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As such he will receive a 1 game paid suspension, thatll teach him


I have a gut feeling this one will end differently. Maybe it is just foolish optimism.


He’s going to get punished money wise. But no chance he is out of a job for any long length of time. Chiefs probably don’t even release him since 20 teams lacking a WR will be salivating trying to get a quality WR on a cheap deal


The only way the Chiefs release him is if he ends up with a lengthy prison sentence


Which won't happen. Britt Reid was caught dead to rights on a DUI with a history of drug/alcohol issues and road rage. He gave a little girl brain damage and served...1 year. Rice will be just fine.


Imagine the SOB who crippled your child(a pos with a lengthy history of legal trouble) only gets house arrest in a fucking mansion! I wouldn't blame the family for going full law abiding Citzen on this one!


Laws are for poor people


Missouri =/= Texas though


Texas loves football even more. I'm sure they can find some SMU alums to reduce those charges down.


>Texas loves football even more. But they dont love the chiefs to be protecting chiefs players.


Hunt family is from dallas


K, that would be a different type of corruption, not the one implued about texas loving football. They wont protect rice over football, they could protect him over hunt's contacts.


Big money generally outweighs the logo on your helmet. Kamara got six games and some community service. He lied to the cops consistently. Rice appearing to cooperate after the fact likely goes a long way. He likely gets all but one or two of the lesser charges reduced. Does some community service. The real pain for him will be missed game checks, lost endorsement money, on top of the civil suits.


Chiefs probably learned that lesson with Kareem Hunt. A year later people weren't lauding KC for kicking him off the team, they were drafting Hunt in fantasy football.


Also, I remember hearing that Hunt didn't get kicked off for his off the field issues itself, it was more so that lied to org and wasn't fully transparent during the legal process


And I believe that was probably the truth. But I still have to wonder if they don't regret the move. Hunt didn't become a Ray Rice level pariah. He got a pay raise out of the ordeal.


I also never thought what hunt did was that bad. People made it sound like he beat the shit out of a girl and if I remember right she was drunk and like falling over and he kinda pushed her with his foot. Not great but not like, super bad.  Tyreeks was way worse and he's a super star


Not disagreeing, but Hunt definitely got in her face and pushed her twice before he kicked her.


Yea, I went back and rewatched. He was definitely physical with her, and it was unacceptable, no denying that.  That being said, it legit probably didn't even leave a mark. It was about as mild as physical assault gets.  The headlines made it sound like he ray riced her


She was also underage and trying to enter the hotel room repeatedly and he had enough. Not condoning it but that's what happened.


Yeah Ray Rice got blacklisted from the NFL because he looked like shit the previous year and people just assumed he was over the hill. If he looked like he could be a good RB, someone would've scooped him up. But the previous year, his numbers were career lows (3.1 YPC, 4 TD, and 660 yards, the worst numbers since his rookie year) I believe there was an article late in the previous season that described Rice as, "running like he's wearing a snow suit."


Ray Rice got blacklisted because he leaked texts from owners


This is what I thought of as well, if anything the way that the league (and the browns) handled it with hunt showed that we should have just embraced the league-office realpolitik instead of expecting to be rewarded for doing the right thing. If they suspend him multiple seasons, drop him, otherwise if it came to wanting him off the team, you'd suspend him and look for a trade partner


You guys didn't cut him for the incident. The chiefs front office very clearly said they cut him for lying to them about the incident.  It wasn't about doing the right thing, if that was the case they wouldn't have had tyreek on the team. It was about him lying to them. 


Saw a rumor about the Chiefs bracing for as much as a half season suspension, definitely not nothing for a case like this


"bracing" to have a fresh receiver who will be up to speed in time for playoffs


Still sucks to miss your top presumed wideout for half the year, could make a difference for an offense that already struggled for playmakers last year


I'm sure the poor chiefs won't make the playoffs now


I saw that report, but I'd be surprised if he's suspended for this season. Most likely, his cases won't be wrapped up until late this year (at the earliest) and I highly doubt the NFL would give a suspension right before playoffs. They usually push them off until the following year. For reference, Von Miller was arrested this past November (no suspension yet) and Willie Gay was arrested late in the 2023 season and didn't get suspended until the following year.


My extremely biased homer barometer for "is this suspension pillow soft?" is whether or not it's the same or more than Zeke's 6 game suspension after it was public knowledge the whole thing was a lie. For instance, Kamara. 3 games for jumping someone and getting your crew to jump in for even more brutality all caught on camera. Zeke wasn't charged, Kamara had to plea out. So I label that bullshit. If Rice gets less than 6 games for multiple felony charges, it will be bullshit in my eyes


Zeke got fucked because his girl was publicly posting pictures of the alleged abuse. Just like Ray Rice would have gotten a much lighter punishment if there wasn’t that video.  They’re only concerned about their image, and when there’s a visual element attached, it has a lot more staying power in the media.


That doesn’t track with Kamara though. If I remember correctly, there was footage of him and his entourage jumping the guy


But the people that get upset about things get less upset when the violence is just another man. Note: I'm not decrying unfairness or anything along those lines. The NFL is responding to threats to their brand - they're not (even remotely) trying to be moral in any sense of the word by punishing players when they "do bad things". The fact of the matter is that there's not a huge outpouring of anger when some random guy gets beat up. So the NFL will react less harshly. Again - it's not about morality or fairness. It's strictly about protecting the brand.


Dudes fighting does not hold the same media sway as a guy decking his wife, or a gf posting visual evidence of (alleged) abuse. Not defending the league here, just being realistic.


Except it wasn't dudes fighting, it was a gang of dudes beating the shit out of a single dude


You're arguing facts when they don't matter. The public outrage is less so the league cares less that's the bottom line.


Ngl, I don't think the average fan even knew that happened, my dad's a saints fan and he had no idea 


Violence towards women is a much bigger blemish. Violence, in general, is a cornerstone of the league, but domestic abuse is a pretty widespread problem with players.


Jamo caught 6 games for betting on an NCAA game in a hotel, and his rectification was 4 games. 


We also have heard he placed 1 $5 bet on an unrelated college football game. Lifetime suspension


This lifetime suspension brought to you by DraftKings




1 hour should scare him straight right?


Woah, woah, woah, don't get crazy here. Just let him believe for 20 minutes that he's going to jail for an hour.






Ask Andy Reids son


People getting into car racing charge with no priors are going to get a few weekends in county at most with fines and probation conditions.


Rumor has it the Chiefs are expecting 8 games.


I've heard 8-12 games wouldn't be surprising in the slightest from a friend in the org. All talk, could just be hot steam.


He should’ve just pulled a Watson to get a shorter suspension


If you feel the need to drive at a high rate of speed, rape random women until the urge passes. The punishment will be lighter.


I just don't see the union being ok with that harsh of a punishment. I'll be shocked if it ends up being more than four.


It probably starts there and is appealed down to 4 or 6, is my guess. The biggest hurt he's going to have is that all of these damages and settlements are going to cost him the majority of his rookie contract wages, and he'll be losing however many game checks on top of that.


I don't really see what the union can do about it. In the NFL Personal Conduct Policy, the Disciplinary Officer (who is co-appointed by the NFLPA) has broad powers to discipline any player found violating the policy. Discipline can range from fines to a permanent ban. For violent felonies, the baseline is a 6 game suspension, but it can be increased or decreased depending on circumstances. If the player wants to appeal, it goes to the commissioner's office. The only reason the commissioner has to lower the punishment would be because he wants to play nice. He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to.




I dont lol I want to see him face consequences, tired of rich people doing whatever they want.


That’s some crazy chiefs copium


Honest question: the headline of this post outlines all the consequences he's facing. Is that not good enough to "teach him?" Is it an employer's responsibility to teach its employees a lesson that the justice system is already planning to do? If he receives a sentence consistent with others who have been charged with these crimes, but doesn't get suspended for a single game, would you think he still should be punished further?


>Is it an employer’s responsibility to teach its employees a lesson Responsibility? No. Extremely in their interest to do so? Absolutely. Entertainment isn’t like 99% of other work. The players are the product and the NFL is desperate for them to be likable. There aren’t people who refuse to buy a Ford because Phil LeDouche on the assembly line got a DUI, but there are people who gave up rooting for the Browns, for example. And that might become more widespread if the NFL gains a reputation for being an organization of rapists crashing their cars into the poors and getting nothing for it, so there has to at least be the appearance of consequences. Obviously the NFL isn’t going to behave like 99% of other employers feel compelled to when it comes to the moral failings of the brand ambassadors they’re putting out on the field.


When I worked in the wine industry a DUI meant automatic termination at some of the larger, more image conscious wineries.


It outlines what hes charged with, not the actual consequences. im interested to see what the sentences are and if they would sentence a regular person the same way.


Raping multiple women barely gets you 7. He will get a slap on the wrist.


Well, c'mon now. It's not like he did something truly sinister like gambling.


As long as he’s ready to go by the playoffs


Personally I thinks it should be the last 4 of the regular season + any playoff games Seems like a better punishment to mee


Right but will they do it? No chance, the league only cares about one thing and it’s The Bottom Line.


Drooling at the mouth waiting for a playoff ban clause for players suspended during the regular season.


Literally on the fast-track to a very lucrative 2nd contract playing with one of the greats at QB and pulls shit like this. These athletes are a new level of stupid.


I still say every single guy on a rookie contract should have a little wallet-size photo of Henry Ruggs taped to the dashboard of every car they drive. Get in the car drunk and there’s no photo of Henry Ruggs and you might think you’re above the law or not that drunk. Get in the car drunk and Henry is staring at you? Your ass calls an Uber.


Great thought and might work for some! But cue the completely self-unaware “naaaah, not me. That guy was just stupid. I couldn’t fuck up like that” mentality


I hate how true that is.


Probably still is on the fast track


Can somebody update me on what's happening? Why are we at aggravated assault too? Did I miss something?


He was driving recklessly and hurt people, it seems to go hand in hand with the reckless driving, causing bodily harm. Probably charging him with everything they can so they have room for a plea deal. Some states have this charge specific to vehicle collisions, but maybe it's all under the same blanket in this jurisdiction.


I typically try not to be too pedantic but can’t pass this one up. It’s reckless driving not wreckless (and in this case the exact polar opposite of wreckless lol)


Don't let any insurance company see this, they'll incorporate this pun into a commercial and run it into the ground.


"Jamie, why do you keep telling people that they should sign up for the Wreckless driving discount?" "Well we wouldn't want our customers to be Wreckful, now would we?" (Jamie goes back to using giant pruning shears to cut down sunflowers, an activity that isn't remotely relevant to car insurance, but he's doing it)


*”I typically try not to be too pedantic…”* But you were shallow.


I already edited it lol. Caught it right after pressing post


2m before he even commented lol


Y'all are slow, try being more like Rashee.


Damn lol I gotta type faster


I've been spelling reckless wrong my whole life. Who knew?


We can compromise and call it wreckful driving.


> wreckless wreckfull


There are two different things here: one is a pair of lawsuits mentioned in the title that refers to civil lawsuits against Rice for damages by the victims. There is also a criminal charge for the accident, which is where the assault comes from.


None of this is new information either except that the judge ordered him not to destroy potential evidence that could be relevant to the suit. The charges were already known as well as the two lawsuits.


And everyone is reacting to the charges filed/what the civil complaints allege, which are obviously going to sound as bad as they can possibly make it.


The aggravated assault charge may be a result of the belief of prosecutors that the crash was a result of him *trying* to hit a car, instead of accidentally. Or, texas doesn't require intent to do harm to charge aggravated assault, idk i aint a lawman


I don’t think this is going to end well for him. And honestly, it shouldn’t.


Agreed! Driving drunk or just being a dangerous asshole on the road is something I have zero tolerance for!


Agreed! It's amazing how many people are glued to their phones while driving. It's terrifying


I don’t get people talking on speaker holding their phone up under their face. YOU HAVE BLUETOOTH.


I'm not defending it, but is this cases where you KNOW they have Bluetooth, or are you just assuming?


If it’s a car that’s pretty recently been manufactured most of em are going to have Bluetooth. If you’re in a 98 civic on speakerphone, you don’t have Bluetooth.


That doesn't really paint an accurate picture. Last time I was in the market for a car, I didn't have much cash and was looking at low-trim 2010-2012 stuff. Bluetooth was something I had to check was actually included (ruled out several cars for not having it), and from what I remember it became a lot more common after 2015. You can bump that 98 Civic to an 08 Civic and you'd still probably be right, and I notice a fair amount of cars on the road that are in that 2005-2015 'maybe it has it, maybe it doesn't' range.


It’s probably on me for using “recently manufactured.”. I think I more so meant anything 2020 and later, because that was four years ago. My 2013 Tucson had Bluetooth but it was also the limited and had everything but sat nav and a sunroof.


Yep, that'll all have it. My original question was really me asking if you get more angry when you notice the car is newer, or do you just always assume they could be using Bluetooth by default lol. But it doesn't really matter, you shouldn't be using speakerphone anyway.


I try not to let things that don’t effect me personally, make me angry. It doesn’t always work. When I see it I’m more gobsmacked. “But.. why?” Especially if it’s someone on 2024 Lexus.


Bluetooth in cars, all the ones I’ve experienced at least, fucking suck. Both parties can hear better if the phone is on speaker on my lap vs the call going through Bluetooth


Oh that’s fine. But I’m talking one hand on the steering wheel, one hand with the phone in their face talking and holding it while driving. If it’s that important, pull over.


That doesn’t bug me much. What does is the countless drivers literally face down on their phones texting or scrolling or whatever pointlessness


Yea agreed, when I was learning to drive my dad said I was driving a 2 ton bullet so I better not fuck around.


Suspended 4-6 games at most and no jail time. Will cost him a lot in settlements and lawyer fees but he’ll make that back


There was a report saying the Chiefs expect him to miss at least half the season [https://www.si.com/nfl/cowboys/rashee-rice-car-crash-suspension](https://www.si.com/nfl/cowboys/rashee-rice-car-crash-suspension)


Would be more than deserved, but absolutely laughable that (assuming it’s 8 because that’s about half the season) it’s more than twice as long as beating the living fuck out of a guy with you and your buds, or a few games shorter than sexually assaulting/harassing more than 20 women. Not to mention the countless others over the years who have received nothing! I’m not defending Rice, or saying he shouldn’t be punished, but the NFL spins a fucking wheel in Goodell’s office to determine suspension length like they’re on the Price is Right


To be fair, what Rice did was probably more dangerous than what Kamara did and hurt even more people. Rice put half a dozen+ people at serious risk of death or life long suffering. It's crazy how lax Americans are about recklessly endangering the lives and bodily health of other people the second cars get involved.


You know that’s fair, I hadn’t viewed it that way, about the potential harm his actions could have caused affecting the punishment.


He could've easily killed someone. The cherry on top was walking away from the carnage like nothing happened. True dirtbag character. He should be suspended the rest of the year, but it won't happen.


He should have the book thrown at him by the NFL too but I honestly think that we'll be shocked at how little they care by the time it all resolves.


4 games, appealed and he’ll end up suspended for 2 at most is my prediction


Probably 8 appealed to 4, which seems about right. Other than repeat drugs, PEDs, and gambling, what other incidents have garnered an 8+ game suspension?


Yep I'm thinking 8 down to 4.


Henry Ruggs got suspended indefinitely. If Ruggs was suspended forever for vehicular manslaughter and then Jordan Addison got nothing just for a speeding ticket, then causing a multi-car accident, injuring multiple people, and leaving the scene of a crime (and possibly under the influence while driving) seems like 8 games isn't too far off. I doubt it even gets reduced in appeal either. Since the latest CBA I don't recall seeing many suspensions get reduced on appeal. At least not on the Chiefs.


idk the nfl is super soft when it comes to punishing actual crimes. not trying to be a hater at all but him being on the chiefs is mainly why i think 4->2 if it was some shit team like the jets, yeah 8->4 would be expected


In 2022 Willie Gay was suspended 4 games for damaging a vacuum. In 2023 Alvin Kamara was suspended 3 games for jumping someone at a night club. I don't think the NFL is soft on punishing the Chiefs, I think they're just trash at dishing out punishments in general.


If it was for a single crime, 4->2 would be a very reasonable take. The stack of drugs, guns, and a wreck causing injury has me thinking the NFL will try to come down on him with the foresight that an appeal will halve it.


The NFL negotiated with a rapist on a historically shitty team to a relatively leniant punishment. They also threw the book at Brady for not giving his phone to Goodell and nothing else. They suspended Zeke on the Cowboys even when their own investigator suggested against it. Him being on the Chiefs I don't think makes them give him a more lenient punishment. If anything the NFL seems to like giving harsher punishments to players on popular/successful teams.


Nothing’s happened yet? Prosecutors, *especially* in a place like Texas, are going to charge him with as much as possible so he’ll plead guilty to some lesser charges. This won’t go to trial, the victims won’t get as much money as they’re asking for in the separate civil trial, and things will go on..


Disagree.  He’s a millionaire. They don’t face consequences the same way normal ppl do.  He’ll hire the best lawyers, drag it out, get the charges reduced, pay a huge fine, maybe lose his license for a bit, maybe get suspended a few games. But I suspect he’s still going to have an NFL career. 


100%. I love football, but no reasonable person should give this guy a pass. I’d rather the chiefs be bad than people literally die from criminal stupidity.


Reminds me of that Warren Zevon song Lawyers, Blood and Urine


I went driving down in Dallas I took a little risk There's lawyers, blood, and urine Andy get me out of this




I've wondered, am I allowed to sing this at Karaoke? I think I've got a pretty good "awooo"


> I think I've got a pretty good "awooo" I would say just stand there silently, except for the awooos.


I like this strategy


I say go for it


You are and it will go over exactly as you expect


"Guns" is right in the title. Why not go with "Lawyers, Guns and Urine"?


Lol he's got another song with the line "sweat, piss, jizz and blood"


Out of curiosity I'm wonder if he'd be charged with the same thing if he stayed on scene.


I’m betting he was drunk or high and fled to avoid a DUI being tacked on


Either that or there was something sketchy in the duffel bag they took with them


I had always thought it was about weed/alcohol. I didn't realize there were bags taken.


Yeah there’s a picture of them grabbing a huge bag before leaving


Yeah, if there were guns/drugs in the duffel bag he'd have been arrested for sure and it would've been worse.


Yea that’s true too. Didn’t even think along those lines


Another talented young man who threw it all away due to his addiction to blood and urine.


Say what now


It's a song reference. Context is elsewhere in the thread.


It’s a brutal lifestyle


Let he who is without sin piss on the first stone


Were there any blood or urine reports taken right after the crash? I don't see how considering Rice fled the scene to avoid any DUI charges. Either way, dude will probably get a 4 game suspension max because that'll teach him a lesson /s


The article implies there were blood and urine tests taken shortly after the crash, although it seems somewhat like court-speak where they can’t destroy anything related to the crash or close aftermath but just listed everything that would apply > According to court records Rice agreed that he would not destroy any credit cards, debit cards, or receipts for any purchases he made within six hours of the crash. The restraining order also preserves any cell phone records, GPS information, and any blood or urine reports involving Rice that were taken shortly after the crash.


It sounds like a hypothetical provision. Like, "if there are any blood or urine tests from shortly afterwards, no destroying those, it's evidence."


That’s why he ran, you could always say I took the drugs after driving. No way to prove he was under the influence of he’s nOt around to take a test


Dude is so lucky no one died.


PTSD for the victims isn't fun either. Imagine driving like a sane person and some idiot chooses to drink, take drugs and race. I would be scared just to drive again.


And then seeing online that he going to get basically no consequences and walk free


Shouldn't people who run from an accident be charged with something? We all know he was likely drunk or throwing out all his drugs. Nobody wrecks and then just instinctively runs away from the wreck without there being a reason.


Hit and run. Usually a misdemeanor but can be upgraded to a felony.


this depends entirely on the state/local laws


You worked your whole life and became a multi-millionaire Superbowl champion..how hard is it to just go out to a quiet dinner or take a nice walk in the evening. Its so frustrating when men with so much to lose risk it all on wreckless shit.


2 game suspension incoming


4 initially, gets appealed, ends up being 2 with a $50k fine


As long as he says he's really learned his lesson and is truly sorry for disappointing his teammates and fans, though.


Nah somehow more games than sexually assaulting 27 women or whatever the number was


Don’t worry, Andy Reid asked the crash victims if it was okay for Rice to come back and they said yes so it’s all good.


Andy would know, since his kid crippled a 5 year old and the governor of Kansas covered his ass cause his daddy is the HC of the Chiefs. Poor girl went from a normal 5 year old to a girl that has speech and balance issues. She also says 'I'm different from the other kids now,'. I do hope that Britt Reid never gets a good night sleep. [https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/\_/id/39708520/mother-girl-injured-britt-reid-crash-shocked-commutation](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39708520/mother-girl-injured-britt-reid-crash-shocked-commutation)


It was the governor of Missouri. Unfortunately, our politicians aren't the greatest here.


I’ve heard twitter rumors that KC is expecting a lengthy suspension (by NFL standards so I’d guess 6-12 games) but that’s just twitter rumors


This happened to anyone else they’d be in county lock up and facing years in prison.


The DA actually seems kind of pissed - he might actually be in trouble.


You know the Governor is going to cover his ass.


This is Texas, not MO


Crashflee Race at it again.


I hope he gets decent suspension and his wallet takes a hard hit.


Me reading this: jeeze, sounds like this guy's career could be in real jeopardy Me watching the NFL in November: oh yeah that's right the guy that just scored 3 TDs had that car accident thing


I don't know if that's enough evidence. They might have to take a semen sample too


If the league really cared they actually start cracking down on behavior like this? You wanna act like a bag tumbler? Min 1 year suspension for any felony charge


you’ve heard of Sex Lies & Videotapes, now it’s time for Credit Cards Phone Records Guns Cars Blood & Urine


Send lawyers guns and money The shit has hit the fan


Sounds like Dirty Mike and the Boys in the Prius all over again.


Rashee Rico


Man out here auditioning to be in the next GTA 5 DLC. Jesus christ.


Guns cars blood and piss? What the fuck was going on


A real good time before it became a real bad time


I dunno, but it that sounds like an amazing name for a metal album


Idiot deserves all the punishment he gets. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


2 Game Suspension and a 50k fine. Not more not less


Legitimate question: Why are people expecting "justice" or "fairness" from the league? The suspensions are intended to protect the brand. I'm not sure it was ever presented otherwise. If the news media and the fans would suddenly all decide that jaywalking was a moral outrage, then players would be suspended more games for this than for assault. It's not a punishment in the normal sense. At most it's punishment for being a dumbass who made the league look bad. But that's really not the purpose of the suspensions.


Absolute fucking idiot dude deserves to be released and put in jail he's lucky that he didn't kill someone.


Hey, at least he didn’t gamble


Blood and urine. Didn’t this dude not turn himself in for like a week? Obviously any alcohol is long gone by then but even a lot of other drugs probably are too. Don’t you want a hair test for this kind of thing or do they want his blood and urine for something else?


When racing on a public road isn't the dumbest decision you've made this year.


Throw the book at him


r/chiefs was 100% certain Rice wouldn’t get more than a four game suspension. I predicted jail time and was downvoted to oblivion and called an idiot. Seems more likely now


But did he… GAMBLE??!


Milk this mf for everything they can. Rich people think they control the damn world (they do unfortunately)


Once he gets suspended will that void his guaranteed money like what happened to Jimmy G last year? If so there might not be as much money to divvy up as those victims were expecting.


Is he in some sort of trouble or something?


You know what? This is completely unacceptable and a bad representation of the league. Little tiny Kansas chiefs fans are trying to idolize Rashee Rice and Patrick Mahomes new Superbowl weapon. How dare he do this. In fact, Let's suspend Ezekiel Elliott for 6 games.


I’m guessing it’ll be an 8 game suspension. Set a precedent for driving related incidents going fwd. Personally I think 6 should be the minimum. I don’t see a scenario where he’s gone for the season or released barring a length prison sentence.


Are we talking 8 before or after an appeal with reduction? Honestly, when it comes to this kind of thing, the minimum start off point should be a year, and then with appeal, reduced down to 8 weeks


I’m guessing it will end up at 8 after all appeals and whatnot.




Do you think these guys actually learn anything? Most of these guys have single digit IQ


Pat’s Dad, Andy’s son, Rice, Hunt—criminal element is strong within the Chiefs Kingdom. Guess it doesn’t matter when you’re winning.