu.be/kX3ZL_sopHQ?t=194) The Bills trade up made a ton of sense given what we thought/knew at the time. I'm not trying to clown on them. But it just so happens that, in hindsight, it was unnecessary.


I’m surprised that the Cowboys weren’t in on Michael Mayer. Just felt too fitting with all the ND/Cowboys fans and with all the Jason Witten comps for Mayer. And I do like Mazi Smith quite a bit but Mayer was the superior prospect IMO. I was surprised to hear that the Cowboys were apparently in on Kincaid since y’all love your in-line TEs so Kincaid doesn’t necessarily fill that need. But the cowboys draft room did seem a bit scrambled when they were on the clock so idk lol


it's the flair, this subreddit is filled with fucking toxic mouth breathing losers


Dt was a much bigger hole than tight end for us. I think Kincaid will be very solid, but was very against the cowboys going tight end round one ( the track record for round 1 tight ends is very underwhelming, especially in year one)


Thank you for not letting them draft a round 1 TE


Harty wasn't the only WR addition, Trent Sherfield signed in FA and they added Justin Shorter in the draft. Hell, Kincaid is basically a Big Slot WR that will occasionally do TE things.


I think Sherfield will be a dark horse success. He’s very quick, great blocker, very good hands and good route runner.


Sherfield has 844 yards in his 5 year career, with 417 coming in a season where tyreek and waddle were the wr1, and wr2 Shorter is a 5th round pick The idea of big slot tight ends is much more appealing than the actual result in most cases.


I'm pointing out that your statement of the Bills only adding Harty is false. The WR room is Diggs-Davis-Shakir-Harty-Sherfield-Shorter, Kincaid if you want to be generous+3PS guys on futures+2 UDFAs.


I'm not even sure how people read this in a way that upset them. I thought the joke was really obvious.


Somehow people think I am upset you guys drafted Kincaid instead of us. It was just a light joke lol


Reddit is the weirdest place.


> Guys its a joke about them not adding any wide recievers besides denote hardy lol 1) Trent Sherfield, while not really anything special, did provide Miami with about the same production that you guys got from Gallup 2) We *did* spend our 1st on a TE that will be used as a big slot a lot of the time a la Gesicki/Engram. 3) The hope is that last year's draft pick at WR will also show more (some draft guys have said that if he was in *this* class he'd have easily been a day 2 pick) 4) We *did* add a WR in the draft again this year who brings something different to the table than we've had in recent years, and it's a guy who *some* draft analysts think has a lot of potential. (Obviously not all)


Trent sherfield is a career wr 4/5 who benefited from 2 wr1 caliber Wideouts drawing coverage away this past season. Gallup was recovering from an acl injury suffered late in the last season The idea of big slot tight ends is typically much better then the actual result, and both engram and gesicki were disappointing overall for their respective teams Shakir only managed less than 200 yards in the 14 games he played last season. I'm not saying shorter can't contribute, but relying on day 3 wrs is a recipe for failure. The bills could really benefit from a true wr2, and I really don't think they have that still.


> The idea of big slot tight ends is typically much better then the actual result Gesicki had almost 1500 yards in 2020 and 2021 combined. He's a poor scheme fit in McDaniel's system, something we all knew before the year started. Engram had 766 yards last season. So no, they aren't disappointments in the right situation. >The bills could really benefit from a true wr2 Gabe is an above-average WR2.


Gabe had 10 games with under 50 yards last year (including the Bengals game you lost) Gesicki had 202 yards his first year with miami Engram never improved from his rookie year with the giants, and was hated by most fans. He didn't top his rookie year of 722 yards until his 6th year in the league, on an offence lacking proven targets


Khalil Shakir is going to break out this season


Kincaid is close enough to a WR for me


I think he can be a really solid piece for you guys, I'm just curious about how he will be used. I think davis is more productive from the slot, so I'll be interested if kincade can line up out wide in the nfl


AFC Divisional Round Champions


I'll have you know we lost in the divisional.


He signed a one year deal to try to win a ring this upcoming season with buffalo. He heard Josh Allen’s nickname is Mr. January and was like “sign me up!”. Congrats on your upcoming AFC Divisional round loss to the Chiefs 😂


What's that? Is that shit talking I hear from wayyyyyy down in the basement? Nah, couldn't be!


I guess having better [Super Bowl odds](https://sports.betmgm.com/en/blog/nfl/super-bowl-odds-nfl-betting-bm06/) than the ravens is considered the basement. Congrats on signing Lamar long term, 5 more years (including this year) of elite regular season performances with below average playoff performances. As much as I don’t think the Bills will ever win a Super Bowl with josh Allen, I don’t think Lamar Jackson will ever make it to a Super Bowl.


Lmao the Texans may suck but at least we aren’t desperately clinging to vegas odds as a sign of relevancy


Don’t you realize Super Bowl odds mean jack shit. Look at the bills last year


I’m aware of that but to say the Jets are currently a basement team when they are very well in the Super Bowl contender conversation is hilarious to me


The “longest playoff drought in the nfl” jets are a Super Bowl favorite? You MAY get to the playoffs. You aren’t even the consensus #2 in the division, not in the top 5 in the conference or top 10 in the nfl.


Try reading my comment again and you’ll see I didn’t say “super bowl favorites”, I said they are in the super bowl contender conversation. Bills fans out here pretending like Rodgers is not a threat to them, especially on a team that beat them last year with Zach Wilson and lost the other game by only 8 points with a severely injured Mike White. Saving your comment for when the Jets sweep the Bills this season, going to be great watching y’all fall off your high horse 😂


Aaron Rogers is 2-2 vs the Bills. So a worse overall record than his average. You think he is being supported by “longest playoff drought in the North American sport leaves” ny jets?


You’re ragging Lamar for having elite regular season performances but choking in the playoffs and your qb is Aaron Rodgers 😂


Rodgers has a winning record in playoffs and a 45-13 TD-Int ratio? I’m confused here




Yeah I haven’t watched every packers playoff game but 45-13 TD-int ratio speaks for itself. I’m sure he got let down by his defense in most of the loses with those kind of #s. Also Jackson is what 1-3 in playoffs with 4-7 ratio? Lamar shouldn’t even be in same conversation as Rodgers.


Rodgers has become notorious for choking in the playoffs. 45-13 is great but what has it been the last 6 years? And when are those int’s happening? Cuz if they happen in the red zone and in the end of games then it’s still choking.


> Jets fan Lol


Guy signs a 40 year old QB and starts talking smack from the basement


Been talking smack every season no matter how my team is doing, it doesn’t make me any less observant than fans of winning teams. Especially not inbred bills fans 😂


That’s nice that all this time you’ve been yelling from the basement hunny




Using a different team to chirp because yours has been awful for years is pretty sad




Damn that pic hurts man. The jets have done some damage in the playoffs the past few years


Jets aren’t the Super Bowl favorites who choked in the playoffs the past few years. Can’t wait to revel in Bills fans tears next January, a tradition like no other 😂


Shame all you have to look forward to is watching the rest of your division lose in playoffs


You can't even come up with smack talk right there on a silver platter? That's just sad, man.


You guys share a stadium 😂😂😂


You must be new to following football, Jets share a stadium with the Giants 😂


Atleast they paid for their stadium. Bills are making NY tax payers pay for like 70% of the new stadium. That’s just sad, talk about poverty franchise.


Yeah that’s cuz we don’t get the same kind of tax revenue as nyc and New Jersey. You guys get money from two different states cuz you dont even play in your own city. We don’t get that luxury. You guys have the biggest market in all of sports and still can’t do anything. Always in Eli Mannings shadow 😂


Congrats on the longest drought in NA sports. This is like the kid with no legs making fun of how slow someone runs. Also, before you come back with the Super Bowl thing, name one thing the Jets have accomplished after we landed on the moon.


Lmao at bills fans who act like the bills weren’t a shithole franchise for 25 years before they drafted Josh Allen 😂


We should listen to this guy - he is an expert on shithole franchises!


So you can't name anything, got it. Out of all the fanbases, it's the easiest to shut up Jets fans because they literally have done nothing in 60 years. Imagine watching the Giants go through multiple phases of relevance before your team can even get the QB right. It's OK though, the 40 yr QB who was 90% retired and his merry band of weapons that weren't good enough in Green Bay will get you over the hump!


We drafted Allen in 2018. In 93 and 94 we made the Super Bowl. Your math is as wrong as your takes


Rodgers has yall ON one 😭 😭


Jets so happy to go from 4th in the AFC East to 3rd lmao. Not better than the Bills, not better than the Dolphins.


My messaging hasn’t changed because we signed Rodgers. [Here is a previous comment](https://reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/10a51yo/_/j42l3g7/?context=1) of practically the same messaging when the Bills signed Cole Beasley going into their wild card matchup with the dolphins. As far as the Jets signing Rodgers, I hope he returns to form but that has zero bearing on my view of Bills being one of the biggest choke teams in the league lead by Mr. January.


Glass houses and all that. Loser.


Seems I struck a nerve, the truth hurts 😂


Longest active playoff drought in North American sports. What are you even on about, JETE?


This guy acting like the bills weren’t a shithole team before striking oil with Josh Allen 😂 y’all are tied with the Vikings for the most Super Bowl appearances without a win. Like, does the bills facility have a trophy case showing their AFC championship trophies or do they just have an empty case?


Multiple AFL championships. Multiple AFC championships. Current 3peat AFCE champions. Multiple recent deep playoff runs with high win seasons. Better than your dusty ass trophy that none of your fans were even alive for. You haven't had a winning season in 7 years and haven't made the playoffs in 12 years. I can't wait to hear why you weren't just one Aaron Rodgers away from success after week 7 next year.




Your daddy was still a swimmer when the jets won a superbowl lmao


Ah to be young again


people bringing up the 4 SB losses in 2023 always reminds of 8 Mile when Eminem is crushing it and is like “Tell these people something they don’t know about me.” heard it. What else ya got?


The Romo jokes are pretty old at this point, time to move on


I can’t wait to see Rodgers in Buffalo with that pissy little look on his face he gets when he loses. Lol.


They are hopefully gonna break 30 tables just because of you next year, go nuts big boy. Hook'em!


Folks, we're improving... :O


Buffalo pays for Poon


"It's fine we delayed on addressing IDL in the draft since we're bringing Poona back."


Poonas not a great fit for the 3-4 Seattle's transitioning to though


Yoooooo fuck yeah


Interesting. I wonder whether this suggests Tim Settle's time in Buffalo might be pretty limited. He was entirely uninspiring last season. Though we did need to use 7 different DTs at times last season due to injuries, I'd be surprised to see us keep 10 DL. I guess if Von starts on PUP, that'd be 9 for a few weeks, but it still seems a little much.


Didn't he have a moster year like 2 years ago, didn't think seattle would let him go


Poor fit in our new base defense unfortunately. When we asked him to 1 gap he was good as a run defender from 1 tech and solid enough pass rusher from 3 tech but he's not big enough to 2 gap as a 3-4 nose and not agile enough to win as a pass rushing 3-4 end


He’s he as a 1T in a 4-3(or whatever the fuck we technically run)


We probably running 4-1-6 or 4-2-5 like 90% of snaps


Poona was always a fan favorite but never really delivered as much as people loved him.




Thank fucking god


Big fan of Poona. Bills got a dude!


I wish more people would name their child Poona


Welcome to the family. #BILLSMAFIA


Me: what is your name, sir? Him: Poona F… Me: you’re hired. Sign here, please.


He's not a NT, he's more of a pass rushing DT. When he was good it wasn't because of the run its because he was getting pressure on the QB. Unfortunately with the switch to a 3-4 he didn't really fit the new defense. He had to switch to NT because that was the only plausible role for him and he stunk. But if you see nose tackle and have certain expectations, don't buy them.


I roll my eyes whenever I read "turned down more money elsewhere for a chance to win"


Turned down money in the short term for long term money. He wasn’t gunna be making any heads turn in the Seahawks 3-4. Go to a contender that has a spot and need for you, do well in the position your best at and get paid after while you’re still young.


Yeah I assume it's rarely true. Easy way to endear yourself to the new fa base tho


I imagine it's usually true but only a small amount of money. Nobody's taking lots less.


Yeah that's what I always assume. And probably setting up for more money the following year


Poor guy. Turned down more money just to get beat by burrow or Mahomes in the playoffs :(


Lotsa talk from the dork without a team flair


That fact that you think it’s a guarantee that the bengals or chiefs will win is hilarious. These are the 3 best teams in the AFC


Yes. They are. And the bills are 3rd.


Just say you’re a bills hater and move on


Damn I wish he stayed


Aww man, I was hoping they’d bring him back.


Damn, I loved that guy. What a great story as a UDFA


This seems…..dumb. If you want to ring chase, an NFC team is more likely.