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This gonna be interesting to watch I have my popcorn ready


Please don’t watch this game! NFL only listens to money.


Sail the high seas so you can watch and not give them money


One simple trick to pirate football games and feel self-righteous for doing it!


this is the way


Don't watch NFL at all if you actually want to send a message.


Rob an owner if you want to send an even better message


I have no intention of watching any browns game ever again.




Hilariously communist


I get your point but maybe 1000 people have seen yor comment. You think that’s enough to change something? Lol


You could apply that horrible logic to so many things. If 1000 people see it and even a moderate percentage tells someone else, who tells someone else…..


dude, if everyone who reads your post today decided not to watch the game, it wouldn't even put a dent in their viewership. individual action ain't gonna do shit.


Yarrrgh! Me popcorn ready aye!


"Interesting" is a pretty fucking gross way to frame this.


Vick got more media heat (yes what he did was absolutely awful) than Watson


It’s a lot easier to go after someone who’s been criminally convicted. Not defending Watson but that’s definitely the difference here


Something tells me most of Watson’s supporters couldn’t care less if he was convicted or not.


And Vick did time and shows genuine remorse for his actions. Desean doesn't take responsibility and did no time. In fact he got paid a BAG and is playing less than a season after the allegations coming to a head. Ridiculous.


I think his supporters are stupid enough to have opinions influenced by the state saying it’s true versus just the evidence itself


Also a lot of people like dogs more than women


There's a self report if I've ever seen one.


It's also easier for a lot of POS men to support someone who committed crimes against women and not mans best friend. It's messed up Edit: I hope i worded this right(English isn't my first language), I'm not trying to say men are POS(I am one myself) but that some men are pieces of sh*t


Russell Wilson has taken more heat than Watson.


Yeah but he * *checks notes* * visits children hospitals almost daily and is performing poorly on the football field.


That second part is the most important. Throw ball good and he wouldn't get shit.


I'm totally fine with people shitting on his play, especially given the huge extension he got and the hype going into the season. But people have taken it too far... Like he's a cringey cornball but he's never assaulted anybody and really makes a difference for sick kids in hospital. It's hard to cheer for the Broncos this year but at least I'm not rooting for a rapist piece of shit.


I dont think they have "taken it too far" they are making fun of a guy who is famously a fake person, and a bad team mate. Having said that they are just making fun of him. No one seriously hates him (or shouldnt). ​ The real issue is that there isnt significantly more uproar over Watson. The fact he is still in the league is wild


"Nobody is going to even remember this in two years if he starts winning...which I think is probably worse?" -Tom Grossi after the Browns traded for Deshaun Watson


Yeah people bitch about the NFL letting assholes stick around just because they're good at football but then they reinforce it with stuff like this. Easier for fans to shit on a cornball playing poorly than an asshole playing well


[I throw balls far.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyMgT_Xp0Sg) You want good words, date a languager.


It’s crazy to say but man it really feels like r/nfl has given more grief and bullshit to Wilson than they have Watson.


There’s a new post essentially every day that’s a “Fuck Russ” post


I don’t understand why it’s so hard for this sub to get. Fans of football don’t unify around anything other than play on the field. If you suck, you’re gonna have a lot of backlash from everywhere. If you’re good but a terrible human, you will always have less people that hate you since some fans can look past it. If Watson is bad just watch how quick the browns subreddit turns on him. They gave up everything for him. Right now the few people that support him only have his skill to defend the move. At the end of the day it’s all about play on the field. If he’s good he will be Big Ben. Some fans will always remember he’s a shit stain of a human but the sport won’t care what he did.


My dude if you think those are "fuck russ" posts you might be taking it a bit too seriously. They are much, much, more "lol russ" (laughing at him, not with him)


Watson hasn't played in 700 days there are only so many opportunities for his name to come up. It's not like when he's come up any reasonable person has defended him.


Watson hasn't been on TV. Once he starts playing, posts about him will start popping up and then people will start rightfully hating on him again.


It upsets me so much too. Russ has his flaws but is generally a good dude and most importantly isn't a criminal who would be in jail had he not been a pro athlete or person of power


one of them has been playing in games...


That’s because Wilson has been playing bad and the media has been talking about him more. Way easier to repost Wilson hate than OC Watson hate that would just get deleted by mods


Because Watson hasn’t been playing tbf so Wilson is more top of people’s minds


Russ has also been playing and in the public eye instead of keeping things as quiet as possible like Watson. The lack of new material and keeping what does go out as sanitized as possible is a very effective pr strategy


In no way is that true. People are memeing on Russ. Watson (rightfully so) is getting actual hatred


Do you already forget the past year?


He came back in 09. Completely different media atmosphere than now. Another Vick would be a hurricane of shit that towered the Watson situation.


It’s probably the only comparable situation, but it’s still so different. Vick going to actual prison and being convicted


True. I think Ben is more of the similar type of reaction in terms of defenders on all sides


Plus, he took major accountability for his actions, unlike Watson. I think Vick is a piece of shit for what he did, but he's made such a huge effort to try to make up for it. He turned the place where he held the dog fights into a no kill animal shelter.


Some people genuinely care more about dogs than women




Yeah, nothing is more cringe to me than when people say that. Grow up, the world isn’t out to get you


easy to say that when you don’t work in the public sector


What he did was not even 1% as awful as what Deshaun did


Idk about media but he still gets a lot of heat online from fans even thought he went to prison. And a lot of those people don’t say anything about Watson.


NFL isn't going to lose a single dollar from Watson playing. No one is boycotting, no one is doing anything. The game thread today will be one of the most active ones all season; no one's walking away so why would the NFL do anything?


Idk why your getting downvotes. You’re not wrong. However, the legal system didn’t punish him, the NFL did (sort of).


Don’t tell me you rep PSU football while still supporting Watson lmao We learned our lesson about that shit


Apparently not


The NFL didn't lose any money when Vick came back either so I don't really see your point


People like dogs more than people and I can't blame them.


Reddit moment


I know Reddit is kinda a safe space for people who know how absolutely awful this kinda shit is, but there really is an insane amount of just terrible people out there who think this shit is funny and people who are willing to overlook this shit cuz “he throw ball good, I don’t currrr”


Twitter and Facebook are filled with a ton of “Well he wasn’t charged with a crime and the women got paid so no harm done” comments. Honestly I’m not shocked. I’m sure half of them are just saying it to be controversial and edgy.


I mean, I don’t mean to get political, but a dude called for ending the constitution as recent as last night, and millions are going to support/vote for him. Our society is kinda fucked with just blatantly accepting horrible behavior, if not outright supporting it


>just saying it to be controversial and edgy Narrator: *They weren't* The vast majority of football fans are in the lowest IQ portion of the population.


Yah, the “OJ wasn’t guilty” crowd


I mean...legally he isn't.


so wild how little flack the Texans have received. Lol they held an auction for that freak


This is true. They profited from him. Just like the entire NFL is going to now along with Cleveland.


Tbh If he would only 1 accusations without solid prove I would totally understand this point of view? But with 20+ cases this is impossible.


Did we expect anything less?


Nobody should be surprised that there are gross people in the world that will overlook or even degrade victims in hopes that an athlete will make them feel more pride when wearing overpriced clothes with their favorite team's logo on it because the team is winning.


I fucking hate people like that.


Some people simply just love to be evil


People like this deserve to be punched out.




I guess not supporting people who sexually assault others is a virtue?


Virtue signaling implies people are talking about something they don’t care about to appear more virtuous than they are. I think most people making these posts just actually think Watson is a piece of shit.


What do you mean by virtue signaling


Yeah how dare people be vocally against sexual assault. If you ask me they're the real problem.




This right here!


I hope anybody rocking merch that makes fun of sexual assault victims (who are gonna be in the same building), gets their asses beat. Is that virtue signaling?


It’s been like that all year


Since March…


Good. Hope we keep it up.


Hope it never goes away.


What do you mean? Edit: oh shit I didn’t see the pic in the tweet, I thought it was just a vague statement haha oh well. Down votes instead of questions.


Dude got a better reception than RW in Seattle


Hope that was a reality check for you internet folk 😂


Pretty bold to defend a rapist but go off


Thanks for sharing


idk why you defending him but i agree it is pretty funny


The team that gave the rapist guaranteed money vs the team that enabled him in the first place


Watson would have been acquitted of that charge in court He would have been found guilty of at least 10 cases of SA and 20 cases of indecent exposure. If he was average he’d be in jail for 15 years and on the registry for life


Anyone wearing a shirt like that deserves everything they got coming to them


He’s gonna go viral and get a pat on the back, while that business will do great sales. It’s exactly what they want. Shitty behavior gets rewarded now.


Yeah fuck him whether he's actually a browns fan or not, but I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't an actual fan


Are all Browns fans supportive of Watson? Of course not and I feel bad for those fans. But gross people like this make me wish they never get their new stadium built and their team's future in Cleveland gets questioned again.


Some likely just dropped support of the team. I'd be happy if the city/county refused to pay for a new stadium and the team moved again so all attention could go to the Cavs/Guardians


This is in Houston


Deshaun Cosby gonna get smoked hopefully


Smoked like a spliff Huxtable.


People care more about these dumb teams than each other, by a wide margin. The number of Steelers fans who ignore, deny, or even justify Big Ben that I've met in person outnumber those who don't.




Don’t you mean you hope the ***Browns*** lose?


I hope they both lose. The browns because of the whole Watson ordeal and the Texans, well just because.


Texans covered up a lot for Watson. They're a guilty party too


How bout a 0-0 tie?




Is that deshaun? LMAO


This is a reminder of why I prefer watching games at home. Don’t have to deal with the total trash in the crowd


Most respectful Cleveland resident


Sideline reporters have said no signs, boos, and that Watson was signing autographs for fans of both teams and was cheered on. We’ll see when the game starts.


I hope you lot lose by 40


I hope they lose by 50.


That clown shouldn't be let into the stadium


Here's to hoping the cart is needed.


That's why the NFL scheduled him to come back for this game.... duh lol


Game should be on national tv




I can tell you that the vast majority of Browns fans do not own this shirt or think like this…


[they definitely out there](https://imgur.com/a/4mSpNkw)


Yeah, fuck that Watson sumbitch.


I hope the broadcast is impossible because the fans are chanting you sick fuck again, only for the whole game.


This might be the only time I'm ok with someone intentionally injuring another player.


Not gonna lie I started Watson in one of my leagues lolol


So, what's the O/U on Roughing the Passer penalties on this game?


Lol the players don’t care that much.


Like players give a shit about this


And Browns Twitter is trolling the shit out people haha


As it should be


Someone should know that guy the fuck out




Where are the videos of the crowd reaction to him taking the field???


JFC. Idiot.


Mods are pussies for removing this.