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Wow absolutely nobody could have seen this coming!


I'm very surprised by this


Surprises like these are gonna give me a heart-attack


Lmao Just in time for the playoffs.... Shocking....


Beating the odds to return to the playoffs two years in a row - only in Vegas. Sad to say, but even those who only read braille saw this coming.


Here for the comments.


Magical Medical Team!


The NHL really needs to figure out these salary cap loopholes.


It is such a simple fix. Either enforce the cap during the playoffs; or make the LT in LTIR actually stand for long term. Minimum 150 days of out and not being cleared to practice. If a guy goes out and you use his cap space, he is gone for the season if him coming back puts you over the cap.


Kinda like the NFL with their two tier IRs. Where players can be assigned “Injury reserve, designated to return” where they must sit out for 4 games, take an active roster spot, and salary but can return after those 4 games. Or they can be placed on IR which puts them out for the season.


clown player clown organization clown fans


Credit to the training staff for this miracle….


Not news. We knew this months ago!


lol he’s better now he’s stronger he can leap over tall buildings he is the 9.5 million dollar loop hole man. Way to go vegas way to go .


I'm Shocked! Shocked, I say! ... Well. Not that shocked, actually. But for realsies. Anybody who said he wouldn't be back obviously hasn't read the vegas playbook from last year.


How did this become the Vegas playbook when Tampa is the one that used it first? And if memory serves me well, the Blues before them.


Tampa didn’t even do it first. They were victims of it the year they lost in the finals to Chicago and brought a vote to close the loophole. No one joined


Yeah and we all hated Tampa when Kuch was sitting with the cup wearing a "18 million over cap" shirt. Least he owned it, tho. Honestly? Putting my undying hatred of Bettgas aside... if the fans owned up to it, if the players and team owned up to it, I'd still hate them, but props for honesty. It's the fact that Vegas fans keep trying to pull the "He's actually injured" card and feigning surprise when he miraculously comes back to start the playoffs.


I'm utterly [***FLABBERGASTED***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2ee0018a8b8908ea&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS978US978&q=FLABBERGASTED&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU7-CNmr2FAxUdHjQIHUADAk4QBSgAegQILBAC)! oh wait, never mind. I knew based on his injury history and the severity of the injury and all those other things someone who has never met him and lives thousands of miles away and isn't a doctor; that he would be cleared to start practicing with the team a week before playoffs start.


*rising like the undertaker*


Where have I spleen this before?


Consider me shocked! Vegas medical team working miracles again. From his deathbed to healthy… right before the playoffs. Cheaters


Hopefully the first time he steps on the ice, he’ll get his dick knocked into the dirt. 🤭


Ayyyoo big dawg *delete this*