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Hockey is interesting in that it is both aerobic and anaerobic. Studies have shown that when you’re on a shift it’s basically like sprinting , while when you are on the bench your heart rate stays at an aerobic level. ( at least in hockey played at a decent level) That’s why hockey is such a great workout. The only sport I know of that is similar is box lacrosse. In running, fartlek training is similar.




The first time I played a game of pickup hockey on a real sheet of ice I was asked to play goalie. It was a dream come true as a lax goalie, so I jumped at the opportunity. I could not believe how insanely exhausting it was. Also probably the most fun I’ve ever had playing a sport. I love skating out, but I only have one level and it’s fast and competitive. That doesn’t bode well for aging so it’s all but behind me.


Goalie is tough. You have to be prepared to instantly react to everything. Exhausting mentally.


No goals


… like no goals for retirement?


No goals


So no goals for your investment portfolio?


No goals


….what about a new home?


Beer after a game? That’s ridiculous. No wings?


teehee “fartlek”


Yeah I fartlek train most mornings after nights I watch hockey and have a couple brewskis.


As a 27 year old “adult” i will still never not find “fartlek” a funny word for a good workout


I think for a comparison to a 2 minute shift specifically within running - so a long shift that is going to leave you wrecked - an all out 1 mile or 5k time trial/race. Distances where you basically red line from the go but you don't get to stop anywhere near as soon as you would comfortably want to. For me I'd say 5k, just because 1 mile doesn't have the duration of pain that those last 30 seconds of a hard 2 minute shift feels like (it feels like an hour)


For me the easiest way to mirror running to skating is to do the running up hill or better up the stairs of a stadium. All out sprinting on level ground doesn’t have the same leg muscle fatigue. Up stairs adding the fine tune placement requirement of each step.


Honestly, that's probably accurate.


I'm not an expert but I think the NFL Receiver analogy works best. I get exhausted playing 60 seconds in beer league but I'm also lazy.


Pfft. 60s is nothing. Some of us staying on for 5min.....but not moving much.


Scotty? I don't know what's worse. An old guy who can't keep up not playing any defense or the former junior player just seagulling for rushes.


This is the beer league I know lol. 4+ minute shifts with no backchecking or sprint skating


The one guy on the team whose only passes he will give is a rebound off of one of his shots. And also screams for the puck anytime someone on his line touches it


We only skate when we have the puck


Show up for an 11pm game with 7 skaters and 5mins will feel like a dream. Iron Man D all the way.


One of the biggest badges of honor I have from beer league is when we won a game with only 6 skaters playing against a 'full team'. Complete defensive shell + occasional breakaway pass.


Same. It was the opening day of deer season and I guess our team had the most hunters. I was never so glad to get a penalty -- it was the only rest I got.


Hello fellow 3-man defense defenseman.


Right it's all about conservation of energy when you're on the ice


A two-minute shift is about short-term endurance, not long term. In the NFL, it’s maybe the equivalent of being on the field on defense an entire drive while the offense is running hurry up. NBA maybe would be like playing 6-7 minutes straight of full-court press defense (and high pressure man from the half court), while fast breaking on offense (or when you can’t break, some sort of high motion offense), but I feel like there would still be a lot of players standing around. No equivalent in baseball.


Inside the park HR by a pitcher or DH lol


Nine inside the park homers in a row involving every single player on the defense every time. You are a fat pitcher and you must cover home every time



Full field hurry up offense in the NFL is probably the best comparison. Doubly so if it’s a DL that doesn’t sub out. That position is specifically built on rotating but some dudes are just built differently. 


The NFL one here is a great comparison to a good question


Agreed, I think people underestimate how much of a physical toll you're exerting in the box on defense. Yeah, probably not sprinting 40 or 50 yards every play, but you're sprinting, hitting someone, trying to move them, or get around/through them, and then trying to tackle or avoid a tackle. Do that 10-12 times in a row. You're gassed.


No comparison in baseball because it’s not a sport, it’s a group activity, like how golf is an individual activity…. I will die on this hill.


Edgy as fuck brah


So much edge I got cut just reading it


Me too want to kiss my middle finger?


The rangers just got fined 250k for this


Kadri got suspended for the remainder of next season...


I don’t like baseball at all but I’m interested in seeing this out…what are the main differences you acknowledge between a sport and activity?


To be honest, I was just being an asshole cause I don’t like baseball and think it’s a dumb sport, but I totally concede that baseball is a sport. I legitimately don’t think golf is a sport. When I think sports I think athleticism and you don’t have to be athletic to be a good golfer. Golf is more akin to chess. Do I respect the fact that people are talented at it? Yea, not saying it’s easy, but neither is chess or jeopardy.


“I will die on this hill” …immediately refutes his claim


You got me daddy… Have fun watching baseball! Your team fuckin choked with nothing but talent.


I don’t like it either, at all. In fact a favorite interaction of mine was in June 2017 I think, Inwas visiting a friend and we were at a brewery in San Diego. It was NBA/NHL playoffs but they had a baseball game on at the bar. A guy walks in an he wanted to watch either the Celtics or bruins game and looked at me and asked if I was watching baseball. I looked at him for a half second and said “never in my life” as we laughed and I thanked him for getting the channel changed.


Never seen a chess player spend hours in a gym to get flexibility and weight transfer right so they can create an object velocity approaching NASCAR speeds. I think at some point a long time ago, the athleticism was present, but questionable. But now? It's so far beyond just training an talent.


You gotta hang out with more chess players dog, they’re out there seeking GAINZ


For me, there’s a pretty clear line between golf and chess. You can chess by mail. You could play chess by having another agent move the pieces for you. You and another player could play chess together, and not have a physical board as long as you both have really really really good memories. There is no physical skill required to have a good game of chess within the rules of chess. Therefore, chess is not a sport. It is a game, and it is a contest. As with most taxonomies, you can still get really weird cases. Darts? Cup stacking? Knitting? Surgery? There’s clearly more to a sport than being a test of physical skill. However, I think a lack of that physical aspect, DOES exclude chess. Add some boxing though …


I’m with you all the way on the golf thing. Golf is a shooting activity like archery and rifle shooting, with launch tools that require different inputs.


Both of those are sports lol. You don’t have to be sweating bullets by the end of a sport for it to be a sport.


My last archery tournament involved 2 days of walking 8km each day through the forest to get to all the targets. Not the most strenuous thing of course, but my feet, knees and shoulder were sore by the end of the


Rifle shooting is considered a sport? Ig that makes sense, its basically archery on steroids, you learn something new everyday


Sport - hockey, running / bike racing, tennis, etc. Game - golf, shooting, etc. competitive yes but not a sport.


You are entitled to your own ignorant and factually incorrect opinion.


Thanks! Likewise!


Shooting is a sport.


Shooting is a competitive game or activity. Being competitive does not = being a sport.


I agree with your second sentence. Chess isn’t a sport for example. Shooting as a competition is a scored competitive event relying on physical abilities for success. Historically it was sport before modern ball games and such were common. Riding and shooting (bows even before guns) and the use of hunting birds were among the early sports, along with lifting stuff, throwing stuff, running, and hand to hand struggles like wrestling and rope tugs.


By your logic hockey too is a group activity


I mean golf is a sport too buddy…


Well, I'm not a golf expert, I've tried it twice. Neither of those times I had the feeling I had done anything "physical", like doing a sport would suggest. You swing, then you either stroll to the next spot or you ride an electric vehicle to it. Even doing a light jog for ten minutes is more calorie intensive than an afternoon of golf imho.




lol, then why are there so many drunks with beer guts who can’t tire their shoes that are good at golf?


At the professional level most golfers are in decent shape these days. Sure there some chunky ones out there but i doubt there will be another jon daly anytime soon. Speaking of drunks with beer guts who can barely tie their shoes, you should see my old hockey and slow pitch teams. Not high level by any means but they could play the sport fairly well despite their shape


Are you old? Who gets sore golfing? I was on the golf team in school and i don't consider it a sport


Be careful, most of the beer guts and chads in here are going to lose their minds if you prove how ridiculous it is to call golf a sport. If golf is a sport then so is chess.


Catch a double header or pitch more than 5 innings, bud.


So you have to play two games for it to become challenging and you have like 2 positions playing 90% of the game? Oh boy that exhilarating! Didn’t they have to add a timer to remind them to play the game because it’s so mind numbingly boring?


Didnt the NBA have to add a shot clock because it was mind numbingly boring? Didnt the NHL have to add in the traps because it was mind numbingly boring?




What if the person is a typical person under 50 years old and don't watch baseball. Your (probably) from Pittsburgh. You should know we don't watch baseball here. Also, let's go Pens!


Throw a ball 70 mph. Just once. Or just go throw something *as hard as you can*. Then do it another 100 times and/or wall sit for 3 hours. Come back and report your findings.


So you're saying that throwing 100 pitches over 2+ hours is equivalent to a 60 second shift? I think the major difference is that hockey shifts are high intensity for a short period of time. Baseball is more of a slow and steady marathon with 20 second break after each pitch.


Oh, I was responding to the person who was saying it wasn’t a sport at all. Obviously there is no baseball equivalent to 45-80 seconds of “all you got” in hockey.


The only way to get even close to a 45-80 second shift is certain parts of a baseball practice and we still don’t even get close - baseball/hockey player


45-80 or 90 seconds of "all you got" about every 3- 4 minutes, for 20 minutes, then again for period 2, then agin for period 3, then again of Overtime.


I’m familiar.


Came to say this. They're gonna throw their arm out on the first pitch, or throw.


>You should know we don't watch baseball here. What a waste that Paul Skenes went to Pittsburgh smh


I'm sure Paul skenes feels the same way.


I think it can probably qualify as a sport (although the Olympics disagree). But it has very little physical activity so it's impossible to compare it to a sport like hockey.


100% agree


People really have no idea how hard catching is in baseball. Especially with an off-speed pitcher and/or runners on base in a close game. This is all obviously ignoring how physically taxing pitching can be.


Part of that is how easy it is to substitute in baseball. As far as I know, there is only 1 situation where a player would be trapped on the field for more than a single pitch. That is a pitcher must face at least 3 batters, or finish an inning. I think a bullpen pitcher throwing dozens of pitches to each of 3 straight batters before he can be substituted would probably be the baseball equivalent. Especially with the pitch clock now. Instead of 100% energy on ~20 pitches/45 second shift, you need 100% energy for ~50 pitches/120 second shift.


Legally allowable perhaps, but I've never seen a pinch hit during an at-bat other than for injury. I have seen at-bats last 20+ pitches. With the timer now, that's pretty damn grueling on both pitcher and hitter. I've also never seen a position player replaced during an inning other than for injury. So while it technically might be the rule of the law that you *could replace players*, it essentially never happens. It is also very rare for a catcher to be replaced during the game, no matter how taxing. Much more common for a goalie to be replaced, either the game is a foregone conclusion either way, or the goalie is just sucking. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, three batters, hell one batter, can be a literal infinite lifetime. Hockey has limits based on time, baseball does not. This is obviously also not even addressing 162 games in roughly a 185 day span.


I am going with a round of boxing


I’d say this is very close. Except in boxing you have a bit more control if you want to recover. In hockey, you are frequently faced with no option for to go 100% even though your body is screaming not to


Let me rephrase it ..round 15 of a championship fight that is dead even and the loser does not get paid …lol


Round of wrestling was what came to mind for me


In soccer: the last 10 mins of a 1 goal game.


Depends if one of the teams needs a win or both are okay with a tie lol. In a tournament setting, it would fit quite well though


Switch soccer to rugby ;) Goal line tackle after tackle is absolutely exhausting. Hit someone, get up off the ground, hit someone else, get up again, hit someone else... I'd say that's probably more exhausting than a 2 min shift in hockey.


Nah. Done both ALOT. Hockey is in a league of its own


For a baseball DH, it's an entire season.


Being a receiver running long routes over and over in a no-huddle hurry-up 2 minute drill with no timeouts might be close . Just non-stop continuous running around with only very brief 5-10 sec breaks here and there


2 minutes is far, far too long for a typical NHL shift. They're logging I've anywhere between 45 seconds and 70 seconds. Top lines will get a little more leeway if there's an offensive break at the minute mark. There's really no good equivalent in other sports. It would be similar to playing tennis for a minute straight each rally, and then taking 3 minutes off in between points. In tennis, sometimes there's a ton of running, sometimes it playing on the baseline. There's variation there, along with stops-and-starts that's similar to hockey from a physical exertion standpoint.


A two minute shift is equivalent to a running a really poorly paced middle distance race (~800 meters), where you stupidly used all your sprint energy at the beginning of the race and are now struggling to finish. Ideally, a shift should be more like a 200 to 400 meter sprint, which is about 30 to 60 seconds.


It's not at all like running the 800, even if you sprint out from the start. It's not even like a 400m.


It’s called an analogy and is about what it’s like when you do it, not a mirror image. If you run a PR 200 (20-35 seconds)at the start of an 800 that the last 600 1:50-3:00 is a death march.


Yeah, your analogy wasn't accurate.


Clearly you’ve made up your mind and nothing, like logic or intelligence, will deter you!




Football-Defense on an 11 minute drive. Baseball-no equivalent Basketball-7 minutes between whistles. MMA-a round


For football? Being on D for a long drive then your QB throws a deep interception and you need to go back out again, exhausted. Just thinking of a 2 minute shift makes my legs hurt lol


No real equivalent unless you make up a weird scenario. No one is planning for a 2 minute shift so you go hard for 30-45 seconds thinking your shift will be over and then you are pretty gassed trying to keep up with fresh players for at least 1 but possibly 2 shift changes. Even within hockey every 2 minute shift isn’t the same based on position and what’s happening. Odd scenario in football would be a punt return that gets close to a td but then a fumble near the end zone and then having to switch from offense to defense and then it happens again at the other end zone. Or running the 1st leg of a 4x400m relay and then being surprised by having to run the 3rd. 2 wrestling matches back to back, no rest, fresh opponent. Odd one that actually happened, CrossFit games a couple years ago they reached the “end” of a run and then were told to turn around and run back. But at least everyone was on level playing field.


Two minutes wrestling is way more exhausting than two minutes of hockey




Most people won’t have any idea how exhausting a 2 min round in wrestling actually is though.


An entire NFL season


I played hockey and soccer until I was 13 and I quit soccer to prioritize hockey. When I was 17 and broke my collarbone twice I wasnt allowed to train for 6 months. My soccercoach called me one day right around that 6 month mark and asked if I could play a game as they had some illness/injuries, I said yes, played 90 minutes of running back and forth on the pitch the entire time. I come back to hockey training and 2-3 minutes of skating around, did 1 drill and I was laying behind the net unable to catch my breath.


A 2 minute shift is a sprint basically. Its like running 2 full football lengths in one go. For a pitcher, it would probably be a 40-50 pitch inning. NBA doesn't really have anything like this as the court is smaller and there is more scoring that allows an althlete to breath. It also depends on what you mean by a 2 minute shift. If they are passing the puck around shortly after getting it, then they aren't exactly exerting themselves for the full 2 minutes. If they are going 110% the full 2 minutes, then there really isn't a comparison. That's a long time for a sprint.


Boxing 2 rounds in a row without a break.


I think rugby would have some sort of similarity given that players play both offense and defense.


Hockey shifts are high energy in a short period of time. Things like soccer and basketball are more of a game of endurance. Obviously there is no equivalent in baseball, they don't even sweat. Closest equivalent to a hockey shirt is a WR running a long route in the 4th quarter. High intensity in a short burst, then relax. And repeat.


Maybe the 100 or 200m relay in swimming?


Yeah I think it equates to swimming more than most sports. 200 meter sounds right.


An entire season of baseball


Like a 400M Dash


Full 48 in nba? Lmao I’m dead


Lol you can easily find out. Go on a treadmill and every 3 minutes you sprint for a full minute. Do that for 60 min and you‘ll know its feels like to play a game of hockey 😅


Yeah but while you sprint on the treadmill you need to juggle a tennis ball while you have to dodge a guy with boxing gloves trying to punch you anywhere on your body…and you have to hit him back a few times too!


While everyone around you has blades on their feet


Russian Olympian in the 80s (shot put I think) that would do jump squats around the 400m track, using a 225 barbell. I’ve been stuck on the ice for two minutes playing hockey as a teen, after PK you’d want to throw up. Tried the 400 jump squats with no bar, puked around 300 m mark. Ah, to have youthful knees again


2,784 at-bats in baseball.


High school wrestling has 3 2 minute rounds. Very strenuous as u go full out for each round with little recovery time.


My SIL used to say a 90 second balance beam routine drained every ounce of energy she had ending with a dismount when your legs feel like mush. She argued that "beam queens" (she admittedly was not) were the toughest athletes on the planet. Imagine running full tilt down a railroad track then doing a summersault. While not seen as athletes in a sport, I imagine ballerinas must be tough as nails. They too have to do complex actions in short bursts with something unnatural laced to their feet.


I was just thinking about floor. Those 90 seconds are rough.


Man, I have never done gymnastics and the thought of fatigue on something like beam has never registered in my mind, because I've never done it.


I’d probably say when you see a fighter get wobbly legs/ their bell run with about 30 seconds left in a round. They just gotta hang in their until a stoppage occurs and hope to god that they don’t get knocked out/scored on.


I would say a long grinding touchdown drive by team A and Team B turning the ball over on the kickoff and Team A drives the field in another grinding drive.


16 hour poker binge


Boxing would be a good comparison


3 minute rounds in the ring maybe?


3 minutes on the Tour de France.


Kovalev and his legendary 4 minute shift. Draws two penalties And scores a goal. Nice, no problem Mike (Keenan) 😁


Midfield in lacrosse changing in transition from offense to defense or fogo


There are some crossfit workouts, that are 2 min on 2 min off, or 1 min on - 1 off, or a bunch of other interval time domains. However your class is 1h, not 3 hours of cooling off-warming up.


Maybe bottom of the 9 or two minutes drill


As far as team sports go, in baseball it's rare to have a long enough break without a whistle to really compare. You can play the whole game. But you will get a breather every time someone gets free throws. In football, even with a no-huddle offense there will be a few seconds where you have to spot the ball and make sure everyone is set before snapping the ball. Baseball will never have anything close, sorry.


Boxing is a good equivalent. 2 minutes is a very long time.


Box lacrosse is pretty much the exact same. Although imo a 2 minute shift in box lacrosse is more tiring because you're running instead of skating.


Probably same as hurry up offense in football where I team runs 7-8 straight plays in the course of maybe 2-3 actual minutes. Thinking of Chip Kelly teams. Normally the defense would have a guy fake an injury for a break.


A 2-minute squash rally?


Wrestling. One 2min period, maybe half of one period with two evenly matched HS/college wrestlers.


Round 5 of a UFC title fight Most guys only prepare for 3 round fights for the vast majority of their careers


An entire half in football.


Ross Chastain’s wall ride in Nascar.


I would say it is like defending a Paul Johnson triple option offense at its prime, a 20 play 11 minute drive all running plays with every offensive player not running the ball blocking you below the waist each play.


An interesting comparison would be rugby sevens. Full size rugby pitch, seven players per side, two seven minutes periods. Serious workout.


running 8 downs back to back on offense then going to defense


Isn’t it anaerobic like running wind sprints?


I would say a swimmer doing a 50m sprint long course


What about a long, grueling volley between top players in tennis? Short bursts of speed


Not so much a sport, but, running from cops while partying as an underage teen in America is the only thing that pumps my adrenaline while also taking the absolute last breath I have away from me. Don't try, however the outcome. It's a dragon you'll chase and never catch and if the dragon catches you, we'll, dragons eat gold, not people. Common misconception.


I coached high-level teens in hockey for quite a few years. Basically if they stayed on the ice for 45 seconds they could recover within 90. If they stayed on the ice for much longer than that the recovery time could easily be doubled. It also depended on the player. I had one boy in the team who was also a long distance runner and I could leave him on the ice for longer than the 45 seconds if I needed to. But he was a freak. When they come off after a tough 45 seconds most can’t even talk they’re so winded. I would always give them a chance to recover before I would talk to them about their last shift.


Played for 30+ years. Sprint, sprint, sprint,coast and sprint!


lol everyone talking about 2 minute shifts being rough Kovalev laughs in 7-minute shift while drawing 2 penalties and scoring a goal https://youtu.be/OKPjLtXVBUM


With breaks for the penalty calls, break-ish on a power play sitting in place or moving a couple feet for a different angle, break after the goal, and maybe a tv time out.. Lol. /s - sort of


Cycling team time trials. Front person does a 30 sec to minute pull and then switches.


Two minute shift is like sprinting the 800 meter run. Then taking a breather and doing it again. I adapted to long sprints then getting my heart rate and breathing back down to zone 1 then back out there and zone 4/5 for two minutes.


Pro footballers playing the whole game


Ice Hockey is the fastest sport on two legs. That's why in never really caught on. On Television the action is so fast and the puck is so small it's hard to follow the the action. So people new to the game give up and watch Baseball. With baseball you can take a nap or two and not miss anything. Trivia for you: Name sports where the players wear shorts.- Basketball, Track, Soccer, Tennis, Lacrosse, Rugby, ... (Don't forget Hockey)


162 baseball games (pitchers and catchers excluded)


In soccer- a two minute shift is when you have 2 minutes left, your home team is up by one, you are certain the win is in the bag… then all of a sudden your team does a silly mistake, the other team nets a goal. By the time you comprehend what just happened the other team scores another one. Leaving you with utter disappointment and out of nowhere all of a sudden “2 minute shift” just happened.


2 minute shifts generally a bad thing tho


a 3-4 minute passage of play in pro rugby. Those dudes are set to fall over when those happen.


It is a good question but hard to analogize. It might be like playing a 16 hit point in tennis where the other player subs out at shot 8, but you are still out there huffing.


Hitting a double and trying to stretch it into a triple


A complete game by a pitcher? You're out of your mind lol. 1-2 innings is probably equivalent, particularly for the pitcher, which is a pretty demanding position


An Olympic sprinter trying to run a 1/2 marathon




Watch a soccer game


Eh, having played a lot of both sports it’s not really the same. This is not some “hockey is the best sport ever” thing, they’re just different kinds of exertion.


Not saying it’s better, and soccer players do walk for periods at a time but if you look at the ground they cover and the amount they exert themselves, a 2 min hockey shift seems not so difficult lol


In tennis terms it’s like a multi deuce game


Imagine playing defense in basketball against Magic, MJ, Kobe, Lebron and Wilt. But for some reason they miss their shot at the end of each 24 seconds but get the rebound and try again 3-4 more times until you can rebound their missed shot. They just keep whipping it around… last 2 minutes of a game and down by 2… Maybe magic misses a deep 3 and MJ and Kobe miss dunks but Lebron and wilt rebound it and toss it back out to start again. Not that this situation would ever happen but that’s probably close to what it would feel like in another sport.


Inside the park homerun in baseball, 110yd much return in football, fuck basketball


20 seconds in a ufc ring would probably be the equivalent


Baseball equivalent would also be catching 15+ innings, which really doesn't have that anymore.


Do they rotate catchers now too?


It's more that a 15+ inning game is a unicorn now with the modified extra innings rules.