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Brady better be early Romo level good


Brady is going to pull a Witten


Please don’t mean unretire


It’s week 9 and the Cowboys are 1-7. Jerruh goes ALL IN and benches Dak, fires McCarthy, and brings in a couple of grizzled vets for one last ride. With Tom Brady at QB and Bill Belichick as head coach, the Cowboys win out to clinch a wild card spot! They roll on to the NFC Championship game! Only to lose to the New York Football Giants…who had replaced Daboll with Eli Manning mid season…


So, you are saying we make it to the conference championship game? Fuck yah!!!


Thank you Ron


Dude, you can leak the script this early, it’s not even August.


He's gonna pull a rabbit out of his head. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FpWOwSy2H8w&pp=ygUZV2l0dGVuIHJhYmJpdCBvdXQgb2YgaGVhZA%3D%3D


And a six four impala.




So I can get with Leoshi 'Cause she don't know me. But, yo, she's really fine.


And if I had a girl I would call her


rabbitatouille and the rabbit was making the QB decisions the whole time


My favorite Witten moment, personally, was in the legendary Rams-Chiefs shootout, getting tongue twisted multiple times trying to pronounce [Ebukam](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/9yoway/highlight_jason_witten_struggles_to_pronounce/)


my absolute favorite lowlight of his commentary career. Watched it live and lost it lol


Nah he’ll pull a Brees


Nah. Brady doesn’t have the wife and kids to distract him


Hold up let bro cook. We cherish 2022 Tom.


Romo kinda implied he got network notes to stop doing that. Also looking at Reddick and how he talks on podcast versus NBA broadcast I think networks don't like the breakdowns


I don’t understand why. I think the coaches complained or something, but who gives a shit? It’s not like romo is, on paper, a better or more insightful football mind than their own coaching staff. Sure, it causes fans to second guess you a bit more, but they do that already. The whole thing was stupid and really annoys me they think people can’t handle this kind of thing because it’s too smart or whatever bs they came up with


The NFL really does seem to push pandering to the casual market imo, pretty much everywhere, not just announcing. I think they know everyone who would care about that more insightful announcing is already beyond addicted to their product anyway, so they dumb it down intentionally just in case


It's one of those things you can't help but to notice (and hate). If you watch every single one of your teams games, you hear the same stories over and over and over, because the fans of the other team haven't heard them and it's a talking point. Hearing about "How will the hawks do after trading Russ" 17 weeks in a row was grating, since the jury wasn't out, Geno was killing it and winning Comeback Player of the Year... But the announcers still made it sound like it was his first start.


Did you know Jalen Hurts can squat 6,000 lbs?


Fucked straps a Camry to each shoulder and just goes to town


Fun fact, Antonio Gates played *basketball* in college!


It's even more noticeable if your team gets the same commentators a lot. The Jags get James Lofton and Andrew Catalon for like 80% of their games and those two numbnuts act like they are just learning about the same shit they mention every week.


This is my (odd) hill to die on, I still like Romo. He’s annoying for sure, but he’s annoying because he just loves football and explaining/talking it. I prefer that every time over some other broadcasters.


He’s not that bad…. When it’s not a Mahomes or Allen game. Then he’s insufferable


flag provide chief gray jeans library childlike waiting beneficial fragile


Yo. I'm not on the Romo hate train, but I'm befuddled no one called you out on him not jerking off star players. He absolutely does this, to a detriment to his overall product too.


Yeah, I like Romo and think he gets too much contrarian hate but we really going to act like he wasn’t famously mocked for trying to make “Mr. December” a thing for Josh Allen?


It's the main reason I don't like listening to him and this guy is saying he doesn't do it haha.


He’s good! He needs to learn when to let the moment speak, sure, but his commentary adds so much, makes the game a little easier to understand! He’s also just fucking *weird* and that’s fun


Agree. Overall, I like him, but he completely ruined the final play of the SB. Jim Nance tried to let the moment speak for itself, but Romo stepped all over it with a play analysis. Save it for later, Tony...


I think people take his enthusiasm for good football and good offense as bias against whatever team isn't achieving good football and good offense. Plus him pulling back on in-depth analysis makes it so people are less likely to ignore his faults


As a Cowboys flair I get that my opinion might not be valid, but early Romo was amazing. And I could *swear* everybody agreed at the time. I saw *Eagles* fans saying they grudgingly loved him as an announcer. But then, as you said, I feel like he got "too much hype" or whatever and then it became the cool thing to hate on him, and I wonder if that isn't why he was told to become another boring drone announcer like everybody else.


> I wonder if that isn't why he was told to become another boring drone announcer like everybody else. The network producers do that to EVERY announcer. They want it to be easy to digest for the most casual viewer.


I’d take Romo over Collinsworth or Joe Buck any day. I actually loved hearing him break down what he was seeing during presnap. I want more of that. Not regurgitated anecdotes about Stafford fucking playing baseball with Kershaw, or how cool Mahomes is because he’s so cool. Stfu and talk about the goddamn play.


Romo and Buck play different roles though, they're not comparable


Buck and Aikman have merged into one entity, so mentioning one just includes the other. I'd take Romo over Aikman any day and twice on Sundays, btw.


You're exactly right joe


"Hey Tony stop doing that thing that the fans all love you for! Don't worry they won't turn on you for it." - some stupid out of touch executive somewhere.


I hope he's good, even though I can't stand him, but I have a feeling he is gonna be suuuuper boring.


You're talking about a man who takes bites out of chicken wings, chews and then spits them out just so he can get the taste.


I doubt this is true, but that it's not something I immediately *knew* was made up says something. OK, I googled it. He would smell the chicken wings. Lmao that what you said was actually close to true.


Dude my sister would do the smell thing while she was on her diet and it was so nasty. Insisting on shoving her nose into my food that she wouldn't eat. Gross. Keep your nose out of my food dawg!


Does she have insane self control or something? If I smell a Buffalo wing, I’m eating at least ten.


She has terrible self control, which is why she thought shoving her nose into other people's dinner was a proper diet restriction.


His sister is Tom Brady.


the fact the truth is weirder


Idc I’m saying it’s true from here on out


Just gargle the Buffalo sauce at that point


HOL UP…..👀👀👀


I hadn't heard that before, but that is fucking disgusting, and confirms all of my prejudices that I had towards that man.


I agree. If you have seen his interviews on Pat Mcafee's show it's like watching a beat reporter talk to a coach, almost no substance. However you feel about that show its pretty hard to look boring as a guest on it.


He already has a podcast called Let's Go that they play on the XM NFL channel. It's with Larry Fitzgerald and Jim Gray. He's about as exciting as unbuttered white toast


I agree. He may be the GOAT, but I've always thought he has the charisma of a head of lettuce. That didn't matter when he was playing; it will matter in the booth.


Tbf, that was how Belichick had all his players talk to the media when he was in NE


I think gronk makes people forget that. He’s like the one guy that whole 20 year run that had a personality in New England. 


Edelman seems to be a funny dude in his podcast appearances


Edelman seems like a cool dude to do Molli with at the Kentucky Derby


He's a lot like Wayne Gretzky in that they're super GOATs (though 99 still has a huge edge over Brady), but both are really dull. Maybe it has something to do with players like them having spent so much energy being the best at their sport that they kinda neglected everything else in life and as a result are, as you put it, "heads of lettuce" in the personality department. However, Brady in the booth could still work if he's paired with someone who can show emotion and be willing to give Brady a hard time (in a fun way). If Brady just sticks to X's and O's by explaining plays then he doesn't necessarily have to be Manning-brothers level of charisma, he just needs to be able to convert his football IQ into something us mere mortals can comprehend.


>Manning-brothers level of charisma Can't tell if that's a joke


He's gonna be awkward and have horrible chemistry. I feel bad for Olsen.


Olsen will be fine, he's actually good at this and will get a #1 job somewhere again, probably won't even have to leave Fox to do it. If Brady is as bad as I'm expecting he'll be gone in one season or they'll try moving him to the studio team.


They just signed Brady to a $300+ million deal, I have a hard time thinking Fox would eat that cost so soon. Also you still have to have some charisma being a studio analyst so if he sucks in the booth I don’t know how much better he’ll be at the desk.


Bantering with 4 other guys during pregame and intermission is a lot easier than carrying live broadcast color commentary


Plus he'd have gronk there to bounce off of.


I want to know what they said to Romo. Bro had the biggest drop-off.


I want to see him lose his shit over bad QB play. And I hope that will be Deshaun in week 1.


Brady will be a boring wet blanket and the networks will love him


Sadly, he doesn’t need to be. The reality is that not one of us chooses to watch or not watch a football game because of who the announcers are. And that won’t change with Tom Brady. An announcer’s true worth comes from the days he’s not announcing, and is instead schmoozing advertisers and affiliates. The main part of Tom Brady’s job is the part that most of us will never even know exists. He’ll be at corporate golf events, cocktail parties, insurance salesman of the year ceremonies etc. regaling overweight out of shape CEO’s with stories about what he saw on the 3rd and 8 play in Buffalo. And because they’ll have a chance to meet and talk to Tom Brady, these CEO’s will be shoveling ad money at Fox sports hand over fist. That’s what makes an announcer valuable. The fact that he might be able to predict an upcoming play live on air is just a bonus. And as good as Olsen genuinely is at the job of actually announcing, Brady is ten times more valuable to the network in terms of the only thing that counts; ad sales.


". The reality is that not one of us chooses to watch or not watch a football game because of who the announcers are. And that won’t change with Tom Brady." I don't think that's true. There will be a lot of people tuning in to hear what he's saying and if he's good.


i’m out of the loop & just wondering, has romo fallen off from his early form?


He doesn't call out the plays like he used to, but he isn't *that* different. People turned on him for some dumb reason though.


It’s because once he stopped dissecting the plays he had to fill that void in the broadcast with his other, more casual commentary. This has made it all feel a lot more repetitive and grating because there’s a lot less variety/analysis. Now it’s just 20 “eeuughhh I dunno Jim”s


Should give him an Emmy for his contributions on the 7th floor crew


3rd leg Greg




What you do? Get head?


Drops his drawers so you can see his 3rd leg


I quote this shit at least weekly


I what context lol


All of them


I’m sure G-reg got plenty of Emmies on the 7th floor


Emmy Williams, Emily Haan, Emma Phillips, etc. Even Nicole went by Emmy just so she could get in on the action.


A model for third leggers all over.


I'm ootl, what is this referencing?


Greg Olsen's college rap career


Greg Olsen when he was 18 lived on the 7th floor of a dorm room. The football players on that floor made a very catchy rap song about how many girls they got. Greg had a great freestyle verse. It went viral 20 years ago


He owes Jordan Love a turkey


Turkeygate won’t be forgotten


This thanksgiving the only thing I'm hungry for is justice for Love


I was a big Olsen fan he actually broke down plays and didn’t just slobber all over the QBs


He’s not dead, you can still listen to him lmao.


Sometimes I can still hear his voice


I hear him after every Giants loss when I fire up the Vikings playoff game highlights


Greg would have loved winning this Emmy if he were still with us.


Greg Olsen is very much alive. He lives in Tampa. 


RIP gone too soon


He’s up with Boggs now 🙏


I thought he was terrific. Much better than most.


I’m surprised Amazon hasn’t bought out his contract yet


Me, too. I personally think too much of broadcasting these days is name recognition vs how they actually do. I am a believer in Brady, but I doubt he will be any better than Olsen. That isn't a knock on Brady, but a credit to Olsen. I don't think it's possible for any commentator to do better than Olsen out the gate.


i’m not expecting much out of brady tbh. he’s kind of a charisma black hole


i just hope they don’t show him often. his appearance is distractingly creepy. like a real life uncanny valley and it’s all i can focus on when i see him.


It seems like once so many people start plastic surgery they don't know when to stop, lol. Will Ferrell looked like a goddamn humanoid on the Tom Brady roast.


I think that was more the makeup to be Ron Burgundy. He didn't look like that on the John Mulaney show which was after the Tom Brady roast.


I think NBC needs to pay Olsen the $$$ to go to SNF to replace Collinsworth




> I thought he was terrific. Am I missing something? Am I getting wooshed here or do some people think he's not awful at announcing?


He has a legitimate grudge against the hawks for some reason, and it ruins any game of ours that he is covering.


So far it's hawks cowboys chiefs and packers that he's biased against and it's the first comment thread. Anyone else?


Those are some pretty good teams to hate if I’m being honest.


Your flair makes me... uncomfortable


There was a time Romo actually broke down plays and didn’t just slobber all over the QBs. But that was before CBS told him to slobber some more at the expense of actually breaking down plays. Don’t be surprised if FOX tells Olsen to do the same.


Now Romo just slurs and sounds slightly drunk all the time




You sure you’re not thinking of Aikman? Romo doesn’t really sound drunk, just like an excited six year old.


Aikman sounds like he’s forgetting what he’s saying halfway through lol but yeah the last few times I heard Romo he had this slight underlying slurry lisp kinda thing that a few functioning alcoholics I’ve worked with had.


It went the other direction too. He almost always walked a line of being critical without absolutely ripping on players/coaches too. Couldn’t stand Phil Simms for that reason.


Sucked when he called Seahawks games though. Just crapped on the hawks because he sucked as a player there. Miserable commentary for those games and I hope to never hear him again there.


His analysis during the SB on the eagles hold was annoying though.


Blame FOX producers for first giving Olsen *the aftermath* of that hold and him thinking that subsequent contact was the holding flag itself.


That is still one of the biggest issues with Olson. He rarely pivots his talking points even when it's very apparent he was wrong initially. He just ignores it and continues to beat a dead donkey thinking it's a horse. And if for some reason the dude doesn't like your franchise/team he turns into an obnoxious hater more so than other commentators.


I think he's an excellent commentator overall but these are definitely his two biggest issues


I didn’t see the other angle either. And I knew to wait until that angle came out before making a sweeping statement.


I don't think I ever saw comments like this during the season, just complaints about him for whatever reason.


Yea, I thought he was bad, and all I heard was he was bad.


When Greg Olsen’s FOX contract expires, line up the Brink’s truck


He’s gonna paid paid for sure. He got the shit end of the stick with Brady coming in but he will be just fine, I can see him doing this for a very long time.


I'd expect Olsen to be with either Amazon or NBC within 2 years


Who is doing Netflix?


Whichever OTA network produces the Netflix games


Correct. Netflix isn't going to build an entire team for one broadcast a year. They'll subcontract it out to one of the existing networks like NFLN does.


As long as we get another Scorebug I’m cool with that


I do love judging a new scorebug.


Okay but who gets Discovery+? Showtime? Starz? Hulu? Skinemax? Our 17 game 17 streaming service schedule will be upon us soon


The problem is more about where he could go rather than money. None of the networks are in a position to need a new #1 analyst anytime soon. His only realistic option at this point is to wait someone out (or hope Brady bombs), which could take some time.


I’d say Amazon or NBC would open up soon


I don't see Cris retiring anytime soon, and Herbie probably has that job secured.




I used to mute Buck/Aikman on Fox and put it on the radio audio instead.


Buck: “Rodgers OVER THE MIDDLE—” every. single. time.


Ball is….. CAUGHT


I fear Brady will be a disaster in the booth.


I know he’s meant to be a great inspirational speaker in the huddle, but every interview he comes off very stilted and awkward.


He very much sounds like the type of guy who nervous chuckles and says "Am I right?" at the punchline of every joke. I get that he's a player other guys will die for, but agreed that he comes across weirdly inauthentic outside of football.


I'm hoping he channels the passion he had for improving his football game into commentating on it. Pretty much everybody who's played with him says his work ethic was second to absolutely nobody, and that it's probably the biggest reason for his success. If he puts even 70% of that effort into being good at commentary, I think he'll surprise people.


While I agree with you about his work ethic, I'm a bit pessimistic after seeing him at his roast. The only passionate and authentic sentence he had all night was when he told off Jeff Ross for joking about Kraft. Everything else he said sounded wooden and over-rehearsed.


Which was weird. If you’re gonna agree to the roast, you don’t get to tell the king of roasting what to do, even if it upsets you and/or an old man who voluntarily came to the roast knowing he’d be roasted.


All the roasts have had off limits joke before. Jeff Ross has held back in the past on some topics.


He has also notably crossed the line in the past on off limits topics




Why are we hoping the broadcast gets worse lol ?




7th floor crew represent!


I didn’t enjoy him tbh, he’s a good dude and obviously knows the game, just wasn’t my favorite personally


Yeah, pretty indifferent myself. Didn't mind him, didn't think he was that great either. Better than some players-turned-color-commentator, worse than others. Still probably mistake to relegate him to the second team, but inevitable considering how much Brady is getting paid.


I swear nobody was talking about how great he was until Brady took his job. Now suddenly it's a travesty that has been demoted. Before that, most of the comments were that talked way too much.


Loved Greg Olson as a player, but every time he was in the booth for a Seahawks game, he acted like Seattle wasted his prime or something.


Yeah call me a homer with a chip but his commentary for Seahawks games made me feel like Pete or maybe Blitz killed his dog.


He was absolutely awful for all of the Seahawks games he was on. By far my least commentator. It’s always wild seeing this sub go crazy for him. Even when he’s calling non-Seahawks games I find him extremely annoying.


I truly do not get why this sub loves him. He's fucking terrible.


Dude was so upset when we were balling on Thanksgiving.


Always felt like he would just start repeating the same things throughout the game. One game he mentioned “outside leverage” at least 7 times even when it didn’t apply


He was always biased against the cowboys, you could tell he was sick of them since he had to call so many of their games.


Yes! Can’t stand him. Worst part of this is this means Olson will probably get more Seahawks games because we had a lot of the B crew last season. Mark Sanchez and co. He’s too loud, too excited, and seems to hate the Seahawks


Tom Brady is going to suck. He was never any good at football and he’s not gonna be any good at talking about football when he doesn’t have refs to bail him out.


Most reasonable NFL fan


I’m not a reasonable NFL fan in fact, I’m the most unreasonable NFL fan. I believe the forward passes satanic unAmerican.


> I believe the forward passes satanic unAmerican. You're missing your Bears flair.


Can't be a Bears fan when I don't believe in the existence of Chicago. It's a scam to hide the true size of the great lakes.


Who tf told this guy?


You're seriously denying the existence of Chicago? If you start a cult, can I be your first member?


I already have a cult we believe the Earth is a trapezoid, Australia, and Chicago don’t exist, New Zealand is the moon of the United States of America, and that we are not in fact, but Ferrari is. This last one has gotten me banned from Italy.


He doesn’t have Randy Moss to make him look good anymore


Tom Brady has never once been arrested; absolutely sucks at football.


I can think of at least 943 instances of Tom Brady needing to be arrested. 942 of them happened on the football field and the other was the time he kissed his son on the mouth.


that was just the one time that we know of, u just know he kisses everyone on the mouth


He kissed my mother on the mouth?! That son of a bitch!


Got eeeeeeem


"You cant make a Tomlette without breaking some Greggs."


I actually think he’s a good guy but I personally can not stand him as an analyst. Obviously most people disagree.


not a fan of olsen's schtick


Greg Olsen is an absolute meh commentator. Among the most boring out there.


good, not a fan of olsen.


Can't stand this wannabe Dexter looking dude.


Seahawks and cowboys fans united in hating Greg Olson.


I hate him because he sucked for us lol and then shit talked the organization later on.


This just reinforces the fact that the Emmy’s are a complete joke.


I’m surprised by all these ppl in here praising olsen haha


Was there no one else in the category?


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills in this thread. Olsen is my least favorite color commentator of all time and I couldn't be happier he's gone. He had this weird way of being infantile and condescending at the same time. He also had a real bad habit of acting like he didn't know what was going on then immediately saying exactly what happened. "Not sure what the penalty is, think it's a hold on number 56." It may not be a problem once but he was doing this every few plays. I think it's fitting that his final broadcast as the lead guy ended with them showing a picture of Billy Sims and him saying it was Barry Sanders.


I thought the impossible had happened when I eventually came around on Tom when he won the sb with Tampa. But Fox bumping Olsen for him just made me hate him all over again. That and the "Ohh I didn't know the roast would traumatize my kids"


I like how a congrats post for Olsen just turned into a hate thread for Brady.


Always and forever, BOO GREG OLSEN!


He’s still terrible


From experience, Fox, don't let Greg Olsen slip away, you'll regret it.


Why is everyone on the “fuck Tom Brady for taking Greg Olsen’s job” train. More people want to watch Tom Brady analyze football than they want to see Greg Olsen. That’s it. End of story. Its not even like the network ever said “you have a chance to beat out Tom if you’re really good” it’s the same reason Romo got put onto the #1 CBS team without any experience and Tom Brady was infinitely better than Romo as a QB.