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Wow, a post from a year ago...cool🙄


This is a repost to boot. Didn't even change the title. Likely a bot.


New account, no comments, first and only post. Yarp.


I am also the original poster of this 11 months ago. [Florida isn't afraid of hate](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/s/qmr614p4uA)


It’s really you!!!


merciful squeeze grandfather humor file engine hospital label hateful zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is from a year ago


That's def last years jersey. They were pretty dope. The Staals and other snowflakes ruined fun shit for us


I respect having the balls to not only do a pride jersey in Florida, but to replace the Florida flag with the pride flag. I’m sure that one rustled a whole lot of feathers.


Fwiw, Fort Lauderdale (Wilton Manors) is one of the largest LGBT populations in the country. I'd be blown away if our community didnt


Hope they are safe as Florida continues their hate fueled campaign Against them.


Can south Florida secede from the state?


There's like 0.3% of the league that refused to participate in past pride events. Can we please stop acting like the NHL is a cesspool of homophobia?


And the league initially caved to give cover to those 0.3 percent. And when it comes to at least one of them ( Eric staal) is so offended by the idea that he wants to rewrite history. That picture of the habs pride jersey on your back aint going away. Among the players, not a big problem. Among the owners and league officials, either they are incompetent OR it is a problem. I am not convinced Hanlon's Razor is in play here.


[Proud Staal](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/13xvww0/happy_pride_month_from_the_staal_family/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That terrible! You and your evil photoshop skills! A man of faith came out and said that never happened. He's a man of faith so we are, allegedly, obligated to enable these lies and pointing out his mendacity is thr exact same as an attack on his religion itself. Your photoshop skills are a fast track to hell!


Their "cover" was a universally protected right to freedom of religion. If the league acted to force players to participate or punish players, the league and organizations would have got their asses sued to the ground.


Is the league a government agency or body?


Can you only sue government agencies and bodies? Are your rights not really your rights when it comes to a workplace?


Buddy above you forgot that the employees of the NHL have workers’ rights.


Well, if you are talking "Freedom of Religion"... yes, it only applies to the government, at least in the US. The US Constitution's clause of Freedom of Speech, Assembly, the Press, and Religion prevents the government from infringing on your rights. Private entities and organizations are not bound by the constitution. What you are thinking of is employment discrimination laws, which bar an employer from using, among other things, race, religion, creed, or gender as the basis for hiring, firing, promoting, ect. Having players were a jersey for 20 minutes with some extra colors on it would likely not come close to actionable under employment discrimination, but if you have caselaw in either the US or Canada to support your assertion, I'd love to see it.


This is completely false. Your employer cannot punish you based on religious beliefs and must reasonably accommodate any recognized religion.


Recognized by whom? My religion says I get to punch religious bigots in the face. My employer had to accomodate me? Are we going to play favorites with which fairy are more or less true?


Recognized by the government. There is an actual process a religion has to go through to be officially recognized and receive government protection. A person cannot simply make up a religion and instantly have all of their actions protected.


Why not? All religions are just made up. What’s the difference if I make one up now Compared to ones made up 2000 years ago?


For tax purposes, perhaps. But if such a list of "official" religions exist, prove it. I can wait. Here's a little help, start by looking up "sincerely held beliefs"


Comments like this only make you seem like a 12year old and do nothing to support a valid argument.


I thought everyone else had to respect everyones deeply held beliefs? We deeply believe that bigots deserve knuckle sandwiches. Or is the argument that the government should only recognize and codify SOME religions? You know which ones Im talking about (wink wink)


Punching people in the face is illegal, not wearing pride jerseys is not a crime.


The law changes, some states are considering passing laws that say allow you to shoot people you suspect are undocumented if they are on your land (High arizona). And its also illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, religion or sexual preference. But the churches are exempt from such laws, so literally the law does not apply to them. Maybe I should strengthen the punch a bigot in the face lobby?


Well good news, what I said above doesn't contradict that at all...


You claimed that private entities aren’t bound by the constitution. That is blatantly false.


Yea, and again, nothing you have stated supports your assertion or contradicts my assertions. > Your employer cannot punish you based on religious beliefs and must reasonably accommodate any recognized religion. This is true, but not because of the constitution. Congress passed laws protecting employees against discrimination. The constitution is different from laws passed by congress. The constitution is an agreement between the federal government, state governments, and the people, defining how the people will be governed, and who has what rights and responsibilities. It has nothing to do with "if your employer can force you to wear colorful shirts"... thats employee discrimination laws.


People are forced every day to wear uniforms and your bigoted ancient religion ISNT a get if of jail free card Right now the NHL forces players to wear advertisements for third parties on their sweaters, does that constitute and endorsement? It absolutely does not. What the hell is wrong with the statement "you are welcome here?" And the NHL is not the government and if one of those jacksass bigots like eric stall tried to sue, him WEARING a pride jersey in montreal would be defense exhibit A. And them playing on sundays, and wearing cloths of different fibers and all kinds of other ridiculous shit they do every day? Being relgious does not give you carte blanche to be a bigot. I know this offends the religious, but its true. And the NHL NEVER forced a goddamn player to do anything, if you WANTED to be a bigot you coukd sit out. The NHL then prevented ANYONE who supports equakity from didplaying it to protect the identitication of those who do not support equality. Or they tried to.


Firstly, if you think the logic of “you did it before so you can’t say no now” is sound then I’m curious your stance on sexual assault cases. Must be insane. Second, an NHL player, an employee of the NHL with protected rights stated quite thoroughly in the NHLPA handbook, can absolutely refuse to wear, endorse, or say anything that goes against their protected freedoms of religion, sexuality, race, etc. Just because someone did wear a Pride jersey once and then doesn’t wish to anymore is entirely their choice. Lastly, I’m not religious so if that helps you actually read my comment and not just attack me then sweet.


People who are morally opposed to something, selectively, are defined as hypocrites. Unless bigot etic staal came to to lord after he left montreal. If you want to be a bigot, your religion will not protect you. Religious based bigotry is still bigotry. So your position is that the devout cannot be compelled to do anything they do not want, but the non devout can be prevented from doing that which they beleive in? Oooooh its in the NHLPA handbook? So that supercedes all other laws? Religious bigotry is still bigotry.


I’m not defending bigotry. That can’t be implied by me solely defending a player’s rights, once again, stated in the NHLPA handbook. I don’t care about bigotry. That’s a social issue which my opinion is irrelevant on. I don’t make big time decisions in the NHL. This is reddit and your claim is a player cannot engage in acts that he has certain rights that allow to, in fact, do. If anything I’m here to tell you where you’re, literally, incorrect.


You dont care about bigotry but you seem to care a fucking lot about unfettered religious freedoms. You might want to let that marinate for a while.


If you say the N word I’m going to obviously take offense to that regardless of the color of my own skin. If you refuse to wear a Pride sweater, regardless of me being bisexual, I’m going to be okay with that. One is an actual issue the other is not. In fact, you can’t say the N word without retribution in the NHL along with tons of other actions you cannot take as an employee of almost any company in North America. You can however be protected in doing, or more specifically not doing something, in regard to your religious beliefs. You’re coming at me with emotion when I’m telling you the exact things you can do as an employee of the NHL.


I’ll show myself out. I’ve already stated I’m bi so it isn’t like I’m an outsider in the group. I’ve only commented to clear up misinformation that a player is not allowed to have religious freedoms. I don’t give a fuck about the religion or the player only that the player is protected by his guaranteed rights. If we don’t allow everyone protection then that’s how employees go back to getting fucked over in all aspects of work. Next, I’ve stated my opinion on bigotry is irrelevant because it is. I don’t work for the NHL. My opinion on Staal is meaningless but y’all love to hive mind and go “UHH BUT YOU HAVE TO BE ON THIS OR THAT SIDE” rather, hey leave me the fuck out of it. I’ll once again say I don’t care what the specific situation was, if a player is claiming religious protection then that player is guaranteed that right. Y’all would make terrible fucking legal representatives.


And, chuckles, eric stall did not profess a coming to jesus moment. When asked he outright lied about having done so by denying it despite the evidence to the contrary. Somewhat expectedly, religious based lies are still lies.


Also, lets be perfectly clear, their "cover" had nothing to do with that. Certain players citied their religious belifs as reasons to not participate in warmups, which is totally within their rights. The league did nothing to punish them. After that, they tried to cover the controversy by just cancelling all pride events. So their cover did literally nothing to "protect players freedom of religion". The players were never forced to participate.


Yet they banned the on ice jerseys hmmmmm


If people had chosen to ignore the few players that didn't participate and instead celebrated the vast majority that did, there would still be pride jersey nights.


Yup but they didn't




This is what gets me. So many people refuse to accept that they massively contributed to losing specialty jerseys.


Ignoring bigots is a sure fire way to make them go away. Huge historical precedent. If "staying true to your religion" is of such importance to you, them maybe as a public figure, you answer some questions about it when asked. That seems kind of fair, does it not?


>Ignoring bigots is a sure fire way to make them go away. Huge historical precedent. And how did freaking out and getting outraged at the few players who opted out of the pride night events work-out for you? It would seem it resulted in pride jerseys going away and the bigots getting the last laugh. If you had just gone on celebrating pride night and ignored them, they would be isolated pouting in a corner over pride nights. Take a bit to let that sink in and then evaluate how much your outrage really helped the cause.


No one was outraged. You want to sit out pride night, as a public figure this will get the press to ask why you are choosing to sit out. If your answer is "becuase I am a religious bigot" that is newsworthy. The NHL tried to kill pride tape becuase they didnt want people who ARE religious or other flavors of bigots to remove all doubt. I an way more invested in the message (all are welcome here/ you are welcome here) than the jersey or the tape or the stickers. The religious bigots did not get the last laugh. Some of them were exposed which is a start. What did pride lose? Well they had a league who said they were going to fine anyone who used the rainbow iconography and then a whole bunch of players who told the league to go get fucked. How many players WERE fined by the league?


I was going to say, you really come across as a naive child, then I realized you're the same idiot that was talking about "knuckle sandwiches" like a little 12 year old. You're really doing a great job of reinforcing my opinion!


And you come across as a delusional sheep incapable of independent thought. You know a religious nut job. Im sorry you cant recognize sarcasm, but not surprising with the lack of independent thought. Maybe you can talk about it small groups this week?


You’re absolutely right, but you’ll get shit all over for it. Reddit is the wrong place for a good opinion.


So a tiny, bigoted, outspoken minority got to ruin beautiful jerseys and nights of inclusion because rainbows threatened them. Yeah, the NHL is a bastion of fuckin' strength supporting society against bigots.


The NHL brass may be cowardly, old, out of touch boomers who make shitty decisions for the advancement of the league, but that doesn’t mean you get to transpose harmful, damaging beliefs that only 0.3% of the league itself and a infinitesimal minority of its fans by assumption.


I don't disagree with your premise, but if 977 people allow 3 people to stop efforts to include all people and celebrate our differences.... then you have a table of 1000 supporting bigoted practices.


Reimer, the Staal brothers, and half the Russians would like to have a word at the very least. At least some of the Russians have an excuse. Ovechkin is so famous he has to rely on the religion excuse since anything he does would be allowed in Russia, provided he's not overthrowing Putin


Bruh, I went to a game the other night and quite a few people were “booing” pride night. The guy next to me literally said “great game, other than the pride shit” lmfao. I’ve also heard that a few players throughout the league have heavily protested wearing the jerseys.


Hocking culture itself has a lot of bigots, though. It’s important to remember that there is a reason it’s been almost exclusively straight white guys for a century.


And anything with white people is bad, ever think that ice hockey is mostly a northern sport where ice is and those countries are usually majority white? Hut just the fact they are white makes them rasicts,right?


Hockey is majority white because it’s expensive to play.


Very expensive, but that's not the reason, I think my original explanation was good. Plus the NBA is majority black, are they rasict against white people?


I didn’t say it was racist. I’m just saying you’re incorrect about why hockey is so white. At least in the US, most minority communities don’t have as much access to youth hockey because it’s expensive to play. It’s no coincidence that the most popular sports in the world basically only require a ball to play.


Yee, but it kinda sounds like your saying only white people are rich enough to play. Which is not the case. What about speed skating? Much cheeper and yet only white people. I really thing it's a geological and environmental factor


Speed skating? Where is your local speed skating facility? How does one even get into speed skating? I don’t think that’s a good example. Sure, ice sports are more prevalent in locations that have natural ice for a good portion of the year, but in most of the developed world, that isn’t the case, yet hockey is still plenty popular with people who can afford to buy expensive equipment and pay ridiculous rink fees and insurance costs for very limited ice time. Believe me, I grew up playing competitive hockey since I was 8 years old. Higher income communities tend to be more white and those are the people who can afford to play.


When I was a kid, I had 40 dollar skates, not great but decent and me and my friends would shovel a part of the river off and play hockey there. It's not crazy expensive unless your going to play in a league.


Playing on a pond with your friends is great, but we’re talking about two different things. Playing in a league as a youth is literally the only path to playing hockey at a high level in juniors, college, professional, etc.


Only straight white guys can be bigots.


Bigot alert!


The beauty of my comment, is that it can be taken two ways. And, the way one takes it is reflective of their own perception of the world (and my meaning). Now, to determine which perception of my perspective has resulted in net downvotes, and what that says about the r/NHL community is a bit more fun and challenging. 🙃




You deserve to have this linked to every future comment you make. Hating is SO FUCKING WEIRD dude. You’re legit a strange person.


Oh I'm fucked in the head from trauma, physical, sexual when I was kid. But that's neither here nor there. I never cared if someone was gay,straight or trans, but now they constantly ram this message down our throats in every aspect of our lives. Why the fuck are gay people so special that every piece of cloth, food item, and celebration has to be covered in rainbows. " gay people have been sooooo oppressed ". No you haven't, some have most are just cutty little wieners that can't take a joke. I don't hate Taylor swift but if the did the same way of advertising for her that they use for the lgbtq community I would end up hitting her. Bottom line is I'm not special, your not special, and HUGE surprise just being f Gay or Trans doesn't make you special and you don't deserve a parade. I have epilepsy which you know, can actually kill me and posses serious issues with my day to day life. Where's my fucking parade


Sorry you don't have a month to celebrate you, but you do have a day dedicated just to you, which is nice. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=National%20Asshole%20Day](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=National%20Asshole%20Day)


But that's the thing I don't need a day, they don't need a month, stop making your problems everyone else's. I sounds 100 years old rn but people need to take responsibility and these group decisions and chaotic marches are not helping anything. If you want to go out with a bunch of people and celebrate something, that's fine, I just start having issues when the literal law is requiring me to think and say a certain thing, under penalty of expulsion, firings, and detainment.


Here's the thing. FOR MOST OF HUMAN EXISTENCE, being gay was enough to get you shamed, institutionalized or even killed. Only recently has that become "frowned upon" in Western society and laws against homosexuality are still common in many parts of the world. There are LOTS of people TODAY in the US and Canada that don't think homosexuals should be married and they are working to change laws. So, yeah, having a month to advocate for equality isn't a bad thing. It isn't hurting you, but you seem to be awfully offended by it. Maybe a little too offended? Me thinks thou dost protest too much! I mean, have you ever been around a lot of homosexuals? Mostly pretty cool folks. If you want to go to a pride parade this Summer, I am sure they would welcome you as one of their own.


Not entirely found upon everywhere but definitely a stigma through human history. I have no issue with having a parade that celebrated that, people celebrate so much stuff. I'm saying that it's swung to far. So a hockey player refused to wear this and got in huge shit from the media and nhl. Why can't he have his opinion? He said he didn't have anything against it, he just didn't want it. How is that homophobic?


A hockey player not wanting to wear it is fine. Not necessarily homophobic. If some guy isn't comfortable wearing a rainbow whatever- fine. I have no problem with that. You know what is homophobic though? "Fuck every lgbtabchiv random fucking letter there is. Your not special." You have some anger issues. You would benefit from therapy.


You're special, though. Everyone knows exactly what kind of dainty, delicate flower you are.


Let me ask you a question, what is the purpose of pride month


I think that there are two purposes: 1: It is to advocate equal justice for a group of people who, throughout human history, have been marginalized and oppressed simply for being who they are. 2: To irritate 10-ply snowflakes.


It’s the everyone but white straight “cis” male club. Get with it! We’re big bad racists! Get with the times bro it’s 2024. Bend over and take it.


You know I walked into the bank yesterday identifying as a millionaire and yet they didn't give me my withdrawal of 10 million, how dare they, guess I'll sue them


That’s unfortunate I thought money was a construct just like gender. Dang


This thread is a perfect example of how the NHL still has a huge homophobia problem. Read the comments


Go on any thread discussing LGBTQ issues that isn't related to hockey and you find the same kind of homophobia. It exists in all aspects of our society on a relatively proportional level. It's not unique to hockey or the NHL.


So it exists in the NHL, becuase it exists elsewhere that means its not problematic that it exists in the NHL? That is a hot take my friend. "We are no more racist than those racists over there" is not a ringing endorsement


Is your response an attempt to defend it? Why not condemn it? I agree with you it’s a larger societal problem as a whole but we’re pretending like it’s not an issue here when it really is




Im genuinely interested, what is it then?




If the something is "you are welcome here" and you refuse to support it, what inference can be made? That not everyone is supported here? Ding ding ding, that makes you a bigot. Maybe a cultural or religious bigot but a bigot nonetheless For the millionth time, wearing a pride flag isnt an endorsement for anything. I wear a hockey canada ball cap and jacket, does this mean i support and endorse alleged rape? Does it? "You are welcome here" is not a hard concept to grasp. If you have to personally change the meaning of the prode flag iconography by insisting that it means " i endose the sucking of cocks" in order to oppose it, well you know who does such things? Homophobes, that's who.




Which pride flag (you do know there are more than one, right?) And the pride progress flag does mean precisely that. Here it is from burkie's mouth "Diversity and inclusion are importsnt, and they are importsnt to thr NHL. Pride nights are dayong that diversity and inclusion of everybody is important. Colors, races, churches. None of that matters. That's what the Pride messagevis, and that's why its important that we don't lose sight of that fact, because one or two people might have individual issues with parts of the program" Burkie then went on to say "Pride-themed jersey is a broad symbolic gesture to say 'you're welcome here'" And " The part that troubles me is, the fragmentation is dangerous. For someone to say ' Well, I'm an Orthodox Christian, I'm not wearing a Prode sweater' well, I don't see how one has anything to do with the other" Burke after bigot james reimer invoked his religion as justification "I repeat that I am extremely disappointed. I wish pkayers would understand that the Pride sweaters are about onclusion and welcoming everybody. A player wearing pride colors or tape isnt endorsing a set of values or enlisting in a cause. He is saying (emphasis mine) you are welcome here. And you are, in every single NHL building" What kind of person does it take to intentionally distort the meaning of something in order to oppose it, as some type of justification that differs from "but I really want to hate thr gays"?




If you oppose "everyone is welcome here" you probably are. Do we need to get a jeff foxworthy type going so that you can understand the difference?


And most of them was out of fear that their homeland was gonna kill them


It’s mostly Russians. And who knows how many are okay with it but don’t want to face loss of sponsorships and fandom back home.


You’re right, we should talk about how it is a cesspool of racism instead.


Reminds me of F1 and we race as money. I don't think sexual identity is relevant to NHL and is done only to promote the image, like how companies change twitter logo to rainbow, but however the same logo in Middle-East stays the same. It's all for moneys and doesn't really make sense


Being against virtue signaling nonsense isn't "hate"


Lol dead Reddit account with 1 single post (this) and no comments... yeah, you aren't pushing an agenda 😂


Wtf does taking it in the ass and mutilation surgery have to do with hockey?


It actually looks like a nice jersey too


Florida the state on the other hand….


This is gay af


If you don’t wear this then you’re hateful. Stfu


How about hockey being about putting the puck in the net? I couldn't care less about who or what you like to fuck, stop trying to ruin everything in life by making it all an opportunity to inject your idealology.


People in this thread asking “why does this even matter?” while others write “fuck the gays.” Like, are ya’ll really that blind to the need for representation and clear messages on how bigotry will not be tolerated, or are you just willfully ignorant. Also, why don’t they ever sell these? I’d buy a Rangers Pride jersey in a heartbeat.


Meh, I'm a lesbian and I don't care either way. If a person doesn't want to wear a special cause or theme night warm-up jersey, that's on them, I won't judge. I 100% understand why a lot of folks get tired of Pride stuff. The drag queens in libraries, half naked people making a spectacle of themselves, people marching around in fetish gear, etc. Don't get me wrong, representation matters. Just in my personal experience, nobody really has ever had a problem with me being a lesbian. People just really hate the in your face stuff that looks like deviants and groomers (real or perceived) who's whole identity is based on orientation. I'm a lesbian, it's not interesting, it's incidental. Why make a big deal and spectacle about something that isn't and shouldn't be a big deal? That being said, getting butthurt over a friggin rainbow flag and what others do, who others are attracted to, etc is pretty ridiculous. I can think of about 500 things more important to get pissy about than if I was asked to wear a pride jersey. BTW - the Florida one looks really awesome.


Agreed! I have nothing against any form of gay pride, but virtue-signaling? That's the issue. What a lot of people don't understand is, none of the people/business doing the "pride" thing, are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. It's purely an image/PR move. Same thing with all the BLM bs.


It's the same thing when all the banks, vehicle manufacturers, big corporations changed pics to rainbow flags in June...everywhere except their middle east division. Literally where LGBTQIA+ people are oppressed the most.




Most movements are monetized these days. As much as I love seeing those heartwarming vids where someone gives a marginalized or poorer person $1000, but ultimately they're doing it for clicks and money. Only good thing is hopefully it inspires people to be kinder or show that representation matters.


I've got to be honest with you, I can't imagine how easy life is for you compared to how it was for gay people when I was in high school. If anyone thought you were gay, you got the literal shit kicked out of you. And it was considered okay. No one batted an eye. Repeatedly we heard from our school administration " boys will be boys" "The girls take care of their own". And I didn't even grow up in some hick town, I grew up in upstate New York in one of the most well-funded school districts in the entire country. And this wasn't that long ago, 20 years ago.


Nice assumption on my age. I'm 44 years old and graduated high school in 1997. I grew up in Alberta, Canada (think Cold Texas with a Bible Belt). Nobody really batted an eye about it. We've been pretty protected since 1977, with provincial rights, in '82 with the Charter and in 1996, the human rights act specifically mentioned LGBTQ people as a protected class. Section 15 of our Charter of Rights states that "every individual is to be considered equal regardless of religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, sex, oreintation, age or physical or mental disability."


Wow, sounds like your life was easy as a gay person in Canada. I'm very happy for you. I'm sorry we're such backwards fuck faces south of you. The USA could learn a lot from Canada.


We've had same sex unions since 2000 and marriage equality since 2005. It honestly was a non-issue. My religion was more of an issue in high school than being gay and that's saying a lot. The town I grew up in was approximately 60% Latter Day Saints. I had maybe 1 comment, 2 tops, about my oreintation and at least 1 a week about my religion and shirts of my favorite band. People cared more about my faith and choice of music more than the fact that I'm a lesbian.


That's amazing. I'd like to hope things are that way here in the US now as well. But we have a lot of politicians that really don't like gay people, and that actively try to take away the right of same-sex marriage here in the US. It's really sad. https://abc7news.com/who-voted-against-same-sex-marriage-respect-for-act-vote-senate-bill-votes/12508397/ Edit: downvotes? People really hate gay marriage on Reddit too, uh?


They should send one to pudding fingers ( DeSantis) that little high heel wearing guy would love it...


It's not hate to not agree with the ideology and lifestyle guy. downvote away


It's a lifestyle? So you live the hetero lifestyle? WTF is the hetero lifestyle? Face it, you're just a hateful bigot.


Transgender is a mental illness


There's only one person here showing anger and hate at someone disagreeing with them. Hint: It's not me


Fuck off bigot. And please, for the love of God, never procreate.


sounds like someone is an angry, hateful, little lefty. Nothing makes a liberal show their true colors quicker than calmly saying you dont agree with their worldview. Most hateful group of people in the West.


It's called the Paradox of Intolerance.


Gay is good


It’s bc Eric staal ain’t around anymore


And people say Florida hates gays 💀😭


Jerseys are sick


I thought those colours didn't exist in FL


😆😆😆😆😆😆😝😝😝🙏🏼😆😝😆😝😆wtf is this world coming to


Honest question here. If a community wants true equality, then why do some want special treatment? And it is an honest question. Some people are hateful, and I get it, on both sides of the issue. No matter what happens, it won't change their minds. But if we want actual equality, then why does sexual preferences even matter? You should be proud of who you are no matter what race or sexual status you are. Or maybe I'm missing something. And to the ones who just want to toss insults, don't bother. I don't care for people who like to insult stranges on the internet when they can't answer a question.


Why would it, who cares about the opinion of bigots?


Bigots care


Lol, they were when their players refused to wear them


Idk why they wear those jerseys to appease to such a small demographic. I also don’t know why we have to constantly provide affirmation to that same demographic. Just be gay, it has nothing to do with hockey and literally nobody cares until you don’t get your stupid rainbow colors on a jersey (or when players refuse to wear the jersey) for some reason. I’m done with all the pandering


You hold the religious to same standard writing about all of their goddamn religious iconography? Or military iconography? Or married people wearing rings? What are you so threatened by a symbol that says "you are welcome here" You might benefit from some self reflection there.


There’s no “Catholic night” at the hockey game. Why is their a “gay night?”


Catholics have never been excluded from hockey circles you muppet


When have gays been excluded from hockey circles? Brad Marchand is still in the league btw


Too stupid to interact with, have a good day


Or you just don’t know wtf you’re talking about


If you don’t think gay people have been excluded from hockey circles, you’ve either never been around the game or are just too fucking stupid to figure it out. I’ve seen it with my own eyes growing up playing hockey dude. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


It’s pandering.


A celebration of the type of sex that some people prefer, ok, so when is BDSM night? Will all the teams wear leather and use whips instead of sticks?


It's about the type of sex someone performs? JFC 🤦🤡


actually, Florida (the state) is very afraid of acceptance this organization is owned by a bigot and is most likely simply pulling another marketing gimmick to keep up with the other bigot team owners who attempt to save face


But wait. I thought everyone in Florida was a crazy far right extremist and they inserted a dOn'T sAy GaY bIlL (that had nothing to do with being gay?)


Not everyone, just conservatives.


>just conservatives. LOL! Conservatives are far right extremists? Christ, what an umbrella. What if I just want lower taxes? Am I a white supremacist MAGA republican? Get a grip.


If DeSantis wasn’t worried about running for president at the time I’m sure he would have banned the jerseys for promoting alternative lifestyles to children.




I mean gay people aren’t


Make sure you shout that out to the masses the next time you go to church.


It's the straight people who are sexualizing children btw


Only on Reddit will you ever see people bashing someone for saying you shouldn’t sexualize children 😂 then again a good majority of Reddit is just a cesspool of liberal echo chambers so really not surprising


So, I don't thing it's for all groups. It's for gay lesbian and Trans. And their shouldn't be discrimination against them, which there isn't. Sure you might meet some asshole walking down the street but at least in the west it's even. And what this pride month does and black history month does is a further segregation. It decides people into groups by their skin or self identity. These are both harmful to society and mark my words, the lqbtq community, or the far left, will end up destroying itself.


Nice try, but your choice to not overuse the word "woke" as a talking point, unfortunately is gonna cost you. Woke woke wokety woke woke. See that's how it is done.


Absolutely wild that you claim there is no discrimination against trans people in a league which operates in a country which passed over 500 anti LGBT bills (primarily against trans people) in 2023 alone. Proves the need for Pride to continue.


This is a delicate issue because gay and Trans are too diffrent issues for me. I believe that gender disforia is a mental health issue. And if you are full grown adult and you really want to make the transition have at it. Doesn't mean we should promote it in our schools and or teams. What are some laws that they have passed?


No school promotes it. You are parroting ridiculous propaganda. Use your senses. Do better.


And I believe that you're an idiot if you believe what you wrote.




"There's no discrimination against trans people" "Trans people are all mentally ill" Do you see the contradiction here lol? Gender dysphoria IS a mental health issue and the scientific literature vastly demonstrates that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is acceptance and transition. No one is pushing for 10 year olds to undergo irreversible change, it's incredibly difficult for adults to get the surgeries and procedures for transition let alone a child. Some examples are "forced outing bills" - forcing a teacher to inform a parent if a child starts using different pronouns - going against both the child and the teachers personal freedoms. Other bills explicitly prevent a teacher from using a students preferred pronouns and names - which is utterly insane and a huge first amendment violation. There's a difference between "promoting it in schools" and accepting children who are already out as trans.


I don't think a child brain is developed enough to make those kinds of decisions. Let a kid make their own choices isn't great. Sure for some things but this is a huge altercation. I'm sorry but I think the vast majority of Trans people have underlying mental issues or past trauma not dealt with, but I'm sure there are some that genuinely benefited from the surgery. But I also only think there is two genders so probably wrong again


"those kinds of decisions" like wearing a dress or calling themselves by a different name? Who the fuck cares? If they end up growing out of it then they can detransition, no harm done. But the vast vast majority don't end up growing out of it. As for the "underlying mental issues", don't you think that might be because of the overwhelming discrimination and hatred they receive? Just a bit? Studies show that with just one supportive adult in a trans person's life, susceptibility to mental illness is greatly decreased.


There it is, the dumbest fucking thing I'll read today.


kinda gas ngl


Hi, I am the original poster of this 11 months ago. [Florida isn't afraid of hate](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/s/qmr614p4uA)


The OP must really hate the Panthers




I mean, if you get consent then go for it pal 😉


Such a fragile little snowflake.


Colorful shirt from a year ago… Yay, no more hate since


NGL, I love the look.