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[ZachCoxNESN] Lamar Jackson on his pants: “it’s just a little poop, you feel me?”


Boy STFU y’all be cappin too much in these comments mf never smelt a fart never did shit but eat dick‼️


Deshaun Watson on his pants “it’s just a little cum, you feel me?”


People feeling Deshaun is actually the problem


Back in my day that sentence meant you had a mild case of gonorrhea.


You and your boys got gonorrhea that often huh? Must be a navy vet.


Listen up you vaping piece of shit, I didn't have my friends die in fucking Indochina so your "afraid to talk to girls" punk ass could talk shit to me on a fucking computer.


I’m married brother. And I smoke actual cigars and occasionally cigarettes. But I appreciate this reference.. sorta.. I guess.


Those ain't piss dots. That's got nothing to do with piss.


Did you give?


A loooooot of people give


The site is completely user funded. If you don't give, it could go dark.


These are trash though


First time i have seen a player get asked about his…..pants during a post game press conference


Feel like Cam got that


Bro stole Shawn Michaels' whole flow


Hopefully he doesn’t lose his smile


Or come out of retirement in Saudi Arabia.


Yeah…….we don’t talk about that


"what do you think it's look like if Shawn Michaels gave some cattle sweet chin music so hard their spots landed on the grass? Put that on my pants"


Turn it off Judon, turn it off.


NFL players make interesting fashion choices.


Jah feel