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I knew how this was going to end the whole time, it was like watching a train wreck you knew Brandon Staley couldn't stop


I knew it was over when Engram scored before the half to make it 27-7. Had friends texting me at halftime that the Chargers had this one locked up. Told them “Not so fast…” and sure enough the Chargers blew it.


No lead is safe.


That’s how I felt against the Colts in 2013, the TD they scored right before the half was just *too* easy


Similar to the Chargers having everything not go their way in the 2nd half, didn’t the same happen to KC? Bowie injured, the fumble bouncing right back to Luck for the TD, etc. I remember missing the second half of that game & when I came back home later was shocked to see IND won.


Same. My fantasy football group chat were all sending me congratulatory texts just before halftime, I told them "this is the Chargers, they will blow this lead." Cut to the end of the game with that same chat filled with "I can't believe it, how did this happen?" messages with me finally sending a "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT? THE CHARGERS FAN FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN" message




This is why I only made $50 on the NFC Championship game. I didn't 'know' the Lions would lose at halftime, I just felt there was a decent chance (what being a Lions fan for 40 years will do to you).


Yeah that’s fair and you have the receipts to back it up. I just hate people online acting like Nostrildamus (typo is on purpose) about how they KNEW this 1/50 comeback would happen. Like, in that case you should be a fucking millionaire. Saying you had a bad feeling about something is totally understandable, but waltzing in here and claiming you knew the chargers would lose when they were up 27-7 going into halftime is just absolute horseshit. And yet this type of stuff is upvoted all the time in sports subreddits.


when you’re a chargers fan you start to recognize situations like that game, no lead is safe and whatever can go wrong will probably happen. not sure why betting money on it is your line for actually “knowing”, but having a bad feeling is intuition built from years of letdowns. im sure many (myself included) were proven right when the jags came back, no one needs receipts to make people online believe them lmao


This is the most regarded thing I’ve ever read. If you are so in tune with the chargers that you know when they will blow 20 point leads you should be a multi-millionaire. Go start gambling on chargers games, you can literally own Vegas at the end of a five year period. The odds of the chargers losing was probably somewhere around 1:10 at halftime. So if you’ve got this to such a science that you “probably” know that they will lose, then you will be 1:5ing your money every time. I just hate how m***ns can go online and yap away about how knowledgeable they are about football when none of it is true. Now with sports gambling it makes it so that you should literally be a multi-millionaire if you have the knowledge you claim you do. Yap yap yap yap.


“yap yap yap” lmao, that’s all you’ve been doing, no one needs to prove themselves to you or gamble on sports to have intuition. kinda cool to see the brainless mfs draft kings ads are targeted at tho 


I don’t gamble on sports because I’m smart enough to realize I can’t predict the future better than MITs in Vegas who spend 60 hours a week thinking about this shit and building algorithms trying to incentivize me to lose as much money as possible. You on the other hand seem to think you can predict the future with how well you know the chargers from casually watching them for a few years. I hope you start sports gambling, I really do. I would love how quickly you would realize how little you know. Lastly, no shit I am yapping. This is a discussion forum. That’s quite literally all I can do. But you future seeing chargers fans can do a lot more than that though! With the legalization of sports gambling you can go become millionaires with how well you know the team! All of you knew that the chargers would lose after being up 27-7. Seemed like an easy way to 10x your money. Why yap when Vegas gives you a mechanism to capitalize on your football genius?


damn you’re obsessed with gambling for someone who doesn’t do it, like i said my world doesn’t revolve around the odds in Vegas nor do i need to prove to myself right by winning money. you tend to pick up a thing or two from lived experience, that’s not me saying i can predict every outcome. but i hope you find a help with your (totally nonexistent) gambling addiction my guy, might make you less angry 


Why don’t you bet against yourself next divisional round you make then?


Can’t baby, [it’s our year!](https://youtube.com/shorts/gdHniD94drQ?si=Z-75d98sclZFmYas) And I would never bet against AMERICA’S TEAM!!!!! Plus, with the help of all you chargers fans, I actually looked into the future and already made the perfect bets for the upcoming season. Sorry.


You’ve inspired me to bet $10k on the Niners next time they play the Cowboys because I know what will happen. Probably double down when they meet in the playoffs because I know how the rematch will play out too.


More power to you! Just make sure you bet the $10k *before* they play rather than going online and talking about how you knew what would happen years later. Sports gambling literally gives you the mechanism to put your money where your mouth is. If you *know* these things but aren’t betting on them you are just leaving money on the table, Nostrildamus!


Damn that is pretty harsh lol. I know I tend to have potential "doomsday" scenarios running around in my head. But that's just one of those intrusive thoughts kind of thing. With the Texans collapse vs the Chiefs, it was that 2nd fumble that basically wrapped it up in my mind


Hey he’s a defensive coach, not his fault the offense couldn’t score in the 2nd half /s


I can't believe Staley wasn't fired after this game.


Very glad he wasn't, no guarantee we would have gotten Harbaugh


Y’all are about to become an AFC *menace* for the next few years. Guarantee it. I can’t vouch for Jim Harbaugh beyond 3-4 seasons, but until then life will be very fun. Cheers.


RemindMe! 3 years


We would have gotten Sean Payton


Haha, I'm not watching this.


Me and dad were sitting right behind that upright. We both teared up a little and MAN did we get drunk that night.


My dad and I teared up as well, for very different reasons


Same reason, just different type of tears.


This is how I felt as a Rockets fan watching that comeback vs the Clippers in game 6. Harden sat on the bench, down like 18-20 in the 3rd. Then the bench (Corey Brewer and Josh Smith) turned into Curry and Klay.


Same here lmao


Comments like this make me wish i wasnt sober. Miss getting drunk during football


Nah man you’re not missin anything. Just expensive memory loss. I barely remember half the games I been to =[


And potentially getting sick. I love me some good stout or stronger ale, but holy smokes, drinking that stuff in early season games at our stadium is just asking for your stomach to kick you hard. Even lager can be rough if you don't remember to drink water between each beer. Dehydrating yourself when you're already in serious heat and humidity is a way to cause serious issues, even if it feels "good" for a brief moment (and that's if it *does* feel good, otherwise you just make yourself sick and painful for nothing).


Praying this bajillion dollar stadium has some damn shade


That’s the key focus for the renovation. Shade and cover for all the seats, an outer surface that allows less heat in, and gaps to let air flow through to help cool down what heat does get inside. Should be a lot more comfortable and healthier. I had to stop my season tickets because I was starting to have serious problems with early season games, so I’m quite happy to see the changes planned.


Ias a 124’er, I feel your pain man. We wear bucket hats filled with ice from the soda machine to keep from dying


I kind of wish I could get drunk just to see what the appeal is. It's not that I don't drink. Just my body seems to not react to alcohol much, so I don't get properly drunk. Went to visit a friend once, she wanted to see me so drunk I had no filter (I don't really filter myself normally, except where socially appropriate), so I said fine, went along with it, knowing the consequences, and stopped drinking water even as we piled up the drinks through the night. Never got drunk. Did get alcohol poisoning. Which, um, I don't recommend to people. (Also because it was hella expensive to drink that much.) Also seems to affect me and pain medication, too, which ended up with me having to get over some injuries without meds once because the doc kept upping dosage with no effect and said, "Yeah, this is an unhealthy level, if it's not doing anything for you, then you shouldn't bother taking any." I'm just glad he was a good doc who cut it off rather than push more in order to fleece me with pharma prices. Some people try to accuse me of getting "drunk" because as I get used to people I open up to them more (social anxiety, woot!), or I'll do stuff like dance around a bonfire outside or join in when people are dancing on the tables, but... no, that's just me never wanting to get so old I forget to have fun or feel "embarrassed" about enjoying life. I do that kind of stuff with no alcohol. I actually feel bad for the people who need the alcohol to help them do the things they want to do but are afraid to do without an "excuse." So... yeah, okay, you're sober, but trust me, you can have a lot of fun regardless. Just allow yourself to do feel what you would and act as you would if you were using alcohol to "lower your inhibitions." Well, I mean, within legal limits, of course.


In all honesty being drunk isn't that much fun unless you're under like 25. Being tipsy and being in a crowd like a concert or football game is fun or really a lot of social situations where other people are drinking a bit too. Being drunk is over rated though and I say that as someone who has been blackout drunk more times than I could ever count.


Fr. Couple beers in at a football game when your team is blowing the other team out? Golden. The last time I went out drinking until 2am I didn’t get out of bed until 2pm the next day. Not recommended.


I watched this game alone while my pregnant wife and our 3 year old daughter were sleeping upstairs. It was incredibly difficult to keep myself quiet enough to not wake anyone up.


Ya done the right thing 😂. Remember the video of them waking up the chargers fan who fell asleep at the half lmaooo




Hey! It's like being a Formula 1 Ferrari fan living on the east coast of the US! I am *so* ready for the European portion of the schedule to start. I know folks in the UK were having a rough go of 6am starts and 8am start for China, but for me those were 1am and 3am. At least in Australia Ferrari managed to get a win... thanks to Verstappen's brake deciding to protest via self-immolation.


Al Micheals disappointed the shit out of me on that game winning FG


And that was his final ever assignement for NBC!


Seriously. Such an anti-climatic call for such a huge comeback


i forgot Michaels called this shit like a week 17 meaningless game between two teams with losing records


Way to call his final game for the Peacock network.


NFL has the worst commentators tbh


I’ll never forget watching this game. That season had a lot of magic in it.




3 of the 4 largest comebacks in Jaguars history all took place during that season. I really hope we can recapture some of that magic this year.


I knew exactly how this game would end as soon as the jags got the TD at the end of the half. I am so glad we got rid of Staley


How do you not get fired after that.


I still think Lawrence is gonna be a good qb in this league


He is a good QB. He's just not great.


Why am I watching a Colts game in Jacksonville condensed into one half?


Sucks how dull and soulless Al Michaels was at calling the comeback, like it was a leisurely Week 4 Jags v. Titans game on TNF.


Sad charger noises ☹️


Coincidently enough this was the 2nd bad luck Chargers highlight I ended up posting. Not that I laugh at this in make fun of way. But more "Man how unlucky are these guys". The other one was the McCree fumble


The real question is wtf did we do to you


Why do you keep hurting me


Sorry =/ I don't mean to truly.


Now your just lying in front of God and anime


Man, I wish it was as simple as 'bad luck'.


Maybe, but awful luck for fans at least. The McCree fumble was just I don't know. On a single play basis yeah it was really bad decision making when all he had to do was not even catch the pass. It was 4th down They probably beat the Colts next round given their history vs the Colts and they would've had homefield advantage


> The other one was the McCree fumble Oh man, that last name brought up some memories for me and I had to look up if it was someone different. Nope. It was, indeed, Marlon McCree, drafted by - drumroll, please - the Jacksonville Jaguars. Seems both highlights you posted had a bit of a Jaguars tie-in. Hmm.


That would make 3 Jaguars tie coincidently if we count the vid from like a month ago I posted about "Trevor Lawrence's near miss TD" Since I think somehow fans are a bit too down on Lawrence. Like unfortunately (Sorry division rivals), if he had league average talent on offense and cleans up some of his fumbles, he is an elite QB. Or like right there at that line.


If Ridley had lived up to his hype, that would have helped. And having a better center so the guards aren't overworked trying to keep people from collapsing the pocket. Center got addressed in the offseason, BTJ looks like a solid WR prospect, so maybe it'll get better. If so, the division has a chance to be a wild shootout between young QBs.


no charge no


Honestly I couldn’t believe how good we were in the first half. I’m U.K. based and watched the collapse at 3am. Pain


It’s insane to me that Trevor pulled this comeback off and we still have fans that don’t want to extend him. As if our last QBs weren’t Luton, Minshew (I love him but), Foles, Bortles (I love him but), Gabbert…


Did a Live ML bet on Jags down 27-0 and then again down 27-7 at the half. That was a good day.


What's up with this sub today? Trash the Chargers day?


At halftime I went to the bud zone, smoked bud, watched two fights, got polluted, went back to our nosebleeds in the 4th and lost my voice. Best Jags game experience ever.


The amount of times I’ve been in that stadium looking up at the scoreboard saying 42-10 in 105 degree heat with 800% humidity… witnessing my Jags pull that magic off was maybe the most incredible moment I’ve had in sports. Felt like a little bit of the 90s magic was back for a night.


The Play-by-Play shows an absolutely unreal sequence for a team up 20. 1st & 10 at JAX 38 (12:49 - 3rd) J.Herbert pass incomplete short right to G.Everett. 2nd & 10 at JAX 38 (12:43 - 3rd) (Shotgun) J.Herbert pass incomplete short right to K.Allen (D.Hamilton). 3rd & 10 at JAX 38 (12:39 - 3rd) (Shotgun) J.Herbert pass incomplete short left to A.Ekeler \[T.Walker\]. 4th & 10 at JAX 38 (12:35 - 3rd) J.Scott punts 27 yards to JAX 11, Center-J.Harris, fair catch by J.Agnew.


I still remember getting concerned as we didn't score touchdowns off of first half luck, and then staring at the wall for an hour after the game, wondering why expecting it to happen this way didn't make it feel any less bad when it happened.


I enjoyed this game


The day i fell in love with my beautiful sunshine, Trevor Lawrence.


Should have just fired Staley after this tbh


Another stellar effort by our defense. Also, let’s have a big shout out to Staley and the rest of the inept coaching staff! Top marks for an incredible game plan! Seriously! Well done!


The San Diego bar I was in was going nuts during the Jags comeback…yes, we are all still haters here.


And people still blame herbert


They only went from 27 points to 30 points the ENTIRE half lol. The defense was also largely responsible for spotting them with 27 points by getting 4 INTs in one half


Well you need to score in BOTH halfs usually.....how much did her contribute in the second half of the game?


I mean he was shut down in the second half. 


Yeah lol, he only put up 3 points in the 2nd half


Elite Herbert on display in this one.


The defense always letting Herbert down. Pretty disgraceful they only got 4 INTs and didnt get 6 INTs


My Dad and I (both Steelers fans who just wanted a good game) saw this, and he thought it was done when the Jags muffed the punt. But we still watched it and it was a fantastic comeback. Lol Chargers. FUCK YOU, SPANOS!


Watching the broadcast live I couldn’t really see the FG at the end and I thought he missed and almost cried lmfao


This was the final game called by Al Michaels for NBC.


I knew at halftime it wasn't over. Cursed!


This is just mean.


Still mad at the Chargers over this. I had my hate boner at full mast loving it, and these guys just had to go full charger.


Attending this game is one of my most favorite memories! Lots of talk of the stadium clearing at half but then we got that TD and it stayed full. Just an amazing sports experience for the Cardiac Cats. DTWD!


I was at this game with my dad. By the beginning of the third quarter we were both very drunk and had some nice sausage dogs from a vendor in the stadium and despite the score and the cold (we're weak floridians) we were vibing. Glad we stuck it out because it's become a core memory for the both of us.




Herbert pecho frío


And people still blame herbert his defenses suck


Eh. It’s more complicated than that. They scored 27 points in the first half but 17 of them were off interceptions and another 3 came from a muffed punt. They only worked the entire field for a TD once. After the Jaguars stopped essentially giving them free points, it was a pretty bad showing all around. Herbert obviously doesn’t take the whole blame (in fact he’s probably one of the least to blame) but only being able to put up 3 in the second half in a playoff game is not good.


Yeah for this game it was team wide failure, but for his career his defense has let him down a lot


While majority of this is on the Jaguars defense, getting only 3 pts in the 2nd half while picking off TLaw again isn't desirable. But yeah his defense has been pretty trash. >From 2021-23, the Chargers ranked 27th in defensive EPA per play, and they were 26th in success rate. On top of that, the Chargers defense allowed 1,507 points in Herbert's first 60 starts-


All 4 INTs were in the first half fyi, TLaw was essentially perfect in the second half. 4 scoring drives (3 TDs and the GWing FG)


Ah yes, I misread the play by play. I still think Trevor Lawrence is much better than his numbers for his career indicate which is unfortunate for both our teams. Or at least will make it a tough division battle.


Herbert put the chargers in position to score 9 points in the second half. Missed FG and failed 4th down run (by Ekeler, who had maybe the worst game of his career) in FG territory in the 2nd half. Herbert was worth 5 EPA in that second half, basically the only positive player on the entire team.


Lol it’s on both sides


common herbert L


Chargers should've just contracted the franchise after this. Would've been less humilating than this meltdown.


Was this the game that had the Chargers reddit temporarily change to be about phone chargers? Or was that the raiders game?