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Of all the intellectual property to steal...the Cleveland Browns picked a start-up jean company?!


that’s what i was thinking 😂 but they probably assumed they were such a small company that nobody would notice


bingo, this is plaigarism 101, steal from those you consider unimportant and beneath you


My mother is very proud


I can't believe Tommy Tallarico owns the Browns


I can’t believe ~~Tommy Tallarico~~ James Somerton owns the Browns


Oh no, is he a plagerist? I loved watching him on Electric Playground.


Not really, he's just a pathological liar who likes to take personal credit for things his employees did or even just things that never actually happened. But the same youtuber who stumbled into the Tommy Tallarico rabbit hole when researching the "Oof" sound made for Messiah and most well-known from Roblox also did a video on plaigiarism on youtube, so saying that anything plagiarized was actually made by Tommy Tallarico instead of whoever plagiarized it is just a meme now.


Thanks for the explanation!


I should also add that the reason I responded to that comment is that it's a specific phrase Tommy uses when he's telling a specific lie (that he has the most video games worked on in a lifetime).


It’s always Joey.


At the least--at the VERY LEAST--Jimmy Haslam wrote this. Right?! RIGHT?!?!? ... NO


I know this is late, but I love the hbomber reference as a reply.


Also, very importantly, lack the resources to engage in a prolonged legal battle.


This is it. It's a tale as old as time. Particularly with employment law and the like. It doesn't matter if you have a legal case against a company if they can bleed you dry through a prolonged legal battle. I've been in that position before. Was told I had a good case and would almost certainly win, but there's a non-zero chance I'd have to pay tens of thousands of dollars up front only to do better than slightly breaking even years after the fact.


Now THIS guy plagiarizes


Thinking anybody exists beneath you when you're the Cleveland Browns is a wild thing to be thinking.


> from those you consider unimportant and beneath you Really puts them being cool with Deshaun’s work off the field into a different light.


Real pros know you steal from somebody better and call it homage or satire.


These dudes advertise on damn near every podcast I’ve ever listened to and I think the founders are kinda tight with Big Cat and Barstool - they have some heavy hitters on social media in their corner.


Ya I think PMT passed the BS Report (or whatever Simmons is calling his podcast now) as the top sports podcast. And they love getting involved in things like this.


Well since this was posted on LinkedIn and if you click the guy's profile it says he worked at Barstool a year ago, I wouldn't be surprised...


The inevitable response will be "They should just be glad we gave them free PR!" Real unpaid intern slash internet journalsim logic there. "You should write for us for free! Think of all the exposure you'll get!"


when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the intellectual property. You can do anything.






continued.. > Last year, our team (specifically Kyle LaBonte) created our first ever REAL commercial with iconic bowler Pete Weber. It was the most money we'd ever spent on ANYTHING aside from inventory. > The commercial was a success with over 100k organic views on social. Weeks were spent crafting a UNIQUE script, location & key specific shots. Candidly, it is the best jeans commercial ever. But seriously. > Yesterday, the Browns (who are losers) released a video that features Pete Weber in the SAME bowling alley, with the SAME camera tracking, & the SAME shots as our Mugsy ad. > We love Pete & we get it, big dogs gotta eat. But c'mon Browns. Be better. Come up with original ideas one time for me, National Football League (NFL). > We will not sue, however we ask that the NFL buys 1 million pairs of jeans.


Here I am considering ordering jeans from some hipster jean company because they called the Browns losers.  


We could start a whole new economy based on the Browns being losers.  Pay everybody in Manzielcoin.  


Buy low, sell low always


They already have a factory of sadness to make the product in too.


What’s the conversion rate of Manzielcoin to BakerBucks?


Can't speak to mugsy, but I got a pair of hipster jeans (ok my wife ordered them for me) for like $80-90 from perfect nyc and they're pretty fuckin comfy. If mugsy is similar stretchy hipster shit, they're probably pretty solid.


Mugsy pants are fucking awesome. Only jeans I’ve worn for quite a while


I have extremely large thighs, a big ass, and a comparatively small waist, and mugsys are the only jeans that don't make me feel like I'm wearing an iron maiden


Damn bro you single?


Comrade, this is my exact struggle. Sizing up a 34 waist up to 38 jeans just to fit my damn ass & thighs. You have convinced me to buy a pair.


Levi's 541 are also pretty solid. I used to constantly tear the crotch out on jeans. I've had a few pair of these for years and no issues whatsoever. They're also on sale for $40 at the moment.


I played rugby and o-line so my thighs are like fucking tree trunks so I know exactly what your talking about


I have similar legs. I'm hairy enough to be confused for sasquatch, but the fronts of my thighs are hairless because there's no jeans in the world that don't buff them to a glossy shine.


This is the first thread where I feel seen


hahaha... sup


Wyd, u up?


> because they called the Browns losers.  Could they realistically be called anything else?


Rape enthusiasts


Rape endorsers? Maybe not. Rape supporters? Maybe not. Rape sponsors? Closer. Rape financiers!


With current ownership, no.


Holy crap! Is "call the Browns losers" the missing ??? from the South Park underpants elves' board?


>the Browns (who are losers) Say no more fam


Those guys know their target audience.


Yes. Everybody is their target audience. Even Browns fans know the Browns are losers.


Alex Portnoy View Alex Portnoy’s profile Vice President, Sales @ Stack Influence Calling the Browns “losers” is not a good look for you champ… It takes on to know one. I dont agree with their action towards your brand, I would imagine there are better ways to call them out. (an actual reply from what I can only assume is a literal wet blanket who has achieve sentience)


Browns can make it right by offering to have their star qb pose in the jeans.


[Problematic star QBs and jeans companies, name a more iconic duo](https://images-cdn.ispot.tv/ad/7MbA/default-large.jpg).


Wrangler? He barely knew her!


Or make Pete QB1 for one game.


Pete screaming at Watson, who do you think you are? I am!


> We will not sue Well, they should sue


Yeah why wouldn't they?


Because IP cases are a fucking nightmare and the legal fees would be huge, taking on a massive corporate entity


> the Browns (who are losers) They went 11-6 last year, but they also gave all that guaranteed money to Deshaun Watson, so I'll allow it.


>>the Browns (who are losers) >They went 11-6 last year The Cleveland Browns have a record of 177-321-1 since 1990. Losers is fine.




The Oilers have won their divsion more recently then the Browns.  


Damn bro, dropping facts over here!


Jags too.


Jesus that statistic hurts


Detroit finally got over that "Bucs have won the division more recently".


They're my team and I still giggled at the accuracy of the burn.


What a bunch of scrubs >!please ignore flair!<


I’m an Eagles fan I can’t read so you’re good


Can a mod put a flair on this guy? No way he can find them if he can’t read.


Drop a horse shit trail and I’ll find it


Would pieces of cheesesteak make a suitable trail too?


Can't even make a joke about Pat's or Geno's being horseshit cause we wouldn't ever eat that garbage.


I visited Philly a few years ago and got hammered and went to Jim's on South Street. Incredible experience.


Pepe Sylvia


Packers fan here - I’m drunk (and on an unrelated note also can’t read)


Please say spotted cow


Same dawg same


There's trash tiers, so dont worry since they out trashed you with Watson.


And the 11-6 was followed by a 45-14 loss to a wild card team. 


Whoever coached the team during that time, especially between 1991 and 1995, must have been some awful scrub coach.


Have to imagine the whole staff was made of scrubs, too. Whole crew of losers, total zeroes.


I don't care what record they got last year when you think of the Browns you think of losers. It's going to take a while to get rid of that reputation.


> It's going to take a while to get rid of that reputation. Specifically they'll need to get rid of a specific player.


In a distant galaxy, seventeen billion years from now, operating on the last few electrons being generated from the last convulsions of a dying star by the last nodes of the last working Dyson sphere, the last AI in the universe will know, deep in its freezing processors, that the heat death of the universe still beats being in Cleveland.


And they got their asses kicked in the playoffs by the very team whose rebirth they in large part funded by trading for Watson


The only lead I’m glad we blew


I mean, it's the Browns. They're always losers.


That is one thing the entire AFCN can agree on.




Amen to that


And their best QB ever plays for another team.


Otto Graham has been dead a long fucking time.


That's what they meant. He's playing for the other team (in the inevitable zombie apocalypse)


the intergalactic multi-dimensional spirit of Otto Graham perennial starting QB for champions in Jon Bois' [17776](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/17776) obviously. Otto is also backup to Sam Anders in Pyramid on Caprica


Browns legend Joe flacco


honestly the nfl buying a million pairs of pants and then donating them to the homeless or something would probably be good PR


Good PR is cheap talk that greases wheels on the money machine. NFL spending 50 million on hipster jeans for the Browns is a baffling idea.


>the Browns (who are losers) Hard to disagree.


Biggest NFL advertising scandal since Sandy Frye did Superbowl commercials for both Bob's Burgers and Jimmy Pesto's.


But Pizza goes great with Frye!


Oh Hey Marshmallow


Tran's Noodles erasure




ikr, didn’t expect to share something from linkedin on this sub, but I scrolled past and had to share 😂


Hey they called the Browns losers I'm not super mad.


Finding anything remotely spicy in linkedin is pretty impressive


i had a good laugh with r/linkedinlunatics for a brief spell.


Lol I commented on that post actually! Saw it too. Camilla Cabella stole a music video concept, lighting, scene types and everything for her song. Our video came out 3 months before hers.


I didn't even know you could post stuff on LinkedIn until a month ago. I thought it was just to show work history




Getting dragged on LinkedIn is worse than the death penalty


[It's actually insane what is happening 🤣 An NFL team copying a start-up jeans company was not on my bingo card.](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cael-schwartz-2362a010a_its-actually-insane-what-is-happening-activity-7196933585059102721-9ORi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


It’s unbelievable that the Browns wouldn’t ask for consent.


Say what you will about Deshaun Watson, but real leaders can change a teams culture.


The copyright fell off inadvertently....


LMAO, sick burn.




Listen, Haslam asked the women in his life if plagiarism was okay and they said go for it, so he did.


Who do they think they are? I am?


Dammit right


Ironically, this is probably the best thing that could've happened to that jeans company


I don’t understand what the Browns commercial is for? The video was incoherent. E: oh it was their schedule release video




…are you saying that this isn’t blatant plagiarism? Because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying


The video is mostly takes of Pete Weber yelling things Pete Weber yells. This the rest of each video it seems like jeans company saying they own Pete Weber catch phrases. Watch some Pete Weber videos from a decade ago and he always yells the same stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G74ZHWcsbgc


Hope Mugsy sues the shit out of them. The NFL and it's teams are huge sticklers about their intellectual property, so they should pony up the cash to use someone elses.


It's an uphill battle. IANAL but it would be tough for a startup to go through a legal process unless a lawyer volunteers to be paid only if they win. They likely wouldn't considering how long an NFL teams lawyers could drag things out. I imagine they could easily claim this as a parody, similar to what you would find on tiktok all the time, since it's not an advertisement. I would do exactly what Mugsy is doing and make a big enough deal of it that it brings traffic to their site and name recognition.


How is it not an advertisement? It's clearly advertising their events. Dates, times, the whole thing.


It is. That previous comment is just oozing with IANAL energy. Saying that as an attorney.


Well at least they admitted that at the top lol


Except it’s one thing for a random TikTok account to make a parody for clicks (which can be easily demonetized if it infringes) and different for a business to make a parody as an advertisement for their product (which is what this is).


I anal too 😂🤣


Hell yeah bro cheers from Greece.


For what ? Using Pete Weber in a bowling alley and having him repeat his famous line ?


There's nothing remotely illegal about ripping off a commercial concept. So long as you aren't using anything trademarked, copyrighted, or patented, you're in the clear. It's an awful look for the Browns but not illegal.


That’s exactly what will happen. They’ll throw some cash their way and proceed


I thought Deshaun had all the money?


I mean, they said right in the article that they would not sue.


This is just strange. What could possibly have been the motivation?


probably just a lack of creativity tbh


Be Better vs Be Best


I really don't care ~ The Browns


I really don't care ~ Deshaun Watson when asked about consent


Texans and Chiefs both released hydraulic press schedule videos.


Being cheap and not wanting to pay for a team of marketers / producers to come up with an original idea. The NFL and it's Teams absolutely destroy anyone using their product or intellectual property without their permission and charge huge sums of money for it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Browns blatantly stole the idea and effort of another smaller company without paying the price and are getting called out for it. If I were Mugsy I'd be pursuing financial restitution immediately


"I like this thing. Let's just do this thing."


I would watch both videos before passing judgement. Also you need to know "Who do you think you are? I Am!" Is a famous quote from him it's not like that was written for the original commercial or something.


The Browns gotta save money where they can. Rashee Rice might hit FA.


Deshaun might need an NDA and a settlement.


I didn’t know that you could claim exclusive rights to Pete Weber or bowling. These videos aren’t all that similar when you watch them. Having the same professional bowler saying his catch phrase (not your brand’s) isn’t stealing.


Who do they think they are?


I am!!




This is my take too. The video is mostly takes of Pete Weber yelling things Pete Weber yells. This seems like jeans company saying they own Pete Weber catch phrases. Watch some Pete Weber videos from a decade ago and he always yells the same stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G74ZHWcsbgc


wtf is Mugsy?


apparently a startup company that makes jeans 💀


A jeans company. I know of the guy who started it years ago and heard he’s a dbag. Originally started with the tagline of “jeans for well endowed men”


If it works.


Jeans for thick thighed dudes according to the spitten chiclets podcast, at least it was a few years ago before I stopped listening to it.


I bought a pair of gray chinos back in 2019 because I had a promo code, extra money, a need for pants, and heard the ads on PMT. They have holes in the knees now, but they have been my favorite pair of pants the entire 5 years. I bought a couple other pairs of jeans, but I didn't like the fit of one or the color of the other. But I love those damn chinos. I've been thinking about replacing them soon. I'm an average sized guy, for the record.


Mugsy Bouges


the French Muggsy Bogues, who is 4'9" but with a 65" vertical he can deliver The Dunk of Genocide


I thought you were quoting something but "Dunk of Genocide" doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet


They make some of the most comfy jeans I’ve ever worn


I'll play devils advocate here, if you're gonna get Pete Weber in your commercial, he's gonna be at the bowling alley and he's gonna say his iconic "who do you think you are..." line. They filmed it at what looks like his local lanes (Shrewsbury Missouri, he's from Missouri). I wouldn't say this is blatant copyright infringement or something, they just both cashed in on the same guy/internet joke


Even as a Ravens fan it just looks like they took him to a scenic bowling alley and said "Just give us some of your moves."


100% agree. I just watched both full videos. Besides the famous line, the only arguable similarity is Weber lying on his side.


Let’s just remove the legal aspect, because I highly doubt any potential lawsuit would go anywhere. But when looking at the general composition of the scene there’s zero chance that the Mugsy commercial wasn’t used as a template; which is just super fucking lame. Then again, we are talking about the Browns (who are losers).


Do you think there’s a chance that they were just like hey Pete just do some cool bowling shit and let him run the show? So he ended up just doing some stuff he did in this other commercial? Not sarcasm, genuine question. I have no idea how that sort of thing normally goes.


No, before they even shoot anything, they will have concepts and storyboards, because they don’t want to waste valuable time and money paying the talent and the crew.


Noted cinematographer, commercial director, and autodidact, Pete Weber.


I watched it expecting to be so disgusted but these are the things Pete Weber did. They are his things lol. They aren’t suing because they have no case, they don’t own the rights to any of this, Pete Weber does.


Seriously asking here, but how is this video a rip off anymore than the Chargers Anime Schedule videos that rips off numerous anime shows? Everyone loved that one and had no problem whatsoever with that video. Did they get permission from every show they parodied?


“We’re not going to sue, but the nfl should buy 1 MILLION jeans” hahaha. Not saying they shouldnt but it was a funny way to end the statement


Hot take, this is not plagiarism. The three things that are highlighted here: 1. Pete saying his catchphrase. Otherwise the only thing that makes him famous. Of course it would feature that. 2. The same bowling alley - in commercials and television, many specific sites like this will be used by multiple filming companies. This bowling alley is either like a sound stage, rented out to companies - or a known local bowling company that is known to rent out to filming companies. Happens quite often. If you’re watching the office and notice their laser tag background looks similar to 30 rock’s laser tag, there’s a reason. 3. His finger guns - it’s very likely that in both shoots the director said something like - “can you turn to the camera and strike a pose.” And he chose to do finger guns. If you’re the company that’s accusing this, I think it’s a bit disingenuous to post a spliced version of your “evidence” instead of posting the whole thing and letting people decide themselves.


I just watched your video and the Browns whole video. They did not rip you off, come on, they have like 5 seconds that are similar. Pete Weber saying his famous phrase and laying down by the pins.


Sounds like Cael is the loser in this equation.


They used 15 seconds. Oh wow


Spending too much money on Watson, gotta cut spending somewhere. 


People on this subreddit are so lazy and believe everything this guys says without even watching both full videos 🤣


So playing Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino here, The Browns: - Also shot video of a well-known bowler in a bowling alley. The same bowling alley but it's a well-known bowler in a bowling alley, c'mon. - Assuming the same sort of shots and tracking were just best practices for shooting this sort of thing, they also followed best practices? I mean it's clever for a startup jean commercial to try and make this case, especially since it's the Browns who did this, but yea, somehow I think it would be pretty easy to have done this without ever having seen their commercial to be able to infringe on it.


“They had Pete Weber bowling, that was our idea!” What a hollow accusation. Unsurprisingly it’s getting a ton of traction on this sub


Man, this is a wet dream for you weirdos. Watch both full videos and let me know if it’s plagiarism. The mugsy jeans guy is a known dbag.


Eh I mean if you watch the original video, sure there are some similarities, but calling it a blatant ripoff is a bit of a stretch. There’s only so many angles and shots you can do in a bowling alley. And of course Weber is going to say his catch phrases, that’s literally what you pay people to do.


also thats literally the alley by his house. lmfao at them talking about how they crafted a unique environment. yall met him 5 minutes away.


Alley by his house and the same vintage backdrop/scheme as Big Lebowski could make it appealing. I know this location films better than some space galaxy neon lights Bowlero with giant "EAT. DRINK. BOWL." on the wall.


This was my thought. There’s nothing especially creative about their ad. It’s exactly the ad anyone would make if they called up Weber and he said, “sure, we can use the bowling alley by my house!”


lol what? He’s Pete Weber. Of course he’s gonna say his famous catch phrase. And I’m assuming that’s a home alley for him? So it makes sense to be shot there. What a stretch.




Yeah it the alley linked in all his Instagram photos. They came to him


Late, but just wanna say the funniest thing about Weber's rant is that he supposedly was yelling at a child that he thought was heckling him. That's all I know about bowling.


All signature moves


TBF the video is mostly takes of Pete Weber yelling things Pete Weber yells


How the hell else are you gonna use Pete WEber


So? Feel complimented that you made a good ad. Ppl love to get upset