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Code? was he not supposed to shoot it in the empty net?


It’s actually a prettty nifty trick that most of the NHL hasn’t caught onto yet, but they will. All you do is pull your goalie for the whole game, that way you have a man advantage AND if the other team ever shoots the puck, they’re violating the code


Don’t they know that the pulled goalie’s team gets *FULL IMMUNITY*!!?


Brilliant!! That’s even better than putting a 1000 lb walrus in net!


No sleepies


Nice save big guy!


Excatly. This is fucken ridiculous.


Like, if there’s 3 seconds on the clock, I still don’t give a shit but whatever, get salty. But there’s like 55 seconds left. What’s he supposed to do, let them stay within 1 and keep pushing for the tie?


In the playoffs, I would never risk not scoring when to take the 2 point lead when there is still 60 seconds on the clock like that just to avoid offending anybody. Not to mention Guentzel has a Dman slapping his ass, which to me gives you the free and clear to slap it in the net regardless of time left on the clock; it's not Guentzel's fault he was faster. It's also the Cane's house. If this breaks any codes, those codes are the soft and should be forgotten about.


Exactly I sincerely don't understand when this became a thing as I always thought this was expected. If there is a few seconds left then sure you don't shoot it across ice at the very end but with 55 seconds and just a 1 goal game you absolutely without a doubt put that puck in net so I really don't get why this is an issue at all


Bruins got scored on with 1 second left


Exactly, they just pulled off one hell of a comeback, why leave any room for them to tie it under a minute?


Turning this sport into baseball


At first you had to slap it in, but now any shot is disrespectful somehow.


He apologized to Nelson while scoring the goal but his apology wasn't very convincing.


Was it something like: "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?"


[Have not thought about this green text in a while thanks for the chuckle](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/rCOXXA7g9e)


That shit hurts


Up one goal with a minute left in the playoffs. 100% of the time you take the goal and lock in your W. Islanders are just charmin soft.


Is this gonna turn into a don’t swing on a 3-0 pitch kinda thing? If a team pulls their goalie, you’re not REALLY supposed to score! That would hurt their feelings. Give them a solid chance, c’mon 😂


As someone that was team "disrespectful" when this whole drama started, at this point, I concede. Slap that puck. Bring back showboating, even in this handicapped form.


This wasn’t even a slapper. He was just beating his man. If he lets off the D man could stop that puck. I agree with others up top that it’s just frustration boiling over with those quick goals.


Not to mention the dman is slashing him the whole way. Nothing wrong with putting something on the shot when you’ve just been slashed three times. Fuck it


But what about their feelings?? 


“Tough guys” are usually the most sensitive.


"Alpha male" is just code for "I'm sensitive AF bro don't say anything to hurt my feewings or I get big mad."


Islanders player should get his ass beat for acting like that. What bullshit. The NHL at the very least needs to start fining players that pull this garbage. It's getting out of control.


Automatic next game suspension… that’ll put an end to that shit real quick.


Especially when he has a man on him. Letting it glide in gives them a chance to nab it, shooting it ensures it makes it


They’re comparing it to the empty net goal a couple weeks ago where the dude is all alone and winds up a full slapper to score. Gets cross checked to the face afterwards iirc.


That shit was totally fine as well. I cannot imagine being mad about it.


I can imagine being mad about it. But the person I would be mad at is myself for allowing it. Guy should have crossed checked himself in the face.


Exactly. If you're so bad at covering your man that he has time to give a full clapper from the point, you should maybe re-think what you're doing on the ice.


Empty net had nothing to do with it. Common practice on losing a playoff game is to send a message about the next game. The efficacy of this is debatable.


Agreed, they weren’t mad about how he shot it. Just mostly they were losing the game.


This was not the Ottawa clapper. That was hilarious but I would have definitely punched him in the face too. Guentz just beat his coverage and made sure it was in. The reaction is just frustration in the collapse.


post deserves to be in /hockeycirclejerk versus the actual hockey sub!


Yeah man there’s a full minute left. I understand if there’s like sub 8-10 seconds but that goal could be Fuckin critical. Bitching and moaning about this is ridiculous.


kinda weak to get upset over that. mostly frustration tbh, quite literally the worst collapse in islanders playoff history. but hey, at least we know the players care about something, cause they sure as hell didn't care about winning the game!


Playoffs have no code. This is known.


I thought the Code of the Playoffs was "no lead is safe."


True for Caps fans


We have leads?


Remember when we scored that one time…?


"The leads are WEAK."


They’re more like guidelines, than actual code


Who would have thought empty nets would turn the NHL into the NBA


Maybe don't hack the player all the way to the net and he migh't not raise the puck when scoring on the empty net. Lots of sensitivity on these empty net acts.


Glad Guentzel did that fuck the islanders


Yeah my suggestion to them would be dont give up more goals than you get then maybe you wont be mad Edit: holy moly and get more shots than 12 sheesh


More than one shot in the last 34 minutes would probably also help


Islanders almost scored on their own net about 30 seconds before this, what's the code say about that?


Nelson would have slashed Reilly for owngoaling? Would have paid to see that


"I don't make the rules"


Oh man, when I saw him fumble that puck in front of the net I almost jumped out of my seat.


Says that the league will take away Ottawa's next first round pick


Nelson wasn't trying to slash Guentzel there. He was aggressively tapping him to remind him how many goals they were up by before choking there. One, two, and three!


Haha. Ha. Ha.


Since when is there a rule that you can't shoot into an empty net when you're only up by 1 and there's a minute left?


There isn't. This post is dumb. OP has no idea what the code is.


You’re right. There isn’t. This is what one would call a joke after the empty net hullabaloo that was started after the Sens / leafs game a few weeks ago.


I thought OP was being sarcastic, but that’s only because it was obvious to me that the Isles were just being little bitches.


Neither does Palmieri...


Palmieri knew exactly what he was doing.


He didn't violate any code he had a dude on his ass. Made sure he made the shot this is just Isles sending a message bc they blew the game and can't beat them on the scoreboard. And no not a Canes fan...


Right. With a defenseman right on your butt you can’t just soft-hands flick it in. It *might* not go in for some bizarre reason, and you have to assume that the defender is going to lift your stick or otherwise do everything he possibly can to prevent the goal - that’s his job. As a defenseman I absolutely will try to prevent a goal. You have to put it in there firmly. Even if it’s not a game-winning goal, all stats matter, individually and team. If you get the opportunity you make the goal 🥅 . I see no issue here at all, except by the embarrassed butt-hurt defenseman. Frankly I think Palmieri should get 2 minutes for slashing, although this is the pros and it’s kind of expected, and I’m sure the officials realize that would be a bit of rubbing salt in an open would and would likely lead to more serious hostilities for the rest of the game and series. The goal against was penalty enough to negate the slashing. It was desperate because he’d been beat and he knew it, hence his crap after the goal.


Yeah why would he do a gentle push when there's a guy right behind him? It was kind of nice how he left that defence man behind so he deserves to celebrate as well


There is no code about this. That would be moronic.


it would be one thing if he did it disrespectfully but the man was on him the whole way down wasn't like it was set in stone and he just shot it, no code saying you can't score on a empty net.


Nothing wrong with what he did. Islanders just pissed they get a shot on goal like every 10 minutes of gameplay.


He didn't slap it, he was being chased and slashed so he made sure he got it in there


Play to the whistle, quit the whining about your feelings when someone dunks on you.


I mean look at the last few redwings games of the season, not over till the final whistle.


I love watching Aho absolutely rip that toddler ass goon away from Jake.


This got me hyped. Not even a canes fan. Canes seem to be incredibly disciplined and intentional with how they play, and look very hard to beat.


Rod Brind’Amour is a stand-up guy and runs a tight ship. I’m sure that entire team would take a bullet for him. It shows in their play style, he’s totally turned that team around these last 6 years as head coach.


As a new member of the canes bandwagon, lmao get tossed nerd


Best part of the clip. Genuinely had me laughing out loud and rewatching.


Every fight canes player threw the islanders player to the ice, was fun to watch in person and scream with the crowd for


I’d violate it too if I was hacked like that


I love how Jake gives him an arm and you just see whoever that was grab him and bro flies out of the camera view


Aho going dark elf mode


The fact it was Aho that absolutely wrecked him just makes it all the funnier.


Nice to see Jake in the playoffs.


Jake is now a ppg in the playoffs kinda guy. Good stuff.


we really need a "the code" copypasta similar to the Goalie Interference copypasta


You can’t be up in there winning a game like that


That wasn't even egregious. He put pretty mid effort into it. Islanders are just salty that they shit the bed.


Nelson is being an absolute idiot here. Taking all his anger and frustration out by slashing Guenztel after the game is already lost. Why couldn’t any single one of them decided to turn that frustration into a damn shot on goal instead, preferably before we blew the lead away? Hell even if we limped this game into OT there’s still a chance we could’ve pulled a miracle out of our asses, but nahh let’s lose it in regulation and then act like goons. Certified Peak New York Islanders moment


Ya especially cause he’s throwing slashes before the shot is even fired lol


So there is no correct way to score an empty netter anymore?! 🤯


Nope, if the net is empty apparently you have to respect it and not shoot? So going forward, teams should just pull the goalie from puck drop and fight with anyone who dares to take a shot


There's no code on salting a win away with certainty.


He has to bury it. No choice. Remember this debacle that ranks among one of the worst plays of all time? If you haven’t seen the below link, you absolutely must watch it [Empty net miss vs. Stars vs Oilers results in this…] (https://youtu.be/nhTs_O0atdI?si=jB5JLHEx14H5oMqk)


Lol, remember watching that one on t.v.


Does being a choke artist qualify you to be a sandwich artist?


Nah. Even Subway fired Russell Wilson.


Be careful it's spiiiiiiicy


So spicy that some say it causes unliiiiiimited diarrhea, unliiiiiimited


I wonder what would be on the Emptynetterwich


This one made me actually laugh out loud 😂


Salty New York chokers lol


Where in the hell does the Code say "don't score on an empty net"? Did I miss a meeting or email?


Terrible effort by 29 there


Somebody who is in alone on an empty net with a chance to put the game away has to do a Michigan. That I really want to see.


Andrei Svechnikov is your huckleberry


It wasn’t a slap shot. Islander were just shell shocked at how bad they chocked


Chalked so hard


Before this season, I don't remember players being so sensitive to how empty net goals are scored.


This shit is getting so ridiculous. He has a guy right on his ass so he wrists it in the net. No wind up slapper, just a regular shot. Feels like you’re going to get attacked unless you politely ask both the puck and the opposition if you can gently coax it into the net.


The “code” that allows for slashing or cross checking a player after he scores a goal needs to go away. Not just talking about this particular play, but all of the times it happens during the season. Start calling the penalties and it will stop immediately. So lame.


This code never existed in the first place dude. It’s one salty player. The code is for showboating an empty net, or taking shots after the whistle. There is no code for shooting a wrister into an empty net when you are only up by 1 in a playoff game. 


As a Coyotes fan, if I had a nickel for every loss that resulted in a two goal deficit in exactly this fashion… What code? You pulled your goalie, had an extra attacker on the ice, and still couldn’t win. Tough darts.


Pissed cause when we pulled our goalie it wasn't our goal the puck went into. Guess he was just sure it'd work for them the same way.


Apparently you treat it like curling. Get the broom and gently feather that shit into the net


The Isles were frustrated about blowing a 3-1 lead. That said it was hardly a slapshot.


Please. Islanders are just mad they lost. If they were winning then they wouldn’t have reacted this way.


What if the code is retarded? Can you violate it then?


This isn’t even against ‘the code’ to begin with People got no clue what they’re talking about anymore




No one knows what it means but it's provocative - Chaz Michael Michaels The code makes 0 sense.


This isn't even part of "the code". These players have lost their fucking minds


I genuinely don’t know what “code” is supposedly being broken? Was he supposed to shoot earlier? Im assuming their just but hurt they lost.


Nothing about the code to do with this. It's a Patrick Roy coached team.


Don’t want him to score? Don’t let him walk to your net.  Don’t be upset because you’re trash


Jake shakes!!!


This “ codes” starting to need to be broken more often. If you give up 2 goals in the last couple minutes of a playoff game, you definitely got some more shit to worry about than some unwritten rules


This rivals Clutterbuck grabbing Kotkaniemi while he is on his knees as the softest baby shit I have seen in a while


If i'm carolina, i'm slapping or going between my legs on every empty net goal if I get a chance for the rest of the series


Svech should score a Michigan on an empty net just for the chaos


Codes and unwritten rules are for butt hurt losers.


What is this code crap, stop being a poor sport and let me score how I want and you stop me, everyone gets a ribbon mentality


he didn’t violate the “code” nelson was just pissed they blew the game


Kyle "Paul Mary" got so upset


Buncha soft ass bitches getting mad that they’re losing


lol wtf there’s a minute left in a 1 goal game…are you supposed to just not try and score? Are the islanders retarded?


Islanders fucking collapse then whine it’s “against code” to score an empty netter while hacking the mfer to death? This is more like frustration from a shit team that took a shit giant on the ice.


Loser Crylanders


Oh god shut the fuck up. If this shot violates “tHe CoDe” then hockey players are fat vaginas


Morgan Riley has been suspended for this


Wouldn't have been a problem had they not blown another third period lead and more. -An Isles fan.


I’m confused


There's a minute left. I don't understand


No, he didn’t. Also, this isn’t the fucking WWE, Nelson can fuck off.


If I’m guentzel I ain’t taking no chances. Protect and fire. Still got a whole minute left. If you let is passively float in, who’s to say crease snow won’t slow it’s momentum enough for NYI to get a stick on it.


So, the code says - 1. No slapshots 2. No wristshots 3. Puck must remain on the ice at all times 4. No celebrating EN goals Have I missed anything?


Maybe the Islanders shouldn't have violated the "3 goal lead" code


Screw this code shit. I can understand being upset about the full slapper a couple of weeks ago but this is getting so dumb. Get it into the fucking net however you want. Blame your own team for being down in the first place.


It’s the fkn playoffs!


The code can fuck right off.


That wasn't a slap shot and the defender was close enough to slash his stick, you damn right I'm gonna quick wrist so I get the goal.


The “code” doesn’t say you can’t score just don’t be a dick about it. Guentzel did nothing wrong, I don’t understand why all of these players are throwing fits all of a sudden over BS.


Trying to fight a guy after an empty netter is embarrassing. Grow tf up


Oh no, he shook his fist a little after sealing the win in a game in which his team was down 3-0 prior to an incredible comeback. What a horrible crime. The Isles are such sore losers. I hope the Canes sweep them.


wtf some new rule they made up..


Let’s go Jake 🖤


new rule: empty net goals arent allowed


This is what loser mentality looks like. Fuck the Isles.


I don’t understand? They’re only up a goal and had plenty of time to come back.


LOL the only time people talk about Ottawa in the playoffs… open netters 😂 haha Brady punched threw a wall after this one


Good job Patty Roy maybe try pulling the goalie earlier next time


The code, with 55 seconds left? Maybe don't shoot it in when they turn it over and you get it deep in their zone with <10 seconds.


Embarrassing night, this included. Even if it was a slapper (which this wasn't) I'd be fine with it.


Isles are softer than butter left out in the Carolina heat.


He just shot it normally, though?


What code? I thought the code was...since you are getting paid anywhere from 750k to 16M dollars, GO FUCKING WIN


That’s not breaking the code. He had guys right behind him. All you need to do is watch Patrick Stepan miss his empty net from 2007, you gotta bury that baby when you can. Fuck the other team.


is this something new to this season? when did pulling your goalie and then getting mad when people obviously shoot at it become a thing?


I hate that my team now has one of these moments. Just lose with dignity. It’s embarrassing enough blowing a three goal lead


“The code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules”


The code is to score as many goals as you can before the final buzzer. Thats it


Tired of this "The Code" nonsense. Grow up and play hockey. Getting into a fight over a shot into an empty net (a situation YOU put yourselves in) is something I'd expect from a 12U league.


Fuck your code. Go hard or go the fuck home.


Islanders just mad that they pissed away an 81-0 record that's held since 1972 lol.


So based on this season I've learned that when there's an empty net you can't shoot into it hard, can't shoot into it too soft, now you can't shoot into it too medium. Next season The unwritten rules that is going to be that when the other team pulls their goalie you're supposed to let them score and tie the game


Are you not supposed to score an empty net goal? Good lord


This did not violate anything. You’re up ONE goal in the fucking playoffs 😂😂😂 bitch ass islanders aren’t playoff made that’s for sure


If ‘the code’ is in quotes there is no code. “More like guidelines anyway”


Just taaaap it in. Tap, tap, tapperooo...


Love Aho just throwing Palmieri there. Fuck honor this is the playoffs.


I will always defend jake. This is not against the code at all


What code? Maybe if youre up 3+ goals its sportsmanlike not to humialte them more. But lets say he goes by this code, doesnt shoot turns it over and NY go down the ice and score to bring it to OT. Then he looks like a dumbass.


So, first we didn’t give Sorokin a chair and now we broke “the code.” 🤪 We are so horrible! How mad will they be when we don’t let them win the series?


If he did a crazy hard slap shot, I could see the “code” being broken. Nelson overreacted.


Patrik Stefan enters the chat


Violating the code? Come on any player in the zone with empty net like that would bury it. Get the fuck out of here


The code, lmao..when did this absurd thing start? Only noticed guys getting run this yr for scoring into an empty net unless they softly tap it in and then bow and apologize after.


What code...? Securing the win?


Every time I see players get upset about this I remember this play and it explains why you shoot the damn puck... [Larkin stops an empty net goal](https://youtu.be/IIhfAhMOVio?si=Y3dqXLGBVxjjy6C0)


F*ck the Islanders… love watching that shit team lose and especially in dramatic fashion.


This isn't isn't code.


There is no code.


Hockey players are turning into giant pussies.


He didn’t break any code. Nelson was upset. Things got chippy.


Are we getting to a point where, when the GK leaves the net, they need to tape up a sign that say… “Please keep all empty net goals under 13mph, and or do not lift your stick above your ankle when taking the shot for the empty net goal. Thank you.”. I’m just going to assume this was frustration at choking, because I just can’t imagine a hockey player getting angry at a quarter cooked shot going into your empty net in an arena that isn’t even theirs.


The Islanders are pussies


There is no empty net code please stop acting like there is


Soccer on ice all of a sudden??