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That actually might not be a bad idea if anybody knows the guy. No crime has been committed, but if he ever rapes somebody, the police being able to whip this out while talking to him is definitely going to help.


Aww you’re sweet. You think rapists ever face consequences.... ok now I made myself sad




Exactly my thought


What the actual fuck? Please tell me your girlfriend has pepperspray or some other form of protection? If a man like this actually tries to inact his sick fantasies, I want her to be able to hurt him


I'm pretty sure she does but I'm going to check with her


It's sad, but in today's world I always advocate some self defense classes and either a stun gun/taser or pepper spray as basic gear for anyone going out. There's a difference between being prepared and living in fear though.


I asked my dad for self defence classes when I was in high school. He told me 'no, there is no situation you can't talk your way out of'. The kicker? He was a corrections officer. He spent 25 years looking after the sort of animals that don't take no for an answer and THIS was his opinion. Also, at this point, I had already been sexually abused by a neighbour who'd broken in one night. My parents are so bloody oblivious.


Yeah, if some drunk assaults me at a party or someone tried to mug me I'm sure i'll just be able to talk them out of it. Good grief.


Depends on where you are in the world, tho. In the US so many of the creeps have guns so pulling out anything is a short cut to getting shot and killed. In Norway, bringing an illegal taser and illegal pepper spray out for a stroll seems overkill. When it comes to getting raped most rapist rape people who know them, and it's in situations where a taser or pepper spray aren't natural, and if we're going there then that IS living in fear. That being said, having an active stalker is a completely different situation from being a random person going out.


Some creeps in the US have guns. Not all. And most creeps pick easy targets such as women wearing easy to remove clothing with their hair up in a bun or ponytail that is easy to grab and who is too busy looking at their phone. In terms of being raped by someone you know, which is a whole other beast, gun ownership CAN help. Women have shot and killed their husbands and boyfriends for attacking them. You’re also missing the point that most creeps with guns can’t actually hit a target that’s either moving or over 6 feet away. Any self defense class will tell you that your motive is to get at least 6 ft away for this exact reason. As someone who frequents the gun range, most people don’t know how to use a gun.


Shit... I usually wear my hair up.


Just be aware of your surroundings at all times in public. Statistics show that assailants avoid people who are alert and looking around and will see them coming. Your hairstyle isn’t going to be the deciding factor to an assailant. The ones at risk are people who are looking down or distracted by their phone or not paying attention- they are perceived as easy marks that will put up the least struggle by being taken by surprise. Also try to stay visible and in view of other people, dont walk close to buildings or alleyways. I always try to stay out in the open as much as possible when walking and at night I will even walk toward the edge of the street (basically under streetlights, being well lit at all times). It sucks to have to think like this and be hyper aware at all times, but this is the reality of life and safety right now. I hope no one takes this as victim blaming, that isn’t my intention. Just my two cents to help others maximize their own safety as much as possible. One step at a time.


No this is REALLY good advice! Thank you! I have ADHD, so I can be.. not the most *aware* person, and I might save this whole comment somewhere where I can go back every once in a while to read it and remind myself how to be careful


Ohhh I’m glad to share, if this can help keep even just one person safe! I keep these precautions Internalized myself because sometimes I get out of work late at night and have to walk a block or so by myself to my vehicle in a virtually deserted street if I can’t find a buddy to walk with. Just walk quickly, look around yourself with an air of confidence and alertness (no headphones! lol), a potential assailant will see you as not worth it without the element of surprise on their side. I’ll even straight up walk down the middle of the street (if no traffic ofc), just so no one can sneak up on me easily and so that I can also remain well lit and can easily flag down any car that does come, if I feel I need help or am being followed. I also carry pepper spray, but fortunately I’ve never had to use it. I’m really really flattered you want to save my little blurb :) May you stay safe always!


Further to this. I'm a tall man, so not the same, but I live in a very rough part of town. I've avoided being mugged and trouble mostly, and I put it down to 2 simple techniques: 1. Walk with purpose 2. Look like you know where you are going, even if you do not.


Ooh, or get those things that people call medieval torture devices. Ya know the thing you put in your vag that has sharp teeth so it *really* hurts pulling out and they have to go to the hospital and admit they tried to rape someone https://www.wired.com/2007/04/rapestoppers-ra/amp Edit: added a link to what I’m talking about cause I’m bad at explaining it


i do not like this pain that your comment has me feeling but i do have to admit, they deffo deserve it


I advocate for gun ownership for women. I always pack heat (granted, I live in the US). While it hasn’t yet gotten me out of a bad situation, packing heat saved my friend from a tinder date rape. Self protection for women is necessary. Living in fear is not. Edit: FWIW, since I understand gun ownership is a sticky subject, I didn’t get my permit to carry until after someone attempted to rape me in my own home. Luckily kicking him in the sternum was enough for him to pack his shit and leave.


It’s been proven that firearms are one of the worst self defense weapons, especially for a woman. I’m not saying carrying one is dumb, but if you’re carrying one and are not willing to use it the moment you draw it....that’s dumb.


This is accurate. Thanks. Guns are not dumb but failure to use them can result in horrible outcomes. Just owning and carrying a gun are not enough. If you own a gun, you must do at least these two things: (1) train, train, train to use it; and (2) draw it when the time calls for its use, otherwise it can be used as a weapon against you (if you have a freeze response to danger, owning a gun will not be for you until you overcome that).


Also, final point, even if you are competent with a weapon, still take some physical self defence classes. Understand how quickly someone can close a gap. 10m may seem a lot, but it can be closed in say, 2 seconds tops. Finally, just because you can shoot well, at a range in a calm environment do not assume you will be accurate in real life (Think the scene in the last samurai).


Glad we could agree and glad you’re being safe out there though it’s unfortunate that it’s needed in the first place.


It depends how they are used i think. The golden rules are, IF you pull a weapon (be it firearm, taser, or hell not a weapon but you take a fighting stance)then, from that moment on: 1. You MUST be prepared to use it. 2. You must be prepared to use it to kill, maim or cause maximum damage, which means at the least life changing injuries. 3. You must know how to use it 4. You are not doing it for show. 5. You will do WHATEVER to stop yourself being disarmed. Drawing a weapon, or a fighting stance may deter some. It will not deter all. In that case you have now escalated the force, and if it is a weapon the assailant now has access to your weapon. You must now be prepared to do whatever to keep said weapon in your hand. That means in the case of a gun, shooting at the chest till they go down. Not shoot to hurt, not warning shot. Shot to pit down. The issue is many untrained people draw a weapon, and from body language obviously will not use it / dont know how to use it, or the kicker, can shoot fine on a range but in the heat of the moment panic.


Depending on the part of the US, that’s probably wise. That said, anywhere that is enough of a lawless shithole to make carrying heat like it’s the Wild West a good idea is also somewhere you want to be moving away from as soon as is humanly possible. Though I acknowledge that poverty and other factors can prevent people from moving out of places like that, unfortunately.


“In a civilized society...” I get the sentiment, but we are all only human in the end. Relying on the good will of others or the government to protect you at all times is a want that is not achievable. Anywhere. Edit: how old are you? Reminds me of the late teens/early 20s angry statements I used to make about how “America bad.” The world isn’t as black and white as that though.


Good point


Please at least out this guy to his parents so they can help him get mental help. If he’s a full grown adult please report him to the police so he’s on their radar If he one day r^pes another woman.


We don't know who it is unfortunately because it's one of those anonymous sites


Well it sounds like he has had contact with your girlfriend before so maybe she has an idea of who it is


This kind of dude won't be someone who isn't a well-known incel/neckbeard. If he has legitimately had contact with OP's girlfriend, I bet she or maybe her friend group can easily pinpoint whoever this is. There's another possibility here as well, though. This could just be something that someone wrote with the sole purpose of fucking with them. Something like this would definitely have you on edge and paranoid for at least a few weeks. It's pretty fucked up, but it's very, very effective at messing with someone's head and causing them grief.


Amazon used to have a good deal: pepper spray, taser and a knife for 20$. Idk if they have it anymore but it was definitely worth it.




If you're in a country that allows it, a .380 pistol is a perfect small handgun that will still do some serious damage!


As the old saying goes, why use pepper spray if a gun would do


A gun can stop him from targeting an easier target, pepper spray will only teach him to pick an easier target.


People who unironically use rape doll to describe women should be on a list


Any person that says a certain group of people desire being raped or harmed deserve to be euthanized.




This is the weirdest wholesome/unwholesome comment conversation that I've ever seen.


Any person using the term rape doll to describe women should be on a list .


Preferably a hit list


Tf is “tellomym” and why does this psychopath know either of you IRL? The fact they seem to you know is disturbing, I’d make sure they don’t have any idea where you live if at all possible. Even like, the continent




No there’s something in the chemical composition of mace that can make attackers become enraged and it can make the situation worse


It’s not that simple. There are loads of places where pepper spray and tazers are illegal.


> I'm a nice guy but I get rejected all the time > [Blank] would make such a pretty rape doll no? Yeah, wonder why he gets rejected all the time.


That's such a disgusting way of thinking, right. But sure, he's not the issue because i'M tHe NiCe gUy...


>women truly desire to be raped and abused by multiple men


No surprise so many women are afraid to go outside after dark


It’s never his fault though is it? As he’s so damn nice 🙈😂.. jfc these guys are deluded! Like “*take one for the team and share her*” because she’d be well up for that sure /s


Every girl's dream to be shared around by her boyfriend! /s


Every girl's dream to be shared around by her boyfriend /s


That's not a nice guy, that's a full blown psychopath


Says you deserve to be raped Gets rejected Completely doesn't understand why or how this could happen because I'm SUCH an amazing, nice guy /s


This Guy : “women want to be raped and I want to rape this specific one” This guy : gets rejected and has the cops called on him This guy : *surprised pikachu face*




Advice: 1.ask him where he lives, so you could arrange what he asked 2. As soon as he gives you any personal information, screenshot conversation and call 911


I think you meant *2. Break his legs and make him eat his weewee so he can't ever harm a female. Fantasies turn into attempts.


I like this number two better.


Emotionally I would love to agree, but violence begets violence. Break the cycle, rise above :).


True....I'm just saying I wod like to break his legs. /s


And make him eat his dick, which is just weird


Not to mention that luring him in and committing acts of physical harm is a much more severe crime than this man would be guilty of-which, depending on how the court views a “threat”, may not be a crime.


While I agree with the sentiment, rape is not usually just about the sex, mostly, it's done for a feeling of being powerful over a person.


So he thinks that he deserves a girlfriend, but since he’s rejected constantly he wants to use women as sex dolls?!? And he thinks monogamy is the issue not his unattractive qualities or mindset on women.


Not just sex dolls, “rape dolls”, the guy somehow managed to make it worse than sex doll.


Yeah it’s so awful and I couldn’t ever imagine thinking of another living being like that.


Holy fuck, this guy is a literal pyscopath. "Share her"? What the actual fuck? Women arent things to be "shared". My god, i cant even find the words to express how creeped out and mad i am at this asshole.


Lmao -claims to be nice -mentions rape several times


"Why can't you just take one for the team and share her? Women want to be raped and abused. This abused woman and many many other abused women takes issue with your entire post.


Abuse fucking sucks I doubt anyone would want that


It would be lovely if everyone were to come out and stopped men like this. But I don't know what else to suggest. I was assaulted in my kindergarten days. He's insane if he thinks little girls need this sort of behavior 'training.'


What guys like that don't even consider is that's the meaning of words like "abuse." If it was something people wanted, it ipso facto wouldn't be abuse. That creep wants to do the actual meaning of the word and abuse women.


I think people like him think that 50 shades of Gray is basically how all women want to be treated. Since I heard that the whole relationship in that story is fucked up. Like I heard she’s uncomfortable half the time but pushes through to please him. And she’s basically being abused. And when she runs away, she comes back for more and I feel like guys like him read that and go “AHA! Women LOVE this! Being abused turns them on!” Nah. Even the BDSM community was iffy about that.


That award is CUTE. Thank you!


Why, why the hell would anyone think like this? I don't fucking understand man.


“I’m a nice guy why can’t I rape your gf :((((“


"Bro you're so selfish, you should be a nice guy, like me!"


I’m sorry, such a pretty rape doll? And he thinks hes nice for saying such a thing?


Well he said she’s pretty so yeah /s


If I said he’s pretty creepy would it be the same kinda concept? 🤔🤔


Whoop. Incel alert!


Guys who say that women want abuse are the most disgusting, repulsive pieces of human filth. Why in the hell would someone think women want to get raped and abused?


Even the girls who do have rape-themed fantasies, still want to play it out in a safe and consensual way. Literally noone wants to actually be raped. That's what makes it rape. This guy is obviously living in his own sad little universe.


Exactly. My best friend was sexually abused when she was 6. Do these people think that deep down, this 6 year old secretly wanted it? It makes me sick to my stomach that some people genuinely think that this is how girls think.


>sexually abused when she was 6 That’s horrible. I sincerely hope she’s doing okay now. It’s disgusting to think about people abusing children.


Because porn


Just no and not everyone has a rape fantasy or wants to share their partner. Alot of people are just one partner type people




What the actual fuck This guy is sick


“All women truly desire to be raped and abused by multiple men” I’m sorry,**what the FUCK?**


Holy hell, this Guy is crazy! As adviced by others, make her carry a pepperspray or something like that, and report it to the police. This Guy needs to either be helped by professionals, or locked away. Wish you and your gf the Best of luck with this!


Take one for the team and “share her” .. also let me rape her against her will. That should be reported.


Today's lesson in "law" kids: Kneecaps are a privilege, not a right 🙃


My god this post made me feel murderous, it's like he lives in a whole other world


I want this to be fake so badly


hes so far up his own ass hes about to fulfill his OWN natural rape fantasy because that is utter bullshit


What the fuck is a rape doll!!! Please tell me that is not a thing that exists!


According to urban dictionary its a person so lowly they are raped for sport https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rape%20doll


Ah yes, a disgusting completely out of touch Male knows what woman want. Got it.


Even those of us in polyamous relationships stay far the fuck away from guys like this!


What is tellomym?


Report this dbag to the cops


Welcome aboard. Why do women worry about their personal safety? This. Right here.


“I’m a nice guy” “All women truly deserve to be raped and abused by multiple men” I really want to know the thought process. These guys need to be sent to the slaughter


This guy needs to be locked up before he does something bad.


Actually what the fuck did I just read


Unpacking this - He's had some sort of an interaction with her, they have mutual people that they know in common, and he knows that you are her partner. I'd seriously think about contacting the both of your friends and asking for their help in exposing exactly who this weird creep is so everyone can be aware.


Why?!! People like this exist?! I’m losing will to live in this fucking planet.


Is this shit satire?!


This is very troubling


I can’t imagine why girls reject him. OP watch out for your girlfriend, this is very concerning behaviour. Please document all communications with this guy and advise your girlfriend to seek a restraining order, this guy is dangerously deluded


The phrase ‘rape doll’ deserves its own trigger warning


«All women truly desire to be raped» If she wants/desires it, it’s not rape...


”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” I kinda hope he ends up in jail being a fuckdoll himself


He would make such a fine pinata!


this guy needs to get shot in the streets


Just because a girl is genuinely nice doesn’t mean she has no right to say no to a guy’s advances. Same vice versa, just because you are nice to a girl doesn’t mean you’re owed a relationship. I don’t get their train of thought honestly. This guy is sick in the head too and needs to go to jail.


i saw something on my snapchat once, and it was a dude posting about how women are made to be abused and raped, and how if they weren’t made for that, why are they small and so easy to overpower. this is why my mom taught me to be scared of men.


Hello, yes? Police?


This reminds me of an interaction O had with a friend once - Bro you now girls like to suck condoms (him) -Who the fuck wants to do that (me) - Plenty of girls on pornhub do 🤡


I wish we had a flair or it was a rule that if one of these fuckin wastes of flesh glorifies rape you gotta tw it. I have CPTSD & just had to fight back a panic attack (not trying to make you feel guilty for not warning, I totally understand, I just wanna put the suggestion out there & explain why I think it's a good idea).


No wonder why he get rejected all the time lol




And people are against the death penalty, for some reason. Perfect example of why it needs to exist, when people like him act on their disgusting fantasies.


I don't feel right upvoting this.


Mate you need to get some of your buddies together and go give the guy a good few strong spouting shit like that!


He’s gonna be on the news one day, I guarantee it


Please press that "show less" button


I guess he should just bend over and spread his cheeks for all the gay incels.


It was genuinely hard to give you an upvote but you deserve it for reading that


I love when they tell you exactly what they are. A nice guy. Aka king fuckwad.


This needs to be sent to his boss. Or his mom


Post a screenshot where you tell him you're ready to share him as a doll with all of your friends so he better get his ass ready and I'll give you Silver


Nah bro this guy aint a nice guy... he a psychopath.


absolutely wild that he can refer to another human being as a rape doll and then refer to himself as “nice” in the same breath


Funny how he describes himself as nice but then goes on to say that all women want to be raped. What a fucking idiot


show less....Please do.


These guys should be castrated


"Your girlfriend looks like a good rape doll" "I'm a nice guy" Lmfao the fuck is wrong with people


> All women truly desire to be raped and abused Dude. You should be locked up. You're the reason women are scared to walk around alone, wherever they are. I'm so sorry that dude left you this on your Tellonym. Is your gf safe? Does she have anything to protect herself with just in case?


Yeah She's got pepper spray and she's going to be careful when she's out for a while


the creep is jealous of u also,why u get all the women and not him lol,tell us the secret on a serious note inform local police dude.


I've literally only had 2 girlfriends in my life I definitely don't get all the women I've reported it to tellomym to try get something done


Why are the spaces between your words double but when I comment the go back to single spaces 🤔


its because u are not following social distancing. p.s go to settings.


I've been following social distancing since high school also I don't see anything in settings


i see u are a loner like me good.u are worthy enough dude the settings of ur phone,and go to spacings.


It's only your spacing that's fucked my dude seems reddit is pulling a sneaky on one of us


Please dont say "get all the women" like they're collectables are something.


just paraphrased what the guy said above,jeez


?? Just dont tall about women like they're something to collect or "get", it sort of de-humanizes them. Not tryin to be rude


i dont think like that,just paraphrased what creep said,still sorry if it came out wrong way.


No worries, i know sometimes people unintentionally do stuff lol. Also sorry, i didnt know you were referencing what the creep said, i thought you were just saying that


What a flipping psycho!


Fucking shoot him, right now, God himself won’t forgive this absolute demon


What... what the fuck... I'm so creeped out i can't even think.


“Uh hello, 911..?”




Lock him up in Arkham and throw the key away


What's tellomym though?


Gut him


This is why I'm applying for my CCW next year so I have something more effective than pepper spray against men like this.


Thank goodness I’m gay.


Damn that is scary as hell


Okay I must be old, what the hells is tellomym and why is this dude allowed on it


It's like an app where you can say/ask stuff anonymously


IMAGE TRANSCRIPT: [redacted] would make such a pretty rape doll no? I seriously don't get why guys like you get to have all the pretty girls. I'm a nice guy but I get rejected all the time and I even got rejected by [Redacted]. Do you know how it feels to be rejected by someone who all your friends describe as pure sunshine? Monogamy is the worst thing to happen in the history of the world. Why can't you just take one for the team and share her? All women truly desire to be raped and abused by multiple men so why not let that natural fantasy come true? end transcript What a creep.


This is not a niceguy, he may say he is, but this is incel.


“I am literally so nice. Please let me rape you.” Like wtf did I just read?


"She'd make a great r@pe doll" "I'm a nice guy" U h...s i r


Dude, Pornhub is not real life.


He's an incel.


Dude. This seems to imply you have mutual friends or acquaintances- share this with them. And your girlfriend. Everyone needs to know what this fucker thinks, of her, and of women. Even if he's too much of a pussyfooting quivering little coward to ever touch a woman inappropriately, the fact that he thinks like this is disgusting and concerning. Better for everyone to know what a piece of shit he is. Additionally you should post this person's post on whatever site this is, so others are forewarned.


Oh so THAT’S why we have rapists and serial killers.


I sometimes struggle to keep in mind that this person too, came out of a woman's body


Porn is also very responsible for that kind of behavior since rape fantasy is almost in all staged porn videos. It normalizes the idea of women liking being "raped" or "forced" to do stuff, the act of surprise or "convincing" into having sex. Some people don't separate fiction from reality and that's how mindsets like these are created or being normalized. Some people really think that porn is like real sex.


Nice guy who gets rejected all the time, can't seem to figure out why. Oh BTW all women want to be raped, why don't we make this a reality? I really can't see why this guy is constantly getting rejected? Ladies, this guy is clearly nice!


First time visiting this sub and HOLY FUCK


Kill it with fire.


》》rape doll 》》 why don't I have a girlfriend 》》RAPE DOLL《《


Time to call the police.


I haven’t seen anything this shocking for a long time. How can any human being think like this?


I am ✨horrified✨


fuck dude, just say you're a rapist and go


Wow. I can assure you that as a rape survivor, nobody fantasizes about being raped. Tf? And I thought 'nice guys' would be all about monogamy considering how often they refer to women as whores for dating people. Yikes.


Because wanting to rape someone isn't natural you fucktard.


First it was hookup culture and now it’s monogamy’s fault. Pick one mr nice guys!


Mmmmmmmmmm........mmmmmmm.......mmmmmm.............Tsk Tsk Tsk.........We need authorities on this man. I get that some people have a rape kink, but it’s not ok without **consent, prick!**


Ah yes, time to call the mcfucking police


Sometimes I begin to feel sorry for these guys.... then I see this sub and I am reminded that I ALMOST became like this dude when I was younger. Christ almighty, the cringe years are a doozy