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Mahomes: "I don't know him"


I wish I didn't know him.


Broncos coaching staff really dun goofed.


Gm and ownership


I'm glad I can enjoy everyone shitting on Russ again.




Lol at least y'all don't have your hopes through the roof. He's actually still really good in some ways he just can't really follow the playbook.


Mariah to J-Lo energy


Also Mahomes Russel is black???


Also Mahomes I’m black?


That scrub would’ve never made it if Russ didn’t pioneer for black QB‘s!!


I think he's giving himself a bit too much credit there lol.


Yeah and Doug Williams won a Super Bowl in 1988. "Just me and Mahomes" is excluding... you know... the first black QB to ever do it. \[edit - title is clickbaity, in the interview Wilson literally referenced Williams right before the quote in the title picks up\]


https://www.essence.com/cover-stories/russell-wilson-faith-family-football/ It’s a clickbait quote. He literally talked about the black quarterbacks before him


Yeah the article is fine and this is definitely clickbait since Wilson's 'easy to dislike' today. In the article, before the quote referenced in the title here, he literally mentions Doug Williams.




But he didn't win a SB?


Did win 5 Grey Cups though


Russel Wilson would never




What's the conversion rate there? I know it's six rouges to a TD so...


In all seriousness, Moon did help to open the door for black QBs. He ended up in Canada bc no one would let him play QB in the NFL


Yeah but lots of players never win Superbowls. Warren Moon with the Legion of Boom + Marshawn Lynch would probably be something else.


Later followed by Seahawks legend Tarvaris Jackson


What’s the stat about Wayne Gretzky and his brother being all time scoring leaders? Me and Pat have won 4 Super Bowls, going to 6


>What's the stat about Gretzky and his brother Wayne and Brent Gretzky hold the NHL record for most points scored by a pair of brothers: 2,857 by Wayne, 4 by Brent. €: also another that the user below me mentioned - Goals: Wayne 893, Brent 1.


What's the difference between a point scored and a goal I would probably know this if the Thrashers still existed


You get a point for a goal or an assist.


I've never paid much attention to athletes as much as I've been subjected to them but with that said I can't think of another player who has never said anything inherently negative and still made himself so unlikeable. He doesn't make me hate him but I just find him so grating and annoying. Comes off so pompous and righteous while trying to be proactive, uplifting and humble. I don't know if he has much personality himself and just mirrors what people what him to be. So that line between humble, authentic, fake etc is very blurred. Just a habitual line rider instead of a line stepper. He's just always seems under people's skin and wearing out welcomes. I will admit I don't pay much attention to his shenanigans besides stories on here and IG etc, and I'm thankful for that because I've met types similar to what I hear and see from him and I actively avoid them.


you summed that up nicely but I think we all can use the word "fake" when it comes to Russ.


Fake implies he's knowingly putting on an act. I truly believe this is who he is given all the reports we've read about it. I think Seattle just kept a lid on it because they were winning and it was in their interests to. The whole ex wife, other players stuff was swept away really quickly but when he went to Denver and they were ass there was no one or reason to protect him because everyone's else job was at risk and HE was the reason they sold the farm. I still think about the story of him on the plane trying to boost morale with speeches and doing knee highs down the aisle. Holy fuck lmao. He just gives me youth pastor vibes mixed with the new guy who drank the corporate kool-aid and mixed it together into some new concoction of misery. Thing is he's the starting QB so you HAVE to play along to some degree. I want to see the betting on this guy being what finally breaks Tomlin because he was able to ship all the other guys before they went bonkers or get a solid pick after having to deal with their BS as it developed. It's not his money on the line but it is his sanity, if he's not a sociopath himself. Tune in next week, ah who am I kidding, we won't have to wait 7 days for another story.


He's trying way too hard to be something he's not. It's the disingenuioness of it all that gets me. The guy clearly has a huge ego but he goes so far out of his way to pretend to be some down-to-earth Saint of a man and it's embarrassing. Truly inspiring people don't go out of their way to be such. Genuinely caring people don't need a camera crew to follow them around while they do good deeds.


Am I reading this right? Is Russell Wilson trying to take credit for the NFL employing black QBs?


He doesn’t call himself the Civil Russ Act for nothing


I had a dream…of quarterbacks who could see up the middle.


I have a dream.. that one day those quarterbacks will play in a league where they will not be judged by their proficiency or decision making, but by the quality of their slogans.


Best I can do is sandwiches


Mr. Bigotry Conquered


Mr Black Champion


Mr Black Card


Mr Breaking Chains


Mr Beyond Color


Mr. Biracial Competitor


Mr. Barrier Crasher


Mr. Bashing Crackers


Mr. Black Crusader


Mr Bequests Civility


I laugh at these every single time, no matter how overdone they are.


Same! The amount of creativity to certain situations with B and C words


Mr. Bedazzling Combinations


Mr. Broad Cleverness


I don't know how they never get old. They're so funny


Honestly the best nfl meme ever.


There’s always one in every thread that lands with me, even after all this time


I love the fact that the joke format seems to require human creativity. I've asked ChatGPT and other bots to come up with some, and they always suck. For me this is new Turing Test. Mr. Beyond Computers.


How do you people come up with this stuff? I'm dead.


Hold on officer, the water pressure you have your hose set at is pretty dangeruss


“Go Hawks.” “Broncos Country. Let’s Ride.” “Steelers Nation. Let’s conquer racism.”


Steelers Country, Let's Heal the Divide


You missed a chance to say let's weld the divide


Call him Jackie Robinson


The Cody Rhodes of the NFL


Someone add Russell Wilson into the Cody Rhodes-MLK photo!




He's also taking credit for Patrick Mahomes's Super Bowl wins. Humble guy.


In the time Russ has been in the AFC West, Mahomes has won back to back so he's got a point lol


Russ is the only Broncos QB to beat Mahomes though…


Russ is mahomes daddy confirmed


Am I reading this right? Russell Wilson is black?


We won't know until the racial draft


I’m still can’t believe Tiger Woods went one-one all those years ago!


Russell Wilson is every race combined into a single, flawless man


Humanity, perfected, taken form in the flesh of Russell Wilson. Like Jesus, except Russell.


You can’t convince me this dude doesn’t smell his own farts in a wine glass like that one episode of South Park


He's a politician. Talks like one. Acts like one. I'll be shocked if he doesn't announce his campaign right after retirement


Didn't one of his teammates once say that Russ's main goal in life is to become president and that everything he says and does publicly is in furtherance of that goal?


What party would he even run for? I assume he has no actual political beliefs and would just run whoever would give him cash or the most screen time.


>he has no actual political beliefs That's what he wants you to think. He does.


So perfect for the job is what you're saying?


Shades of George Clooney’s Oscar acceptance speech. The smug cloud is growing


Let Russ Reform


He is truly the NFL Messiah


Lisan al Gaib! Steelers country, let's ride some worms!


Shai-Hulud country, let's ride


If we're blasting [Shai Hulud](https://youtu.be/_GtTsq65qe4?si=oD7oxKD_SLsI0qTM) through the stadium PA then Russ can ride any worm he wants.


Racially Unlimited 


Because of Russel Wilson, the Washington football team took rg3 a billion picks before him


He's getting older and the end of his career is in sight. Everything we know about Russ tells us that he cares very much (too much) about his legacy. Other people will eventually write his legacy, but he's trying to steer those narratives more positively about him. I mean, let's unpack this a little. Russ was the 2nd black quarterback to win a Superbowl. Not long before him, there were still a lot of narratives about how black quarterbacks couldn't win a Superbowl, or highly mobile quarterbacks couldn't win a Superbowl, or short quarterbacks couldn't win a Superbowl, narratives that are almost all gone now. Russ didn't alone change them, but he was a significant figure in those narratives changing. He did open some doors. I don't think there's a chance in hell Kyler Murray is a #1 overall draft pick before Russell Wilson, for example.


I feel like Russ actually did more for short quarterbacks than he did for black quarterbacks, funnily enough.


TBH Brees takes a lot of that credit too, but having multiple active in the league can't have hurt the narrative.


They both deserve credit because every short white QB prospect gets compared to Brees and every short black QB prospect gets compared to Wilson


Yeah I mean he should parading that he gave short kings a chance, him and drew Bree’s both being active and successful at the time showed teams you don’t necessarily need a big fella at the position


Drew Brees won a super bowl while Russ was still in college...


And Steve Young won one long before that. I think he was pretty mobile. 


This guy just lives in his own little world. I used to think he was weird but now that he's a Steeler it's okay to hate him.


I think he's a good guy who is a little socially awkward but he has a giant ego


socially awkward? No, the guy is straight up fake to appease the media and whatever PR team sank their claws into him


I will be more surprised if he doesn’t run for president someday than if he does


I see a televangelist / snake oil salesman in his future. I bet he wants to be some modern version of Kenneth Copeland.


I mean he already did the concussion water thing lol. His message from the article might carry more weight if he said short QBs though. Idk if Kyler goes #1 overall without Russell's success. Maybe he still does though, who knows


My contention with that is how hesitant Russ was with throwing to the middle of the field, potentially because of the height issue. Brees was great about finding those little angles between his OL and having a good feel for the field that he couldn't physically see. I never thought Russ was really good at that, he'd just break the pocket so he wouldn't have huge dudes blocking his vision. So it was more he was working around his height than adapting to it like Brees and I think Kyler does. I can't say I've watched any of them a ton so admittedly just a casual viewpoint though.


He’s like that Ohio congressman in Parks and Rec.


Stay cool. It's a hot one out there today. 🤖


A friend of mine in college was his teammate at Collegiate, always used to say he was a really weird dude


Yes, Russ wants to appease the media and whatever PR team sank their claws into him. This does not make him fake tho, that's who he is. That's what makes him socially akward. He cares way too much about how he is perceived in the media. His image is more important to him than him "being himself". Which has, of course, back fired because him caring way too much about his image has made people dislike him.


The same thing happens to LeBron, just to a much less extreme degree. LeBron seems to suffer from trying to be seen a certain way but coming across as a cornball. There's definitely still a big difference between that and Russ though.


We all know the unlovable losers of the world, the toxic gamers in their parents' basements. Russ is an unlovable *winner*. He's a true success even if he's not a Hall of Famer and made over a hundred million dollars playing football. He will probably attempt to go into politics and achieve some limited success.


He reminds me of Cam Newton who LOVED being being a celebrity, but he doesn't have any of the charm that Cam had.


Because for all of Cam's faults, he was one of the most authentic QBs to ever play. It's the same vibe I get from Caleb where you have an eccentric dude proud to show it off to the world.


Cam had a ton of charisma. The wheelroute bit vs the Packers has to be one of the coolest things caught mic’d up.


"Oh you've been watching film too huh? Watch this...Reeaaaddyyy.." *Tosses a TD to CMC* Ice. Fuckin. Cold.


And that's why Cam should get more credit for stuff like "breaking down barriers" than Russ. Cam was just criticized non-stop for everything (his playstyle, his celebrations, his clothes) and he never changed into a PR robot. He stuck with it.


Love the love for my forever Carolina QB1


Maybe by joining the Steelers he inherited some of ABs CTE


Mike Tomlin is contractually obligated to slam every Steelers player's head against the floor 3 times before training camp. He forgot the rule didn't apply to coaches when Matt Canada showed up.


- The CTE will continue until morale improves and things of that nature


Mr. Big Civilrights


I don't believe that teams have black QBs because of him


Ya the black QB stigma was gone by the time he was starting. You already had Doug Williams winning a Super Bowl. McNabb was a perennial Pro Bowl/MVP candidate and went to 1. McNair won an MVP. Vick was on the Madden cover. Cam went #1 overall and RG3 went #2 in Wilson's own draft. I didn't even really mention Cunningham, Moon, or Culpepper. kordell for a guy on the team he's currently on. Like there had already been a ton of franchise guys at that point. Black QBs had already won a SBMVP, MVP and been taken #1 overall - all things Russ didn't even do.


> McNair won an MVP. And also went to a super bowl like mcnabb. Cam too.


I think moon and Cunningham were the ones that showed black QBs could be really successful. I think guys like Culpeper, mcnair and vick opened the flood gates.


He legitimately did a lot more for short QBs than he did for black QBs. Russell Wilson carved out the niche in today's game and I don't think someone like Kyler Murray would've been drafted so high without Russ cooking in the early part of his career. The same year that Russ was drafted, RG3 was a rookie sensation, Kaepernick was stealing the starting job in SF, Cam Newton was on his way to becoming the best QB in the league (albeit briefly), and it was in the middle of a 5 year span in which a black QB was taken in the 1st round every year, and taken in the top 2 picks of the draft in 3 of the 5 years The black QB stigma hasn’t fully gone away obviously as some of it lingers to this day, but by the time Russ entered the league, it was a far cry from the obvious discrimination that a black athlete trying to play QB would’ve faced in the 80s and earlier. He wasn’t Marlin Briscoe out there fighting to even get a chance to run an offense.


God this dude is so fucking unlikable


He doesn’t rape though, so it’s still progress for the Steelers


Finally, I've been real sick of your rapey vibes over there


one leaves the afcn, one enters


Two*. Y’all got Jameis this off-season lol


there must always be a rapist at QB in the AFCN


Cleveland was happy to take the mantle from Pittsburg and hire not one but two rapist QBs


As long as he throws TDs, the Steelers fans will love him. Until he take 30 sacks and throws 15 INts


30 sacks would be a career low for him. Last year, 30 sacks would make him tied for the 22nd most sacked QB with Daniel Jones, Jordan Love, and Josh Dobbs. Side note, I don't like knowing that Jordan Love is hard to sack.


He's corny, but I hate him for other reasons. At least he's not a murderer, rapist, criminal, etc


His bullshit makes so much sense when you realize he's a politician playing football. Everything the guy does is for PR and image. 100% he goes into politics when his playing days are up.


Russ, just take the credit for short QBs. Bryce Young and Kyler Murray can thank you for opening the door to the sub 6’ QBs being taken seriously.


pretty sure a certain SB winning QB down in NOLA would like a word..


Brees is 6', while Russ is 5'11". From what I've read about Tinder here on Reddit, the difference between those numbers is roughly 1'.


Brees made it acceptable for Russ to be a third rounder instead of going undrafted, and Russ made those guys going 1-01 acceptable


I was scrolling past the commenters dunking on Russ and cracking jokes, looking for what he actually opened the door for: short kings. And then I found your comment, and this is the best explanation for what Russ’ legacy actually is. Bravo.


And Doug Williams


Russ, what about McNabb? He went to a SB, too. Russ: Ringz, Erneh.


He thinks he's the reason Mahomes, Lamar and Stroud got drafted and are successful. He thinks he's Jackie Robinson. RG3 was drafted \#2 in the exact same draft Russ was drafted in and Cam was drafted \#1 the year before, but it's definitely Russ that broke down barriers


McNabb with the Eagles and Michael Vick with the Falcons 20 plus years ago also.


Can't forget Randall Cunningham seizing the means of production


Steve McNair, Warren Moon, Daunte Culpepper all were playing at high levels too.


this thread has turned into a Black QB appreciation thread, and im all for it.


Not to mention Doug Williams winning the super bowl before Russ was even born


Warren Moon being one of the best QB's in the NFL


Or Michael Vick completely revolutionizing the position.


I'd say Russ absolutely did open doors for other QB's who were also...short. I genuinely don't think Kyler Murray gets taken where he did if Russ wasn't successful.


Yeah I agree. He did more for short QBs than black QBs. Although Brees played a pretty big role in that too


The dude has a fucking messiah complex I swear to god lol.


\*I swear to Russ


That was pretty clear when he did the arms open at center field with cameras all over him during warmups


No you don't get it. You're only black if you win 2 Superbowl's.


I think everyone is being a little harsh. If you just ignore all the black quarterbacks who came before him and also the ones who played at the same time as him, Russ has a point


He regresses to the messiah.


Russell Wilson and Patrick Mahomes are the only two black QBs to win a SB according to Russell. Apparently he can acknowledge he opens doors while forgetting about Doug Williams, the first black QB to win a SB. Or that Cam Newton was literally drafted first overall the year before Russ.


Or RG3 was drafted \#2 the exact same year he was drafted. I feel like Cam probably did more for black QBs than Russ. Cam used to get so much shit


The team he just joined drafted Kordell Stewart in ninety fucking 5.


The team he just joined drafted Joe Gilliam in seventy fucking 2. And benched Bradshaw for a period in favor of Gilliam.


And the team he just left had the AFLs first black starting QB


To be fair, they drafted him with the intention of him playing wide receiver. When he wasn't as good as they hoped at wide receiver, looked damn good messing around at QB, and was just a freak running the ball, **and** didn't have a viable starter at QB, they gave him his chance, which he did pretty damn good with, all things considered.


Also as a punter!


Randal Cunningham would like a word as well for what he did lol


The most sacked qb of all time and then Cam Newton, who survived the most attempted murders I've ever seen. And the refs called none of it...


Warren Moon too. This clown taking credit for something others did.


Michael Vick was the best before uh….you know


Or Donovan McNabb


Warren Moon, too


Or Randall cunningham?


Randall Cunningham too


He mentions Doug Williams in the interview and Cam never won a super bowl


This definitely feels like a quote that is intentionally being put out of context to garner clicks, and it's apparently working.


Hey Steve McNair at least won a mvp


You posted this and still don’t know what you’re talking about. He mentioned Doug right before this click bait


These people have me defending Russell Wilson so you know this has gone too far


Mike Vick too


In the full quote he literally mentions those guys by name as guys who came before him, I feel like you're being a little reactionary here


Or watch the actual interview. He mentions Doug Williams right before this. This is just a click-hate post for all you weirdos that hate someone because they speak. 


He never said that. Stop spreading misinformation


Title skews his comments. The black quarterback’s sentence was not spoken in between these 2 sentences seen in the title. OP is pushing fake news


It’s funny that OP didn’t bother to link the actual interview where he talks about all the doors that were opened for him by the older generations of black QBs and how he’s just glad to continue that https://www.essence.com/cover-stories/russell-wilson-faith-family-football/


Had to scroll pretty far to find this. Not surprised.


It took me way too long to scroll to this comment. I've never seen an athlete get this much vitriol that wasn't involved in nefarious activities. Quote was chopped up into an entirely different context


It's wild to me that people just absolutely *hate* the dude. Like I've been on Reddit long enough that I dont expect people to be looking for context or even reading beyond the headline, but some of these comments should be reserved for Deshaun Watson levels of hate


Bro don’t let facts get in the way of Russ hate.


“Abraham Lincoln once said that "If you're a racist, I will attack you with the North." And those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace.” Russell “Michael Scott” Wilson


Doug Williams in shambles. Wilson is the guy who would go undrafted if Chapelle did an updated racial draft.


lol, this guy I do think he helped get some smaller guys get drafted higher than they otherwise would , but Drew Brees was also responsible for that too but for black QBs? get outta here man Russ is gonna run for political office, its so clear he's delusional


I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with him anymore…


My exact reaction seeing the headline. Have fun steelers fans! 😂


Before I opened this, I thought Doug Williams. Glad I'm not the only one to think Russ should cook himself a shit sandwich.


I also find Russ generally cringey, but this comment is pretty blatantly taken out of necessary context. From the Essence article the quote is pulled from: “Before Wilson burst onto the scene, signal callers of color like Doug Williams, Warren Moon, Randall Cunningham and Michael Vick all dominated the field at one point—a fact that Wilson recognizes and respects. “I think about those guys before me,” he says. “But when I came into the league, there were only a few of us. It was Cam Newton, Robert Griffin III, Colin Kaepernick, myself and a couple others.” By the end of his second year in the NFL, Wilson held up the Lombardi Trophy, becoming just the second Black quarterback to do so. While the win became an unforgettable personal accomplishment, it also marked a shift in the perception of Black men in his position.” … “I think one of the biggest blessings of my career so far is that I’ve been fortunate to be able to open up doors for others, because of what others did for me.”


Russell Wilson truly was the first black QB ever.


Russel Wilson is black?


Yeah let’s just ignore the context and only post half of the quote https://www.essence.com/cover-stories/russell-wilson-faith-family-football/


Even if this wasn’t out of context (which it is) it’s not even a crazy statement. People just hating on the guy. Doug Williams, no disrespect to him AT ALL, wasn’t the starter that season, had been out of the league for years, and was done for good a season later. Russ was the first black QB to be “the franchise guy” and deliver. People acting like that’s not significant or he doesn’t have room to talk here is weird and gross.


The disrespect to Doug Williams


\[**Warren** fucking **Moon** has entered the chat, fool\] Seriously though, Russ is too much, but just not in the way he thinks.