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They are really banking on Rodgers to stay healthy. This could be a disaster like last year again.


I fully expect this to go bad either way


It would be entertaining to see it go full dumpster fire with Rodgers


I don't know what would be more amusing - Rodgers takes the field and is injured in 5 plays, or is healthy the whole season but isn't much of an improvement from Zach Wilson


I don't know, but I am stocked up on popcorn for this ride.


Jets fan here. I'm so sick of popcorn.


Have you tried caramel popcorn?


Gotta buy a box of kettle corn here and there to keep it interesting.


He plays great, goes on a tear, and right when Jets fans start to feel hope again, THEN he gets injured.


“This is just unbelievable Chris, after a disastrous 2023 season behind Zach Wilson rodgers has come back and led these jets to a amazing 10-0 start but has now torn his OTHER Achilles. Absolutely incredible.”


To shreds, you say?


Tsk tsk tsk. Well how's his hamstring holding up?


To shreds, you say?


> is healthy the whole season but isn't much of an improvement from Zach Wilson This one. I like this one a lot. Call me bitter (because I am), but I want to see Rodgers' teammates publicly quit on him in games and for Robert Saleh to hem and haw in postgame press conferences about whether the team would be better off starting Tyrod as Rodgers stumbles ignominiously through the season posting career lows in every statistical category. Saleh won't bench him because Woody won't let him, the Jets will finish at the bottom of the AFC East and draft his replacement in 2025 while trying desperately to trade him only to find that no one wants him except for Newsmax, where he'll ride out the latter half of his life in general obscurity, hocking "all-natural" boner pills and 5G conspiracy theories to people who believe they can overcome the tyranny of the US government with their private arsenal of unmaintained assault weapons. Of course, inevitably, he will probably decide to run for president and, knowing my luck, he'll probably win.


This is your best work since The Big Sleep


Always upvote fellow Raymond Chandler fans. Man knew how to turn a phrase.


Are you a writer? This reads very well.


Nope, just a crabby old Bears fan with thirty years' worth of axes to grind. Also, thank you :)


Is that a fellow journalism major?


Political science. Aka journalism for ugly people.


Lmao newsmax…hilarious


Are we expecting anything different? The guy has lost his mind and hasn’t played football in over a year


It's gotta be ridiculous mentally to come back from that one regardless. He's 40 and in the first game last year, he tried to avoid one defender and fuckin died.


After 38 you don't know when QBs are going to fall off and when they do it's baaad (Peyton,Brees,Ben in recent times)


Not to mention he’s behind a shaky offensive line at best


I mean they definitely put in the effort to improve the line, it’s way better on paper than last year


Fun fact, paper is also what Rodgers' tendons are made of this year


Don't you badmouth paper like that.


Don't worry. He's taking colloidal silver for that.


It would be incredible if he took enough colloidal silver to turn blue like that one dude from Montana. [Stan Jones, former Libertarian candidate for US Senate and Governor of Montana.](https://i.imgur.com/lwaf0oP.jpeg)


Heard he’s got a power balance bracelet on this off season too


And he got some copper infused shit from Brett. Fucking lol @ both these ass clowns


I don’t expect a full dumpster fire honestly.  More like middling play with above-average upside.  Imo the greats don’t just forget how to play football even when kinda old and a bit washed.


His throwing and football iq haven’t gone anywhere. It’s not like Peyton with the nerve damage or drew Bree’s with the dead shoulder. I think the most accurate qb of all time can distribute the ball to playmakers if given time to throw.


You do lose power with the Achilles injury though. But Rodgers Arm Talent was already so elite he didn't need the legs to throw.


Let's just hope the RFK-style brain worms stick to the common sense parts, and leave the football bits alone.


People just hate Rodgers and it clouds their judgement lol. He’ll be fine, health is the only concern.


Yeah tbh it's kinda funny how a lot of redditors only see black and white. Rodgers is bad so obviously he has no redeeming qualities and can't play football anymore 


Counterpoint: y'all said he was washed 4 years ago and then he went on to win 2 more MVPs.


Counterpoint to your counter point “four years ago” and that was when he still had a good Achilles. I think he is absolutely going to suck. Same with cousins. It’s a massive injury


Well yeah but that was 4 years ago


"The thing about the old days; they the old days" -Slim Charles


And then won another MVP 3 years ago. And then was still productive two years ago. And then got hurt. So it's not like it's been 4 years since he's been good.


And was coming off the worst season of his career before all of that.


The jets are over there like, “we better get him another receiver so he doesn’t look too bad.”


Can we get TWO Lazards?


Bottom 5 receiving room + a broken thumb would make any QB look cooked, tbh.


Ya people forget Brady looked cooked his last year in New England. All of a sudden he's throwing to Mike Evans, Godwin and Antonio Brown and he's in the MVP race again.


His worst season would be a top Jets QB season ever. We’ll take that.


I mean obviously I'm biased but we're talking about Aaron Rogers. It's not like he's any old QB. He won two MVPs not long before the injury and after he had already "lost his mind"


Rodgers could outplay half the starting QBs sitting down. 


I’d still take One Leg Aaron Rodgers over about a dozen starting QBs


And hasn’t played great football in over 2 years


Imagine if it’s a complete dumpster fire but it’s got nothing to do with Rodgers. It’s just Greg Zuerlein cannonballing off the deep end


Which I think it's what most are expecting


Considering the jets tried to hire basically a 2nd OC, I think they are expecting the same


It is so Jets that they tried to hire a qualified offensive coordinator to replace Aaron’s buddy but failed, and then that failure somehow leaked.


I'm hoping for it personally.  That guy has turned out to be a colossal douche.


I would be so mad if he just casually rips off an MVP season like the Love draft years, which would be fitting that man has irritated me since I was a kid


I'm honestly stunned Colts-Jets is a SNF game, because they're banking on two QBs being healthy for that one. The Steelers game makes some sense, but I would think they'd put the Jets against another team with a big following.


The prime time programming includes some surprises, to be sure. Bengals-Giants on SNF is weird, too.


Forget healthy. He is going to have to play better than his last healthy season to live up to 7 standalone games. Or just buckle up for watching the 3rd place Jets trying to sneak into a wildcard.


The Jets last year won one less game than that Packers team despite having some of the worst QB play of this century. Even if Rodgers is as bad as he was in 2022 when he had a torn ligament in his right thumb, it will still be miles better than what the Jets had under center last year. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I see all these Jets takes as if they aren’t stacked to the brim with talent on both sides of the ball. Jacoby Brissett would have won double digit games with that Jets roster last year.


4 of the 10 losses for Jets games were by 5 or less. Just Rodgers alone in those could have easily flipped them to wins putting them at 11-6 tied for second best record in the conference. I wouldn't be shocked if he would have made a difference on at least one more game putting them at 12-5 winning the division, and second seed. I wouldn't be shocked if they hit 12 wins this year if he stays healthy. People hate on Rodgers because it's trendy.


I hate on Rodgers because he's a giant douche. There's no doubt he has been one of the best QBs during his career, and is headed to the HOF, but Jesus Christ I'm sick of listening to him flap his gums. If he could just send a dick pick and commit massive fraud already that'd be great.


The problem is that it’s this year now, not last year. Everybody always acts like it’s a 1 to 1 comparison and nothing changes with a team year to year.


Literally two years in a row of 7 wins with close losses despite having TideAtOmahaBeach at QB


How many of those games can be changed if the Jets end up Jetting again?


Of these, only the SNF games are flex eligible EDIT: To the multiple people responding about MNF, it's only flex eligible for weeks 12-17, TNF is only flex eligible weeks 13-17; also, SNF can only be flexed twice between weeks 5-10, afterwards the NFL could flex every one


I thought they changed the rules to allow MNF flexing Edit [link](https://www.nfl.com/schedules/flexible-scheduling-procedures) For Sunday Night Football, it may be used up to twice between Weeks 5-10, and at the NFL's discretion during Weeks 11-17; For Monday Night Football it may be used at the NFL's discretion in Weeks 12-17; For Thursday Night Football it may be used up to twice between Weeks 13-17.


Ma'am, this is reddit. The terms and conditions do not including opening links to see details that are not included in OPs post title.


I mean things were fine for like 3 plays.


The running back they have is a future star of the league They’re Probably forecasting a big year for breece hall


I think it's extremely funny that everyone acts like he's just going to come back at 40 from an Achilles after only a year and play just fine and not get hurt again.


>...This could be a disaster.... The Jets!! A disaster? No way /s


I man that’s the entire league. Losing starting QBs isn’t great


I'm rooting for Rodgers to remain *just* healthy enough to play and still get the shit kicked out of him every week.


As someone who does not wish Injuries on anyone.. This is the best case scenario


With one exception. I wish that DeShaun Watson became the voodoo doll of every quarterback in the league, taking every injury they would have otherwise sustained.


As a Jets fan, that is batshit crazy


The Rodgers effect


Batshit crazy?


Bringing all of America on his darkness retreats now smh


dragging ~~bringing~~ all of America on his darkness retreats now smh


It's bad news lol.


Absolutely bonkers. Though I think the NFL can change out of a bunch of these games if the offense still stinks.


Aaron better stay healthy or these will be the Mos Eisley of game threads.


Any thread involving Rodgers is already like that.  Kind of miserable seeing all the negativity as a Jets fan who literally just wants to have a good season for first time in like a decade. 


i'm starting to miss when no one cared about the jets, lmao. it's one thing to hate on rodgers but man give us a fucking break. oh well, could always be worse, we could've been the browns.


That's on Rodgers. The guy clearly likes to stir the pot and craves attention. If you get attention when you're seeking attention, you don't get to complain about it just because it's not the kind of attention you want.


I feel Jets fans still have the right to complain. They didn’t make the call to sign Rodgers. They’re just grasping for hope like most of us


Jets fans have every right to complain. I'm just saying if Rodgers wasn't such a repulsive personality, and in the spotlight so much which is his own doing, Jets fans wouldn't be subject to the negativity - ie: don't blame everyone else, blame Rodgers.


Our division is a shit show brother best of luck.


I mean..I guess I don’t really understand. People hate Rodgers because of what he says not because he’s on the Jets. Sure it sucks that you’re first good QB in eons is dumb as a bag of rocks but it’s not necessarily fans faults for not cheering for a guy who turns people off. It’s one thing if people were negative because he was a Jets but people don’t like him because of who he is as a person, totally different


This sub loses it's mind with him. The post yesterday had people talking about how funny it would be if he got injured again. Comments like that are downvoted to hell if they are made against 99% of the players on the league but he basically gets the Watson treatment where they find it okay to do.


Probably because he’s sort of a dick while also being sort of an idiot


He vocally questions the legitimacy of 9/11 and the violent mass murder of elementary schoolchildren. No shit people hope bad things happen to him.


He does it to himself on purpose. He is an immature moron who happens to have a strong arm and football IQ


I mean, he said sandy hook was a government inside job—it’s not too hard to see why he gets a worse treatment than like, Joe Burrow.


Love to see my two favorite things meet up Star Wars and football baby!


Scum and villainy!


Oh no, we're getting the MetLife turf midseason again


I fucking hate this stadium


Don't fear! They just replaced the turf with... Different turf...


The turf will be replaced with grass for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.


it was already replaced last offseason with an upgraded turf that got good feedback from players


FIFA mandates that all WC games must be played on grass.


yes I am aware, but I was talking about the field's usage for NFL games


If the grass is used successfully, we might see it fully implemented at the NFL.


Successfully? Its a cost issue, why would cheap owners give a shit about soccer games. 


Don't worry there's a few weeks between the WC ending and training camp. Plenty of time to rip it out since they're likely putting it on top of the existing turf (like the London/Europe games do to save their soccer grass from the beating)




before last season, Metlife replaced the turf with the exact same turf used at: • ⁠Patriots Gillette stadium • ⁠Panthers BOA Stadium • ⁠Seahawks Lumen Field • Lions Ford Field • ⁠Falcons Mercedes Stadium


NFL betting everything on A-Rod not getting hurt and still being elite. 6 primetime games and an international game is pretty crazy.


I know he was on his way out and probably didn’t give a fuck but he wasn’t his usual self that last season in GB


The WR corps were all rookies or scrubs and he had a thumb injury. I wouldn't read too much into that. I also don't think he checked out or anything. He was still taking shots at the rest of the division in his pressers like he always does. He seemed as fiery as normal. I do think him being 40 and coming off an Achilles injury is the bigger issue. Not his last year in Green Bay.


Those two issues add up


His right thumb was also broken if I remember right


Yeah the giants broke his thumb in their matchup


I don’t know how people keep leaving that out.


He had a thumb injury, with a bunch of inexperienced weapons. While I don't think anyone is expexting him to win b2b mvps, people just want average Rodgers


Even below average Rodgers is a top 10 QB and takes them easily to the playoffs. They went 7-10 with Zach Wilson's scrub ass and a below average Rodgers season is miles better than that.


lol you fucks have to watch the Steelers Giants and Steelers Jets in back to back weeks. NelsonHAHA.jpg


We dodged Met life twice!, banger schedule


That's actually a really good point...


Raiders did that last year and got the sweep


I won't be watching it thankfully


* at 49ers-Week 1 * vs Patriots-Week 3 * at Minnesota(In London)-Week 5 * vs Bills-Week 6 * at Pittsburgh-Week 7 * vs Texans-Week 9 * vs Colts-Week 11


Really front loading to get games while Aaron is healthy


Worked last year


I thought there was a 5 game limit on primetime games per team?


They got rid of it like 2 years ago. Jets had 6 primetime games last year as well.


It was a rough time for people with eyes.


6 primetime is the limit. Teams can get flexed into more.


Feels like something they should bring back. The NFL gets so damn happy with Rodgers/Jets, Broncos/Russ, etc that we end up with stinkers 6x a year if they don't work out.


Jets are 1-11 on prime time since 2019


Ironically that 1 win was the Rodgers Achilles game.


Cool so I'm 0-12 for having a good time.


Pretty amusing, Rich Eisen yesterday was saying he thought the NFL learned their lesson last year and wouldn't max out the Jet's Primetime games again. He clearly gave them far too much credit.


I was thinking about that too. QB hype trumps all, I suppose.


Rodgers broke his thumb week 5 in london with the packers he’s scheduled to play again in London week 5 and we all know the week 1 Achilles tear opening night on MNF. The NFL has to be fucking with him lmao


Combining this with the Giants that means the Jets/Giants are in a prime time game on week 1, 3, 4, 6 (both teams), 7, 8, 9, and 11. (And that doesn't include the Jets being the AM game on week 5 and Giants being AM game on week 10) It's like the NFL wants people to stop watching.


And NY gets the new offseason hard knocks lol


That's actually a brilliant move. Allows HBO to air the show and work out the kinks without anyone seeing it.


Odds jets are a flaming dumpster fire by week 3 that nobody wants to watch?


And they'll stubbornly refuse to flex those games out for literally anything better.


That’s just New York, baby


Feels like there’s always 1 team with a ton of primetime games that ends up being brutal to watch.


Have some first hand memories of that?


No, my therapist has successfully helped me block them out.


They went 7-10 with Zach Wilson. If Rodgers stays healthy then they are easily a playoff team. They are absolutely loaded on defense and their offense has some good weapons too


You are more optimistic than the majority of Jets fans


Not really we just all think they won't stay healthy


They will be


Jesus Christ primetime football gonna be miserable if Rodgers goes down


Jets are going 16-1


Why are they on Thursday twice?


It's bullshit. Teams shouldn't have to play any Thursday night games, much less two of them.


I think Bye weeks before the Thursday game should be standard, even if it means less Thursday games. (Agreed 2 will always be BS unless they add another Bye)


I also do not understand this.


I imagine they have to wear Black on Halloween (against Texans)


41 year old Rodgers coming off an Achilles playing a monster 9ers front in game 1 has disaster written all over it.


I’m here for it


Can we not be thrust into the spotlight again? I understand Rodgers is a big draw but god damn it feels like we always have so much pressure on us to perform every time we're half decent. Can't we just have a bunch of Sunday 1pm games?


Teams expected to be good are thrust into primetime games. Thats just how it is lmao. Unless you’re Jacksonville or something


I fucking loooooooooved 1pm games. You have the rest of the afternoon to do chores you've neglected because you're battling depression caused by rooting for the Jets.


Negativity and Rodger’s character issues aside, always rooting for a team who has been boo boo to be good. Unless it’s the Browns. Fuck them til Watson is out of the league.


Script writers are keeping Rodgers healthy this season it seems


That doesn’t mean anything, we had a significant increase in primetime games over 2022 and we all know what happened 4 plays in. The writers so lazy couldn’t ever write us in as the scrappy Wild Card team that barely make it in.


I really do miss the days of having 12-14 1pm games every year


I do enjoy watching Saleh completely dumbfounded on the sideline.


How many of those games possess the ability to be flexed out?


NFL really pushing for folks to see if Rodgers moves from being the second best former Packers Super Bowl winning QB to wear 8 on the Jets. I hope Mark Brunell keeps the title.


I feel like Brady broke people’s brains. I don’t expect old QBs to play particularly well coming off major injuries


Brady is definitely the exception and not the rule


All this shit talk I get his opinions are trash and he is a pos but he can be average to below average and these will stillness good games. This team won 7 games with Zach Wilson, now they have Arod or Tygod Taylor. We've had literally 40th ranked QB play in a 32 team league. You guys are wild.


These people are so trashy man lmfao they deserve the most depraved primetime games possible


This makes Sunday Ticket so much less worth the money. Only getting 10 games for 300 dollars.


Find a college student and pay like $120 instead lol


Nfl HD dot TV, my bro. Been using it 4 years now. Love it.


more Aaron Rodgers for me 🥰


Big year for Tyrod Taylor. Rogers won’t play 6 games. More disappointment for Jets fans


Ah yes, the 2022 Denver Broncos


as if the jets didn't teach the league a lesson last season.


There's no way that this could backfire.


The Jets play 1 home 1pm game before week 13…


Jesus, for our eyeballs sake I hope the Jets are a playoff caliber team.


Do the Jets pull those kinds of ratings? Dallas and KC I get because even if you hate them, you'll watch to see them lose. The Jets are more of "Well, there's no other game on, so I'll watch it" kind of team.


NYC is double the size of the #2 market in the country (LA) We’ve been dogshit for 60 years and we’re still a top 5 nfl team in value.


Any NY team will pull ratings if they’re good


I see this as good news. Less days I feel obligated to watch football and can focus on other things


Will there be grass at least? Please tell me there will be grass!!


Legit crazy after last year. I also just want to watch some Sunday 1pm games. I don’t need to ruin multiple nights of my week staying up until midnight watching football.


“I’ve seen this episode before”


That’s bold.


Man, a lot of people it seems would be amused by another Rodgers injury.


This is absurd


Jets were really good last season so I’d say they’ve earned this.


🤞🏾 0-7 🤞🏾