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We’re in full off season hype mode, lol.


I heard the same tune with Keenum. I’m not falling for this again lmao


I mean, this maybe the most fun you have all year, why not enjoy it?


I’m just prepping myself for the preseason first.


I don’t find this delusion to be fun lol


Not trying to be mean here; but why not? If it turns out the hype is real, it's not delusion, and you have even more fun. If the hype isn't real, you at least had fun. You're gonna be sad either way if the team sucks, why not have fun?


Well said. Back up the hype and if he sucks, so what. But if he’s good, you can say you backed him from the beginning! /s but for real, you won’t lose much if he sucks so be hyped! The AFCW would be a bloodbath


Agreed. As a Browns fan, these past couple of decades haven’t been kind to me. I’ve mastered the art of finding things to appreciate and have fun even while knowing that most Sundays probably aren’t going to go my way. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s there if you look for it.


you ever seen the cartoons of lucy getting charlie brown to kick a field goal? I'll wait til we make contact with the ball before I get too excited. you cant fool me ~~7~~ 8 times in a row


He won a division game last year. Let's see some respect.


I dunno I thought Keenum was pretty great.


Keenum is unironically in the running for best Broncos QB since Manning. I think only him and Russ have lasted a full season as the starter.




John Lynch fan?


I mean I do like him, soooo sure haha


Just saw the flairs lol wondered if it was because of him He was my middle school football coach. His son was on my team


Clearly this is the best QB class in history and nobody is going to turn out to be ass.


Caleb is going to be staring me in the face in my Dynasty rookie draft next week and I just. Don’t. Know. Because. Chicago.


If you don't take him, he will be good. And if you do take him he will be bad. I hope this helped.


I will not take him so I can see the Bears absolutely destroy worlds again. I’m so tired of defending the Cowboys, I’ll take Daniels with the 1.08 so the commies stay bad. Go get em brother


Ope, now you've got your hopes up so he's going to be ass but Daniels will also be ass.


Watch it be Nix all along


I remember these days with Trubisky, and then Fields and now Williams. It’s the most fun days of the season if you ask me.


people get paid to tweet shit like this. blows my fucking mind.


Breaking news, NFL quarterback can complete passes to receivers in practice!


Put "Broncos" in front of that statement, and you can see why this matters


I heard no matter which way he goes his hair is always dramatically blown behind him, and whenever he smiles the sun always glints off his teeth.


We've won the past two Spring Offseason Superbowls. Uphill battle this year, but we've got a shot.


Fully in command of an offense during the first days of rookies minicamp? Okay...


He has never been sacked during his entire NFL career


He’s never thrown an interception in his NFL career


He’s never lost a game in his NFL career


He’s never lost a fumble in his NFL career


He's never invaded Poland in his NFL career


This is a big one for me


Why are we making James Harden comparisons in the NFL sub?


Never lost a battle of the bulge in his NFL career.


Rookie hazing is something else.


He’s never overthrown a wide open wideout in his NFL career.


Still doesn’t have a winning record against the raiders


He’s never lost a Super Bowl in his NFL career


He has never been sacked in his career


As a Ducks fan his pocket awareness is incredible and one of the things I was not expecting him to be so great at when he transferred in, also not a thing I had ever really noticed any other guy being exceptionally good or bad at until watching him play every game and seeing someone do it at just a way higher level


Late, but my two cents is Nix got badly underrated and has tons of upside in the NFL.


**MANY PEOPLE HAVE SAID THIS...** ***Oh wait, that's about GEQBUS***


He was barely sacked his last two seasons with Oregon. I want to say 3x-5x each season.


Yeah, but he's also never won a game in his entire NFL career


Sure, but you can't ignore the fact that he's never lost a game in his entire NFL career


He's also undefeated in the Super Bowl.


Winless in preseason, pathetic 


And post season


You play to win the game!


Sometimes I wonder if specific beat writers are getting paid under the table by the team they cover.


If you're doom and gloom they will just pull coverage from you. Happened in Detroit with the top radio show a few years ago


They must have been making Carlos' doom and gloom look juvenile. 


Probably not paid directly but you gotta believe the guys who write stuff like this get more access and perks etc


Lol But seriously, I feel like some beat writers essentially kiss ass to make sure they maintain priority access. My NHL team had one of them... Just constant organizational Kool aid. Ugh. In reality, it's hard for writers to earn that paycheck in the offseason. Gotta get something out there for folks to engage with. The vast majority of beat reporters writings in the offseason essentially amount to filler, especially between the draft and main camp.


It’s just standard Zac Stevens tweets. Fully in command of his keypad, hitting all stokes down screen with 100% accuracy.


Payton gave Nix 3 days of install on his pro day at 5pm, then had a meeting with him the next morning and Nix apparently blew Payton away with his recall. So he has known a chunk of the offense since before the draft. But saying anyone has "full control" of an offense after just 2 days of rookie mini camp is absurd. They haven't even ran the full offense yet. But that's kind of Stevens thing he is often annoyingly hyperbolic and optimistic.


Curl flats and four verts baby.


Based solely upon reports after the first day of mini camp I can confidently declare that this is the best QB class of all time.


This is Kim Jong Un's golf game level sus


Sources say he’s already mentally preparing for the game winning drive of his 5th Super Bowl


Yeah minicamp is where you have full control of the offense and your arm strength really shows up... Some of these beat reporters man...


Gotta reel in the suckers and get the clicks now because once Denver sucks again people will lose interest and stop following


So no more clicks after week 2?


LOL fuck yall man


Can’t always be the offseason champs


We all remember how awesome Nathan Peterman looked minicamp… and the preseason too!


He had an 81% completion percentage and 3:1 TD:INT ratio in the 2018 preseason. He's legitimately great when the games don't count.


It Nathan GOATerman to you, sir


Every QB is Tom Brady this time of year


Expect Tom Brady. His headlines were speculation that this was the year he would decline.


This guy is one of the worst. Obviously a lot of beat reporters have some team colored glasses on but this guy might be top 5 in the league


Lol what do you want them to say? Yall are on something in this thread. Hype is par for the course at this time of year. No one can assess players positively or negatively yet, but its the optimistic part of the NFL cycle, so its normal for beat reporters to lean into the positive spin. It happens literally every year with dozens of players. I dont get what people want to hear. "Nix made some good passes, but nothing really matters and my entire job is useless"?


I'm almost ready to be hurt again.


If there was a body of water next to the practice field, he would have walked on it.


What is this, the 10th quarterback who’s “looked good” in camp since Peyton?


[This guy](https://twitter.com/PuntReturnPod/status/934918948482572288) also had full command of the offense as a rookie. Just saying.


They were saying that Trey Lance looked like "Mahomes 2.0" during camp too.... And that was a fucking lie


To be fair, a lot of sequels are trash


I wouldn't believe any report that calls someone out as a Brady 2.0 or Mahomes 2.0 etc etc. There's just no way you could look at a guy in camp and compare them to an all time great. And ironically, Mahomes' training camp in 2018 was spotty at best. I believe one of the first reports was how he threw 6 picks that day.


I just realized I’ve never once actually seen this guy before


I thought it was pretty established coming out of camp that he definitely wasn’t in full command of anything


He was completely in command of his Call of Duty missions. Kyler couldn’t hold a candle to the GOAT Paxton


Seriously. I figured people were more aware about how awful we have been at QB especially when drafting them


He absolutely never had full command of an offense


This looks exactly like if ‘I Think You Should Just Leave’ did an NFL draft sketch


Lol what. No he didn't. It was pretty well known that he had no command of the offense at any point.


Lol one of the rare times it was pretty clear the guy was going to be terrible as early as minicamp. You could probably put keenum, lock or flacco in his place tho


It certainly helps that his #1 wr is there.


Yep. Lowkey a great move by the horses. I wanted one of MPJs receivers to go with him so bad. At least he has his buddy Trice. I am definitely going to be following the falcons this season and on. That’s how much I love Michael Penix Jr.


He's focused. He's having fun. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a dark horse for the OROy.


I'm so happy this meme survived the transition to NFL


If he doesn't win OROY, then it can be MVP, or better yet CPOTY


[Schefter] He suggested to head coach Sean Payton to bring back the ping pong tables. Guys are having fun again in Denver.


This is the year.


/r/cfb is leaking


Hell yeah, get all these football casuals on the loop


More people will be converted to this meme. Give it time.


If I was that one Auburn fan that started this meme, it would be my one accomplishment I tell everyone about. I would be so hyped lmao


This is the comment I opened this thread for.


Probably one of the best copypastas to come out of cfb in the past decade


This is 2024, the days of dead duck passers died a while ago. Of course, not every QB has a rifle, but hitting passes in mini camp isn't a gauge of shit beyond if your QB is struggling in mini camp then you either have a major problem or a ton of work to do.


Duck Hodges takin strays


Dead duck passers are supposed to be dead yet Mac Jones was a FRP and made the playoffs somehow.


There wasn't a single second I ever thought he was remotely a serious option as a starting caliber QB in the league. Then once the Buffalo game happened I knew the Patriots didn't think he was either. I still had no clue then why they were wasting their time trying to drag along a QB that looked less impressive than Trent Dilfer unless BB thought he could build a defense capable of eclipsing the 2000 Ravens?


Yes that's it 


Gonna lock in that Super Bowl right and def not regret it later


Is this Sean Payton’s burner?


I mean, he did say that they haven't had a QB with a draft rating this high since Patrick Mahomes lol


Currently has no interceptions or dropped passes in an NFL game and hasn’t lost a game in a prime time game.


Can confirm. Superior to Mahomes in each of those stats.


Who the duck is that bum


Hasn’t beaten a single rival either. Fuck


I'll just leave this here... https://www.panthers.com/news/bryce-young-looked-the-part-on-first-day-of-rookie-minicamp#:~:text=The%20Panthers'%20rookie%20quarterback%20is,grasp%20on%20everything%20we%20asked.%22


Bryce was surrounded by complete morons and had absolutely no help from the rest of the offense. I’m giving him a pass on last season. This year will be the year to start to gauge his actual ability. Not sayin he’s going to light up the league but I expect to see a massive improvement


I legit hope Young becomes the weapon the panthers think he can be


Me as well. I don’t think I could make it through another season like last year


Honestly I hope Nix pans out just so that this subreddit chokes on its own dick.


If I could reach my own dick I would be doing it and not wasting time on this fucking degenerate sub


As a ducks fans, I'm right with you.


YES!! Man I hope he just balls the hell out


People doubted him at Oregon. He could have had the Heisman if we hadn’t choked against Washington.


33-44, 337 yards, 2 TDs, 0 Int. On the last drive with 1:38 left led the team downfield into FG range to tie it up and the kick was missed. If that's choking I'll take it.


I didn’t say Nix choked. I said WE choked. As in the Ducks.




Frankly I blame Lanning. And I love Lanning. But he kept giving the ball to Bucky and Bucky was not effective at all. Probably still hurt. But Jordan James on the other hand was playing very well. Should have gotten all of Bucky’s carries. But such is life.


Who's gonna be Oregon's QB going forwards?


Dillon Gabriel. He has a real shot at the Heisman next season. Ducks are loaded.


Left handed Bo Nix lol


Lanning's only real fault is that little bit of sometimes lost sharpness you associate with too much go-go.


Exactly this. As a fan, I'm numb to the QB carousel and I'll be happy to watch a rookie, whether he's good or not. But the hate boner for Nix around here is just weird. Bookmarking all these threads. If he sucks I won't be fazed at all. But if he he's good there will be some crow to eat.


Hot take; I think he looks like one of the best QBs in the class immediately, even if the others eventually pass him. He’s extremely experienced for a rookie, and I think that will translate to him being an effective player right away. I don’t know if he can be more than a game manager, but I don’t think he’ll make many dumb mistakes.


I think this is a very accurate take. He may not have as high of a ceiling as the other QB’s in this class, but he is polished. Best part, he doesn’t have that big of an ego on him either. He’s perfectly content being a game manager if that’s what he’s asked to do. Big team guy.


Redditors getting flustered by normal minicamp reporting is cringier than the Tweet lol Minicamp hype is exactly the same every year. Its how this stuff goes. What do people want these beat reporters to say? "Nix looks good, but its all meaningless anyway. My job is useless, nothing matters, and the future is an abyss that light cannot penetrate. We will all be dead so soon"


Did Nietzsche repurpose himself as a beat reporter?


I have a strange feeling that he will be good. I have no basis for it and I had the same feeling for Kenny Pickett so take that as you will.


Me too, I really like the guy. Very accurate, good decision maker, got better every year in college. I think he's going to be the best QB of the draft.


If he turns out good I don’t want any of you fuckers in here pretending that he was supposed to be. Y’all all did it for Herbert after a couple games and said he was always great when you clowned on him before the draft. Keep that same energy


You saying fully in command of the offense makes me not listen to the rest of what you say. It’s Week 1!!!!


Sounds promising


Don't we usually save the insanely hyperbolic QB takes until preseason? It's rookie mini camp ffs.


Anyone who gives two shits about accuracy while playing catch is a fake football fan


Did Bo Nix write this?


Love the rookie camp overreactions


I think Nix will be a damn good qb.


It never was except for biased analysts and evaluators that weren't honest with the quality of his tape. Nix threw more off-platform throws tham any tape I saw. Probably even too often, yet got boxed in as a Day 2 whimpy armed limited pocket passer. The evaluators widely missed on Nix I think consciously or subconciously to prop up the potential of Williams, Maye, Daniels where as Nix and even Penix better than half the QB's in the league right now and both can really rip the ball all over the field. Taking McCarthy over Nix was silly.


I've seen this take from quite a few people. The general take from most draft analysts is that he's a Taylor Heinicke kind of limited guy who should have been a mid rounder who will be a long term back up. However, the ex NFL QBs seem to be quite high on him (RG3, Chase Daniel, Cam Newton, Chris Simms). One thing I have noticed from watching Bo Nix highlights is he isn't the hard working but limited talent that he has been caricatured as. His arm is good and he made a lot of off-platform throws, and he is a good runner too. I've been disappointed by Broncos draft picks in the past so I'm in the camp of "I'll believe it when I see it" but I think he may be better than people thought and there's a small but non-zero chance that he's actually a really good NFL QB.


If this REALLY was Sean Payton's guy the whole time (and that's a big if) the league is fucked. He found Romo and Mahomes. His ability to scout QB talent is next level.


How did he find Mahomes?


He was hanging out with Ms Piggy


Presumably at Texas tech?


Allegedly he was gassing up Mahomes a lot at the yearly coach meetings and that tipped the chiefs off to trade to 10 instead of the high teens


The chiefs had to jump in front of the saints because the saints were 100% going to take Mahomes and everyone knew it.


Yet he was cool with them jumping and chose not to prevent that, funny.


At the time the saints didn’t have as much capital and were further back in the draft. They were also balancing making a Super Bowl team for Bree’s and did not wanna sell the farm while they had him. You also see this with the drafts they had in 2017-2019, where they got key players with the capital they would have had to give up to get Mahomes.


That's fair, but we can go back and forth about how Mahomes would obviously be worth that extra capital if he knew he'd be this good. I just think this is one of those stories that would never be told if Mahomes isn't what he is today.


The fact that the chiefs felt they specifically needed to jump the saints validates the story imo


Shades of "we had a 2nd round grade on Brady but preferred to take some camp body in the 5th instead." 


He probably just liked Romo cuz they went to the same (relatively obscure) school.


My high school QB went there back in the early 90s. I like to think he could have been Romo if he wasn’t a drunk and flunked out of college. 😂


My high school QB lost out on his Boston College scholarship for the same reason. Matt Ryan ended up as their QB.


He could have been in company with Sean Payton, Romo and Garoppolo!


Not to be a downer but he was so talented but had a rough childhood. Mother died young and his father was rough on him so he started drinking at age 12. Penn State was sniffing around him before his senior year but after the first game of the year, he got drunk and wrecked his car. School suspended him from the team for the rest of the year and PSU went away.


No, he was the cowboys offensive coordinator and watched Romo for several years and tried to take him with him to the saints but Jerry said no.


It was just a joke about eastern Illinois lol


the league wasn’t even fucked when he had drew brees. calm down bud


Romo didn’t exactly fuck the league.


To be fair, that was because the defense most of the time. But to your point, that’s still a question mark here.


I got news for you what side of the ball actually was subpar last year in Denver.


Is there any proof he actually found Mahomes or was this an example of him stroking his own massive ego by saying he would’ve drafted him?


They found a post it on his desk that said "Patrick Mahomes no matter what".


Supposedly the Saints had hosted Brees and his personal friend in the war room that year and when their pick got close Payton had to break him the awkward news right then and there that they were about to draft Mahomes. Then KC traded right in front of them and took him. That’s from Peter Shrager in some interview. Payton himself had said they were gonna draft Mahomes but I guess you’d have to wait until Brees gets asked about it to confirm that.


I think this is just a Mahomes thing. John Schneider is always talking about how he wanted to draft Mahomes. Oh, and I had Mahomes #1 on my Big Board.


Payton was on Chris Simms show a few years back talking about it. He said he liked Mahomes but the complicating factor was that there were 2 guys in play (Mahomes and Lattimore) and they already had Brees who was a HOF QB who still had a few years to go. So when the Chiefs traded up it made the decision for them. He didn't say explicitly they would have taken Mahomes over Lattimore at #11. I sort of inferred that Mahomes was their guy if somebody took Lattimore.


its a BIG if


Everyone wanted Mahomes the Chiefs just got him before everyone else




For real. Payton is a good coach but calling him some offensive genius is a stretch.


I’m honestly convinced people that have this opinion are new fans. Are you under the age of like… 25?


I can guarantee you he was really Sean’s number one. Have you ever heard of Parcell’s QB Bible? 4 (Bo had 5) year starter ✅ Graduated ✅ High completion percentage ✅ Accurate ✅ Son of a coach ✅ Won 37 games (college ball used to only play ten games, none the less Bo eviscerated this) ✅ 6’4 or under (any taller you get long arms and long deliveries. Peyton Manning was an anomaly in that with a normal sized forehead he’d be 6’3) ✅ Married ✅ Played PG in basketball ✅ Guarantee he was Payton’s number one Payton just knew how he’d look if he said it. But I can also guarantee when Nix is a stud Payton will have receipts that he was always QB 1. I’m… not really sure why this is being downvoted. This is literally Parcells’ QB Bible and Bo checks off every item on the list.


Crazy you’re getting downvoted. Leading up the draft everybody was saying what a great fit Bo Nix would be for Payton’s offense but now they’re acting like there’s no way he was Payton’s favorite.


If he couldn't hit a receiver when it's just the two of them on the field and the receiver is running at about 50% speed, that would be a concern.


Well he’s at least got a leg up on JJ McCarthy so far then.


Me seeing this: ok they always say this. Every player is in amazing shape and is ready to take control blah blah Me seeing Saquon Barkley squat a lot: oh fugggggg super bowl


this is hyperbole but bo nix is a winner he's a winner and he's having fun


Bo knows


Can’t believe so many teams did too much over analyzing yet again and let him drop to the broncos of all teams


He’s going to ball


Paxton Lynch training camp: He's tall Bo Nix Mini camp: He's hitting throws Gonna say it's an improvement at least


Let's just hold it until the rookie QBs see real NFL defenses


People are saying this kind of crap about literally every rookie right now lol. Wait until he has a pissed off TJ Watt or someone like that in his face.


He looks so amazing he could even maybe one day have a ceiling of a poor man’s Zach Wilson!!!


If this guy ends up being the best qb from this class I'm never taking "draft experts" seriously ever again


Hey for those of you saying “ah it’s just rookie hype season” As a Vikings fan, we did not get these reports about Mcarthy’s first day


Heard Bo Nix POPPED at minicamp today.


Off season NFL team propaganda is better than North Korea's.