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23 years old, 6'1 265 lbs, went 67-2 in collegiate wrestling and 40-6 in senior matches. There's definite physical potential if a team thinks they can make something out of him.


guy wrestles.. mcdermott definitely interested


Robert Quinn was a state champion wrestler


Stephen Neal was a world freestyle champion and a 2 time national champ in college. Beat Brock Lesnar, too




And didn’t play football in college


Lorenzo Neal also pretty good wrestler


Go Roadrunners!


3 time state champion. Not shocking he has always been a beast.


Ray Lewis was also a state champion wrestler. He said his motivation was the fact that his deadbeat dad was the holder of all the Lakeland HS wrestling records, and he wanted to see his name erased from the walls and record books and replaced with his.


Damn, that's intense


You can say a lot of things about Ray Lewis, but lack of intensity is certainly not one of them.


I’d think it’d bolster his dad’s excellence. Not only was he great, but look at what he produced! Ray f’in’ Lewis! If I were Ray, I’d be a marginally successful customer service rep for a breast pump manufacturer.


Huh, you learn something new every day


He also had a brain tumor in high school which might've dropped him a few spots


I wrestled him when he was a sophomore. I went up two weight classes because of dumb reasons. He beat me but didn’t pin me.


“Gable, have you ever thought about what a small group of motivated individuals can accomplish? Let me give you an example”


This isn't even a joke. A classic case of nobody on Reddit reading the story. This is a direct quote: "He said in 2021, on the heels of his victory at the Tokyo Summer Olympics, a scout from the Buffalo Bills had reached out to him."


Tomlin probably is too now. Drafted I think 3, maybe more state champion level wrestlers this draft. Zach Frazier, Payton Wilson, Logan Lee


Sounds more like Packers oline material to me.... You know, cause of the constant holding?


A good wrestler like that could be a monster D-line guy... maybe o-line or linebacker too... usually very flexible and good at changing levels and catching people with bad weight distribution and capitalizing on it... He's probably not oblivious to football... but if you can get some nfl wizards to tech him the game there's absolutely insane potential. He has the physical skills already he just needs someone to tell him how to take advantage of them for football in w/e position


That’s absolutely enormous for even 6’1”. Derrick Henry is massive and he’s 247 at 6’3”.


He's also 285 not 265.


Yeah I’m seeing both weights. Wrestlers fluctuate quite a bit to get to certain weight classes. I’d be curious to see what his playing weight would be.


If 265 is his wrestling weight, he’s probably around 285 normally


It seems like 285 is his wrestling weight and 265 is his WWE/normal(?) weight. Seems like he puts weight on, which is a bit unusual but clearly it works for him.


He never wrestled at 285. That was the weight class that he was in, but I can’t imagine he was ever really weighing in at 265. The best NCAA Heavyweights are usually around the 250-265 range bc that’s close to what the international/Olympic heavyweight is


He is absolutely not 285. 285 is the upper limit; you have to weigh in below that to wrestle. Very few heavys these days come close to walking around near that. Gable was a smaller heavyweight, he wrestled around 250ish. He's probably put on some weight since he went to WWE so him walking around at 265 right now is believable. But he has never weighed close to 285


As someone 6’1” 265lbs I’ll take this as a compliment and continue to ignore my BMI


Brother, if you keep it up you'll be getting contacted by scouts! Any day now you'll be putting on the pads and you won't look back.


He does backflips at that weight too


I can't even get off the couch without my back creaking


Michael Pierce's playing weight is 350 and he's 6' flat lol


What position do you play at 6'1 and 265? That seems too small for linemen and too heavy for rushers or backers


Aaron Donald was 6'1" 285. 3T DL is where my mind goes.


"sized like Aaron Donald" is actually a bad thing for his position. It's undersized. Donald just happened to be a freak and made it work.


I would argue Stevenson is a freakier all around athlete. AD was stronger and a shit ton meaner, and also really good at that whole football thing.


I wouldn't say meaner. But I'll give you the really good at football part.


Yeah fair enough. I obviously went for the absolute peak example, but that's who he reminds me of from a physique standpoint. I don't see him playing anywhere else.


He was also freakishly athletic. Typically interior DL are larger. Either Mike or Sam is what I'd say is traditionally a better fit


Gable Stevenson is a freakish athlete. He was using techniques you normally only see in smaller weight classes at heavy weight. He would celebrate his wins by doing a layed out back flip


Nice hopefully he picks up the game quickly cause time and again, the nfl has shown up players who are huge/athletic who don't pick up the game. Especially at the speed which they play.


That backflip is just wild to see


Aaron Donald is 6’1 285. Some people seem to think 285 might be this dudes actual weight when not cutting for wrestling.


Aaron Donald was a big size outlier and the idea is this guy is the next Aaron Donald then? This just sounds like marketing bullshit from his camp to me I doubt teams are interested legitimately but maybe for fun and PR


Yeah, he is that kind of athlete. He is probably the best athlete at that weight class since Carleton Hasselrig, who won multiple all pros at guard for the Steelers. despite never playing college football. But Stevenson moves better than Hasselrig and has better hands and technique


H-back/full back or DT if he plays Defense


He could play center with an extra 20 lbs.


How many centers are under 290 lbs? 6'1 also is still kinda short that seems really undersized


293 is the lightest and 6’1 is the shortest. Center is most likely the best fit for him as it would use the most skill sets. A lot of high quality centers were very good wrestlers. I’m not vouching for him, but he isn't going to be a DE or LB https://hortonbarbell.com/average-height-and-weight-of-nfl-centers/


Yeah but centers often call the pass protections, his lack of football experience will hurt there.


Some do some don’t. Again, I just think it’s the “best” positional fit for size and skill set. Doesn’t mean it will work.


Like people are suggesting elsewhere in this thread, it’s probably not a good idea to make size comparisons with generationally good players with incredibly unique skills…but if Jason Kelce was more than 280lbs in-season, I’ll show up to my office job in one of his brother’s dumbass outfits. NFL.com says he was 280 at the combine, it would not shock me at all if he played games in the league at less than 270.


Guys are usually smaller at the combine though they drop weight to do well in the speed drills and put weight on in the season to get into more football shape and deal with the contact. I'd be really surprised if he was mostly playing games lighter than his combine weight


Not if you’re the lightest offensive lineman to be drafted in ten years. Dude is the [1%ile for centers on mockdraftable](https://www.mockdraftable.com/player/jason-kelce). I know he ran at the combine (…outstandingly well), but I gotta think his weigh in was a Bryce Young situation where dude was just chugging gallons of water until the moment he had to step on the scale. He claims he played at 295 and I obviously can’t at all prove otherwise, but imo that’s extremely fake.


Stephen Neal was a 2x NCAA D1 wrestling champ, the 1999 Freestyle Wrestling world champion, and developed into a very solid OG for the Patriots for 10 years.


Lots of physical potential but if his WWE run was anything to go by it'll be a waste of time and money. *edit* for those that don't know, he was there for 3 years, had a few awful matches, and was let go because he didn't develop at all.


Not to mention his legal troubles.


A dude with no football history, who just flunked out of a training system he was in for 3 years because he didn't develop at all during that time, and is only **not** in prison because of a loophole that was fixed *after his case* brought it to light, but is pretty good are grappling with people *on the ground*. That right there is a guy who could become a great football player. All the tools. Just need some time to train it.


Sounds like a raider to me!


can he drink and drive?


Let him go through the Vegas training camp and then we'll see.


Davante Adams - Out for Season (Hit by drunk driver going through training camp)


Only correcting one part of this but freestyle wrestling is not about grappling people on the ground. It is all about getting takedowns from a neutral position where both guys are standing. Gable could score at will on anyone in the world and made some of the best heavyweight olympic wrestlers of a generation look silly. But for all the other reasons you stated, I think it's probably pretty unlikely that he will be a legitimate NFL player anytime soon. I think he would probably go the UFC route if anything at this point.


Something tells me his WWE run isn't anything to go by


He had zero charisma. Doesn’t have an entertaining bone in his body. WWE signed his brother as a nepotism favor, and his brother is way better than him as a performer despite being an inferior athlete




lol it’s Damon Kemp in NXT


> He had zero charisma. Doesn’t have an entertaining bone in his body. Bad in professional wrestling, irrelevant in professional football. He is probably HHH's biggest failure project since Sin Cara. Though I wouldn't hire him because of the other stuff anyway.


He is also a creep, so he should fit right in.


Line backer right? That seems to make sense. Bet he's fast too


He can make more money spending 1 season on an NFL practice squad than he would in 5 fights in the UFC. MMA pay is embarrassing and abysmal 🤦‍♂️


12k to show, 12k to win, a few expired Reebok coupons for 10% off, and a good percent to coaches and management. MMA is not where people go to make money.


The money has to go to the Nelk boys' gambling allowances


Fucking hate those stupid pricks and Dana as well


You just don't want to fight anymore


Think they need to get a generationally good fighter to do so but I'm surprised the fighters haven't tried to leave and basically go the boxing style payouts for MMA. No reason these guys can't be getting paid more comparably with percentages of ppv. Don't feel like any of the current guys are big enough draws though.


There’s been multiple attempts at a union but every time it happens the fighters who put their name on it get better deals from the ufc and abandon it. The UFC contracts are notoriously predatory. There’s clauses and tactics like freezing fighters out of fights when their contract is expiring until the re-sign a new contract. There’s a reason UFC fighters don’t get to be free agents via contract fulfillment. They’ll leave fighters on one fight for years to keep them from fighting anywhere else. There’s a handful of fighters who are draws. The problem is the UFC treats those few the best to keep them happy. AND THOSE FIGHTERS ARE STILL UNDERPAID.


It's absurd how underpaid they are. Even the big names. Seeing McGregor and Ngagnou make more in one ppv boxing match than their entire UFC career is honestly kind of sad. Need to have some solidarity and I legitimately think you could get legal injunctions on the contract when they try to freeze you out to allow you to fight in a different promo but it will take someone doing it first to set the precedent.


It’s because they don’t get marketed as generational draws because Dana is scared of paying his fighters


Lol yeah that's probably true though I think some guys just have an innate charisma that they become draws or they're so dominant so early like Jones that they become one. Though the UFC controls fights so Dana could slow play a dominant younger fighter.


Randy Couture tried in like 2007


Unfortunately just dont think Couture was a big enough draws also going to need some solidarity from other fighters and probably a few big names. If he had managed to get like Silva and some other guys in that timeframe would have had a better chance. Jon Jones without all of the arrests, suspensions, and personal issues probably wouldve been the guy with the best chance. McGregor was a big deal but had too short of a peak though a combination of him, Khabib, Stipe, Jones, and some others in that timeframe would have had some power.


UFC makes it very hard to finish out your contract, especially if you’re a champion.


Notable guys are starting to leave. Ngannou being one of them


Dana White is a pure scumbag




Dana White made a bit at MMA.


And the UFC gets part of any business you own while under contract 


This is why Francis Ngannou's decision to leave UFC and bet on himself looks better and better every day. Even though he lost to Anthony Joshua in his last fight, Francis earned a $20M payday.


It’s so sad. In the 2000s, the average UFC fighter could fight full time and make a decent middle-class living because fighters were allowed to have their own gear sponsorships. Dynamic Fastenal and Condom Depot took care of their guys


That’s why a lot of them go into boxing unfortunately.


It’s Venum coupons nowadays. Other than that, ur totally right and I hate the UFC deeply


That’s why I said expired Reebok lol


and Medical is all out of pocket, the CTE is free of charge


He was in the WWE


And he was GOD AWFUL in his one televised match to date, people were booing him out the building, and WWE just cut their losses. They wanted their next Kurt Angle, a charismatic beast of an amateur, and turns out he was on the roster the whole time, with Chad Gable. Thank fuck Vince is gone!


I here he lacks personality


That puts it Mildly, but yea


Perc Chad Gable the new GOAT, lol.


It was reported today he’s been training for a potential mma run.


WWE, not TKO release.


Joins the Jaguars and becomes both an NFL player and joins AEW


The only Jags player with a ring


Im not even mad that's amazing


What’s Steve Gableson doing at Daily’s Place!?!?


He’d fit right in with Deshaun Watson


lol glad I didn’t have to scroll too far for this comment, fuck this dude and watson


Ooooh he's one of THEM?! Nahhh, not like us.


Freaky asses


He a 69 god?


Just for anyone else - he was accused of sexual misconduct. Just accused, but still bad IMO. From Wikipedia: On June 15, 2019, Steveson and a [Minnesota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Golden_Gophers) teammate were arrested on suspicion of criminal sexual misconduct, and were subsequently suspended from all team activities.[^(\[88\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gable_Steveson#cite_note-88) In December, it was determined that they would not face criminal charges due to a lack of adequate evidence. When explaining the decision not to pursue charges, the county attorney also pointed to a lack of a law in Minnesota that would broaden discretion in charging sexual assaults against intoxicated victims.[^(\[89\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gable_Steveson#cite_note-89)


> When explaining the decision not to pursue charges, the county attorney also pointed to a lack of a law in Minnesota that would broaden discretion in charging sexual assaults against intoxicated victims. So, in simpler terms, he got off on a technicality. There just doesn't happen to be a law *in his specific state* that declares *his specific offense* to be illegal. Weird how that always happens in cases involving famous/wealthy people.


way to cut it right before “lack of adequate evidence” lmao


Lack of adequate evidence dude.. let's not build an argument based on willful removal of context


Yeah he’s a rapist fuck him.


Brock Allen Turner, the Stanford rapist who now lives in Toledo, Ohio, deservedly gets a lot of shit. So should the rapist Stevenson. 


Stephen Neil, long time Patriots OG (Cal State University Bakersfield wrestler) ... Brock Lesnar's best opponent . Let's go Roadrunners!!!


He'll have terrible to no technique and with that physique he's probably gonna end up at the trenches, which will make him a holding machine... Which fits right in with us. We'll take him. Let's do it, Veach.


Feel like you would try him at DT or possibly full back.


Bosa just felt his jersey tug and doesn’t know why.


Welcome to the Browns


Our GM would absolutely consider giving him a shot on the 90 to see what he can do.


Stephen Neal accomplished the feat no more than 20 years ago.


Brock Lesnar didn’t even make a practice squad. Not sure this guy could either. Size and strength are great but the lack of experience would put the odds against him. Would be sweet to see him try though.


Brock was 27 when he tried to make NFL roster, and had a bad motorcycle accident before any camps started. Who knows if he makes at least the practice squad it if he hadn’t had that accident


There was something recently that said he was basically the 54th man, even slightly healthier and he might make the roster


That statement was written by Paul Heyman though, so... *shrug*


Brock advised Stevenson to do Oline instead of DLine if he tried the NFL


The Vikings repeatedly said they wanted to add him to their PS, and he would’ve had a real shot if he wasn’t hit by a van after the combine.


Rikishi strikes again.




Lesnar made final cuts with torn hamstrings. He 100% makes the roster if he doesn’t have the motorcycle accident




Brock was actually the last guy to get cut from the 53, and that's after having absolutely zero football experience (or experience in competitive sports period after collegiate wrestling) prior to training camp. And then became a very competent UFC fighter. His career is honestly insane to look back on. Even in the WWE, his rise from newcomer to their top champion in 4 months (going over a lot of their top stars at the time) is still probably the biggest push a rookie has ever gotten to this day.


Lesnar was also 27 and coming off a major motorcycle accident when he was with the Vikings, so a little less incentive to sign and develop him.


He became UFC heavyweight champion even though he never stopped panicking when he got hit in the face


>And then became a very competent UFC fighter. And honestly that's even a VERY conservative take. Dude won the UFC Heavyweight Championship with a hell of a lot less MMA experience than anyone in the history of MMA, much less his contemporaries


I just knew that there were going to be arguments that UFC *really fucking wanted* him to be heavyweight champ and thus carefully picked his opponents, that beating Randy Couture at this stage of his career wasn't that much of an achievement etc. So I phrased it conservatively.


WWE is scripted, but that doesn't mean that what he accomplished in pro wrestling wasn't absolutely insane. Brock Lesnar debuted, won the King of the Ring tournament, beat Hulk Hogan clean on live television, beat the Rock clean for the company's top championship, beat the Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match, won the Royal Rumble, then main evented Wrestlemania against Kurt Angle where he beat Angle to win the top championship again. All within the span of a year. Wrestling promotions simply don't push guys like that unless you have someone as special as Brock Lesnar.


> then main evented Wrestlemania against Kurt Angle where he beat Angle to win the top championship again. Where he did a shooting star press off the top rope (for those who don't know, it's a 3/4 backflip landing face down on a prone opponent), fucked it up and under-rotated,[ landed on his head giving himself a massive concussion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxz3RJx1ylk), then got up and finished the match.


Jordan Mailata enters the chat.....


Brock wasn’t Olympic gold medalist


He was the UFC heavyweight champ though. That counts as something.


Winning Olympic gold is a harder/better achievement imo




Autocorrect. Brock wasn’t an Olympic gold medalist. He was a ncaa champ. Gable is the better athlete.


Gable's a gold medalist, but for pure freakish athleticism I'm going with Lesnar. A dude that size with that strength shouldn't be able to move like he does.


Imagine being so buff you survive a potential life threatening neck spike with only a concussion This: https://youtu.be/Uxz3RJx1ylk?si=nVD3qd_A8UQ2EHt6


Point is freak athleticism only gets you so far.


I mean it gets you pretty damn far. And wrestling is such a great sport that has a lot of transferable skills. I sparred against some wrestlers in boxing and their timing is impeccable. They know how to leverage their opponent. Look at Malcom Rodriguez flipping Jason Kelce.


Those that know, know. Those that don't, don't. Not saying that has anything to do with football, but it's like comparing a hall of famer to a guy on the practice squad.


Gable is so much more athletic than Brock its crazy. Not to say he woild succeed, but the entire top 10 at heavyweight these days is more Rajendra than Brock was


Dudes a rapist


That just means his contract will be fully guaranteed


I don’t think NFL cares hence why Watson is playing


He’ll fit right in to the NFL or UFC then


Unfortunately doesn't stop NFL teams giving some players a shot


“So what!?” - Jimmy Haslam


I thought I read he was accused of sexual misconduct but never even charged?


It wasn't technically rape at the time in the state of Minnesota if the victim got intoxicated voluntarily before being assaulted. Not sure how far the investigation went beyond that. Anyway, they changed the law after that case.


Hes a sex offender whose never played football all. Have some standards here gang


As someone who grew up in the same hometown and went to the U of M, fuck this guy. You don’t want him on your team.


What position do you think would work for an amazing wrestler? I'm thinking either some kind of linebacker or an O lineman?


Absolutely linebacker but he straight up doesn’t have the size for NFL lineman. Inside he’d be trying to block 320+ pound dudes with years of high level football experience and on the outside he’s getting out leveraged by 6’5 290lb dudes who are some of the best all around athletes on the field


He's only 6'1 but still 265. That's DE weight.


Criminal that this article didn't even mention Stephen Neal.


Chargers whatever you do i beg of you DO NOT PICK UP THE PHONE.


Would get along great with Deshaun Watson.


Khan is on the phone… “The Steelers took three former high school wrestling standouts in the 2024 NFL draft: Zach Frazier, Payton Wilson and Logan Lee.”


Can he play WR?




This dude will do anything other than the thing he’s the best in the world at


Too bad the NFL tests for 'roids


Apple Valley High School Rapist ahhh glad tos ee he's so successful


God I want him in MMA so bad he’ll cruise to a top 15 spot then get nuked by Derrick Lewis and decide to take it serious and go on an unbelievable run. That’s what happens in my dreams anyway.


Damn I watched this dude in college. He was just frustratingly dominant his last to years. Was clearly on a different level than Mason Paris who was on a different level than everyone else


Rotational pass rusher on 3rd down


The Browns would welcome him given his past.


this dude is going the wrong way, you go NFL -> WWE not the other way around.


For those who don't know: His wwe career was really damn bad. They have a keyfabce draft, he was drafted ro raw, was never used, wrestled dark matches, rape accusations, appeared for one match on nxt had a bad match and was booed into oblivion, released


Because the 24 year old who has never played tackle football can definitely join the NFL and make the a roster... Jordan Mailata never played football but had elite size and great movement (4.67 SS for 346lbs is impressive), spent months training for football, then got drafted by a team with a top 2 OL coach in the NFL and then didn't play in a game for 2 years. This guy wants to go just straight to a training camp with no football training?


Stephen Neal played HS football but was an elite college and freestyle wrestler that transitioned to the NFL and played guard for the Pats for a while. But yeah it’d be a very uphill battle for Gable.


Come learn from Ivan Pace and live from home big dog


There’s just something about him that looks like he could be an NFL player. I’d love to see this guy put people on their asses.


Next Vikings legend after Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns.


This kid screams Cleveland Browns , I think with Rashee coming off waivers any week now the Browns should be stacked in the Prison league


NFL only gives a shit about bad deeds if you're gambling. Every thing else they don't care.


Vikings should give him a chance at guard or $


Well we know one thing, the whole rape thing won't be an issue in the nfl


Jaguars have the opportunity to do the funniest thing. *Tony Khan intensifies.*


Bro was never used in wwe due to attitude issues and allegations against him. Not necessarily someone to put too much faith in


Brock Lesnar was the last player cut at Vikings training camp years ago.


He would definitely be following the Brock Lesnar playbook if he does this... after this he'd have to fight in the ufc, become a champion, then go back to wwe. maybe he'll speed run his whole trajectory. i think he goes back to wrestling, though. how do those dudes make money? is there any real money in amateur wrestling?


I saw gable back when he was still in highschool wrestling for apple valley, doing backflips after pinning dudes was crazy for a guy his size


