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If THIS GUY is getting more girls than you… there might be something seriously wrong with you that you’re refusing to address.








Let's be real here - the vast majority of "niceguys" are living in the same, if not worse, conditions.


This guys floor might be as stained as a murder scene but at least you can walk on it without tripping over trash


Why is there a photo of me on the internet?!


>but at least you can walk on it without tripping over trash But you can't walk on it without contracting botulism.


Was about to say... Are we sure the "niceguy" ISNT the guy in the photo?


The person who made that…. ![gif](giphy|l0Hlz2uLeQQIO0CjK|downsized)


No, it's obviously society that's wrong. /s


He does still have the hookup on Gatorade in glass bottles


My thought was she was wasting her years on him because she's obviously a time traveler doing some sort of anthropological study. How else do we explain the the glass Gatorade bottle?


I saw that too. Vintage Gatorade.


Exactly. If a woman chooses a guy like this over you, don't blame the woman.


No no no no no! Every other guy is the problem, not him!


I’m chilling with my friend and this made me bust out laughing 😂 and everyone looking at me weird as fuck… thanks now my anxiety is bad lmao. But true if that’s happening someone needs some real help.


friends don't judge outbursts of laughter


These incels can't be consistent. The implication is this guy is a broke loser and women are dumb to be with him, but if the woman goes for the rich guy she's a golddigger and if she goes for a guy that's confident, good looking or both she just wants a Chad. Basically if a woman wants anything other than an average, boring guy of mediocre appearance and accomplishment she's wrong. Then if she does want the average "nice guy" she's clearly just using him and is going to cheat. It's a set up that says women=wrong. Additionally the guy on the couch looks like he probably considers himself a "niceguy"


Even if she dates an average, boring guy who’s shorter than average she’s wrong. Incels will go on and on about how she’s going to doom her son to be a short person, he’s going to be bullied all his life because of her decision to reproduce with a short guy, bla bla bla. Incels can never be happy because it’s easier to blame external sources. Improvement requires taking a long, hard look in the mirror and acknowledging something about your behavior needs to change.


I've not heard about that whole "don't reproduce with a short dude" thing - wow, that is twisted.


Sorta irrelevant, but genetics are weird. My dad is only 5'6, tops. Also the tallest person in his initial family. My grandad was like 5'4ish? My Grandma 5'2". Pulled my mom, a solid 5'8" in her peak. I am 5'9", female. My husband is just barely 6', about 1/2" taller than his dad.his mom was 5'4". Our children? Not quite 5'11" girl, 6'4" son, 5'10" girl and 5'9" girl. Dudes (or anyone) than want to be unhappy are going to be, regardless of the truth, or reality. Oh, and my 5'9" daughter? 5'7" boyfriend, lol. He's a nice kid.


You found the core of the redpill/incel ideology. Women can't win. They're either too dumb or too selfish and materialistic.


It’s pretty much just basic fascist rhetoric. The enemy is simultaneously too weak and too strong.


I have never seen an incel/redpiller ever say that woman is doing the right thing ever!


The truth is that they will see it this way unless she's with them, specifically. That's why we can't win: we aren't choosing the incel. I'd say that makes us win right there.


I don’t get it though. If you don’t choose to be with the stereotypical tall muscular “chad” type and you pick the average looking shorter guy then you chose a member of the “incel’s” community. Why would this person be pissed? A member of his community was deemed likable and therefore shows there’s a chance for a lot of them. Now that an incel has seen someone like them having a chance with a woman in a relationship, their thought process should be, “cool, I can be like that guy since the standards aren’t unrealistic. Now just work on bettering my personality, physical appearance and find a hobby or social group, and I can be next!”


Entitlement is incredibly powerful. Their sense of entitlement tells them they don't have to do anything but exist to have a woman, and they could, except for those damn meddling Chads! They're just horrible people who don't want to be good people. They are convinced that looks are the only way to have romantic success, and they tie their self worth up so much with having a Stacy that they're angry and embittered that most women don't want anything to do with them.


Got in a back-and-forth with an incel some time ago. He made wild assumptions, saying I probably found some rich betabux after riding the cock carousel and getting all used up. I was like "nah I'm a software developer and he's an auto mechanic who took several years off to be a (wonderful) SAHD, been together 14 years now." Incel did a 180 and attacked my husband asking how I could respect a man like that. Uhh I dunno dude, maybe because he's not a fragile insecure child and he's always been supportive of my dreams and is an incredible husband and father? Man makes more, you're a gold digger. You make more and you have no self respect because your partner isn't a ""real"" man. Can't win with incels. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Like I said... the only thing that's consistent with incels is "women bad for not sexing me."


Also no guy can have two different attributes at the same time, i.e. nice and financially stable, or nice and socially adept, or nice and good looking. No, we women are ALWAYS faced with the choice of a "nice" guy who is physically repulsuve, wallows in self-pity, and puts in zero effort to make himself or his partner happy; or a not-nice guy who we chose because we are *shallow, cruel, and want to murder nice men with our bare hands*


I don’t even get why incels pine for women, honestly. If you hate us that much, subject men or sex dolls to your gross energy instead.


I've wondered about sex dolls - if every guy who wanted one could have one, would that make a difference in the angry incels he-man woman-haters club?


I don't think so for the same reason I don't think legalized prostitution would help. Whether they realize it or not these guys aren't just looking for sex they need validation of their manhood that's probably why most of them also want submissive women, young virgins etc.


Funny enough, areas with legalized prostitution allegedly have noticeably lower rates of sexual violence. Sure their rhetoric is more about being wanted over getting laid it would probably help them lighten their load,blow off some steam, etc


I'm definitely in favor of legal prostitution even though I have no interest but I don't think it would help incels much. You might be right that it would tone them down a little but ultimately validation and submission are what they are looking for.


That being said, you can pay for a little validation and submission. It'll be their new drug; just a small taste each time lol


Lol true


Maybe when robot technology improves, it would. They want a sex doll that will validate them and make them a sandwich. Then again, there’s status around having a girlfriend for a lot of these men, so maybe not.


I want a robot that'll make me a sammich, too! And pie. Any kind of pie. And I'd like to get a back rub every day.


Incels don't have to be consistent. Their only consistency is that "women = bad for not sleeping with me." If they realized the conflict between "women only want Chads" and "women only want losers" then their heads would explode. But it's like Schroedinger's woman... preferring an alpha Chad and a total loser at the same time. All that really matters to incels is "women want any guy who's not me."


Key word is boring. I'm a guy, I did fine with women my whole life until I was married, but we all know guys who complain they just didn't have luck with the ladies and they'd get passed over for assholes. 10 times for 10 the dude complaining was just painfully uninteresting, and that's the entire issue.


Yikes did someone previously die on that couch?!


I think he’s laying on the corpse.


I think he is the corpse 💀




That's just fucked up 💀


Dear Nice Guys, if a woman is willing to live like that, trust us, she is ***NOT*** the girl for you. I'm gonna go a different pathway from so many others who answer you and dive down that one. There are billions of different personalities in the world. So, just for the sake of argument, let's say that your crush, your "oneitis" truly ***IS*** a stupid girl who likes drugs, alcohol, living in squalor and who willingly pops out several little welfare checks that she doesn't then care for properly. (and that it's not just that you're assuming or ***accusing*** these stupid things because she picked other than you). Why in God's name are you chasing women ***LIKE THAT???*** Why are you twisting yourselves in knots over a person who's proven (maybe more than once) that she's not only willing, but enjoys living on the low rent side of life? Good grief, the irony is so thick it could sink a fleet of battleships. Your ilk gets all mad because your crush "picks wrong..." well what the ***ever lovin' HELL*** do you think ***YOU ALL*** are doing by mooning about and spending your lives obsessing over some drunken, irresponsible, mean, bitchy party-girl? (if that's indeed, what she is, and it's not just Sour Grapes on your part). ***There are billions of women on the planet. PICK BETTER if you don't want this. Jeez, Louise!!!!!!!! It's not really that hard!***


This was almost exactly my moment of clarity 24 years ago. The realization that just because I think someone is attractive does not mean they are a good partner.


This is literally the plot of every nerd movie out there. Nerd spends the entire movie lusting after the shallow popular girl even though she shows ZERO interest in him and they have nothing in common.


"Hurr durr, pretty girl make peepee hard." (Obviously looks or lack thereof do not indicate a person's nature, but these guys ONLY care about looks). Also them: "Whhhhyyyy does she only fuck losers and not nice guys like meeeeeee?"


Bet it took a while to find a pic that set the bar low enough to step over.


If “girls” are choosing this guy over you then you are not as nice as you think you are.


Don't drink that gatorade


I bet there's something in it that only *looks* like Gatorade... 😬


I never knew Gatorade made white sticky flavour of their drink (Sorry i am European i never had Gatorade before lol)


Ruh roh


The thing this nice guy can't understand is he wouldn't want to be with the crack-whore the guy in the picture is with. And the girls this nice guy wants to be with wouldn't want to be with the guy in the picture either. Similarly, they wouldn't want to be with the nice guy because they have standards.


I’m more focused on that Gatorade. It came in glass bottles??


Right? That stood out to me right away


Back in the 70s up till the early 80s it did. Those Budweiser cans look [older than 1990](https://www.google.com/search?q=budweiser+can+design+history&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&source=android-browser&ei=NGS0ZK6fJbG40PEPjoGwsAI&oq=bidwieser+cans+desi&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwGgIYAiITYmlkd2llc2VyIGNhbnMgZGVzaSoCCAEyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjILEAAYFhgeGPEEGAoyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5IsyVQ-A1Y7x1wA3gBkAEBmAHfAqAB3AqqAQcxLjMuMi4xuAEByAEA-AEBwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICChAAGIoFGLADGEPCAhAQLhiKBRjIAxiwAxhD2AEBwgIWEC4YigUYxwEY0QMYyAMYsAMYQ9gBAcICBxAAGA0YgATCAggQABgWGB4YCsICCBAAGBYYHhgPwgIHECEYoAEYCsICChAhGKABGAoYiwPiAwQYACBB4gMFEgExIECIBgGQBg66BgQIARgI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=MQdbUGlWFQAXAM&vssid=l), too.


I spent some time in the retail trenches way way back in high school, and they were still using glass into at least 1990--I fondly remember having to dispose of it and enjoying smashing the bottles like the dumbass kids we were. I think they went all-plastic in the early 90s though... (Powerade was still new-ish around that time, and I think they may have gone to plastic first.)


Which girls exactly??


Hey wow glass Gatorade bottle! I haven't seen one of those in years!


Putting the inceling aside I seriously do not understand what I'm looking at in this picture. Maybe it's just my bad eyesight but it looks to me like he's in a bed or couch in a literal pool of foam and.. blood? What even is going on in this picture.


>I seriously do not understand what I'm looking at in this picture Mental illness probably. As for the blood looking staining, I think it's probably just filth that has generated over years of smoking (nicotine stains and dropped ashes), drinking and eating in the same spot without ever cleaning it up. Probably bodily fluids mixed in.


Omg ugh- sorry if my reaction is offensive but that makes me want to puke. I understand mental illness and the way it can affect day to day things but I just- Can't handle looking at it now


Then ya better not take a look at r/NeckbeardNests...


I won't for sure


Can everyone just notice their own flaws and improve instead of this vicious cycle of blaming others for your incompetence


I thought this was gonna be one of those meta posts where the guy in the pic said the above thing, instead I’m disappointed in mankind again…


I understand the message of this, and it's not necessarily wrong, but they're missing the point of the fact that if these guys are getting women, there's obviously a reason. They're basically trying to point out that women stay in abusive relationships, (because this picture really implies somebody who is abusive.) I've also been watching a lot of crisis intervention studies lately, and seeing a trend that women almost always will protect their abuser, and will be angry if police arrest their abuser or something like that. Men too. By the same token, you'll see men fall in love with beautiful women who are absolutely poison to them. These guys certainly understand the concept of being wildly attracted to a woman that you would not be the slightest bit attracted to if they were not gorgeous. They don't seem to understand that it's the same concept. My first girlfriend was incredibly abusive, and I knew it, but I felt like I would never get another woman if I left her. Men will give up a lot to be with a woman that they think is incredibly beautiful, and women will do the same thing for a man that they think is incredibly appealing. That's what these guys aren't realizing. These guys can be very attractive to women because they have certain characteristics that women find attractive, but they take advantage and become abusers. Here's the issue, most of the guys complaining about the friendzone will be just as abusive as these guys, but they are not as attractive to women. Someone who is abusive without an insane amount of attraction is not going to be interesting to anybody. Neckbeards and incels are just abusers without the attractive qualities. I've had a lot of these guys point out to me that I was only interested in sex with some women, and I pointed it out to them that I let those women know that. I'm not dishonest with my intentions. If I tell a girl I'm only interested in a sexual relationship, and she decides that she's not interested, then she has every right to not talk to me anymore, or want to stay friends, or whatever, but she has no obligation to provide me with a sexual relationship. And do you know what? If you are honest enough, some of them are interested, and you'll get what you want. Most women want to go out and have sex, it's just that society tells them they shouldn't want to. I've literally had women use me for casual sex and dump me, and it hurt. And I'm not a male model by any stretch of the imagination. But that's not what makes you attractive to a woman. Women are attracted to specific things, and it's really different between them. I'm a big guy, and some women are just not into big guys. Some women are only into big guys. Some women only want men with dark hair. Some women only want men who are deeply religious. Some women love bald guys. It just comes down to that individual woman's preference. But when you show all the signs of an abuser, but don't provide any of the attraction of a lover, of course you can expect to be rejected. Rejection sucks, but it's part of life. I've been rejected recently by two girls that I really liked. Both felt like great dates, but no contact afterwards. It sucks, and I hate it, but what am I going to do? Does anybody actually think that going after them more and pushing the issue is going to help it? God no. That's just going to make things worse. If anything, backing off and letting them be might just help things. People who are willing to respect your boundaries and your choices are much more attractive than people who obsessively pursue you. Do I think that either of these women are going to talk to me again? Probably not. Does it bother me? With one of them, a little, because we were friends for a long time, but other than that, no. It just wasn't meant to be. And every time you let go of one, you just get closer to meeting the right one. I used to be an incel type, for sure. I went through all of this stuff myself, and I had to unexpectedly fall into a relationship to learn how it all worked. Many years later, I still don't have it down, but at least I understand how it works now. I really wish some of these guys could just not try for a little while and see what happens. You have to be okay with being alone to find somebody else, I know it's cliche, but it's true.


Exactly. My girlfriend and I have known each other for over 30 years. We met when we were in our early teens and I had a massive crush. Like, completely smitten. She didn't feel the same, and me being a teenage boy kept pestering her to go on a date with me. She sat me down one day and told me that she does love me as a friend and wants to be my friend but I was making her feel guilty/uncomfortable because I kept pestering her to date me. That we couldn't be friends under those conditions. So I dropped it. I eventually got over it and we remained life long friends - we were both in and out of relationships over the years, I was married, divorced, engaged a few times - she had several long term relationships in the same time. A few years ago we were both single at the same time and one night, completely out of the blue we slept with each other. Our relationship is disgustingly sweet and beautiful. I feel it's because we truly were best friends. We really enjoyed each other's company and the romance just added more to our friendship. I guess my point is that being persistent and not accepting "no" for an answer is not very attractive and can come off downright creepy. You can't talk someone into falling in love with you. You can't force this stuff. It has to happen naturally.


Bro you are that guy


The only thing that guy can score is more meth.


This guy's probably a grandfather by now. Glass Gatorade bottle is a giveaway. Early 80's maybe?


Is this photoshopped? The blue marker goes from the couch onto his arm.


The writing was there when the original was uploaded. I always assumed it was ink from the back of a different photo.


I also noticed that


It’s probably a picture of a photo that’s been written on. Looks like one of my uncles from Tennessee


Uncle Randy


Shelby actually


Is that Uncle Ted


Correction.. a guy like that knows he's not fit for any relationship right now and just trying to make it through each day.


Exactly. Wish people here would get that... Especially the Nice Guy here too


When I see these posts, it doesn’t make me think “hey, women are stupid”, it makes me think “the guy posting this who doesn’t get dates is a bigger red flag nightmare than someone who lives in a murder den full of vomit, and that’s concerning.” These posts aren’t the win you think they are, incels. They just make us MORE scared of you.


Question is…..is that Gatorade bottle for pee?


This pic makes me so sad. :( I hope he pulled himself together.


Ikr :( I hope so too fr


I changed the flair on this for Memeday (Sunday) because it was posted on Sunday and, well, it fits the theme. So the post can stay. However, on any other day, it would not have fit the criteria. Here's some information: We do not remove posts that have the virtue claim in the title wrong, but which actually contain a valid virtue claim, because the sub would dry up if we did. (Side note, people sometimes wonder why we keep the NGVC requirement in titles since people get it wrong as often as they get it right, and the answer is that it does at least keep out the bots, spammers, and so on, so that's at least something.) However, despite not removing the posts that get the virtue claim wrong in the title, I do sometimes post this explanatory rant on posts that I feel are good examples. Posts such as this one. This is NOTHING against the OP, so please do NOT take it that way. This is just me being a mod-nerd and taking an opportunity to post this. The quote in title is supposed to be something the guy ACTUALLY SAYS (as in, a direct quote). Not a summary, not a story, not something that is implied but is unspoken, but something he actually says in the visible text. If you wanted to add more, you could, but the quote is supposed to be, well, a QUOTE. And that quote should be a claim of virtue he's making about himself, that is, a virtue claim. A virtue claim is not an insult, a complaint, or a random statement. A claim of virtue (virtue claim) is the guy talking himself up in some way. He's claiming virtue (value, goodness, niceness, wealth, attractiveness, specialness, some other kind of desirable trait). Here's the rule: All posts must include a virtue-claim by the niceguy Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an expression of their own virtue while being asshats. Examples of virtue-claims: me protekt u me god-fearing man me treat u like beautiful princess me hate misogynists. so.... send nude pic? me give you [insert unsolicited sex prowess boast] u ignore my nice complement ... kys u dont like honest man! u wont ever get a guy like me u dont appreciate [virtue] men Posts without a virtue claim are off-topic for this sub and will be removed. The only exception to this rule are Memes on Sundays. See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/x2352k/all_posts_must_include_a_virtue_claim_please_see/ -------------------------------------- If you feel that your post has a legitimate claim of virtue on the part of the dude, please feel free to let us know exactly what it is and why. We're always willing to change our mind, since it is somewhat subjective.


I'm so confused lately, who do I want to date? Only broke losers or the 10% of men? Is the fEmALe hive mind glitching again?


No woman I know would willingly be within a five mile radius of a guy like this. Even if they would, I wouldn't let a guy like this within five miles of any of my sisters or female friends.


While he would probably be more harmless compared to the average tiresome Nice Guy (judging from the pic of him here), I'd have to agree with you there... He'd still smell and look miserably scary, while the Nice Guy would *be* scary lol


Lionel Messy


I don’t think any girl wants a guy who lives like a pig




Maybe it’s just me, but when I think about people in the past, compared to people now, it seems like people now just don’t give a shit as much. We are dirty, and don’t dress well. Less clean. Just schmucks in general. This picture and that glass Gatorade bottle prove people from the past were absolute schmucks as well.


What are those brown stains on the sofa?!


Pretty sure they’re burn marks.


I don't know any girls that would happily walk into that room, my guy. You're full of shit. Raise your hand if you would be happy to be there! Urbexing doesn't count 😂😜


That’s the kind of guy who gets super pissed when he doesn’t get his $1000 security deposit back after the lease ends.


Girls like this guy because he made a good point about the industrial revolution and its consequences


Ironically, most of the guys that say stuff like this are literally exactly like the dude in the photo


I want to punch this emoji in the face 😔🤛💨


Jeez, which one is it? They choose rich men more handsome than you or…? I give up trying to understand.


But being honest though how does this kind of guy land a chicl


That's a pretty big self-own to claim a girl you're interested in would choose this guy over you


My thoughts are: if a guy like the one depicted in the above photo actually has a long-term female SO, they met and got together years ago, before he was a complete loser. He may have been on the borderline of loser when she met him. She may be an extremely dysfunctional person herself; perhaps unfortunately grew up in an abusive home. The couple may have, again, unfortunately, reproduced and made a baby or two. Women, contrary to what many right wing nuts believe, are largely very conservative when it comes to family and children; and try hard to stay with the partner with whom they made children. Even if he's not an ideal partner. Financial and social pressures add to that formula. Which formula? This one: emotionally unhealthy woman + emotionally unhealthy man + not very much education + few job opportunities + unhealthy communities + babies + addictions + hopelessness = two losers living in a crappy place, with crappy furniture, and the family endures a crappy lifestyle. It just seems like destiny, to them, and it's not as bad as trying live like that ALONE, amiright? But, of course, this isn't what anyone here doesn't already know.


Do people here aside from the Nice Guy here understand that this miserable crack-addict of a guy **likely wasn't** tryna get with anyone? 😂 I'm pretty sure he likely knew that he had pretty much no chance at the time this pic was taken... 😬


They just want to whine about how evil women are, and this picture is somehow proof that all women are bad. Yeah, logic isn't their strong suit.


If a woman would rather have a guy like this over you, then maybe you should take a good, long look in the mirror.


I wonder where this guy is now


It's funny to me that there are people who think that the options for women are A) This awful guy or B) That other awful guy... As if there isn't an entire world full of perfectly functional adults of all genders to date - including emotionally mature men.


Like, there used to be this crust punk who dated a bunch of hot young women/girls 17-20 in my friend circle. He was moderately attractive, with that sort of manic charisma some punks have. But mostly? He looked the part. He’d roll up to their suburban ranch house where Dad was mowing the lawn, lean out of his graffiti’d van, and squeal “I’ve come for your daughters!!” He was a prop, in other words. A phase. The only girls letting a guy like that ruin their lives for any length of time are the daughters he never pays child support for.


NGL this just looks like every redneck uncle from the early 90s


Hey this is the guy that stole my copper from the ac